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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 19, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 19, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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19, ]962 Published tn "Chrt.tmastown, U.B.A./' Shelton, Washington .trol. Stan was born Minnesota and r great Northwest vol'cas vchere he its five years serv- • Army. After his service, Stall ob- • degree ill Police hington State and tduate courses in University in Chi- ch he served as a for four years in ]tacky. Returning that had captured 40, Stan became a Sheriffs' Office in where he served before joining the te Patrol in 1957. ife, Kay with their ed to their Picker- )me last year and ily roots firmly t little section of in our own area. that could have large amount of burs had time dishes, even curtain to stand hel vncontrolled there wasn't any quick enough. Th district is the square miles dept. Several tried to get fire district and lhe same peopl second meeting. the general did )lot need a R.AIN, RAIN, the thought of the Thurston Grounds when Younglove, with leline Caddell and g Mrs. Younglove he 38 girls from trended tile Meth- t Shelton on Rain- GOING pril 7. Once a year :ls choose a church WHERE T01 ne large group. the 13th ,managed ANGLE uck out our way. .m. Mrs. Cecelia RES. kened by crackling 401 I.B.. rake. A fire had rear of her house. HA 6-8272 forest service and TICKETS from Shelton had IN THE le house was burn- was saved but the NO mnplete loss. Mrs. me to thank each TO vho came to help. did have time to Indepe lal belongings and Conducted Tours that house was Cruises mtle 40 years ago, Rent-A-Car aains is a memory mple of the need Hotels & of fire equipment tl. KNIGHT SCHOOL NEWS Record Made In Letter Writing --- 4 Firsts, 2 Seconds hi 6 Entries StUdent; "- A frequently isra of seconds ry devote "t(,o much Slid other ac- to their l)rop- criticism may l)e extreme cases, applicable to and \\;ve Scholasl.ic. ac- Taylor and Donna 2 e results of the the Mason Count)  -_______ ng with Ray l.,,-- --- Ribbons, 4-- t A T ili in the hospi.l:,: • ore her horse. ]DI,,.-- thh.d place Western.,lH| p-n1= division and a fff - "hlMllll race. Ray won a. Barrels and a 4th I 1' d:)ct°'R's 'at in 7 days Stl'entlOllS taking (!l'ilcl{oI's gain. ODI{I- 81lnl)ly (hul't D0l'ti(ms t)e- you. wh(,n Get rid for any by : G CENTER are Shelion lilled £l'ttewi(le letter writing contest in which our li]nglish classes par- ticipated as a special project. This contest, sponsored by tile Century 21 Exposition, the State of Vashington, and tile Washing- ton Bankers' Association, offered sul:)stantial scholarships and cash prizes to tile stale wilmers. Let- lers were first judged tLy teachers ill tile seimol and then Sent to tile County Superintendent's office for judging by a committee of bank- ers and educators. From the six letters winning first place here, four placed first and two second in competition agaiqst all other schools in Ma- son county, which is as nearly a clean sweep as anyone COll]d wish for, and a renla)'kably fine achievement for our English de- partment. Following are tile places won by Mary M. Knight ill the colm- ty judg'ing: Senior: Dan %'a;;er, second; Junior: Virginia Hollatz. first Soptlomore: David Valley, first Freshman: Mac Cockburn, first. Eighth grade: Loretta Beerbow- er, first. Seventh Gra(te: Rene Perkins, second. All winncrs at the eounty!evel will be sent to the state commit- lee for final judging. A course in animal training is.. bl:ing" studied as it speciM pro- jeer; by tho science class, Tmn Dale, Bill Treuekmaml, Stet l)ahner all(I Jerry haw are Its- lug IIVO goa|s, a I)llrro alld hor- s(, a suhjevt, with the object of havillg tlleln perfornl