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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 19, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 19, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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TV SETS FOR RENT Don&apos;t Mms the Fun and Entertainment of Television TAYLOR RADIO ELECTRIC 4th & Cota HA 6-6602 SPRINKLER IRRIGATION more of the F mture00 0000that "'fARM,FACTS" Pllnnin@ F1 Write or Call Today Western Farmers Association 407 S. First or Sound Farm Equipment Oly. FL 2-4230 -- Llttlerock Name .............................................. Address .......................................... Town .............................................. Hits Or Walks Makes No Difference, Those Blazers Win Any Way \\;hen rival piichers get the Like Old Man River! hall .,ve,' the t,.e ihe Bl.e,'s TRAOKMEN KEEP ROLLING By Denny Hinto, Nobody, it seems, is too anxious to spoil Shelton high's impres- sive cinder win skien, for ttle Highelimbers just keep roiling along'. Seamount squads Bethel and White River' were the Climber's rarest victims last Thursday on Loop Field in a three-team affail'. to Paul Brown, 440; John Sells, she(put: Jim LaMent. pole vault; Ran Orr, high jump; Gary Combs, clisctls: :lad the Shelton mile re- lay leanl. 120 HIGH HURDLES -- 16.2 - l'eterson S, Hudson B, Parson B, Rawding S. 100 YD. DASH ..... 10.4 - Brod- igan B. Silnonson B, Simous S. ']'he Climbers &massed 97 points Cuzick S. to 52Y, for, the Braves and four 880 YD. RUN --- 2.07.7 - Brie- fer the Hornets, It was the 23rd kert S, Harr B, Robinson S, Shlc- straight triumph for Shelton in king B. dual and triangular engagments. 440 YD. DASH .... 55.3 - Brown Shelton escaped from Seamount S, Simonson B, Olson S, Burn League play this week hosting WR. Central Kitsap yesterday on the Loop Field oval. SHOT PUT -- 49-I. - Sells S, IIIGIICLIMBER thinelads not- Combs S, Waters S, Lamka B. ched 10 blue ribbons in 14 events POLE VAULT--- 11 even - La nd in the process smashed the Merit S, Westhmd S and Durkin school 180 low hurdles record. Joe S tied, Scrafford S and Dutton Waters rambled over the sticks B tied. in 21.5 seconds to fracture taut- 180 LOW HURDLES -- 21.5 - ie Seiners' mark by one-tenth sec- Waters S, Simons S, Rawding S and. Unnoticed in the shuffle, Parson B. new school record). however, was Gary Simons, who HIGH JUMP 5-4-R. Orr S; was only two-tenths of a second Rawding S, Dukes B, Johnson S, off the pace to earned second. Hanson S, Bonwell B, J. Orr S Climber Corky Peterson and Be- tied. thel's/Jerry Brodigan eacll had 220 YD. DASH -- 24.0 - Brodi- a pair of victories for their ef- gan B, Wickline B, Cuzick S, Oles forts. Peterson took the 120 high hurdles in 16.2 and stretched 19-10 in the broad Jump, wtere all four placers went over 19 feet. Brod- igan sped to a 10.4 100 yard dash win and a 24 flat 220 victory. STELLAR HALF-MILER Brian Brickert toured the oval twice WR. MILE RUN -- 4:43.4 - Ramsey B, Gardner S, Ossrude WR, Ban- el B. MILE RELAY 3:57.9 - Shel- ton, Bethel. BROAD JUMP -- 19-10 - Pet- in a rapid 2:07.7 to take that erson S, Hudson B, Wickline B, event. Bethel's Joe Ramsey upset Johnson S. Bruce Gardner in the mile, run- 880 RELAY -- 1:38.3 - Bethel, ning it ill an extremely fast 4:43.4. Shelton. Gardner was close behind at 4:43.9 DISCUS -- 132-8 - Combs S, ---his best time. Scrafford S, Kazinsky S, Lamka Other Shelton first places went B. Spring Is Time For Station Wagons NUTT, BESOH POST MAJOR LEAGUE 60Os MAJOR LEAGUE W L Dan's Nite Hawks ...... 