April 19, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 19, 1962 |
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Thursday 1962
IIII Illlllll Ill I I
Fhe Natural With
very Meat," 16-oz, Can
=-+ 45'
}komish Valley Residents Stage
:00ram In Honor 0f Irish Couple
VALLEY __ Rev. MRS. RONALD Johnson and
Bell and children children returued to their home
airport last in Sumner after spending several
met Rev. days with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
arlved from Johnson.
On Saturday eve-. Mr. Isaac Stenberg left on
nity Church gave Thursday morning on his troller
of Mr. and 'The Margaret D.' for Elfin Cove,
Program directed Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Perk-
Cleveland consist-;ins of Shelton followed in their
Solo by Mr. Alex
numbers by Mrs.
)ick Endi-
quartet consist-
y Campbell,
ld Bear-
by a quintet
and Mrs. Bell,
Mr. Dick
,tnda Coffey. Mrs.
colored slides
program Mr.
favored the
numbers. Re-
served at the
Corey of
and Mrs. Bob
laid Bruns of
and Mrs.
Valley at-
of Mrs.. VaN
Lazier and
the new Turn-
last Friday
orge Valley,
Guy Beck-
extends their
Jim Dailey
recent death of
The services
)ms last week.
a Good Friday
is exten
an'oh services
for Vic-
Hunter will
troller the 'Harold M.', also going
to Elfin Cove. Mr. Arthur Ander-
son of Shelton, Mr. Wayne Husen
of Tahuya and Mr. C. Patterson of
Port Orchard rode with Mr. Sten-
berg as far as Manchester.
Mr. and Mrs. William Randle of
!Monroe were weekend guests of
i their daughter and her husband,
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Johnson.
Mrs. Jim Hunter entertained
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hunter at a
birthday dinner honoring her hus-
band Jim.
Mr. William Bourgault has dis-
posed of his dairy herd and will
be raising beef cattle.
THE VALL]E is taking on a
spring cleanup look with many
new fences which tend to improve
the appearance when tourists drive
through the Valley.
Visiting over the weekend at the
William Bougault home were Mr.
and Mrs. John Dunkle and baby
of Renton, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Bourgault and baby of Shelton,
and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bour-
gault and family of McCleary.
Also among the visitors were Mrs.
Walter Bourgault's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Vincent Robbins of Neota
Sask., Canada, who have returned
to their home after several weeks
visit at the Walter Bourgault home
in McCleary.
Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Nelson
recently entertained with a crab
dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Leland Hudson, Mrs. Gladys
Nelson, Mrs. Effie Brownfield, and
Mrs. Ruth Critchfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johnson
and family of SeattJe visited his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arvid John-
son on Sunday.
THERE WILL be an Easter egg
hunt on Sunday afternoon at the
Community Hall for the young-
Trustees Of Fire District Meet At Lake Nahwatzel
By Mary Da.wson year, but any way they arrived children of Seattle spent the week-
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- PubItsEeit in "Chrsfmasfown, U,.A; Shelton, Washington
NAHWATZEL -- The trustees
of the Lake Nahwatzel Volunteer
Firemans' Association, Inc., held
(heir first meeting Monday night
at the home of Lawrence Hen-
sen. The purpose of this meeting
was to elect officers and sign the
articles of incorporation.
The men elected to office were:
Lee Dawson, president; Leonard
Watson, vice president; Lawrence
Hann, secretary-treasurer.
Department organization offi-
cers are: Roe Franklin, fire chief;
Clifford Reeves, asslstant fire
chief; Amel Tveit, captain;: Sam
Diggle Jr., lieutenant; Dee Daw-
son, truck driver No. 1. The board
will meet the second Sunday of
each month and the annual •meet-
ing will be the second Sunday of
September at the Matlock grange
DON'T KNOW whether our
swallows are late or early this
in full force last week Wednesday,
and I guess you know they are
real busy building homes.
