April 19, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 19, 1962 |
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BANTAM CHAMPS---Kathy Dale, Linda Barrington and Sonja
Ahlquist composed the championship Bantam league bowling team
COU1WPY 3OURNAIJ -- Publislieit in "Oir{stmastown, U.g.A., Shelton, Washington
BOWLERSAIlen Glover and Sonja Ahlquist
sponsored by the Journal this year.
TI,OI:i' ()I'ENIN(; I,ABELED crous to its faithful, although no
ONE OF I*,I,]S,I' ON RECORD [figures ar.e. available: ,
Except for wind which proved Lost Lake averaged 4.3 on 72
bothersome but, nol especially det- silver salmon and 18 rainbows to
rinmntal, Mason County's 1962 2,1 fishermen, Phillips averaged
lrout t'isiing' inaugural last Sun- 5 per on 632 rainbows to 126 an-
day was in most respects one of glers.
thg most successful on record. THE IeIGURES were released
Spoucer La.ke was the hot spot by Fred Holm game department
vmong the larger waters, Steres bmlogst in this area, who also
Lake among, lhe: smaller Spencer aeknowleded, his.. appreciation for
averaged 11 fsh per angle,', 4071 assistance from Bremerton Explo-
rainbows to 348 fishermen; Steve's rer Scout Post in checking Phil-
l0 .... 5 average ou 1050 rainbows to lips and Dan Anderson.. of the Ms-
100 .;cekers. son County Sheriff's Reserve fox'
There werc other stout averag- checking the Lake Cushman ac-
es, too, such as TIail's End at 9 cess are"a,
per /419 rainbows to 46 angler), * * *
Tra.sk at 8 pcr (1,648 rainbows Another aspect of fresh-water
to 206 fishermen), Benson at 8 fishing, steelheading, took aback-
per (645 rainbows to 81i, Dev- seat to the trout an'gling, of course
ereaux 9.9 per. (631 rainbows to but Tom Nelson made two sue-
71), r'rices 8.1 per 546 rainbows cessful trips to the Skokomish,
and 40 eastern brooks to 72), and getting a 9-8 catch Saturday and
Nahwalzel 6 per (416 rainbows a 12-5 Sunday. doubles victors were Bayley and
and cutthroat to 71. On the salt-water end, Charles Lana McInelly, first, over Connie
LAKE CUSHMAN, one of the Churchill produced the week's Harris and Elaine Crosswhite,
state's most popular fishing areas, prize, a 22-1b:' King salmon off 6-2, 6-0; and Irr0a Riske and Ran-
was off to its usual slow start al- Hoodsport Tuesday. John Ginther di Tuson, second, over Mary Mat-
though it yielded some quality limited off the Harems Harems tus and Sue Wuzy,, 6-1, 6-1.
catches from a .-ize standpGint Saturday, tits best hitting 15 lbs: The Shelton femmes topped
among rainbows and cutthroat, Alex Dombrausky took one at 11- Bainbridge, 8-1, last Friday on the
The figures were. g50 fish to 340 12 off HoodsporL Tllursday, Her- home courts. Singles winners for
fishersran, virtually all being man Saeger of Seattle one-at 8-14 Shelton were Bayley over Doneva
'bows and cuts. the mrgest known and Clara Qualley of Morehead, Page, 0-6,6-0, 6-2; Sharon Keller-
take being a 3-lb. cutthroat. Only Minn., one at 8-15 off Hoodsport man over Mary Franklin, 6-2, 6-2;
]8 silvers, for which Cshman is Tuesday, and Charlie Dahlman a Riske over Lorena Dulay, 6-2, 6-3;
mos note(, were checked in the 5-0 off Hoodsport Thursday.
,ay's ('.ateh The lake is still quite , , • Linda Emery over Pat Unger, 6-3,
6-2; Nancy Briggs over Julie
h)w aud cohl. 69-1,1L OCTI;PUS TAKEN Loomis, 6-3, 6-2; Tuson over Llnda
Aliim)gh no figm'es were giv- One of tte biggest octopus yet Amdahl, 6-0, 6-0. Doubles --. Bay-
(.n rcp[)rts indic:Hed Lake Isabel- claimed from Hood Canal was ley and Kcllerman over Dulay and
Ia now (qmn the year aroHnd, has captured by Caress skindiver Tom Page, 6-4 3-6, 6-4; Tuson and
hoes very good and is giving up Lewis last Sunday off Black Point Deenic Dudley over Loomis and
some nice-sized rainbows and cut- tnear Pleasant I-tarborl, Amdahl, 6-1, 6-4.
