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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 19, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 19, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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. 19; 1.9C2 tractive with miniature crochet t =U Rn,|l @q [racKs !vlasome &apos;{empm Sattle became the proud parents I relcome Chapter gurehase : EASTER RH[AKFAST HEADLINES + p,+ It $ A Uate 0n M0nd.,., .,,.,, ,.,, , Sholton+ 00asonie 00emp,e wa. or' a baby boy April 16 Mr Clif-i ... _( ,:', ,-- "'- II If/ill IIIll Illll lid till Ill l ]*fi()[l filled witll minfs Bouauets " -- ¢;n.n  ...... ;€,, ...... ;,. en., t.. ; . r.,." ..... cz.,t .,.,;....+ 1o1Jaslern Slart-,: I,gV ,,.__ .... of daffodils centered tile U-stl q)cd .... - - - - - ill, DcmocraLlCbe held at precinct8 p m al caucuseslhe fn'e the public inst,illation.. "of new of- M;:s ...... "bhl,'/l'cCo';l'e'll"Sb'(:lion is .Satu,'dqv, night at :, [l IIIlCV giN 1:111tio nomnun nllllllli luncheon table, largo bowl o* .--_ -r..o., A,,i, 1Q ,..,, ,,',-L,,., ............ G: ...... o-' fleers of Mark E. Reed chapter tile new grandr,,)ther. Temple. Ti,is,.viil $ I|iVla Tapanese qmnce brzghtcncd tile  of the Older of DeMolay o )>.othea UUtlll M/41LE, I|I&PMlt MltVUl|ll/ U ' "" . ,. "" " " . -- . .,. • ......... r.,,,. ,, Tmi ..... , Hoorlsnort Eclls tot ...................... t,, 'wzth t(, .uervinE tat)le The game night l'lO0(l tJdt.Hl W01YI[ttt S L,uu, .., aJ ...... "..t , ' r " " ' i " " -^ ., w,l..i u ..... ,.,.,, ..€ +,. .o,-,.  , : .... 2L. .--_,,.:: :. 2 .... :'., m Potl it(h (lubhouse httch Skokomish n ul U i on p 'e- Dean Dewell was seated as fW'- .  • \\;Vorihv M,tron pr: ACRY er. I" • -z -:-,.,,*. --.-.,z . . ,,. -v--. Needle fOl '('ccttLly IS ,'tt ltt' rYJ- '' ., ....... . ,  " - -  ' " . ' .' . . ' ,  L,. UNION ..... An Easter breakfast duration of the fair. David spent clay May 4th, With Mesdames Til- OES,Past Matrons dessert lunch- cruets. Mater Corn}crier, succeeding Bz!I . ._[ --  7 -,. . " z  [ ,  ORLON is being sponsored by tbe Hood a large share of his childhood and lie 'Shel:man and Lil Uixlvke a2 con 12:50 ll.m., hol,lc of Mrs. Fire delegat,s f'om each pro- Fo'man, wao intro(meed each '- '-----..:-----1[1".1 }| . t, WHITE • - r J • ' Canal.. Improvement. Club Sunday boyhood at Piekerinff Pass, where chairmen m charg'e ..... of lilt aft",ir Bertha W dch'ip cincl, wil be e coted it, the cm ntv member of the lnstalhng r " team  I I W I [ R. _- at Union Commun;ty Hall and he made 'his home with his grand-  .... ' Navy M'( thers 8 p m Memolual convention to be helc in Shelton from Seattle-area DeMolay chap-  _ . -r_-  i l "" -- .i -" • *' ' . . uuring the afternoon plans w're h fll " ' : • . ,. ters • " ' ' xll be served fronl 11 a.m. to mother. When he left Aldezbrook . . ............. , • May 3. All Democ,:zts ale raged to . .. J<lP-- [i n , ! I I -. . 1.30 nl Featured on the menu at the close of the 1961 summer n)aae zol" yne cnm {loat q" tne Yrda A ril 20 attend One ummual feature of the cer- 1¢: .sl | Iw I i t . -Keadv T lff,, • P" '. ..... . • . lcoresl, Festival parade, Eric iJleme Y" P .... • r ""  ----"  '"  V t" 'a fruit juices, a thick slice of season he attended St, Mmtins ........ ..  T,,hv el)ek'h Iodo'e Bake Sale ---- cmony was presentatmn of the J i l . ft.41 . , znls year Derek tae aonollng oi ..... ., -. •- - ca, ., * '" ""  I O i " ; Y Ji ja.a..m Lm, sc arnl ed flesh mc eggs, College. At the plesent time he " ., .... . . ) ) .oast st.ore .... mpzesmve and n v ng DeMolay -- 5-| - Suuday schools wth hke design C( st t( ( tma luncheon 1 pm Cohmml , , u. HA ,troll wi ljamam Jell,and is at the Seattle home of his mo- . . .