April 19, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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il 19, :][962 SFrELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Publishei] in "Oh.rstmaetow., U.S.A., ghel{on, Washington ' ....... Pa, g,
--------- ................ "
h Missionary League ........ -- Methodists S.late l.,..,., Ol..b,....I. Census Survey Slated Easter Sunnse
!00EaslerSe'rvices Of Mt. OhveTo El ]| |1 ll |jl Special Services LUWUI or00ul00ul.n00nn For Mason Gounly Area Service Slated
00,,'it200'b°°00served the MeetOnTuesday.00peci.00l,,.o00.r00m Christ"a00ac;'odcmatabyDu- .e$ Oil $,
', ' s . J ).) / . . LJF Bois, will be presented this eve- l; ........... " -*'"". ..... .*. .................................... '" ...............
,,yh.a ..[ti:.,O!ix e Lutheran Women. ';- nin at a s ecial Maundy Thurs- • Reserve, Board, will conduct a Community Sunrise Service at 6
the St nd L S( hool
' Mis.i,,,,ar; League will meet in " , - ........... g "P .... s ecial 'Smwe of Buyin Inten- " "
"- " • • ' , 0 , i ....... v:::.,:.::::u, ..... day service at the Methodmt "P " Y " .g " am at the Junior Hgh School
tens as part of the April Current .... : . .n recitations s.)
,:L'te An extra" s:ngS,will be dia-the T1 es¢ ty. . Rev. Norman. Ott, Trin-. :--r.. -'J: :";:!';'' ...... "- .... "'-s::'*':''s*h m" '^' €, ..... i ........ • ....... " .......... t ........... Population_ Survey,. it was an- Auditorn m Tne spearer will be
]ly, Olympm, will present a ds- " o ,o,h, with Mrs By Mrs Ray Kratcha nouneed today. Rev Alfred Sandowd Minister of
aedveral Junioi. Choir pre- (ussion on the proper stewardship .................. 'as ...... " '"
: numbers. A climax
gran] will be the sermon
"e "Resm'reeti(]1 "Mess-"
comes to yo#
l g PeOple divided into
J/Iniors' and seniors
:00 P.n< There is a
IdP gl'ar planned to fit.
i. each Toun The Ju-
gtidO"Pete Caclet pro-
. s Point and badges,
,UeOrV work ,and
Part in :1
i riots a ae serxices.
': :io^ 'e Working on an
G;g:. prog,'am, st,,dy-
,' ,,- ,uoa first in the
'¢a, then in th
in lb. e district
la . "' aorthwest dist ict
"ts to o to the
0m,_..'- Inter-
-"ILUOI'I in Los An-
in g Worship hour will
,"',,: With emphasis on
[at. ae Pastor will be
..as time.
of time and talents in place of
the reKular topic study.
At this meeting it will be nee-
essary to select the projects to be
]voted on at the biennial conven-
tion in Bellingham next month and
to select ME. Olive's delegate to
the eovention. Members are also
asked to be prepared to my whe-
ther or not they will be able to
attend the Spring Zone Rally for
the Rainier Zone, May 2 in Pu-
yallnp. This will be a dinner meet-
ing so it will be necessary to leave
by 5 p.m.
This is the end of the quarter
so members are asked to bring
their Mite Boxes for collection.
If you are unable to attend the
meeting, bring them to the church
on Sunday or send them with a
Try A Joumml Want Ad
.... . at the
:15 a.m. Washington. d J Streets
[:30 a.rm Sunday School
Easter Program and Morning Worship
Combined -- Recitations and songs by
the children Special choir and in-
strumental numbers Illustrated
message of the Crucifixion and Res-
urrection with oil paintings on felt.
00 P.rn. Evening Service
- You Are Welcome The Friendly
a Pine Street tt _ MASON YOUNGLUNO, pastor
SchOol " ' a County Ministerial Ass'n.)
ir0fira£ ....................................................................... 9:45 a.m.
.9 Wo • " ................................................................. 10:30 a.m.