IllFoal. as well as some fine spiny
ray spe(:ies. Panhandle I,akc, It weighed 69 pounds and meas- Peninsula was the subject of
planted wilh sie(,li3ead, was gen- ured 12 feel. across. Lewis is a Shelton's initial Seamount League
member of the Underwater Lens- conquest, 5-0, Thursday. The ro-
W; ....................... ; .............. ; ....................... ; ............ men of Camas. sults .... boys' singles: Hinton def,
• * * Mel Diloreto, 6-0, 6-2; girls' sin-
!!:)i ". V.F.W. Si'O.NSOI,ING HAM gles: Bayley def. Virgie Ahearn,
ii SHOOT SAT. AT AIRPORT 6-0, 6-3;" b})ys' doubles: Petereit
The annual ham shoot apes- and Cowan def. Buzz Christensen
soved by Veterans of Foreign and Sonns, Whiten. 6-1, 6-3; giris'
'! Wars Post 1694 will be held this doubles: Briggs ano Mclnelly def.
;.:: Saturday at tbc au'po,'t range Jan T,,ell and Jean Patton, 6.1,
'i :': t,',)m 10 n.m. until 4 p.m. 2-6, %5: mixed doubles: Kellerman
AI intCrerSt:e.d are invited fie and Johnson def. I,inda Buginnis
enter, and Rick Johnson, 6-1, 6-0.
.... ' * The boys blasted South Kitsap,
lllKING BOOKLET I{EAI)Y 5-1, here last Thursday. Singles
A ncw 10-page booklet "Hints winners for Sllelton were: John-
for Hikers" has been published by son over Howard Biekle, 6-1, 6-2;
"SPRING" tl,e Pacific Northwest Region of Petcreit over Steve Parmley, 6-3,
the L/.S. Forest Service. 6-3; Glen Hubbard over Tom Set-
INTO .,,.: booklet offers tips on top- ters, 6-1, 5-7, 6-4; Jay Taylor over
ie. such as weather, clothing, Chuck Willey, 6-3, 7-5. Doubles---
eooking, safety, and fire preven. Petereit and Cowan over Norm
,mT| [m I | tion. Coates and Parmley, 6-3, 6-3.
%/I i "This attractive publication
would be of value to anyone plan.
...... ninga hkmff trip, said J. Her-
wffh our Spring anoy I-'lans. bert Stone, Regional Forester.
.... ' . , . "The booklet is one more effort GET A.........____.__UlPli.NlNK WIN
L,;ome in to0ay anQ select your on the u (
. la 'L )f the Forest Service They're off and flying on an-
to n'eet the needs of the grow- other 'pigeon racing season and
plans for such easy to but d m ntmJbm
' ' ' " " " " ' g " " o[ people seeking out- ] the Paul Bigley loft has drawn
' door recreation--..one of tim basic i first blood.
projects as fences, patio Iurni- ests".res°urces of the N'ational. F°r" I In the opening race of the old
]bird series, flown from Kalama
lure, garden storage, summer- Individual copies of the booklqt [ last weekend, two of the 20 Big-
:re awdlable free from the Re$-[ley birds entered came home first
time toys and ma'ny otiers tonal ForeSl:er, Box 4137 Port- land econd with velocity records
I JIIIIIIIIIItlAIBI ' land 8, Ore., or from the 19 Na-
IWlllnl ttonal IPorest Supervisors' offices I°f 1387.46 and 1383.76 yards per
I1'|| i Villi in Oregon and Washington. ]minute in the 100-mile race.
LUHeEelst Street D--------- ------dkO/ i Jim Bennett's loft, with 23 en-
[ tries, got the third place diploma
/while the Steve Morris loft, en-
.120 Smthl " ' of Milk evarv I tering 25 birds, produced 4th, 5th
day and 6th place winners. Dick Giles
entered 17 birds with 7tl and 8th
.. ...... ............ " " ................................................................. places resulting.