- " . ',, . . "., V:W Au×iliarv 8o,m. Memo-. ! ....... Flo,,erTallC' by Jim Shields of r aINGTONGREE. ,, . .3.- . oemg employea ill (lecolatlng tile -- • Hous oste D Mola cba tel J1 s =-" abu dsn e of goo hc cof- ther. He will have one of the im- . _ " ' ' rial hall '" ' ' ' F . r e y p '. 'm' . ........ =- " - ....................  :..-/  e, p0rtant places in the dining room lioats. LD S" Rummage and Plant sale. Tuesday, April 24 brother, Ed, acted as Installing " " '.  w.A Aftez the breakfast., . will come of the. needle as assistant man- . The.appearance of a group Of PUD btlildiag.  FOE Auxiliary, 8 pal, Airport Master Councilor. f! 1 _ httle blue tents made a most at- Saturday, April 21 ball. ++ ...........  .... . . is fruit ham, scrambled fresh ranch eggs, hot rolls with jam and Jelly, and an abundsnce of good, hot cof- fee, the childrens' hour, with an egg- hunt on the clubhouse grounds, including prizes. Mrs. Alfred Co- wan. chairman will be assisted by Mrs. Edwin Metzler, with other membmg of the club lending a hand with the serving. Ran-dall Updyke is Ways and Means mhair- man for the club event and stated funds derived from the breakfast will be used for immediate needs of the club. One of two recent and impof rant improvements added to ben° efit ITnionites. tourists, vacation- isis, boat users, and fishermen, is the near completion of the splen- did boat ramp at the base of Al- der street by Hood Canal Marina. The ramp is 100 feet long, 14 feet wide, and is composed of cement slabs five inches thick. Constmzction of the boat ramp was first taken up by the Mason County Sports and Skeet Club a few yeaz ag. The county then took over the job and ,completed the work to the satisfaction of everyone else with boating and fishing in mind. The situation i ideal in location, beside Alder St. The county deserves a vote of thanks in this instance. lSo the members of tle Improvement club group who also worked for the completion of the ramp. A SECOND and very important note is the reappearance of the large hand carved historical mar- ker beside Navy yarn lflghway at the base of the McReavy-An- dersen property. The large sign- marker was removed by the state highway department a number of months afro, following a letter from the Union Ladies' Civic Club, which requested the state to clean and hrighten up the older marker. The highway department com- plied to the request and did an excellent piece of work. A great improvement for the town of Un- ion, just in time for viewers com- ing to the Canal during the fair. Mrs. Blanche Callahau of Hoodsport and Mrs. Nina Miller of Union were two members of the Hood Canal Womans' Club at- tending the spring conference of the Peninsula District of the Foal- era Lion of Womens' Chlb last Thursday at Port Orchard. Fol- lowing luncheon election of offi- cers and program of 'the aftei'- noon was held. Mrs. Betty Lind.- berg of Seattle was elected pres- ident of the group, with Blanche Catlalan a Vice president. She was secretary of the, club last term, and she is also treasurer of the Hood Canal club at the pres- ent time. Mrs. Miller, who served as vice president of the Penin- sula District last year, was instal- ager. David is 23 years old--.with hopes of majoring in maritime law when he reenters school. The fishermen, with car trail- era and prams sticking out of the back ends of vehlc|eS of all types, were out in hundreds over • the weekend, all headed for their favorite lakes to be out bright and early Sunday morning. At this writing, however, no unusual catches have been reported. A Convoy of 56 tankers from Fort Lewis were on the Canal Tuesday. Stipt. Brace Hawley of Twanoh State Park, who had been notified in advance the group would be at the park at