28 14 Timber Bowl .................. 22 20 Olson's B & B Shop .. 21 21 Northwest Evergreen .. 19V., 22& Jim Pauley Inc ............. 181 23.. Home Gas Co ............... 17 25 High games--Bill Beseh 248, Lloyd Clark 245, Chub Nutt 223. High series---Chub Nutt 601, Bill Besch 600. Chub Nutt and Bill Besch squeezed into the 600 circle while Dale Yost and Lloyd Clark rapped on the dam" hut couldn't open it in Major league bowling action Friday at tile Timber Bowl. Chub made 200-178-223 games good for a 601 as his league-lead- ing Dan's Nite Hawks took the odd game from Olson's B'u'ber and Beauty Slrop, for which Lloyd l]it a hot 245 middle game but couldn't support it on either side. Bill turned lis 248 middle game into 600 on the nose with 155 and ].97 surroundings mid led Timber Bowl to a 2-1 verdici, over Jim Pauley Inc. (Phil Bayley and Don IIoward each 541). Ray Rice's 564 was the closest anyone got to tile mark at his Northwest Evergreen' club odd- gamed Home Gas (Bud l{nutzen 5541 in the night's third match. '53 OHEVROLET $1atio.Wagon 4 door, 6 cylinder, standard shift, radio, heater '53 PLYMOUTH Suburban 2 door, real nice shape '54 FORD Ranch Wagon 2 door V8, automatic, R & H '55 FORD Ranch Wagon 2 door V8, with overdrive '57 PLYMOUTH Suburban ANGLE AGENCY WINS 2 door, V8, overhauledstick shift, HOUSEWIVES CROWN completely Th  s amp which reduced Ed ward's Salor] from first half cham- '61 FALOON Deluxe Wagon plan to second half tallender con- tinued to hold through the play- Automatic transmission, off witb the second half champ- ion Angle Agency quartet in the loaded with extras Housewives bowling league last week. Tile Anle foursome won all ALL ARE GW WARRANTY USED CARS hree games:; and scored a 4-0 tri- SPECIAL BOAT BARGAIN 13-foot double cockpit speed boat, 25 h.p. outboard motor ............. $395.00 Terms, of course ump in the piayoff behind the 539 series notched by Evadeen Lord. The post-season lague banquet was held at Ritner's Clmck Wag- n Friday night with season tro- phies awarded at the evening's teature. Besides the team title |")]'.it3s, Betty Johnsoll and Rosa Gish were awarded duplicate trophies for' most improved bowlers in the league during the season--both raising their averages by 19 pins --and to Katie Niles fro: ost in- spirational bowler. She also had the year's highest single game at 2]:4, while till(an Updyke had the high series at 518. Trophies were awarded for both achieve- ments. JIM PAULLEY, INC, Dealership: 5th & Railroad Used Cars: Sth = cota HA 6-8231 - I e; INSPECTIONS vf/ TUNE-UPS HA 6-4602 SAEGER'S MOTOR SHOP ON HILLCREST blast 'on) ilHo defeat and vv|ren Ice flJngers don't "t 1 it over the dish the ]hlzers wtllk 'era $dlrrell(]el', Ct):tch ,IelTy KThltSOn's SbPll.or] junior high diamond wnrriors used both n]clhods Io run their 19G2 vtetory .'drink to th)'ee str;|ighl (turing the past. week. They hanged 11 hiLs. inch|ding a grltnd-slalll hoOleF lJy Bib .,Ta- der ScoiI Swisller t:(lld a ;]-Fll|r circuit clout by Tim Rose. in ]laug- ing  13-2 shellacldng ca Jeffer- son o:f Olympia last Tlmrsday in Olympia TIIEY [L'4EI)!1 walks, includ- ing five in the third inning, along with three hits (one of which was Don Clary's hard-pelted homer in the fifth, dtring a 7-4 trimnph over Marcus Whitma of Port Or- chard Monday on Loop Field. In each game Rose. Jim Ben- (lett and Swisher shared pitcll- ing responsibilHies, in ilia( order--- Rose going the first four, Beanett the next two, and Swisher tim final one. Rose got the victory credit in both cases, so has all three trimnphs