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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 19, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 19, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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day night. Four new applications f,)r membershil) were [resented. Members votes to enter a float in the Paul Bunyan parade. Mr. Jalmar Ausetll was appointed chairman. Secretary Flossic Auseth was presented an award from state grange for promptness in making her reports. The program and the mtpper were put on by the Agate Tip-Top ,I-H group. Brother Pete VanderWal is re- couperating nicely anti Grangers wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Vera Troy was elected al- ternate delegate to State Grange Convention. Speaking of State Grange Con- vention deputy Master Martin Au. seth spent Thursday m Belling- ham with tim state executive com- mittee checking on housing condi- tions and reports Expo-lodging is setting up its Bellingham offices and tieing up all available lodg- ings for world's fair visitors. So Grangers, won't you please contact Brother Alan Holcomb, :1317 Grnt Street, Bellingham, x, Vash., and make your reserva- lions immediately. Do it today! CI::)QUA LLUM Grange met Friday night at their hall. The 3rd and 4th degrees were given to Mr, and Mrs. O'Don Olmstead. Roy Bolduc, past master, admin- Istered the degree work. Cloqual- lure will receive the traveling ga- vel from Southside Friday, April 27. It was reported that Mr. Bo- ney Loertscher, who suffered a broken leg last fall, and was given the largest benefit dance ever seen in Mason County, is now on the mend and is beginning to walk. His wife who has also been ill is als0 "coming along fine". Helen Mmwow, Home Ec chair- man was in charge of the pro- gTam. Jim Bauer and Mr. Oppelt each gave a reading. Peggy Sauer sang a song and Ronnie Wright played an accordion selection. A "taste this and guess what it is" game was also played. The win- ning team received a candy bar andthe losers washed the dishes. Seems two of our male grangers from loquallum are: complaining of "housewife's dish-pan fiends". PROGRESS Grange met Friday night at 6:30 for potluck supper. With the business meeting fol- 15wing at 8 p.m. There were 40 members present. They accepted three new members. Welcome into the grange Arnold, Ruth and Rt- c&ard Draven. One new application for mem- bership was presented. The Po- gram was presided over by Ruth Nelson. Home Ec chairman. Mr. Nelson showed films of tile Olym- pics and Mt. Rainier. Ruth Dra- yen, Jim Elmhmd and Christy Samples comprised, a three-piece Grehestra. Mr. and Mrs, Ibert Lord were elected alternates to state grange. Progress has canceled their Ap- ril 27th mceting' so as to enable their membership to attend the gavel meeting at Cloquallum. The Democratic Club of Mason County is sponsoring a meeting in the PUD Auditorium at 8 p.m., May 17 honoring the granges of Mason County. Entertainment will bca square dance exMbition team from Olympia, and a speaker from the Department of Agriculture. All grangers in Mason County are invited to attend. SKOKOMISH VALLF, Y Grange met Friday night. Secretary Mrs. Martin Smith was elected alter- hate delegate to state g'mge. They voted to decorate a window at Penneys for the Forest Festi- val. Any Granger interested in decorating a window should call Mrs. Elbert Trexler at HA 6-3834. ! By Donette (llar HARSTINE --- Friday the 13th started out the same as almost any other school day, but at S a.m. phones started ringing and "No School Today". Elated mnall fry hurredly finished breakfast and changed into play clothes to begin a day of fun. But parents wondeed "Why"7 Roger Osborne, son of our school teacher, was injured on the main- land side of the ferry while await- ing the arrival of the high school bus. Roger was struck in the back of tim head by a rock and knocked U nconcio[l S. Slceg Scott was in the ferry line up and was awaiting the return trip of the ferry, He witnessed