noon, had the large parking area open and in readiness for the men, who en- joyed hmchlng at the park and taking a walk about the ground during their lbfi hour stop-over. The convoy of tankers came from Tacoma via the Allyn cut-off road and occasioned quite a lot of cur- iosity on the part of onlookers, as the large procession moved on down the Navy Yard highway. Ac- cording to Brttce Hawley there were two men to each tanker, one experienced orviceman, and one new recruit on the Job for instruc- tion on the drive. DARLA  JEAN Bingley and Bobby Bingley of Hoodsport were overnight house guests of Diana and Larry Deamer Friday night. On Saturday Diana and Larry ac- companied the Blngley children to timir home at Hoodsport, where the four young people joined the other pupils of the sixth grade class at a splash-party at Shelton pool. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pie rce last week from Ab- erdeen were her brother and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Proctor and children. Byron Winnie accompanied by one of his schoolmates took a pleasant walk through woodland trails, along the Dosewallips Riv- er, which resulted in Byron being hospitalized at ,helton General hospital with a severe case of poison oak, which at the present time necessitates his keing kept in ice packs. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Beuchel and family left for Victoria Sun- day on a spring vacation and change of scenery, planning to re- tumq on Wednesday. Ttm Buechels were so pleased wfth the trip and stay of,last ar at the Canadian 'iy, .f.kY 6o1d think" of no more restful or pleasant place thfin this quaint, old-world, Lown. Mrs. Marion Richardson left via car Friday morning with Long Beach, Calif., as her destinatior She was accompanied by a rela- tive from Olympia on the trip, tractive picture Saturday n tho woodsy camping area at the state park at Twanoh. Twenty Boy Scouts of troop 264 of Milton, with three leaders, enjoyed a camp-out overnight, spending Sat- urday roaming around the beacl and park site. Glen Hyton was leader of the troop. The Union selmol children had themselves a fine time last Satur- day, when they accepted the invi- tion of "Buck", the young man who is at present in charge of the horses which arrived last week for Commander Days' stables. The whole troop of children were on deck Saturday morning, amt each in turn had hie ride. That even- ins the two horses which are at the stables at the present time no doubt were glad that the day was over. Commander Day zs ex- pected back at Union June 1 from California, where be has been the past week or so. A large number Salvation Army trmk in tOWIL Shelton Trailblazers M/C meet- Call HA 6-6564 or leave al 325 N. ins, 7 p.m,, home of Al Pile. 5th. Foursquare church lake Sale, i) She]ton Music Club. 8 p.m., a.m. Tradewell store. Methodist church. State Patrol drivers license ex- Dirt Dobbers Garden Club, 10 aminer, 9 a.rL to 5 p.m.. police, a.m. ' home of Mrs. Russell Schroe- station, der. Sunday, April 22 Goodwill truck in town, Call HA Shelton churches invite you to 6-4857. attend the church of your choice. Kiwanis Club Luncheon noon. Memorial Hall. "Supreme Court Day", Chief Justice Finley, speak- er. Public invited. 