The J. Grahm ten-bird entry
produced 9tl place finish while
one of tle two Kmwanek loft en-
tries took 10th spot. L. E, John-
son's 8-bird entry picked off llth
The newly-formed Junior Rac-
ing Pigeon Club alo flew its first
race with C. Morris getting first
place. R. Giles second, G. Gripp
third, R. Gripp fourth, S, John-
JUNIOR LEAGUE'S BEST--Keith Savage had high series for boys
4th & Birch by the Hospitals
l'honc HA 6-8.i79 8 a,m. ---- 8 p.m,
League /
162 Plans
plans for the 1962
league will be
meeting of
use next
at 7:00 o'clock,
this year will
a Monday's ses-
re-elected pre-
, recent preliminary
were the best boy and girl bowlers in the Bantam league this year. at 642 Donna Albrecht both high series (511) and high game (202)
They are shown with. their trophies, provided by the Junior Chain- for girls, and Gary Cowan high game (249) for boys in the Junior Pointed out -] " -"
bet of Commece, for having the best averages Bowling league this year JUNIOR PIN H MP -' " red tSecoac, tat ne
" ........ =-" .... ..... " ""= ...... -'" ____ C A Sinese oys, sponso I l neK managers,
Phillips, who is being shifted from
the infield. Jacksteadt also is an
outfielder when not pitching.
Shellon To Gonlinue
Legion Ball Despite
4th Dislricl Quandary
Status of merican Legion
baseball in the 4th DisI:rict (Ma-
son-Thurston-Pierce cotmties) was
left unsettled after the first or-
ganizational meeting in Tacoma
last week.
Only three icarus appeared rea-
dy to operate this year.--Shelton,
Puyallup and Parkland---Pete
Bloomfield. coach of Shelton's en-
try, reported after attending the
Final decision on whether there
will be a 4th District league was
left mtil Con]missioner Andy Gar-
nes conld ascertain more definite-
ly the plans of such long-time en-
tres as La.kewoo Post 202, Post
138, and Olympia.
Regardless of whether tbe 4th
District operates or not. Shelton
will still field ils American Le-
gion baseball team this year, Ath-
letic ehairmas Bill Dickie of Fred
B. Wivcll post said even if it
mcans switching league affilia.
tions to the Grays Harbor-Pacific-
Lewis district to play against Ab-
erdeen, Hoquiam, Centralia and
Raymond Legion teams.
Television In
Golor or Black &
Rated BEST
See Zenith Color
Televisi6n In Your Own
Esy Terms
Olsen Furniture
328 Cota St. I-IA
:ty., low
to safe
Angle Bldg.
H A 6-8272
2nd Invilalional Track
Meei Due Next Week;
Main Raoes AI Night
Shelton's second annual high
school invitational track meet
under the direction of cinder
mentor Bob Sund, is slated for the
Loop Field oval Saturday, April 28.
The invitational, a big success
on an experimental basis last year,
will host many more participants
than in the 1961 meet when 16
teams competed. Aberdeen got
first place last year, Shelton fin-
ishing second and Wilson of
Tacoma, third.
Preliminary run-offs will get
merway at 2 p.m. Saturday.
Main races will start at 7:30 p.m.
and the field events are scheduled
for 8 p.m. A new twist this year
is the evening competition.
Shelton earned "four first places
lastyear, but only one blue ribbon
boy is returning. He is iron-bailer
John Sells who won the shot even
with a 51-3 heave. Other winners
for the Highclhnbers izlcluded Roy
Buzzard, 880; ShezTy Halbert, 440;
and Dave Sharpes, discus.
Among the talented youngsters
who are expected to compete again
this year are Gary Langhans and
Russ Kuhns of Aberdeen and 440
whiz Rick VanZandt of Hoquiam.
Langhans runs the sprints and
Kuhns throws the shot. Kuhns, a
junior, has put the shot 56 feet
already this spring.
fielder over-ran his well-kissed sli-
cing blast to right-center.
First baseman Wayne Carlson
made the full circuit behind Dros-
cher, who had walked, in the first
when his blistering drive got by
both the first baseman and thc
rightfielder. The latter was charg-
ed with an error, Carlson ercdited
with a single.
MIKE SHEEDY doubled home
two runs after Droscher's homer
in tim third and later scored the
inning's fourth run on a passed
ball. Errors played key roles in
a single run in the fourtb and
a trio of tallies in the sixth.
Montesano's lone tally off Dros-
chef. who gave two hits and t'ivc
walks while striking out tcn. was
a double gift. Scott Elliott tt'ip-
ped over the ridge lining the track
in left field backing up under
Chadwick's h)ng, lazy fly in the
fifth, the ball going for two bascs
to put Tennant on third, from
where he scored on an infield out.
Tennanl had gained a life when
his third strike got away from
Tom Wingard,to open the inning.