the accident anal when his efforts failed to briilg Roger around he pulled oat of line, loaded Roger and two other older boys, Dave Waite and Mike Meeks in his pickup and raced for the hospital, and immediately received emerg- ency treatment. His head was packed in ice for 24 hours and he was revived Sat- urday niglR. He is confined to his bed with a bad concussion and will not be able to attend school this week. Ironically the ferry crew had only minutes before been telling the kids to be extra care- ful as it was Friday the 13th. F]RIDAY NIGHT the "BelloW neighbors" dropped in enmase to welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Bid Madge, Who recently purchased tim Hitch- cock family home, to Ballow. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd GoOdwin, and Grandma Go0dwln; Mr, and Mxs. John Hitchcock and the Glasers, H. A.'s, H. V.'a and kidlettes, and Mrs. Anna, all enjOyed meeting and visiting our new nelghborm Also on Friday night the Har- stinc Island Social Club held their regular monthly meeting. Plans were laid for .a clam bake to be held later on, and also a discus- sion as to ideas for a float for the Forest Festival. President Sid Baunsgard will call a special meeting later this month. Mean- while members are asked to mull over ideas for the float, Also a first aid advafice}JlasSban last night at the hall at 7 p.m. How- ard Wynn is the instructor. Meetings will be held every Wednesday at the hall at 7 p.m, until the course is completed. Mrs. A1 Pridham and Mrs. Jack Meeks were hostees. MRS. CAROL Bingelsdot and Suzie of Tacoma spent Friday or- parties" of late, several members l ernigiit visiting tlte Glenn Yates of tile Grapeview Mothers' Club, and the Dale Peughs. Stmday togetlter with tmsbands and Dalc's cousins, the Wendell friends, threw a rather lmique Peughs, Jack and Sandy, of Me- "Splash and Stomp" affair last Cleary, spent the day visiting the Saturday evening at Shelton's pc- Dale Peughs. tmlar Pool Nuotare. New propcrty owners are Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Browning of Se- attle. They bought land near Bill Williams, spent the weekend vis- iting tlm Sid Baunsgards and wor- king clearing their land. A very happy family reunion took place at the Gortz home at the' south end last Wednesday nighi and Thursday. FOIl TIlE FIRST time in seven years the Bill Gortzes, their son Marine Sgt. Bill Gortz, and daugh- tel', Mrs. Bernice Gortz Conners and children, Jamie and Stevie, all managed to get home at the same time. Bill St'., is officially known as Captain William Gortz of the Weyerlmauser SteamShip line, 'and was originally scheduled for two days tmme the first of the month but because of the maritime he got an extended vacation. His next ship, toe S.S.W.H. Pea- body, is undergoing conversion and repairs and he will "pick it up" May 4 in Tampa, Fla. Bill Jr., was sclteduled for leave from the Marines the later part of the month,, but with full cooperation from the Bell Telephone Company the U.S. Marines, Jet Service co- operating ferry crew, wire ran a special Wednesday, Bill Jr., was able to get home. Even cooperat- ing in this reunion was our local J. C. Penney Store where Bernice is employed; Yep it was Bernice'S day off. Happy reunion, Gortzes. Glad to have you all home again. Mr. and Mrs. George Wangelin Sr., spent the weekend at their cabin on Pffint Wilson. They had as their house guest Bertha Cran- dell of Vader, Wash., who is Mrs. Wangelin's mother. Sunday afternoon callers on the Jim Lehors also of beautiful Point Wilson were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilson of Olympia, and Mr. and Mrs. John Rheinliart of Winlock, They arrived in their new FMr- lane cruiser. WEDNESDAY evening Mrs. Dot Smith and Mrs. Maxine Waite attended their Recreation Bowl- ing League dinner held in the dining room at Ritner's Restau- rant. Much to our Dot's joy she was the recipient of a surprise birthday care and beautiful birth- day cards. On Friday her son and daughter-in-law, the Stanley Smiths of