',hv't' s AshiPa[Ollowing Program--
' %,, . adors .................................................. 6:00 p.m.
ervice ........................................................ 7:00 p.m.
evil, know how to give good gifts
,w much more will your Father
ee good things to those who ask
,ou wish that men would do to
,r this is the law and the prophetS.
narrow gate; for the gate is wide
,, that leads to destruction, and
: are many. For the gate is narrow
that leads to life, and those wlao
se prophets, who come to you ila
: inwardly are ravenous wolVeS.
m bv.Ikeir fruits. Are grapes
s, or flgs from t]2stles? So, everf
od fruit, but the bad tree bears
ee cannot bear evil fruit, nor cart
d fruit. Every tree tlmt does not
t down and thrown into the fire,
them by their fruits. !
e who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,'
lore of heaveu, but he who does
,'r who is in heaven. On that day
, . e
Lord, Lord, dd we not proph :i
I east out demons in your nalne, !:!
works in your nmne? And the
l, I never knew you; depart frol9 t
,n who hears these words of mille;
)e like a wise man who built lliS
, and the rain fell, and the flood
blew and beat up6n that house,
,eeause it had been founded ol
one who hears these words o*
) them will be like a foolish ma
apon the staid; and the rain fell,
and the winds blew and be!: [
lad it fell; and great was the fall,
-- 100:oo 00:oo
qethodist Church, 4th and Pine
Mt. Olive Church
Services Planned
To commemorate the death and
resurrection of Christ, special
services have been schednled at
ME. Olive Lutheran Church for
Holy Week and Easter Sunday.
Chaplain Martin Heinicke, Ft.
Lewis, will conduct Manndy Thurs-
(lay services with Communion at
7 p.m. this evening; Chaplain
R. V. Goeres, 32nd Die., Wisconsin,
'will conduct Good Friday services
tomorrow evening at 7 p.m.; and
on Smday Chaplain Goeres will
speck at both the 8:30 a.m. and
the 11:00 a.m. services. ,
"In Joseph's Garden" colored
slides of the Easter story, will be
shown at 9:45 a.m. on Easter Sun-
day morning. All Sunday School
Classes and the Adult clams will
meet togelher in the Chapel for
this special service.
Members of Mt. Olive are re-
minded that the Sunday following
Easter is Communion Sunday mad
announcements should be made as
usual at the churcn office on Sat-
urday, April 28 between the hours
of 3-5 or 7-9 p.m.
"Life Through-Death" based on
the text John 17:3 is the theme
of Dr. Oswald Hoffman's Easter
motoring address over the Lutheran
Hour this Sunday. The Lutheran
Hour may be heard in this area
over radio KGY at 8:30 a.m. or
over KMO at 6:30 p.m. on Sundays.
This Is The Life has scheduled a
special television broadcast for
Easter Sunday. Check your local
schedule for the correct time.
"This Is The Life" is seen on
KING/TV on Sundays.
Alliance Church
Easter Services
Easter Sunday Services, this
Sunday will begin with the Sun-
day School hour at 9:45 a.m. at the
Mt. View Alliance Church, Wash-
ington and J Streets.
The Morning Service will begin
at 10:30 a.m. and will be a com-
bined Sunday School and Church
service with recitations and songs
by the children; special music
by the choir; instrumental number
and the Easter Message will be
illustrated with the use of oil
paintings on felt of both the Crusi-
fixion and Resurrection scenes.
The Junior and Senior Young
People will meet at 6:00 p.m. for
their services followed by the
evening service at 7:00 p.m.
The Pastor and congregation ex-
tend a cordial invitation to all to
attend these special services.
Assembly Of 6od Ohurch
Plans Easier Program
The Annual Enster Program of
tile Shelton Assembly of God Sun-
day school will be held Sunday,
April 22, at 10:30 a.m. The Easter
message will be presented in re-
citation and song by the nursery
through the girl's intermediate
class. Sunday school will convene
at 9:45 a.m. with classes for all
Following the program the pas-
tor will present an Easter morn-
ing Resurrection Message.
)t'':'ayings of Christ on the Cross"
t" ,a. FORGIVENESS e Know Not What
her, Rorgive Them, or Th
,7' f y ,
he .
)lb s ,2 °" • . " -- REV. E. C. KNAUTZ
h ' SALVATION . . .
Y 8talt Thou Be With Me in Paradise.'"...
t "WOman, Behold Thy Son."...
' Ol LONELINESS . . . , ,,
k: "Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me.
,,, ' TRIUMPH , . .
ms finished these sayings, tliel rIbI; Rinished''''''REv" ROBERT RINGS
Into ,;,,' TRUST.
led at his teaching, for he taugllt ,u ' ' "
ad autllority, and not as thei I Y HandSREv. IWESLEyCOmmendGAINMY Spirit" ....