in sonic t, il'l,n it,|n tit; :t laler date. The fourlh gl'adcrs have finally resolved to their own satisfaction the ancient, moth-eateu argument about "which came first, the chic- ken or the egg?" In their minds there is no question about its be- ing the egg because their recent experiment in poultry production ]tits proved tile theory beyond any reasonable doubt. Mr. Sha\\;v donaled three eggs for the project and these were placed with great care in a dim- inutive incubator just hn'ge en- ough to hold them. Following lhree weeks el! suspense and an- xious egg-watching by the class and Mrs. Clift, one of the eggs hegan to show signs of habitation, ! and presently there stepped forth I from confinement as sprightly a little ball of yellow fluff as ever I served to brighten the Easter sea- I son. I There is some dout)t as to wle- ther the remaining two eggs will hatch, but at least the youngsters have one chick and it promises to become completely spoiled with an entire room full of foster pal'- cnts to feed and pamper it. Al- ready the newcomer has been giv- en the name of "'Pollito/' which means "little chicken" in Span- ish• Although born in a classroom, no announcement has yet been made as to plans for the baby's fnture education and welfare, but some faculty members who know what eventually happens to little chickens have made macabre sug- gestions. One predicts it should be a fine spring fryer at about SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- tilt, end of the le)'n an(l anotllCr I gtm('s to Norlh lliver Ity st'ores old lneanie thinks it shouhl /m al-I ,)t II to 16 anti 21 to )8. Io%\\;:cd further (Icvch)pnlcnl :m(I . , . .uKht to be in prinle coat:litton tar a faculty dinner of chicken and dumplings next fall. Certainly neither of lher4e 1)ase and evil pro- posals woltld have lhe sanetioa of l ile fourth gra(ters or their tea- cher 11ud \\;ve dare not mentiorl l,.anlcs for fear of pl'orllpt and ;.tw- ful reprisals. No matter what ominous port- mrs cloud the future, tile little fellow is in no immediate danger, he is healthy and happy, tile chil- dren and their teacher are happy and Pollito, in his pretty yellow suit, will be the grandest chick in the Easter parade. Coach Hogben is h)oking for- ward to a good track season even through a numbe)' of top letter- men were lost by gr/tduation. He still has 5 of last year's team (o represent its this year. Riley Beer- bower is training hard for the mile run and discus throw; Gerah] Creamer the 880 and mile; Noal Graham, the 880 and mile; Bill Stodden will participate in tile high and broad jump, pole vault and 440 yard run; Bill Trenek- mann the 880 and mile, and Dan Walker will hurl the platter. Graduating last year were "Butch" Dundas, Jim Filyaw, Wayne Hollatz, Jim Oien and Bob Stodden. Filyaw and Oien are in the Navy, Hollatz and Stodden are attending Grays Harhor Col- lege and Dundas is employed near Bremerton. Softball games with Nortl! River last Wednesday restdted in tile MMK boys winning double header by scqres of 9-2 and 3-1. Our girls lost both their SALUTES C-21 M. J. (l'eggy) WEST B'END"'0000PECIALS EASILY PORTABLE SERVE-LIfE SHOWS WHEN COFFEE'S BREWED 1 QT. SAUCE PAN 2 QT. SAUCE PAN 3 QT. SAUCE PAN 5 QT. DUTCH OVEN 10.inch SKILLET. PRESS- POUR SPOUT .... Cover fltt beth skillet a'nd Dutch Oven She's in been searching .for some time for unity which existed in our n selected. an outstanding person to quell: ion, because, our selection ng-time resident of Masen county :o school and community affairs, ance needs -- pz'ofessionally  fr i  vth,_sKt,,, m|,,. • .... O]'I u' | a _  AlilMl'llliqbl llltllllllllll are backed by the naUonany re°':I'IAIIDII¢e 'of Iowa, "d' '".,),--"^ '' VVlk VVAI'E roud to have Margaret as a mernber ,^:,) U0rff: ....... .... S¢ ...... the del'--" , food and time. You 11 be proud ell, Agency Manager , th,_, ,_,C^-?t°us' nourishing meals you can create ,-/)., .