A seaplane carrying four pas-
sengers from Seattle landed o,n
our lake Saturday. They taxied
up to the shore where they were
met by friends. Their interest was
in buying a lot on the lake. Not
too many seaplanes stop on our
OPENING-day fishermen brav-
ed the cold, wind, rain and even
a short hail storm to catch their
trout last Sunday. Our lake came
in real good and many limits were
taken. Eleven limits were checked
at the resort, but we heard of
many more. Rainbows up to 15.
inches, and a few euthroat to 11
inches were taken.
We believe three of the happiest
fishermen on the lake were Ken-
ny Kingery, six years old, with
his limit of fish to 13 inches;
Raymond Krnmpo, age six, with
his half. dozen to 11 inches, and
Gone Rank, also mx years old,
with five fish to 15 inches. All
the young fishermen are from
Shelton. No doubt, there were
"many more youngsters with the
same kind of luck.
The Matlock Community church
Easter Services will be held this
Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Everyone is
AND MRS. Meleum Dick
and children of Montesano spent
the weekend at their cabin here.
Their guests on Sunday were Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Keys and fam-
ily of Tacoma.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Diggle visit-
ed last Wednesday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Goldy at
Mrs. Axel Carlson was the hon-
ored guest last Saturday in her
home in Beeville at a birthday
palty. Those present to enjoy the
party and food were Mr. and Mrs.
Jerry Carlson of Shelton, Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Carlson, Mr. and Mrs.
John Fuller, Mr. and Mrs, Otto
Clausen, Mr. and Mrs. Humph-
rey Galbraith 'and Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Galbraith, all of Tacoma,
and the honored guest, husband
Axel Carlson. Many more "happy
birthdays" to you "Bert".
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Palmer and
end at their cabin here. They took
home several limits of fish.
MR. AND MRS. Marshall
Briggs of Olympia, spent last
weekend here at their son's cab-
in. On Sunday their son, Marshall
Jr., and children of Raymond,
joined them for 'the day. Fishing
of course was the pastime of the
day. Good luck, too.
.Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hickson
and family visited bunday in Bur-
ien with Mrs. C. L. Clothier.
Mr. Charles Clinton, former
Mary M. Knight teacher, was last
week Thursday and Friday guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hickson.
Mr. Clinton now teaches at Roy,
Betty Kelley spent last weekend
at the Earl Sleeveland home in
Matlock as a guest of Mrs. Paul
Mr. and MI.. Wes Goodburn
of Shelton were Saturday callers
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
i away visited here last weekend
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roe
Franklin. He caught his limit of
rainbow trout on Sunday. They
were up to 14 inches long.
Mrs. F. E. Hewson was a hmch-
eon guest in Olympia last week
Wednesday at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Philltp Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. Phtllip Parker
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Les
Slater and family, all of Olympia,
were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. F. E. Hewson. Miss Jenni-
fer and Miss Kitty Parker stayed
over for a few days' visit with
their grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Weed and
Howard of Renton were weekend
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amel
Tveit. Five limits of trout up to
14J$ inches were taken from the
Tveit float.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Legacy
and family of Tacoma were week-
end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stun
Diggle Jr. Mr. Legacy's son
caught 18 rainbows to :tO inches.
MR. AND MRS. William Hall
of Kamilcho Point, anal Mrs. Vir-
gil Johnson, of Sheiton, visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James
sters of the Valley. Anyone havinff
eggs to donate please contact Mrs.
Lewann Stevens or Mrs. BeY
Lyman. The 4-H Clubs will color
them on Friday afternoon.
Visiting at the Humihrey
Nelson home on Sunday were Mr.
and Mrs. William Stacey of
Miss Betty Sjohohn returned to
Seattle after spending the week-
end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Eric Sjoholm. Another daughter,
Mrs. Joan Schivers and Kimberly,
have been visiting several days at
the Sjoholm home.
The Skokomish Women's Club
met in the home of Mrs. Anita:
Dugger last "Wednesday for a
dessert luncheon, with ten mem-i
bers present. Plans are being made
for a dinner in honor of their
husbands at the next meeting.