Besides pitching unearned-run-
ball, Droscher enjoycd a good day
at the plate, scoring four runs
on t%vo hits. a walk and a life on
an error. Carlson had three hits
and three runs in four at bats
while Bill Smith sheer out of his
slump with two hits. his first of
the season, and pit2ked up two
The short score:
){, I! !';
Shelton 2 0 4 i I 3 x---]l 9 1
Sumnerhaveretun,edtheirappli-mngsbu,'y ,). F00r.m Kodak Kodachrome
cations. The rest of over 50 appli. Your Easte
cations are to be in before Monday, ...................
Two Shelt0n tcams were in _ , -.
'ad I' 0UAD MEET c°ntenU°n r°r the BPAA regi°nal ri| 3§ ,$
finals ',at Moscow, Idaho, next ;,
summer after the first wee],=end :..' .(
rY M' Knight athletes w°n °f the semi"finals had been c°m" 65
three events and scored 44 points ]eted at the Harbor Lanes in Ho-
while taking second place In a Hovte m m
4-school track meet held at Qui- quiam. . . ,
Beckwith Jewelry of the men s
nault Saturday. , - city, league and Gott Oil of the " ' .
Quinault won ,ith 75 points, men s Commercial league stood
andKnightowlMOqliPSwinnershad 2.44'wereNOrthNealRiverGraham17' tertheir14th198scoresandteams20thofof3002re'spectivelYthc and272 qualified2985withat'" Thes0 Prices Include Processing the .00tutol !
in the mile at 5:47, Bill .Stodden for the semi-finals had rolled. The j . " TvV .... vv" :'" '
in the high jump at 4-10, and rest will finish the senti-finals Im s A |= I1_. t " ROWers: Nature's
Dan Walker in the discus at 89-1. this weekend, pie finery to aJorn the gr
Stodden also tooka second in Twenty-seven teams from this t:as[er uanoles! -"'
the 440 and Walker a third in the ara will g'o to Moscow.
440. Gerald Creamer was third i Li
in the 880 and fourth in the low " Joh.-doa-Vi=-to ,e ePre=s its sp;r;t beau
hurdles, Bill Trenckmann was 3,'d Paul r
tn the ow. hurdles and 4th in the from [
0080. " In Motorcycle Evenl
John West scored in three tnst 5 i
events getting seconds in the high Paul Johnstoz rode to "' v €
hurdles, high jump and discus, place in the English Trials corn-
Riley Beerbowe.'s 4th in the dis- petition sponsored by tle Trail-
eus gave the Owls three of tim blazers Motorcycle Club of Shcl-
ton last Sunday.
He beat out Bob Aitkcn, AI
Pile, Gib Johnston, Rick Sharpe,
and Brownie Sytsma, who finished
in that ordm' in the pmze pota-
Easter Baskets
filledwith candy
from 49*
Baskets to Fill
AT THE from /'4 '€
Mixed trios doubles
singles ptrent &
|miters and
something new
Scotch Bowling
four places in that event. Sam
Valley had a second in the 220,
the Owl relay team ran second
to Quinault, Mike Shaw was 4th
in the 440, and Stet Palmer 4th
in the high hurdles.
Easter Novelty
Neil's Pharmacy
4th &
, HA
in Eas
103 Railroad A
Phone HA 6-8
Gome Down And Join Us For Some Fun
son fiftlL and D. Cookston sixth,
The winning Morris bird averag-
ed 1328.33 ypm.
Pete Fassio has given three
trophies to be used for the jun-
ior chJb during young bird races
starting in July. There will be
Mx races.
Borrow e'i Kin-Faiis To
Stop lonnie Anderson
Rohnte Ande'rson added a third
place trophy to his extensive col-
lection of Go-Kart awards in a
borrowed carl Sunda,y at Bremer-
When his own vehicle developed
brake trouble he used Dave
T]lonlpsnll'S t.o carry on to an ov-
er-all third place finish in tim
junior division.
Thonpson overcame chain trot1-
bles in the early |mats. to wind
up with a third place trophy in the
adult competiLion.
(;RANGE ].,I'AG [.l !
W I,
oUl]lsi(Ic ........................ 37 23
Sk(flomish ..................... 36V 23,.'z
Poisons ........................ 16 2t
Pal.r, ms .......................... 33 27
Shellon W]llcy .............. 31%. 28
MalJock .......................... 25 35
Agate ............................. 20' 1'7 39%
Cloquallmn .................... 20½ 39%
High games-Nancy Doak 179,
Joe Simpson 195.
High series-.-Nancy Doak 456,
Joe SinImOn 521.
Call HA 6-3903 for information
or come in and see Gale and Lois