YoU 1.1 be welcome to come when you can
].... "leave asyou find it necessary.
;a Paf: e;h%pr ;':c :h° f ha, log:°:Ps °
tmvttyon¢, everywhere, ]
is ed thruout the world bY !
.*ry different faiths and backgrounds, '
day this great sermon should be ¢x"
:or humility and mature charity, alert"
md the power of example. Webelieve ESTER SUNDAY SER '
solution of the most serious humaO I-I COTA
great power for healing among the
6, 7, is from the Revised Standard
)pyrighted 1946 and 1952 by the Di"
cation, National Council of ChurcheS.
'mon on the Mount Newspaper Page,
L S.A. Paul Norton, Chairman
Shellon Ohuroh Plans
Annual Loyally Program
Church Announcement:
The Annual Loyalty Campaign
of the Shelton Assembly of God
Sunday school will begin April 29,
1962 and continue through June
10, 1962. The over-all theme of the
campaign is "Come," with sub-
themes pointing out loyalty .
certain areas spotlighted ec'Sun ."
M. M. "Bud" Lyon ,,,a,,
School Superintendent, stated that
the local campaign is a part of a
nationwide program of the As-
semblie• of God oesigned to em-
phasize the importance of loyalty
to the Sunday School and church.
Registration for the campaign
will begin Easter Sunday.
Journal Want Ads Pay
REV. E. C. KNAUTZ, Pastor
REV. ALFRED SAND0VAL, Christian Education Director
'0 a.a" First Service
S:3 •
0 a., SUnday School
]l:O0 a.aa. Second Service
Topic: "A Priceless EXperience"
7:00 p.m. Film: "Crucifixion and Resurrection,,
" (Colored film from LIFE OF CHRIST series)
Topic" "A Special Privilege"
Good Friday 00ervi©es
Shied For April 20
The Good Friday Services, spon-
sored by the Mason County Min-
isterial Association, will be held
at the Methodist church, Friday
noon from 12 to 2 p.m.
Many of the stores in the com-
nmnity will he displaying posters
indicating their coopera£ion in this
Good Friday service.
Pastors of the Mason County
Ministerial Association will each
speak on one of tile "Seven Last
Words of Christ". Special music
has been arranged for this ser-
vice by churches of the commun-
This service is arranged in or-
der that people may attend all
or part of the scheduled service
Tlmre will be musical interludes
for those who would like to wor-
ship and meditate for one or two
Allyn Bowling
Team Entered
In State Meet
By Lois Terrell
ALLYN The ladies bowling
team of Allyn which is spansored
by the Shell station here in Allyn
will travel to Vancouver, Wash.
to bowl in State semi-finals of
BPAA. The gels finished in third
place in the recent tournament
held at the Timber Bowl in Shel-
ton. Gels we are proud Of your
accomplishments, get in there and
really throw those strikes at
Several children here are con-
fined to their homes with measles.
One year old Karen Von Osten
has been quite ill. The Bob Larson
family are the latest victims, the
children all are entertaining them
at the samc time however, the
Beeson children are better also the
Dick Sharer are well again. With
nice spring days coining surely
those ailing will be up and at 'era
again real soon.
The, annual 4-H Horse Show at
Thunderbird Stadium was well
attended by Allyn enthusiasts on
Sunday. The Kowalczyk family
entered several events and were
successful. The high point trophy
of the day was won by Barbara,
sister Susan and brother Jim won
ribbons also. The young people had
their own cheering section which
helped immensly. J. R. Carson,
Cheyrl Noggle, Mrs. Helen Wil-
liams and four children cteered
for the Kowalczyk's as they put
their horses thru their paces.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wolfe are
out to their summer home on Lake
Devereaux for the opening of the
fishing season this week-end
bringing several friends with them
to enjoy the fun. TheEarl Wolfes I
are also at the lake for a few
days. Lake Devereaux is always
busy on opening day, cars and
boat trailers crowding the public
access area to the point of con-
gestion some seasons. Lakewood
residents look forward to being
hosts to friends on a time like this.
Club held its regular meeting
April 12 at the Baptist Community
church after the flower arranging
lessons Mrs. A. K. Meyers is giv-
ing those interested. The roll call
was answered by ten members.
