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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 19, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 19, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday,, $ CY PRODUCE 00ARAGUS DAYTON NEWS By Mabel Kidd DAYTON .... Mr. and Mrs. E)elmer Schur and his mother Mrs. AI Stewart motored to Seattle on Sunday to attend the baptism of little Patrick Robert Schur, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schur. Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Schur are God parents to the little fellow. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Loitz and Mrs. Kenneth Wolden of Shelton and Mrs. A. E. Lemke motored to Kent on Sunday to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McLain where this man gives you driving pleasure CY YNO. 1 EACH He gives your car a lift through proper lubrication. He helps you avoid trouble by keeping those bearings from getting too dry. Come let our expert lube man ]Pease )Clip ca; to insure you of moother drivingl 3ELERY ( |g tILE'S MOBILGAS SERVICE AND PiNE HA 6-3906 ,o Avocados SI-TET,TON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Publishe in "Ghrimastown, U.}LA., Shelton, Washington in ifll I i i ii i i daughter, Diane, was celebrating her second birthday. Mrs. Lemke is grandmother to the little miss and Mr. Loitz is great-grandfather The Ladies' Club met on Wed- nesday of last week with Mrs. Robert Goldy as hostess. The next meeting will be on April 25 and Mrs. Stan Dyson will be hostess. Maurice, Leslie and Larry Pear- son of Seattle: are spending this week, their spring vacation, with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Seab Combs. Mr. Pete Roberts was honored on Friday evening at a birthday dinner in the Shelton home of his mother, Mrs. Nena Roberts. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Roberts and family of Island Lake, Mrs. Nine Hudson of Aberdeen and Mrs. Pete Roberts and sons. MIL AND MRS. Steve Zelenak of Tacoma visited their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Zelenak on Saturday. Carol Zelenak took about an hour early Sunday morning to catch her limit of fish out of Pan- handle Lake. Allen Campbell is home on leave from Fort Ord and visited on Sun- day with Judy McNulty and family. Jean Nanlt of Shelton spent the weekend with Geraldine Schur. SATURDAY evening callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs, James Dougherty were Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith of Kamilche. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chappell attended a birthday party on Sat- urday evening held in the Clo- quallam home of Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert LeGault, Jr. and honoring Mr. Verl York of Satsop. Weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy and children was Mike Challender of Shelton. Thursday luncheon guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson was Mrs, Irene Brown of Tacoma. Saturday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson were Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Middleton and Gordon Anderson. Pae 15 Louise Zelenak was home on Sunday to spend the day With her parents, Mr. and Mrs, M. J. Zelenak. Mr. George King who has been staying with his daughter, Mrs. J. W. Stoner, left on Thursday for Cold Creek, Col. where he will live with his sister, Mrs. Rosa McClaine. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Puderbaugh of Agate called on Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy on 'Sunday. Friday evening visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ander- son were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Anderson and son of Skokomisb Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield ob- served their twentieth wedding anniversary on Sunday, April 15. Their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bloomfield of Shelton pre- sented them with twenty long stemmed American Beauty roses. Mrs. Stan Dyson and children spent last week in Auburn with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Armstrong. MR. AND MRS. Hans Lund and children visited in Westport on Sunday with her sister and hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Allen. Sally Einarsson was Friday overnight and Satffrday guest of Gail Smith of Mountain View who celebrated her birthday by having a number of classmates for a slumber party and swimming at the Pool Nuotare. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hulbert of Grisdale were Sunday callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hulbert. Joe Einarsson and Norman Ferry were lucky fishermen on Sunday as they caught their lirnit8 at Spencer Lake. Mr. and- Mrs. L. A. Todd motored to Port Orchard on Mon- day of last week spending the day and having dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Todd. Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Hulbert were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pharris of Olympia. Mr. and Mrs, Bill Kirk of Cush- Letters to the Editor TEN-YEAR-OLD'S IDEA WORTH CONSIDERATION Route 1, box 24 Shelton, Wash. Shelton JouFnal Dear Editor: Outside of town, above the high- way by The Hut, there is and has been for two years Christmas bulbs. I wondered if you would tell the person in charge that I think it would look beter if they had a big banner there saying Century 21. Yours truly, Lynden Elmlund (Editor's Note: Lynden is a 10-year-old pupil in Mrs. Ralph HortoR's 4th grade class at Bor- deaux grade school and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs James Elmlund). man Dam were Saturday callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kidd. ON FRIDAY, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Todd had Mr. and Mrs. Morton Adarhs of Shelton as guests. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Todd were Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas and children and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Todd and son. Peggy Bloomfield was Saturday ov, ernight guest of Donna Al- brecht of Shelton. Mrs. Ralph Pauley, Fred and George were Sunday evening call- ers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvia Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sparks dropped in on Sunday at the Harry Kidd home. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield called on M,'. and Mrs. Verne Schuffenhaur. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bloomfield accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield and Darlene to Seattle on Saturday for a day of shopping, p Journal Want Ads Pay t HATLOCK HEWS By Dora ]fearing MATLOCK ...... The Matlock Comnmnity chm'ch will have spe- cial Easter servicos at 10:q0 a.m. and Sunday school with a pro- gram at 10 o'clock. Everyone is invited to attend. Matlock GranKe will have its regular meeting this Friday eve- ning, April 20 Mrs. Roscoe Crowell and son Chester spent Tuesday in Taco- ma shopping, where they called on Mrs. Crowell's misters. They left Mrs. M. E. Crowell at Turn- water to spend the day with her sister, Mrs. Sarah Lozier. Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Portman enjoyed dinner with Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman of Shel- ton Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Tover and daughter, of Simpson's salmon hatchery, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cockburn. Miss Betty Kelley was a week- :end guest of Mrs. lganl Rossmaier. Mr. and Mrs. William Duckwitz of Rochester, and Mr. and Mrs. James Fredenburg of Hoquiam were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley LOYAL. ORDER OF MOOSE Shelton Lodge No. 1684 Warren (Bud) Knutzen, Governor Phone HA 6-4780 Otto R. Hanson, Scy. Phone HA 6-8197 MEETINGS HELD EACH 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month 8 p.m. Airport called at the Sam Diggle Jr., h()me on Lakc Nahwalzal Simda.y, }llld l|'. ;ll'ld l']l'S, (.7,];lIId( hc.ict!v slid l'tl'llily o|  'Pacorli;l were vbdl- K Ihol'e also, Mr. and Mrs. tterbcrt Brch- ill(ycr .lrt'., and fanlily were Slln- ! Gay dillller g'llesLs ol iVlr. tnd Mrs. I. C. lrord. Ca.rry Lynn Kinunerly of Shel- ton ix spending this week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rickert of Hoquiam called on Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Howard Sunday. MR. I,. F. COOK is spending a few days with the I(enneLh I-Ioward family as we are sorry to report Mrs. L. F. Cook is in a Tacoma hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier were Sunday (linn,,r gllests of Mr. md :M,':. Av!huv Sharp o1: Olymt)i:l, 31r. :w°! ,%r. Ch:wles Vaughn of Olympia called (,,1 Mr. and Mrs. t_qlvin Hearinv Saturday. ,]olin Mc(ilarvie all(l Nau Taylor catlcd on Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Sh:tv,' Sm(lay. Armstrong's Inlaid Linoleum Large Selection Guaranteed Expert I Installation Olsen Furniture Co. 328 Cote St. HA 6-4702 LARGE 9 EACH rri ! / EXCELLENT VALUE 4rederal tax extra Beautiful 5-piece Tooted Silver ,Service al IIis tXoeptionally low price KAISER 4 3 BROILER 14" PKG. .ESLIE 000,o0,,,0 I0 PKG ................... A possession you'll treasure for the touch of elegance it adds to gracious living. 9-cup coffee pot, 9-cup tea pot, covered sugar bowl and crt*amer generously sized and gracefully proportioned in fine quality silverplate. Large 2¥' tray has many other separate uses, tool 00 m JW ROGERS* s,LVERPLATE i  ] THE INTERNATIONAL SILVER COMPANY ":" compacts .:. Pins .:. bracelets charm bracelets -:. earrings .:. cigarette cases .:. etc, [ r Easter Spring & Summer ...... Costume Jewelry from 00 WHY PAY $ 1847 ROGERS BROS. STAINLESS Stainless steel that's rich and ornate,... crafted to the superior standards that have made 1847 Rogers B0s. the finest name in tableware for gen- erations. o  50-pc. Service far 8 *49" $175.00 International Silver Compan FREE General Admission Ticket to Seallle World's ' FAIR with Sl0 Purchase MORE? 20 - 21. Limit Ri hts Reserved' I/