Shelton honored her and granddaughter Peggy with a birthday dinner. Also attending were lter two other granddaught- ers Jenny and Mary Lue, and Mr. C. W. Streckenbach; Belated birthday greetings Dot, from all your Islarid friends. The RR/5hd McCdllochs are vei'y proud bf have as their,, house.. guests Mr. and Mrs. Nick Lasko of New Westminister, B.C. The Laskos own the Boll'an Lake camp resort near Faulkland, B.C., where the MeCul]ochs spent their vaca- tions fishing. Turn about being fair play, so the Laskos have seen our Harstine and are enjoying ev- ery minute of it. Saturday night the A1 Prldhams, who also enjoy iishing at Bolcan, entertained the McCullochs and Laskos at a din- ner party. Eddie Waite and Suzan Glas- er wLstl to thank everyone who helped them by giving them tlteir subscription renewals for the Ma- son County Journal. Also some of you will be receiving tim Jour- nal for tlie first t[rne and we sin- cerely' hope you enjoy ibis cohmm. This is your column so any news you want to treasm'e, remember to'call Donette Glaex', HA 6-8871. Brother Hermon Ahern has re- tin'ned home after undergoing sur- gery in Seattle, mtd we are hap- py to report he iS Joing just fine anti is able tb have visitors. ., Sk9komish Valley will also post- :eO.i of Aprli 27 o :as ,to abld its members to at- tend tll " (svel meeting. WAIR HARBOR Ct'-mge usual- ly meets the first Thursday, but because of the area being the "hot spot of the manhunt", they hurredly informed members to lock up and stay home. 'ley will meet tonight (Thursday) at the r£gular time. Hope you Fair Har- bor Grangers are planning on en- tering a float in the Fo(est Festi- wd. So f. The Agage stands alone. POMONA Grange will meet at 11 a.m. Sunday, April 29. Lunch- con will be served by Matloek Grangers. At 1 p.m. the meeting will be turned over to Brother Harvey Thompson, district 2 of Yelm, for the Mason-Clalam County talert contest. The Pa- mona meeting will continue after the talent judging. HARSTINE will postpone its regular meeting until April 27. i j uu . i i i _1 i __ it,._ i[ i i _ i i , - ,, , t , , :d , Cavorting in toe pleasant wa- ters of the pool and dancing to "canned" rhythms combined witll happy conversations and a tempt- ing smorgasbord to make a mem- orable evening for approximately 50 guests. Everyone agreed that "we may not have made a bar- tel of money, but we sure did ltave fun!" Arrangements for the evening were carried out for the nmst part bY menlbers EIizabeth Gatlin, Salli Clayton and Murial Seiners, with very welcome help coming from their spouses. Last Sunday morning was con- firmation day for sixth grader Don Pogreba, the important event taking place at Shelton's First Methodist church. Witnessing the ceremony, in which nearly 30 youngsters were confirmed, were Den's family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Pogreba, Susie and Janie and 'andmother, Mrs. Orville Kager. le young confirnmnt was feted ffter chtuclt with a family din- ner at Grapeview. The recovery of Mr. and Mrs. Peterson's stolen cruiser recently also uncovered the Russ Wells' missing "autograplted" boat pad- dle, needless to say, much to the delight of Russ and Ruth. A former summer resident of Grapeview and one wlm will be rentembered by many of our local people paid a rare visit here last week. Mrs. Clara Pomeroy brought her friend, Mrs, Faye Mit- chell, back from Seattle on Wed- nesday, remaining here with her Until Saturday, spending a good chsrds, at one tinle owned tile commlmily slore at Riehard's lan- dfng. Out from Seattle to enjoy some of the beauties of our blossoming countryside while paying relatives a rare visit: were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sitzberger. Mrs. Sitzberger's sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clayton. St., hosted the ' visitors from t,'riday nntil Sun- day afternoon. Tim two sisters were pleased to receive a brief vis- it from their cousin Mrs. Clara Pomeroy on Friday. CON(H{ATULATIONS to Miss Lynne Stevens who was one of four girls