The club has been invited by the
Evergreen club of Hood Canal to
a luncheon on April 25th, this
luncheon is to be held at the BeN
fair Fire Hall. All members plan
to attend as these get-to-gethers
have proved successful in years
The next regular meeting will be
held the third Thursday in April
at the home of Mrs. Les Soule
near Grapeview, at which time
Mrs. A. K. Meyer• will give a
demonstration of flower arranging
'at that time.
Mr. Cli Troy Ma§on County
Fair presiffept will give a talk on
Garden Club Fair participation
this coming seasons at the Mason
County Fair.
Some of the club members met
at North Mason School on Friday
fternoon to plan planting of
shrubs for the beauttfibation of
the school grounds, a pf'oject they
started last year.
Mrs. Les Allen was the lucky
winner of the boat and trailer
given by Boosters of North Mason
school, the drawing was held last
week. The students have been busy
selling tickets for some time the
proceeds to go to North Mason
Music Scholarship and Uniform
Fund. These kids are Boosters in-
deed and should be patronized at
every opportunity, as each fund
raised is put to use in some way
for the school.
The Allyn - Victor Fire depart-
ments are still looking for Junior
Pireman volunteers. Give this pro-
ject a second look, your communi-
ty safety depends on you!
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dahl have a
wonderful family of five boys who
enjoy getting together for family
fun. Last Saturday evening was
no exception. The Dahls and their
brood, along with their daughters-
in-law, met at Steve's Gay Nineties
for dinner occupying a table for
twelve. A wonderful time is re-
ported. After the dinner they gath-
ered in a body to attend.the house-
warming of the Hans Ruel's at
Milton. The Ruels formerly lived
in Allyn. The new home they just
finished at Milton is a dream of
many years planning. Allyn wish-
es the Ruels the best of every-
At last week's PTA elections
Mrs. John Johnson ws elected
redet, ,'a. wrh. Vefihfia, ,Ice
Harvey Hillman organist.
Soloists are Mrs. John Steinberg,
soprano, F. W. Herrick, tenor, and
Frank Porter, baritone. The public
is invited. Holy Communion will
be served following the concert
for all who wish to remain.
Other Holy Week Services at
the Methodist Churclt will be the
Union Good Friday Service from
12:00 Noon to 2:00 p.m., mt Easter
Sunrise Service and breakfast at
6:00 a.m. for the Youth Fellow-
ship groups, and Easter Services
at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Easter Sun-
day. The Community Easter Stm-
rise Service will be held at 6:00
a.m. in the Junior High auditor-
Baptist Church
Gets New Members
New members were welcomed
into the fellowship of the First
Baptist church, SLmday evening,
April 15.
A baptismal service was held
April 8 concluding several weeks
of special instruction and gddance
in membership.
New members are given the
hospitality treatment, after an ev-
ening service when they receive
the hand of fellowship to church
membership from pastor. A mem-
bership card is given to each one,
and a Bible given by the Men's
Brotherhood of the church.
Interested prospects become
members by transferring from
some other church that conducts
baptism by immersion, or by re-
viewing their own personal con-
victions regarding the Christian
faith, or by being baptized in the
local church.
Membership class subjects in-
clude, how to be sure of personal
Christianity, the meaning and sig-
nificance of baptism, the meaning
and personal value of communion
and church organization and af-
Membership classes are conduc-
ted for children during the Sun-
day School before the evening ser-
New members welcomed into
membership last Sunday were:
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Watters, Shar-
on Watters, Mrs. Harold Wilson,
Bruce Wilson, Lanny Olsen, Peter
Olsen, Elton Olson, Gall Bailey,
Roy Bailey, Stanley Dick, Mr. Joe
Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. John
Stentz, Cindy and Jack Stentz
Rev. and Mrs. Al Sandoval, Caro-
lyn and Judy Sandoval.
Mrs. Bud Lewis was in charge
of the reception arrangements.
Christian Science
Service Slated
"Doctrine of Atonement" is the
subject of the Lesson-Sermon to
be heard in Christian Science
church services Sunday.
Thi statement will be ncluded
in the Bible readings (John 10):
"I and my Father are one . . . If
I do not the works of my Father,
believe me not. But if I do,..thougi
ye believe not me, believe the
works: that ye may know, and be-
lieve, that the Father is in me, and
I in him."