# aea "men extra.thick aluminum in your IKIRI @ (:OMP  ' COmplete ,499 ' 'i -"*... | tp. eta "Continental" Ilu h.,. STEEL COOKwARE lle'SeYithe care and rlch beauty of We  c.'= eel _ -,.m stainless steel eookware. Com- ,,vel% 8,alCles 1, 2 and 3 quart sauce pans with "'lllelt,;_Dutch Oven roaster, and 10" tri- • .,us COver. delicious coffee for 4 guests or a dozen l AUTOMATIC 0000PARTY PERK" Continental perk by West Bend brew 12. 18, 24,.. p to 30 cups of rich, full.bodied coffee. Just fill with, cold water, add coffee, plug it in. Light glows when ¢offeo is ready to serve. Finger.tip pouring control for one vup or a pitcherful. Smart styling in polished aluminum, dark brown base. With 6 ft, electrio cord. ,,..,.,,,-,..., '1400 u 31/2 Qt. stainless steel IXING BOWL .... },, s 99 I I  COUPON 7 o:: ,l?:s: id .ni x:lga ta2 k st(  sewing pop cor. 2 QT. ELECTRIC BEAN POT $4.99 9-CUP PERK Graceful new styling- The boxing muoker held ill the school gynmasiul) Al)ril 7, not only drew a g'ood allen(Inner bnt 1,r({vd to be one of the liveliest and most interesting sports events el the year. The spectat()rs got rnore tiles t]leir nloney's worth il, thrills an(t e×citenmnt while watching tte series of matches the Mary M. I(niflht li]nKlish (le- l)ar[nlelli (:o)lsisl ill;.( of (hree lnlllt- ())'OHS Feedings :-tillt IL spelling COIL- lesl. Dennis DeFect kel)t the audience ill .'ill upF(')qr with his reading of i"li'irst 1)ah-Boy Meels Cirl," I Mary l),l'ay was the most realistic I s.,. ill u'hi('h it i in "Conlpla]n[ "' Was her job lo handle odd-ball (:olnplaints ill l (l(!pal'[.iTlellt sl()r(!, aad Rence Perkins deulous[rale(t bright aluminum with cop- 19 88 stone,areSImer'baking in genuine per.colorcover, l;uIlyauto. COmplete $ __ brings out natural '0=pc, se) good flavors, mda,;c..., no gad,;ets Io 00MBLE usly batter value In product and p rl tot s. ,s, st., M €II[ CANXILI00 between MMK and Moclips. Coach Jack Hogben expended a great deal of time and efforL loward making arrangenlents for the affair anti it was run wilh tile efficiency of a pl'ofessional tournan]ent. Mr. Hogt)en intd pro- vided a standard boxing rink alld secured the mosl, experienced and competent talcnL possible £or referee aud judges. Bill I,oomis of Aberdeen, a well known Golden Gloves referee, did a capable job in that (liepartnlent and his decisions were. fair and impartial. Serving at judges werc Steve Mullins, forme!' professional fight manager and promoter, att(l Hank Baumcart, athletic director at Me- clips• All of the bouts were between MMK and Moclips with the ex- ception of a local match between Eill Trenckmann and Pat Walker which resulted in a draw. Followilg are the results of the MMK-Moclips bouts: Dennis DeFocr, (K) 108 lb. vs. Marvin Blaekwell, (M) 115 lb. by decision. Leroy Valley, (K) 138 lb. Vs. Vernon Wilson, (M) 144 lb., won by TKO. Jerry DeFocr, (K) ]35 lb., de- cision vs. Cary Kitiner, (M) 136 lb. Jim Hollatz, (I) 14"4 lb. vs. Ben Cheyney, (M) 136 lb., TKO. Toln Dale, (K) 153 lb., decision vs. John Pierce, (M) 158 lb. Dan Walker, (K) 160 lb., draw vs. Wayne Nelson, IM) 150 lb. Gene Brehmeyer. (K) 156 lb. vs. Norm Vick, tM) 150 lb., won by TKO. Bill Stodden. {K) 138 lb., de- cision vs. LeRoy To(tie, (M) 158 how uLterly inefficient a huusc.