Mrs. Anita Dugger and daughter
Mrs. Delores Drake of Shelton
spent Saturday in Centralia with
Mr. Dugger's mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Donaldson
and Mrs. Gladys Tozier dlve to
Bremerton on Saturday, and while
there called on Mrs. Flora Dixon,
On their return they stopped at
Sunset Beach where they were
dinner guests of Mrs. Pearl Watson
and Mrs. Gertrude Elson.
1Spring Brings OutCancer Drive
l Volunteers In Beifair District
By Ra'hel Freelin
BELFAIR The beautiful
spring weather lately has brought
many summer residents out for
weekends and furnished ideal con-
ditions for the cancer fund vol-
unteers who arc now contacting
all lmmes in the area.
Those who are giving their time
and energy to this drive are: Ta-
huya; Mrs. Kenneth Rothline and
Mrs. Harvey Rensland; North
Shore; Mrs. Rev Crossen, Mrs.
James Huffman, Mrs. Arthur h'-
vin, Mrs. Leo Livingston, Mrs.
Seth Lincoln, Mrs. George Oak-
lurid, Mrs. Charles Williams and
Mrs. John Clappe.
Mrs. Frank Schants has charge
of the Belfair area; Mrs. Floyd
Williams and Mrs. Lee Lopriore
are taking the old highway; and
those working on the south shore
are Mesdames: George Shackle-
ford, John Schlange, S. C. De Leo,
J. C. Peters and Glenn Criss.
REST WISHES go to many BeN
fairites who have been hospital-
ized lately. A speedy recovery to
Mrs. Earl Anderson, Mrs. David
McKay, and Mrs. R. K. Brown, all
of whom had surgery last week.
Also a "take it easy" warning
to Mrs. C. J. Jones and Mrs. Joe
Tschida who were in the hospital
All friends of the Ott Dillen-
burgs are invited to a golden wed-
ding reception honoring the cou-
ple on May 6 from 1 to 5 p.m.
The open-house will be held at
the Dillenburg home and hosted
by :their children and families: The
Milton Byerlys and Eldon Dillen-
burgs of Belfair; the John and
Kenneth Dillenbrgs of Shelton;
Mrs. Orville Scott, Jr., of Brem-
erton, and Mrs. Ray Dillenburg
of Shelton.
The honorees were married at
Creston, Iowa, and have been
residents here for over 25 years.
NEW OFFICERS for the year
were elected when the Frances
Gladwin Orthopedic guild met at
the home of Mrs. Boyd Hunter
last week.
Those chosen were: Mrs. Robert
Johnson, president; Mrs. C. Jack
Jones. vice president; Mrs. Chas.
Welsh, secretary, and Mrs. Ed-
ward Quent, treasurer.
The group still has openings for
a few members, and any interest-
ed persons in the Belfair area can
call Mrs. Boyd Hunter for infor-
Starting May 1, the newly-form-
ed Kiwanis Club will hold its
meetings at the Belfair Fire hall
at 7:30. The group is working on :
several ideas for community pro-
jects to be decided upon later.
Also in the planning stage here
are ideas for the landscaping of
the new High School grounds.
Representatives from the three lo-
cal Garden Clubs met last Thurs-
day with school representatives
to discuss the plantings.
Mr. and Mrs. William Gibson
have returned to their North shore
sunlnler home from Long Beach,
Calif. Mrs. Gibson was recently
:welcomed back by a group of old
friends at a coffee party given
by her daughter, Mrs. R. W. Cady.
i Those attending were Mesdames:
C. W. Henningsen, George Schac-
kleford, Calvin Mann, Lillias Stow,
:John Stuyts, Frank Maynard,
i John Clappe, H. C. Stirling, Rex
Crossen, Elmer Sarndstrom, Claire
Bogle, Charles Williams, George
Oaklund, Jack Harris, James Huf-
fman, David McKay, Stan Freelin.
New officers who will lead the
high school PTA next year are:
Mrs. Tom Davis, president; Mr.
Merrill, vice president; Mrs. Ed
Cokelet, secretary, and Mrs. Chas,
Williams, treasurer.
NEW OFFICERS for Nuel Cur-
tis post 5372 VFW and its aux-
iliary were installed this month.