this year behind t)is name. He bea.l. Washington of Olympia, 1-0, in tile season ()pen- {}1" tWO weeks ago. Big" inmngs stowed away the verdicts in each case in the last pair. A seven-run' second did it against Jefferson both Swisher end Rose getting their homers to account for all seven tallies. Swisher had 3-for-3. as did Brian Snyder, 9th grade third baseman. one of which was a double which drove in two runs. Swisher drove in five, Rose foul' runs. Rose and catcher Don Clary botll had hits. AGAINST WHITMAN, tile Blazers turned five walks aud Jim Anderson's single into six runs in the third. Snyder and Clary got the only other ifits later in the game. Whitnmn seared three of its runs off Rose 1hut none were earn- ed, not" was the final off Swishe in the seventh. The Blazers con- tributed eight error's, five figur- ing in all the Whitman runs. Tle short scores: :1{ !! F, Shelton ] 7 4 0 0 0 1--I3 II 3 Jefferson 0 0 0 2 0 O O-- 2 3 2 Battt,riestlose Bonnotl (5), Swish- or (7) Iilld Clai'y, l{cdlllail; Botts. JohlIsOll (7) aIltl Villi ,JI!sIIt,l'. li II I': Whitmnn O 1 2 0 0 0 I ..... I 6 o Shelton 0 0 6 0 1 0 x-- 7 3 8 Batteries--t'eed, Reese t3) and Tinu- lillg, l'h'rbold (7): R.m:,. ]](qllIOtt [5). Swisher 17) and Chlry. FRATERNAL LEAGUE Pts. Shelton Har(hvare .. 19 ,., .............. 0"lz' Bull Moose . .......................... 171 Rotary Club .......................... 162 , Fuile|' Constrlction ............ 152 Kiwanis Chlb . ..................... 149! Moose Antlers .................. !38 !;, Eagles Aerie .......................... 79  High game--.Miil Olcano 220. High eries---Lloyd Clark 582. ...¢.i19, 1962 Published in e'c71ri.t,ma.tOwn,  " U.S.A., helton, .Washin Thursday, ): GOLF CLUB CALENDAR ,[aslTopsClimhers ,t cial: in Slab.Duel, 2-I; ' > O,vesOn,,, Womb. ( Bob I{iobm'tz ........ (l(17 7/10 llar)'y ('(rio ....... 615 lt/16 Hllcl.z 1))'i<'( , .571 10/14 Jack Kimhcl ...... 500 S/10 Max Sehmidl . .:q 2/ti Jinl M.cComb ........... 375 ,t/14 .]erl'y Thonrpson ........ 3-t6 3/1.1 ,Iiln Flelcher"s re;tin heht its .lop i'llng position in 11](, lllen's ]gth Hole Chd) '_>'()ll" hmg'ue last .'(ltl( [llt}lOtlit|l il had f;tl' fronl l]le weelCs best )'eco)'d. l/'()lll ' ol]lel' lettltlS tlHd ]lighcr ])ol'(,,enlagis for, |he weekly con]- pctition but tlmt :)el.feet start the }"letchevs g;ol :t \\;{,eel€ ear'lier was |he btlffer whi('b kepl rhenl ill the van. Ja('k Nimbel's tenm. scoring iKhl of l0 points for an .800 lllart, had the besl record of the week and moved from last place in (he standings to fifth and an even .500 for' the schedule so far. The Bob Kitbm'tz. Harry Cole and Buck Price aggregations all went into the black for tile week ud for the SC]ledule to date. Here's .(:he rec.ord: Frank Travis Jr. 2, Ivan Myers 2, Bud Knutzen 0, Bill Gott 2. COLE .615, ]1 of 16 poinls .... Harry Cole 1, Sonny Lowe 2, Lloyd Van Blaricom 2, Oliver Ashford 2, Bud Pauley 1, Fz*anlc Heuston 0, Don Johnson 2, Jim Morriessey 1. PRICE .571, 10 of 14 points-- Tony Nelsou 1, Les LaBissoniere 2, Purl Jemison 2, Jack Gray 0, Polly Parrett 2, Arn Cheney Sr. 2, Art Beunett 1. IIMBEL .500, 8 of 10 points +- Jack Kimbel 2, Bean Daniels 2, Fred Stuller 2, Jim Pauley 0, Winston Scott 2. SCHMIDT .389, 2 of 6 points .... Max Schmidt 0, Alvin Hulbert 2, Ed Faubert 0. McCOMB .375, 4 of 14 points-- Jinl McComb 0, Ray Walker' 1, Rocky Hembroff 0, Laurie Carlson 2, Walt Snelgrove 0, A. C. Link- letter 0, C. C. Cole 1. THOMPSON .346, 3 of 14 points ..... Jerry Thompson 0, Heinie Hil- derlnan 0, L. L. McInelly 0, An- dy Tuson 1, Chris Curtis 