- wife can 1)e at fixing" leaky phullb- ing ill the. sl':el(:il "I)orotl).y l)lllnh, Phlnlber." The long-st aiding' feud l)etweeu lhe froshnlcll and S()t)houlore ]flllg- lish class was seltled [enlporari]y, at least., by the spe]liug contest, in whi('h the sophonlorc brain- Irusters wou 1.he championship troplly mM fi)'sl place went to Mary Bray. On April 11, thirl.y-scvcn 2(t, 3(t and 4th graders piled into a school t)us driven !)3' Walt Slmw and set forlh on lheir "umual ad- ventm•e - (he field triD. When we a)'viwd at Olympitt we got off the ]nls anti walked up the sleps to the Capitol building. q']len one of Ollr teachers said, "We all had better he quie, t or the Gove)'nor mighl put us in lhe F.okey." Then we went rote the Governor's office. In the waiting room we saw some big red tulips. The (?,ovcrnor's ' secreLary tohl us lhat the (]ov- ernor was nol. busy at the monlent and that. he would be glad to see us. Governor Rosellini gave us a short talk and said, "I hope you (:.njoy your visit lo t:he Capitol building. Thousands and thousan(ts of people come to visiL this build- ing from many leads. Tim guide "ill be glad to show yon a)'ound the building." The next place we visited in ('he Capitol was the Senate Chamber. We all signed our names in the visitor's book. After that the guide took ns to tILe House, Chamber. From there he took us to lhe State Reception ]-¢.oon. He Lold llS where the furniture and Lhe marble was lb. from. He said the marble came Sam Valley, (K) 154 lb., decision from Italy. The chah's were gold, vs. Randy S'}lields, (M) 147 lb. green, and red. The Martha "Wash- (K) Mary M. Knight ington chairs are covered with (M) ---19Ioclips a tapestry showing' the great lady The tournament ended in a tie with each sclmol winning four matches and one even• Jake Trimble acted at time- keeper and announcers were Jerry Sha.w and Stet Pa]uler. :i: :[: :i: The JIIIlior hitch and lligil s('hool mothers were |lonored by the, Girl's League at a (l(qight- ful program and so(.i:tl holtr o]I We(hlcs(|ay a:tcrnoon. The Kirls, under the Sl)on.or- shi I) of Verde Moor(,. l)r(-pared a l)rogram which was l)resel)t(,(l in tile s(qlool all(litorium. After the formal I)rogram " lunch(:on of tea. coffee, dainty sall(lIvJcbe and (al(e,% %vas served Jn the eafe(eria. J)ouring were Forest Festival I)rin(esses ',Ollie Nl)alding. and" li'('ttt ]ee)'l)oWer. The regular rnonthly meeting of the P.T.O. was held last Thursday evening'. At Lhe business meeting the following offiee)'s were elected for the coming year: Clarence. Creamer, president; Herb Breh- meyer, vice president; Rachel Val- ley, Secretary, and Rite Palmer treasurer. The treasurer reported a net profit of more than $152 from the dance March 31st at Matloek Grange hall. A program was presented by ml/ in her garden The rug is 2,),2 by 551/'.'_, feet that cushions the teak- wood floo)' The last of all was re'tlly the nlost exciting. We wall¢cd 262 Page 1, HOOD CANAL SCHOOL HEWS 7th, 8th (h,aders Take Field Tri !) To Point Defiance Park Fr0sh Dance, Hehl POTIATCH- Wednes(tay, April ]], the se\\;'Cql(}I grade a)l(l ] 6 eighlh graders went to I'oint l )efiauce P;tl']c The SIildents \\;ve)lt to lhe aqllal'- illln alld saw lhe difl'erpnl kinds ol' fish, c, lalus, pl:Hlts aud animals. They h)ol.:cd at seals, Ltl({ oclopus, :('a iil'ehills, /nd L()lln(I all [o be \\;cry interest it)g. Af/er hlnclt, they were givcn lime to look over llle nove]ly shop and purchase what lhey pleased. Afler this, they went to the 1)ark, where they saw enlys, (lee)', he;l)', t)irds, lions, Ligers and )nonk(.ys. As a htsl stop the students wcnl In Vort Nisqually. There they saw all the oht buihiings and Lhe old )elics inside. Ask anyone in the seventh grade and eigh(la gr'tde and they will Jell y()u it was a (Lay worLh re- membering. Momlay, April 23, there will Ire a I).T.A. meeting at Jim junior high school. It will .tart at 8:90 I).m. The gu(:st .i)eaker will I)e Reverend Father Shilley, from Ir('nlel*ton. , q: :It :t: 1,'11 ENIIMAN I)ANCE Lasl Saturday the freshmen held their Annual Spring Dance at Holiday Beach chlbhotlse. "Tender Is The Night" was the theme for the dance. The proceeding Thursday and Friday, l.he freshman girls dec- orated the clubhouse with paper flowers of pink and lavender. A group of flowers spelled out the theme. SI'ORTS Wednesday, April 11, ttlere was a Lrack meet with Jefferson and Shelton. Dan Ragan of Hood Canal tied for first place in Class B high junlp. He jumped five feet, two itlehes. Ricky Giles, class C, came in fourth in 'the 75 yard dash, and pole vault. Glenn' Johns, class B. came in fifth place with the shoL put. 