chosen as the Masou County delegates to Girl's State last week. The girls will attend the 1962 session of the Evergreen Girls' State, located on the Cen- tral Waslfington State College Campus at Ellensburg. Sponsored by tile American Legion, it will last from June 11 to June 18. DeN egates are selected on the basis of citizenship and phymcal fit- hess. Drop-in visitors to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clayton St, last Sunday afternoon were seldom seen friends Mr. and Mrs. John Keaton who drove up from Aberdeen. Accompanying her duug'kter and son-in-law was Mrs. Keaton!s mother, Mrs. Stockwell. Sarah Eckert Orthopedic guild ladies who yearn to 'cut-up" a little now and then may do so tomorrow, Friday, at 2 if they bring thei.r scissors with them. President Faye Soule will host the regular meeting with Mrs. Dorothy Pelan assisting. The scissors will be put to good use on a guild project. TIIOSE LUCKY "city kids" have had a whole week of spring vacation and Grapeview's popula- tion has grown somewhat be- summer cottages ner and daughters Debbie and Pam of Seattle are spending the week at their beacl home, Deb- bie taking a "busman-type" holi- day" by attending school here with bet friend Georgia Clayto m Mrs. Neff MeGirk and son Den- ny drove out Monday from Taco- ma to spend a few days at the little yelh)w cottage next to the Marina. YOUNG TIM Peele is also spen- ding vacation time here with his family at their Treasure Island summer home, while Islanders Mrs. John Anderson and daughter Karen of Tacoma lmve been en- joying their cozy beach home since last weekend, too. Glad to be home again after wintering at the Wind, Sand and Stars trailer camp neat' Palm Springs are Mr. and Mrs. Orin Soule. Besides the nlost welcome visits paid them by friends driv- ing down from Elnm, Portland and other points, one of the most exciting and interesting exper- iences of their winter for them was a day spent in Los Angeles attending the Rose Festival. Tak- ing advantage of a well-managed bus tour, they viewed the beau- teous spectacle from seats just a half block beyond the starting point. Arriving home last Thurs- day, the highpoint of the enmflng weekend for Orin was a most successful fishing trip with bt- ther Lea last Friday. The two anglers brought home six lovely salmon, the largest three Weigh- ing in at 13, 15 and 17 poundsl Quite a suitable substitute for the lawn-bowling muclt enjoyed through the winter months by Orin. Grapevlew's vohutteer fire de- partment holds its regular mon- thly meeting next Tuesday. How about this for a special ice cream of the month? Banana Split ice cream in all its glory. Complete with strawberry, choc- olate, marshmallow and cherries, all blended in rich mixture of banana flavored Darigold quali- ty ice cream. You can't beat it, so try it... today. TO BROASTED CHICKEN C R 0 ABOU1 We're not Boasting . . . We're BROASTING ... It's the World's Newest Way to Cook, IF YOU LIKE ,CHICKEN SOMETIIIq You'll love golden brown, tender, deli# Shelton-Mamn County Journal BROASTED CHICKEN with all the nat u,ral juices and goodness se EAT IT HERE OR TAKE IT WITH yOU! NO LONG WAITING -- It's cooked from raw through to the bone" ¢[ I I IN JUST 7 MINUTES SEA FOODS ALSO BROAST) Milio's Dine!l TRADE00 ¢.co1 26 o: On Hood Cmtal Neat' Potlatch  opposite t Li ht Poweritouse on Highway 101 It . llre t l- g " " " Iith-,  nave pleni .iie Cite hard boiled --'- sng free a 26 oz. [- el Crescent Gr telcent 8rand, Ground hOW about these 00[atk Peppel ba#anaS? li When lt (omes to lte Cream II }I I. Any Fbvor-'-00a00e I, I! DARIGOLD ICE CREAM DARIGOLD'00 ice cream [or the month O[ Apri[ EGG Tradewell has a co egg dying sets in AVAILABLE ALMOST ANYWHERE NAN quality products of - " ............... 8OZ. I eet, Pesh FrOZen ii;':,,..,,00 o..,o,. 00FeANB available in pints, ,,, in the quarts and ½ gallons handy reusable plastic carted • 9ay holktay dess, UIT( i! l"%Jevap ' :-- ', 3 bag box '00(!POTATI KITSAP-HASON DAIRY Your Farmer Neighbors, HA 6-4473 Brand, Choicc of fl,