1, Steve Hale 1, Bill Looney 0. BLAZER 'TRACK TEAM CAPTURES 19th CONSECUTIVE DECISION Strength i the A ((iv(shin rock- ted the Blazers to their 19th consecutive dual-triangular track .victory under Coach Bill Brick- er't's coaching on Loop Field last Wednesday. In ott-distoncing Jefferson of Olympia and Hood Canal by 165 5/6 to 126 1/6 to 8, the Blazers piled up most of Lheir margin in ltle A events and lost the C divi- sion to Jefferson by five points wlen the Jaguars \\;van the relay 1:o erack a tie. Here's the way the scoring went by divisions: A It C Ttl. Shelton 73 I/6 49 2/3 ,13 165 5/6 Jeffl, ruon ,t0 5/(; 37 1/3 48 126 1/6 lh)od ('anal 0 I; 2 8 The Blazers set four new school records and tied a fifth during the cay and turned in at least four good marks in other' non-record performances. The record-setters were Tommy Lowe with a 5.8 running of the Class A 50-yard dash, Jerry West- land with a 10-Ft. 5-inch Class L pole wmlt, Larry Dittman with :l 20.1 running of the B 180-yard dash. and Duane Fagergren with a 37-ft. 7-inci Class C shot put. Terry LaBissoniere, a recent baseball-convertee, tied Hie ]80- yard Class A mark at 20.1, the same time Dittnmn ran in the B competition. Fred Lament had two Kood ef- forts in I.hc A (tiv'isioIL his 52-3!{, Ehot pll[. illld his 11.1 cerlLllry, Bob Johnr(al's 1:31.1 LIDle in the 660 • rod the Class A 440-yard relay team's 4S.9 mark can be cent* sidered exceptional too. CLASS A " * 120 Low Hurdles ....... Perry Rose S. Pluard J.. Steve Arel)er S, • Morgan, Eacreli's Amazing Hew _ ALUMINUM COMBINATION , weather- DOOR Changes from Storm Door to Screen Doer... ONLY '29ss FULL I" THICK • SAVE SPACE--All inserts stay on door all • VENTILATE TOP OR BOTTOM • HEAVY ALUMINUM EACRETT LUMBER 1 Phone HA 6-4522 I ORGAN, HILLCREST White J. 14.9 Shot Put --- Fred Lamont S, Mowell .J, Hilden J, Roy Ritner S. 52-3 A. 100-yard Dash -- Lament S, and Pearson J tie, Ed Rogers S, Brandt J. 11.1 50-Yard Dash -- Tom Lowe S, Brandt J, Pearson J, Steusser J. 5.8 (new school record). Pole Vault --- Archer S and Cliutworth J tie, lfaold Many, an S. (no 4th). 9-8. 660-yard Run .-- Bob Johnson S, Treat J, Bailey J, John Hem- broff S. 1:31.1. • 180-yard Dash -- Terry Lais- soniere S, Jhn Rodgers S, Mor- gan J, Colson J. 20.1 (tied school record). Discus -- Mowell J, Ritner S, Lament S, Gene Toney S. 108-0. 440-yard Relay • -- Shelton (Lowe, Rogers, Rodgers0 LaBia- son(ere). 48,9 Broad Jump --- Rogers S, Lowe S, Rose S, Pearson J. 18-3 High Jump --- Gregg Sotfliere S, Archer S, and Colson J tie, La- Bissoniere and Rich Wyatt S, and Phmrd J 3-way tie. 5-2. CLASS B 100-yard Low Hurdles -- Neale J, Jim l). Anderson S, Mike Brie- kerr S, Alvord J. 13.0 100-yard Dash --- Mike Buzzard S, McWain J, Moore J, Jim Biehl S. 11.4 50-yard Dash -- McWain J, Bob Sergeant S. Neale J, Minor 3". 6.3 Pole Vault  Jerry Westlmld S, Anderson S, Jeff Hawkins S and Kith Loving S tie. 10-5 (new school record). 1.80 yard Dash -- Larry Dirt- man S, Cecil Purvis S, Ragan HC, Slerling LaMarsh S. 20.1 (new school record). Broad Jump -- Dittvmm S, Ran- dall J, BHckert S, Minor J. 17-2. Shot Put --- Randall J, Hazel- rigg J, Beatty J, Ron LeBresh S. 44-%. High Jump -- Beteran J, and Ragan HC tie, Purvis S, Briekert and Van Phillips S and Handspi- ker J 3-way tie. 5-1. 440,Relay ..... Shelton (Buzzard, with the result ttlat batting av- erages nose-dived and the High- climbers slipped below the .500 lnnrk for their baseball schedule np to that point. Behind lefty Tom Tarbox the East Bremerton Black Knights won a 2-1 decision which sqvared accounts for' a 1-0 defeat the Clim- bers and Bill Sh)an had hung on them :l week before. SLOAN IVAS the loser this time, but he did have tile satis- faetion of keeping his pitching ri- val from tossing a no-hitter. His .