Mr. Howard Trammeil, past 4th
District Commander, and Mrs. E.
L. 'Johnson, District President,
were installing officers.
Carl Nichols will serve as post
commander, and other officers are
Frank DeMiero, senior vice pres-
ident; Jess Brain, junior vice pre-
sident; Howard Collier, quarter-
master; Myron Polk, post advo-
cate; James Huffman, chaplain;
William Baldwin, Sergeant; Kay
Page 7
discus'ed tile fat tiers' lell),
Meeting was adjourned. Rc-
frcshnlent were served.
The next. meetin[ wag held April
12 at the home of ]Hr. and Mrs.
Don Sacger.
Bey Saeger and
Shirley Williams, reporters
Shelton Valley Ch)vers
The meeting was teld April 5 at
the home of Mrs. Evers. Mrs.
Joe Brown was a visitor.
The Bake Sale to be held the
day before Easter was discussed.
Details will be decided at the next
meeting. It will be held from
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at. Tradewell.
The next meeting will be held
at Rocky Howard's home today.
Dick Evers, Jo, Barb and Chuck
Brown, Patsy Miitenburger, R,m
Brewer, Aleca Ruddell and Karen
Franklin will give demonstrations
at the next meeting.
Sally Einersson gave a demon-
stration entitled "Parts of a
Bridle" and Aleca Ruddell gave
one on "Quick Snacks".
........ Aleca Ruddell, reporter
Thompson, Leonard Alexander and
Phil Hanify, tzemtees.
The auxiliary president is Mrs.
Ken Natlaud, who will be assisted
by Mrs. Joe Tschida, senior vice
president, Mrs. F. R. Greenler,
junior vice president; Mrs. Carl
Nichols, chaplain; Mrs. Gordon
Squire, conductress; Mrs. Myron
Polk, guard, and Mrs. Phil Hanify,
treasurer. Mrs. Emil Gaetana was
elected trustee.
,,0. $0000
,,0. $[00
rzap and fluttery! And leered
eapPear, , .... p so permanently they'll
• , ,lgmn gives them to you in this cool young
iS f 100% Dacron Polyester with bateau neckline and
sicked bodice: Needs not a snitch of ironing, either!
" Sizes z. . $25.95
,o s]oo
Jar - rful Whirl]
mp I
zil Sauce ..,. /iiii i
,,ows 23'
1 -lb.
. Pkg.
)otatoes, '"0'
co. 33 ¢
ng Cream
Frewberry Shorfcake
: 67"
Sale starts 9 A.M. Thursday,
April 19th through Saturday,
April 21st. We reserve the
right to limit quantities. No
roles to dealers.
All Safeway Stores Will Be
Closed Easter Sunday
25% more wear is knitted
into Berkshire stockings
HE NAME Of Berkshire's secret is NYLOC® !
And only Berkshire Stockings have it.
Only Berkshire stockings have this mar-
velous Run-Barrier at top and toe, to stop
25 of stocking runs. .t is guaranteed
to stop runs that start in the top and toe
from entering the sheer leg area-or you get
a new pair free !
Sheer sheer Berkshires come in your choice
of "Color Spice" shades for fall. With seams
or seamless. From $1.35 a pair.
.3 to ex... 25o
Ship'n Shore'sweetens her blouse
withembroidered ribbon, ruffly lace.
Perfect spice for young wardrobes.
In BanCare all.cotton by Everfast',
no-iron. White, ribboned with color.
Tom Sawyer
Whde Dress Shiris
Low Spread Collar
i (popular Seventeen model)
it's The Berries ... the first of
the season worn by Rita Egan
in SEVENTEEN. Luscious strawber-
ries served up by Vicky Vaughn
on silky drlp-dry combed cot-
ton broadcloth. Enticingly sug-
ared with ric-rac and shoulder
Blue or yellow berries
on white. 11 to 15.
only the LOOK
is expensive
Boys Spod *Goals
Sizes- 8 - 20
From ; ;i!
,129s + ,19as mt Dad +,
For Easier
Boys Dress Slacks Beautiful Selection
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From S 0 and $2 50
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