From "Science and Health with
Key to the Scriptures" by Mary
Baker Eddy this selection Will be
read: "Atonement is the exempli-
fication of man's unity with God,
whereby man reflects divine TrUth,
Life, and Ive. Jesus of Nazareth
taught and demonstrated man's
oneness with the Father, and for
this we owe him endless homage.
His mission was both individual
and collective. He did life's work
aright not only in Justice to him-
self, but in mercy to mortals,
to show them how to do theirs, but
not to do it for them nor to re-
lieve them of a •ingle responsibil-
ity" (p.18).
Secretary and Treasurer, with Mrs.
Dick Sharer and Mrs. Floyd Rob-
bins vice presidents from Allyn
and TahuYa.
class is sponsoring movies every
Saturday at the Belfair school. An
afternoon sh0w at 2 p.m. and
another at 7 p.m. is the order of
the day. Plan to attend. There will.
also be cartoons. Tickets 25e
through the 6th grade and 50c for
older students and adults. Plan to
attend some of these pictures and
help out the Seniors in their effort.
The Steve Boyces were out from
Tacoma for a few days at their
beach home, cleaning the yard and
preparing the garden plot in prep-
aration for planting. This week-
end they motored to Port Angeles
in time to catch a ferry to Victor-
ia, B.C., for a visit with the Arclde
Cleggs, friends of over fifty years.
On the way to Port Angeles they
will visi Mr. Boyce's niece at
Dungeness to report on their re-
cent trip to Hawaii.
The Fred Stocks little grand-
daughter suffered a painful hand
injury the other day when one of
her brothers accidently mashed
it with s hammer. The little girls
mother, Mrs. Don Young, took her
to Bremerton for repairs immed-
Eddie Stock has been spending
his spring vacation with his par-
ents, the Fred Stocks. Eddie is a
student at Washington State Un-
iversity at Pullman.
SOUTHSIDE Southside School
boys played Lower Skokomish
School boys in a baseball game
Friday the thirteenth at South-
side School. In the first inning,
Lower Skokomish led off by bat-
ting and gained one point. At the
end of the first inning Southside
went ahead three to one. The next
inning Lower Skokomish led four
to three. Southside boys did not
get any runs in the next two
innings, but a safe hit in the fourth
inning brought in three runs and
tied the ball ga:me 6-6. The game
went seven innings and Lower
Skokomish finally won with the
score 8-6.
Southslde School girls baseball
team played an exciting game
with Lower Skokomish girls last
Friday. Competitio n was close all
through the game. The Southstders :
won with a score of 29 to 17.
The next baseball game sched-
uled for Southside teams will be
held at Pioneer Schpol, Friday,
April 27.
on April 20. Annual Easter Break-
fast will be held at the Grange
hall on Easter morning, April 22,
from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. The local
organization will take the travel-
ing gavel to Cloquallum on ApzU
Thunderbirds 4-H Club held a:
meeting Thursday after school. I
For a money raising project the I
club has decided to hold a Car!
Wash on April 21 for a fee of fifty
cents. The club .will do the car
washing at the customer's home.
Anyone wishing to have his car
washed on the above date, may
'call HA 6-4916, HA 6-3013, or
HA 6-6347. At the meeting the
members worked on their theme
for camp. All the members took'
home their record books to bring
them up to date. The Thunderbirds
have been presented the Mason i
County 4-H banner. Carl Sheppard i
Jr., is a 4-H member in the
Thunderbirds and his father, Carl
Sheppard Sr. wan with the original
DICK PUTVIN, fion of Mr. and
Mrs. L. L. Putvin, was home on
leave for two days. Dick is in the
Navy and has finished basic train-
ing at San Diego. He is now
stationed at Pearl Harbor for
further training.
Four Leaves 4-H Club held a
meeting at the home of their
leader Mrs. Helen Bakkes where
they discussed a swimming party
at the Pool Nuotare and their
theme for camp. The members
worked on record books and pin-
cushions in preparation for their
next meeting, April 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Clapper
have arrived home after spending
most of t.e winter at Phoenix
Mrs. John Lindsey of Seattle, is
spending a week visiting with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bruin
Mill Creek What Nots met at
Mrs. Myrtle Swearingen's on April
9 to discuss going to State 4-H
Camp at Pullman, and means of
raising m0ney for camp. The club
further discussed filling out recorc
books and their plans for the
World's Fair. Refreshments were
served by Mr•. Swearingen.