'Six Hood Canal boys participat- C(1. l)an [{,'tg;;tll caule hl third oll the 1S0 yur(t dash. I-h! also,d ill high jump. Mal'ly I{ose (yes iu ihe 75 and :1(}0 3':(r(t (iaMtes. Rol)ert Miller was in th(' pole vault, licky Giles was in the p01e vault and 75 yar(t dash. licky Pctcrson" wad ill lhe hif,,'h jmnp an,l G]ellll ,lohIlS was 111 the shol i)tlt. MEN ! ; April 23 ........ No school. April 24 ..... S1)aghetti, cole slaw, haltered nmffins, fruit and milk. April 25 ...... Chili, hot bull.(n'ed COI'U hread, celery ;llld C:I rL'ot sticks and milk. April 26 Turkey, )hashed po- tatoes and gravy, huttered peas, ()lives, hot buttered roll, jell() an4 milk. April 27 .... Noodle soup, t(mst.ed cheese sandwich, gTeen )leans, PUml)kin pie and milk. cracked deld oy windows wlth PITTSBURGH SAFETY GLASS Our complete stock oh DUPLATE ® Sa. ln. Oa,, DUOLITE ® s.e.t Wlnd.w Ol, SOLEX ® Hoat-Absorblng Glare assure you prompt, efficient glm ml placement joba in all makes and Iodel of cm on the road today. US FOR FREE ESTIMATI GRIMES & McNEIL 3rd & Grove Sts, I to the t()p of the C'lpitol buihlingandl,ad:, wonderfuI vie\\;v I HAVE YOU BEEN TOLD |roln the towor• I Attrel' seeitlg t.he cat)iLol buih.iing I \\;ve again t)oal'(le(t Ollr sel)ool bUS( and were to Tacoma. It was in- terest:ing 1.o sec the train depot. We spent ou)" money on eun(ly and h;OItVenll'S. Aft(')' we gel rid of the ) lloney which \\;vas bIll'llillg OllF pockel.s we sat: on 1he waiting I I'OOITi chail..s lllll il 11';IIFI li/1]e. Vin- ally a man took us to lhe place t.o meet Ihe Lrain. It was exciting LO st'() 1]1C |r;lill CoFai|t. tl'(illtl(t Lilel })elld. We t)oarded the orttlel,ll I ;/- I I cifie Vista 1)nine. \\;Vc fo)md where I we could gel t (irink and had a peek at tILe galley. M()sl of t)s I pile the seats (]O\\;VU all(t Fe]axed, On tile way to Olympm we had a ] nice view of the Narrows Bridge. I Teachers \\;vile. H('COl]ll)a)]ied llS on the trip we)'(-, Mrs. Clift and Mrs, Iilhmgh. We want lo (hank them and also room mothers M)'sT" Tvimble. Mrs. Hiekson. Mrs. Sin- clair and Mrs. 13tel'bower for their help. We also are grateful to bus driver Walt Shaw f(a' a safe and smooth ride. ] THAT A HEARING AID WON'T HELP YOU? Don't give up/ LeL us show you the brand new Beltone Classic HFE, designed especially for severe nerve losses. This may be just what will help you to hear more clearly, naturally, than before pos- sible with a hearing il', Come to see us at .... Eells and 'lley AI)l)]iance Center Friday, April 20 between 10 A.M. and 1 P,M. If you can't come in, telephone HA 6-4663, and we will be glad to call at your home. No obligation. Daniel E. Bruner, BELTONE HEARING AIDS 106 E. 4th, Olympia FL 7-3521 CENTURY 21 SPECIAL 13 cu. ft, 2 Door Beauty! FRIGIDAIRE Model FD-13T-62 13.24 cu. ft. net capacity FRIGIDAIRE PRODUGT OF .ENERAk MOTORS Budget Buy! • No defrosting ever in Refrigerator Section! • More room for frozen' foods. Spa, cious lO0-1b, zero zone Freezer-- separate insulated door. • Twin Porcelaio Enamel Hydrators store  bushel of fresh fruits and vegetables! • Full.width, full.depth shelves give you more room in Refrigerator Section. • Store more in storage door. Eggs, butter--even tall bottles, ½ gallon milk cartons in bottom shelf! Famed Frigidaire Dependab|litfl ONLY EASY TERMS WITH TRADE M I[ RCAN¥1L£