12:,'),0. Seamount League baseball, 3:30 p.m.. Loop Field. Fife vs. Shelton. Wednesday, April 25 Hospital Auxiliary coffee hour, 10:30 a.m. - 12 noon, home of Mrs, Oscar Levine. State Patrol drivers license ex- aminer, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., police station. Thursday, April 26 Shelton Port Commission month- ly meeting, 8 p.m., county court- Easter scFvices in S]lellon church- es. Annual kiddies Easter egg hunt, sponsored by Moose Lodge, 1:30 p,m., Boi'deaux school grounds, Monday, April 23 Shelton Garden Chd) Conserva- of blooded riding horses will be brought in for the opening of the riding season Some of the riding ponies will be kept at Aldcrbrook stables, Commander Da y has leased the stables and ground f]'om Wes Johnson for the season, house. Sunday School For Retarded Children Set The Mason County Chapter of \\;VARC and the Mason County Ministerial Association will spon- sor a Sunday School for retarded children each Sunday. The Sunday school will be held at 11 a.m. in the Methodist church Sunday school building. For information call HA 6-8185, Kenneth Rauf, supt. ling officer. Dr. Robert Williams of Olympic Mrs. Richardson Wzll have an op- '*+' Junior College of Bremerton was portunity to have a good visit with :ii an interesting guest speaker dur- daughter Sandra, who has been : ins the afternoon session. Favors attending School since last fall at included place-cards in the form Long Beach. the Space Needle. UNION LADIES' Civlo Clllb WORD FROM Century 21 is to meeting of last Thursday at Corn- the effect that David Emerson, munity Hall was largely attended who won a, great many friends by 17 members and a guest, Mrs. , , , during the time he was associated Boman, being present. President 52-gallon fast recovery with Weste'n'H°telsmanagementMaHaRiehadsopreidedatt]le WATER $82so of Alderbrook last season, is one business session. Hostesses for tlie of the assisting managers of the pothmk luncheon were Medams ' HBTER,, USED CARS& TRUCKS 000v00o, ,:, 0,,s'"Yh °uEEz.' : '228 s° $ tandard T 'a nsmist ion, - - I . ....... : ............ 6 Cylinder  NEW PAINT 58 CHEVROLET Del Ray 4-dr. Sedan $995.00 Standard Transmission  Heater  54 FORD V.8 Customline 4-dr. sedan $495.00 Radio  Heater -- Overdrive 59 FORD F,100 -ton Pick-up 6 Cylinder Engide --Valves Grou31d ;--= 3 Speed  Heater  NEW PAINT 58 IH A-112 Trave!all (Wagon) ..... ,.. $1895.00 Heater- New Paint -- Real Clean and Mechanleally Perfeot 56 IIl S-102 /-tonPiek--up $795,00 3 Speed  S Cylinder Engine New Paint -- 8harp 55 HI R-112 ¾-ton Fiat Bed ................. $795.00 4 Speed -- 700 6-ply Rubber -.; Overloads  Heater 53 DODGE ½-ton Piek-up .................... $595.00 Heater -- 3 Speed -- Real Sound FoP It= Ass WEATHER High Low Preeip. April 11 ................ 63 32 April 12 ................ 71 35 &pril 13 ................ 70 45 -- April 14 ................ 67 33 .01 in. April 15 ................ 61 37 -- April 16 ................ 68 31 -- April 17 ................ 72 36 Rayonier Zncorporateld Les Josl • __ MIEI SUGGESTSt -.___ Whe. :ou're d,sab,e 'rle'| "PA,,m,I=-- you owers, I'll briP| money from a West G 1 -- IRUE 7 ooident .d Sione %'--llm-- • +oo, day. I NG-BRACED ALL Armstrong IN STO( WHILE IT I 00ARKi HEAVY DUTY UHITS 55 DODGE 4 to 5-yard Dump ............ $1295.00 5 Speed MAIN -- 2.Speed Axle -- 9:00 Rubber -- Ready to Work 53 DODGE 3tO 4.yard DumP ................ $745.00 4 Sped MAIN -- 2 Speed Axle 8:25 Rubber -- Real Good 52 DODGE 1½-ton Cab & Chassis ...... $595.00 4 Speed MAIN -- 2 Speed Axle -- 750 Rubber -- Good Condition We Have Several Other Pick-ups and Heavy Duty Units Available -- 11,8 cu, f00,dial defrosl adjuslabie shelves 5-year proleclion warranty :-: COME, IN AND SEE US NOW KIMBEL MOTORS, INC. CHRYSLER -- PLYMOUTH --VALIANT RAMBI,ER -- INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 707 So. First St. HA 6.3433 F J WITH TRADE Water-saver load selector, 12 lbs. eapacity,'3,Wash, 2-rinse tempera- tures, 2 cycles i ii ii GENERAL 114 South 2nd Phone HA MI 12.2 cu. ft. upright freezer 9-position" temperature selector, removable adjustable door shelves, 3-year food spoilage warranty THERE IS NOTHING JUST AS GOOD AS t TIMBER APPLIAN'CE mmimm 1