CUB SCOUTS, Den 7, met a
Mrs. Ronald Gunters on April 7
Flower planters were made b:
Danny Schnitzer and Della:
unter in which they plante(
banana cactus. The scouts met a
Mrs. Gunters Monday April 16
and Dallas Gunter and Danny
Schnitzer made pansy baskets fm
Mrs. Clarence Madsen and Mrs
Lawrence Giddings motored tc
Tacoma last week to spend one
day visiting Mrs. Gidding's mother
Mrs. Ollafson.
Mrs. Winnie Carr of Arcadia
and Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Bidstrup
of Olympia, enjoyed a beautifu'
day Sunday at the Ocean. Their
trip included visiting relatives at
Ocean Shore• and dinner at the
famous Ginny Simms restam'ant.
Mrs. Harold Castle gave a birth.
day party for her husband, Harold
on Friday the thirteenth. Guests
attending the affair were Mr. artd
Mrs. J, D. Camper of Olympia and
Mr. and Mrs. John Korzenowski
of Cloquallam,
SUNDAY visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Kratcha and Janipe,
were Mr. /nd Mrs. Glen Kiatcha
and son Michael and John Kratcha
Sr., all of Siletz, Oregon, Mz; John
Kratcha Jr., and David of Brem-
erton and Dan Cormier.
A number of families in the
Current Population Survey sample
panel will be asked questions on
consllmer plans to purchase air
conditioners, automobiles, clothes
dryers, dish washers, hi-fi equip-
meat, houses, refrigerators, and
television sets. This information is
collected quarterly for lhe Federal
Reserve Board for llse in studies
of conmuner buying trends.
A number of questions on mi-
gration wilt be asked in the April
survey. These questions will cover
place of residence this year com-
Pared with April 1, 1961.
The question's on c0nmuner buy-
ing plans and migration are in ad-
dition to the regular inquiries on
employment and unemployment
which are asked each month in th
Cun'ent Population SUrvey.
The Current Population Survey
will be conducted here md in
332 other sample :reas of the
country during the week of April
16. information will be collected
locally by Mrs. Polly A. Swayze,
Christian Education at the First
Baptist clmrch. Special music will
be furnished by young people.
Other pastors of the eommmtity
will participate in the service.
A breakfast for the Junior and
Senior High youth is scheduled
at 7:1.5 a.m. Mr. Bennie Banner is
ill charge of arrangements.
Two morning services are sche-
duled at 8:30 a.nl. and 11 a.m.
with Sunday school programs ill
various departments at 9:30 a.m.
The evening service, scheduled
at 7 p.m., will feature a colored
film from the Life of Christ ser-
ies, entitled, "The Crucifixion and
Resurrection." Special Easter
music has been arranged by the
music committee.
The Salvation Army truck will
be in town next Tuesday. For
pickups call HA 6-6564, If possb
ble, please leave articles at 325
North 5th.
RCH .........
Arcadia and Lake Boulevard
Bible SChoOl 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetings 5:30 p.m
Worship ............ 11:00 a.m, Family Service 6:30 p.m
Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:30 p.m.
Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service
,nl , , i i
302 Alder St., 8helton. Wash.
8tmday 8ch0ol 9:30 t.m. Church 11 a.m.
Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m.
Reading room located in church. Reading room houra to
4 p.m. Mon. & Frt. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45
Fourth and Cedar, Shelton, Washington
The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest
Holy Week Services
Maundy Thursday April 19 -- 7:30 P.M. Holy Communion
and Meditation
Good Friday April 20 7:30 P.M. -- Evening Prayer and
Easter Even April 211 4'{00 P.M. -- Baptisms
Services Easter Day
7:30 A.M.- Holy Communion
9:30 A.M. -- Family Service, Pupils of the Church School will
present their Mite Boxes and
Make the Floral Cross
11:00 A.M. Choral Eucharist and Sermon
Church Telephone, HA 6-8472; Vicarage Telephone HA 6-6153
Zaster Sunrise Services
6 a,m.
Junior High Auditorium
Rev. Alfred Sandoval
Minister of Ohristian Education, FIRST'BAPTIST CHURCH
Special Music by Youth of the Community
-- Sponsored By --
Mason County Ministerial Association
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7th and FRANKLIN
' 8i15, 9:30, and 11:00 am.
Choir Music at Each Service
Sermon Theme: "He Is Rmen
The Church Provides h NLrsery for Small Children
Carl J. Carlsen, Pastor