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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 19, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 19, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i:007:+02 ,, lhmhers 00ocial Events 1, 2. I ; 0ne Hil B r hehl tim stage Friday a ftern&lt;Jon that batting av- ,d and tilt+ High- QUART : t helow tlle .500 baseball schednle t. q'om Tarbox the l Black Knights oil which squared 0 defeat the Clim- nan lind Jlung ou fore. the loser this :1 have the saris- Make tg his pitching ri- ,a no-hitter. His FREE wh the middle in od into Shelton's . third-sacker Bob Wayne Carlson's h+, + BERG rightfiehl an(l ll the way home tile counl at l-1 HUM m had broken the Supplies & also accountable arry Beach had Crocks, agle to right-cen- Testers, second after an Hose, FR 1 Gary Peterson PLUS ALL er's single to left, Beer Settler, o score. Sugar arid D the victory run Cobourger +n Buzz Johnson Dark :'ced by Tarbox, behind Mike Ho- ft. Availabl  i,. Safeway 0 1 0--2 7 2 0 0 0--1 1 1 3OH and McFall, and Wingard• • Marl Waters • Phone HA 6-4412 Woman O/The Week ,RCy has been chosen president of Mr. View PTA Year in a row. Marilyn feels she will be equipped job next year with a year of experience behind her. * :t; :+: * :1: * been chosen PTA for the row. This seems idea, as one year a person Just as they how to handle up and an- es over. active in PTA for years, but .W°rker. This year In an executive 1st. vice president her first tern] is the other es her time to. for the done in the swim program with the retarded children at Rogers school• She feels, as all the other members do ,a deep sense of accomplishment after spending a morning with the children in the swimming pool. Marilyn and her husband, Eldon, as well as their boys, Sidney, 15, and David, 8, are Rockhound' Sid got the family interested in collecting and learning about rocks. Now they are all fans and have joined the Shelton Rock and Mineral Society. NEuch of their KIT CAN BE Guild vacation was spent last year looko ing for material to add to their collection. They have plans for a corner of their garage as & shop for tools they hope to ac- cumulate in the future. Another family hobby of the Farcys is camping, which works rigilt in with their rock collecting. SH'ELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.KA.," Shelton, Wash!ngton d.,, , ,, , . .... ., , New Officers Of VFW Post 1694 To Take Command Larry Godwin, Commander of VFX¥ District No. 5. installed the officers of the Ira S. Cater Post No. 318 of Olympia on April 13. He was assisted by his aide, Darrell Sparks. Others who attended from the Shelton Post were Commander Merve Smitii, Leroy Towle, Ernest Malloy, Bill Gephart and John Jansson. The newly installed ofticers ol Post No. 1694 will take over com- mand at the next regular meeting this Friday evening. Since there i,: a great deal of new business to come before the Post it is urged that all memhers attend. Rainbow-DeMolay Swim, Dance Tonighl Dean Dewell held his first authorized meeting as Master Counselor of Shelton's lVlark E. Reed Chapter of DeMolay last Monday. The members of DeMolay wish to thank the public and the instal- ling team from Seattle for making their installation ceremony a suc- cess. The Rainbow Girls have invited the DeMolay boys to attend a swimming and dancing party from 9 p.m. to 12 midnight tonight at the Pool Nuotare. FOE Auxiliary To Have Card Party High scorers at the Eagles Aux. illary card party last Saturday night were Art Hazelquist and Bertha Johnson. Second high went In Herman Lorenzen and Clara Erickson. Mrs. Erickson and Ber- tha Johnson had identical scm'es so had to draw for high score. Inez Shorter and Paul Dittman won the traveling pinochle. The next card party will be held this Saturday evening