¢olid single tllrough the middle in the fourth tin'ned into Shelton's run when Knight third-sacker Bob Doxey threw Wayne Carlson's sacrifice bunt high, wide and tlandsonle into rigtltfield and Sloan romped all the way home from first. That knotted the count at 1-1 after a Knight run had broken tim ice in the third, also accomltable by an error. Larry Beach had opened with a single to right-cen- ter and was on second after an infield out when Gary Peterson booted Bill Walker's single to left, allowing Beach to score. EAST PLATED the victory run in the sixth when Buzz Johnson singled, was forced by Tarbox, who then tallied behind Mike He- len's double to left. RItE East 0 0 I 0 0 1 0--2 7 2 Shelton 0 0 0 1 0 0 0--1 1 1 Batteries--Tarbox and McFall, Wray (6); Sloan and Wingard. I |11 I III QUART Make FREE BERG HOME Sui)lflies & Crocks, Testers, Hose, PLUS ALL Beer Settler, Sugar and Cobourger Dark Availall SafewaY00 OAN BE RCy has been cho Year in a row. M job next year with arey has been chosen Kt. View PTA for the a.row. This seems  Idea, as one year  eaches a person oe done. Just as th(y rning how to hann r term is up and a - o,, takes over. _°een active in PTA "Ups for years, but iW°rker. This year a )n an executive ^s ls. vice president -zore her first term )hins is the other her time to. for the done in the Guild BUT FLY " SAF|L IN OPEN BOYS  It's so easy to have fly your kites in the right p ace. ". gerous if you let them get caug Id PLAY SAFE -- REMEMBER -k KEEP KITES and Mrs. Defe- ating guests. Will be held of Mrs. Gene .'s Will be :Mrs. Mrs. Don Iden. Church Easter S The message of the ressurec- by the Ka- School on Sunday eve- presented by church. All nd. The morn- is 9:45 and 7:30 p.m. Solwald home in the win- at Agua ty, Arizona. that tho Purvis, Sergeant, Dittman). 50.3 FROM ELECTRI-C  Rbtnd "autlful' at" thin' CLASS C lO0-yard Low Hurdles- '' • s\\;leb'tree.,whois.nth..!;t:rTo sdea}I1"q Schneffer J, Collin Or,' S, Vaughn Ill * USE DRY COTTON i ,' I.,=l.s s. Er,00 00eiso. s. 14.5 1 -- i lO0-yard Dash - Wilson J, . ............. !:t 00l00eth he will Keentuz S, Clauson J, BIll Soren-  l'l[SVlll[g U][J _IIEIL  :illl be -, co Greenland son J, George Heuston S, Giles i HC. 6.7 • Pole Vault  J(.rl'y Brown S,  -- -. - " Danlols and Whlteaker S tie, Giles tlr, 11 ' HC. 7-0. I, ,,,  ,. 75-yard Dash -- Gorrell J.Glenn Vaiz Blarleom S, Nelsan S, Ron Godwin S. 9.7 Shot Rut -- Duane Fagergren S, Wagner J, Benfield J, Jolm Miller S. 37-7 (new school record) High Jump -- Brown J, Sehaef- fer J, Joe Earl and Orr S tie. 4-8. Broad Jump -- Wilson J, Nel- sort S, Barry Northness S, Phil- lips S. 15-0. Relay .... Jefferson, 59.3 -----..-_.._..__ MASON P.U D. NO. JACK COLE, president; TOM WEBB, El:) TAYLOR, commissioner; CLAUDE DANIE L01 • LIVE BETTER BOWL DOWN CA ENTER EXClTIN PRIZE-PACKED "BEATTHE All entry fees go d The American Cancer 'IOUO0 PRIZE TREASURE including a $10,000 Perfect Game Cash oysters Shelton ! visited I Y in Me- bury and Sllrlday Colorad() e of Mere- Week is Alaska. worl first visit i: eastern a few famil visited Whit- semester teaching and Of Tacoma Ic of school of Mr. LS lnlder- 3n hospi- and able to ilonle on l]lons i.ook to a Youth grollps. tVe lnaki)rg Dn the new COME IN GET FULL DETAILS AND ENTRY THE TIMBER BOWL First and Mill Streets Phone Hall 100 per- tribes with