at the Eagles Airport hall. The public is invited to attend. EIGHT AND FORTY ENTERTAINS STATE OFFICERS AT DINNER I Mrs. Spencer Feted At Stork Shower A Stork Shower honoring Mrs. Lawrence R. Spencer' was held at the home of Mrs. Dodie BarretL last Thursday. Games were played before the opening of gifts. A cake decorat- ed with a pink and white ba!?y shoe wa, served with punch and coffee by the hostess and Mrs. Val Sienko, mother of the guest of honor. SHEL'JPON MUSIC CLUB TO MEET TUESDAY Dirt Dobbers To Take Part In C-21 'Phe Dirt Dobber Garden Club will meet at 10 a.m. next Tues- day for a pothtek hmchcort at the imme of Mrs. Russel Schroeder on the Cole Road. A flower arrangement class will 'l)e held to prepare for the Century 21 exhibit lhe group has been in- vited to take part in May 12-13. Hospital Auxiliary RECENT VISITORS TO Mrs. Frank Nichols, Le Chapeau Departmental, Vancouver, Wasll., and Mrs. Alfred Soehl Le Secre- tairie-Caissiere Departmental, of La Center, Wash. were guests of Mason County Salon No. 508 Eight end Forty at a 7 p.m. dinner April 10 at the Colonial House. Other guests from Departmental were Mrs. Elmer Roberts of Tacoma, Le Demt Chapeau Premiere and Mrs. Clee Perry Le Demi Chapeau Deuxieme, Thurston county. Mrs. Frank Nichols of Wash. (left) and Mrs• Alfred Soehl of La Center (above). Forty for tubercular children em- phasizing the importance of pre- vention and care as well as early detection. The Eight and Forty i s especially interested in the re- cently established Prevention in Clark county. Tile business meet- ing was conducted by Le Petit Chapeau Addle Nm;ris. Garments for the children pa- tients at Firlands and National Jewish Hospital in Denver were presented by Child Welfare chair- Guests from Pierce and Thurs-'man Partner Shirley Clinton. A ton county salons also attended, large number of Easter favors for Mrs. Nichols, as guest speaker, the children at Firlands were also stressed the work of Eight and t:resented. Page 17 Try A Journal Want Ad NEW BLUE OX THURS.-FRI.-SAT.- ONLY OPEN 6:45 -- ONE SHOWING J The Shelton Music Club will Coffee Hour Slated meet at 8 t).m. next Tuesday at The Shelton General H(spital) the Methodist church. Auxiliary will hold a coffee hour The Amaranth Choir under the from 10:30 a.m. til 12 noon next. direction of Mrs. Loui Larson will Wednesday at the home of Mrs. present the program. Oscar Levine. She lives last pant. ................................... Rau's on Hood Canal. I)AVII) SHELTON GUILD ] Charge of adtrvission will be RUMMAGE SALE SLATED + , gift for the hospital gift case. The David Shelton Orthopedic Anyone needing transportation Guild •will hold a rummage sale can call HA 6-4406 or HA 6-3653. from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the PUD It has been suggested beaell shoes building April 27-28• he worn. ,OU S.OUm +NOW .... €liNT .... WlLLOUR WIVES SOMETIMES OPPOSE LIFE INSURANCE. WIDOWS NEVER DO• Ph. HA 6-8139 L/fQ/rloutn,l=• fo-ll2 N I I I I I Jayettes To Sell Easter Baskets .=..+..<.. +..-;+7 ":+> "# KILL  They have met many new and in- teresting people while pro'suing The Shclton Jayettes, will sell i Auxiliary their favorite ...... pastime. PenneysEaster basketSstore from;)Utsidel0 a.m.°f thCto _. Prices Effective April 19 - 20 - 21 .eting at the o 4 p.m. this Saturday. Price will DI4)  BONI'uLESS acstadt, co- Judl Manke Heads be ,++ eacb - , irn Leeds. The Jayettes met last Thursday FLY 'EM HIGH of Edward's Donnie J. Guild at the home of Bey Dallam. Elec- guest, styling tion of officers was held with thd 4 .ir in two very The Donnie J. Orthopedic Guild following results: President, Phyl- held its April meeting at the home lis Getty; 1st vice pres., L'ou BUT and Mrs' D°ro- of Judi Manke witi, Julie Town- Hartley;" state director, Adele  ::71eMToo7Oa:![7:B Ill *tinguests. send and Mary Ann Beach as co-Fletch+r; secretary, Bey Kokett: HAM ag will be held hostesses, treasurer, Pat V'iaminas; board I " ae of Mrs• Gene A short business meetring was members, Pauline Feuling and 7 +s Wll be Mrs. held with an election of new offi- Darlene Kmttsen. FLY " +. Don Iclen. cers for the con+ling year. The -"--- newly elected president is Joan  = Church Manke; vice president, Arlene 0 Ib d SAF E as Bac; secretary, Priscilla Fuller; 39 ter treasu-er, Julie Tovmsend. Hamm nd Organ Following the business meeting, .meD, lers of the Sheltoa Guild were .Sales FRYERS :;;+:.::::+::2:!+: . rvlces p,.esont to enjoy an interesting € : , ........ .................................... L , • The message of demonstration on the art of floral • Service . .e. the ressurec- arranging given by Mrs.' Mary • Instruction '=t:hrv'esented by the K Smith. iimimHw AlilIJll¢l 0. S. CHOICE VERIFINE II ,,.A__ :: Refreshments___ .....+.,were served Mrs. L0w" tar=I0n I;HUI;K IilLAK$ oo++ ............................................ -+ bb 111 urcn .nu, ,+ ++It['" wl]i n Sunday eve- LTgro,, pe presented by leUIMAGN SALE HA 6 376 ' " : ° - " _- --,--J, + +'-- - Hundreds o|' V|IIlIIPI' jtteldilt+etl t+' ot the church. All The Relief Society of the LDS Rt "  ^+- NoneLancasterFmer---4KingSto 6--1b OVenavg ReadYLB 1+,,    Ilve Yo|! .... Won et 'I church will hold a i%lmmage and .6. ,o.x +zo ROASTING CHICKENS . .- •---- " " Plant sale this Friday aL the O;:ur kli:Ss :: ;h:Yr:h:::: 7' :7ii2a?:l PUD building, r ' PLAYger°us if you let them get catlgtlt'"iP+hli'ri(l "VCalterSAFE -- REMEMBER i+h'l['*;+llftertheir s-perLdingtheir theh°meS°lwlldwin-in BUSINESS DIRECTORY TURKEYS ,+ ...vo ........................................................................... 49 i+, - ranch ++ A +, dtllllllPtm UlIIIit} RAT,-, ,-,,CKORY S,.OKED $€169  " °kv uta (:2o gu -'--ll 1¢l te unty, Arizona. "h" KEEP KITES Akl//.,d'%ersa,;eePboits that tho KU nHIll@ ............................. , ...................... 3.,.- EA. I--  • ,, _ • . -.'-- at,+l at FA+. FROZEN ----€ \\;\ :': Sliced Pineapple FROM ELECTRIC "a ' ' " this TV Service I Floor Covermgs • USE DRY COTTO lil i,mneth7 + ,Radio-+ [ I : lle °leum OLE FILLET ............... ,+oz +.o+ s/ I • Phonographs | I r " Carpeting r& \\;ll; !et Plane here he will I • CB 2-way radio I I • rormma fi;L.:rri Festive 1 I" _rlJVJJ UJ MJl]I_T D Iltil'viillia thbe s'ationed° Greenlandtm   LEROY'S TV SERVICE l '| REX FLOOR COVERING .   14-oz. tins  (/4 BMeed Boneless, OR WIRE ON K| l.t+, R e son of +Vh an3 I Mr. Vlew HA ,.+,,+ t t". vi.w . 6.=9, ucean apray Exce,lent W,th .a,.. .-.....HIIB HAM! |E,l iJ.. °Undtree " , . _ • ..... p....i.,,....o,,,, 9/9;i +'--1 0 t all David and • NEVER CLIMB ]Pllt aut ;ht their linit TO GET YOUR.KI "LV|Jt + , t Pa,mandl+ ire Service , Radiator Repalr _ o+.v'.[ .  ..+/ s.G at .so _a,o.wiom ,+ ,,',i,,ute I I I •Boiltng out ...l".k_.'.';}/l'l'J/2]].;o' .//k. , I..._,,  .per pouna, one half hour before l-a--+m¢ t" or ,, I • New - Goodrich I I • Soldering /|};)j,UU - - • v f,j.,, NABISCO 16-0Z. "nj tt, bX,,'O Iam is none, remove foil. Score tim -,, im, ^roved ..- --ysters I • Recapping I I • New core+ • .*-_:+, "V(+- DIT7 DA¥ J)¢  ['N" surface m'isscross to make dia- l • Ueed I J BO.ON'$ PLUMBING o;,u.21ml' ,  i.nL ,un , O /+\\;- " )\\;'11'%'... rnonas, vecorate a,n with Doe I OK RUBBER WELDERS I I HEATING, SHEET METAL rt''']*(%'" TAYLOR'S._. --.. 18-0Z. TINS lnB¢ o  v ) ' Piense=Pineapple. Basteandwthma'asch'n°the  cher- I TM H'6"4',I I 6235'IIIt HA6-3483.  SWEETPOTATOESZ, ' ,uic;: • p'ncapple Electrical j Florist ' /d':' --'" Duncan Hines 19-oz. asst.-- l& /dlA¢ tv//*IL I / , o, Electrio Heating , [ I • .la.t,,  LAYER GAKE,, MlX.1i/li00i Ill n ITTr rl .. o,.,oo00o Uc ill  NTS OR CUBES '. SOFLIN 80-CT ASST.  /1411€ . i ii mi   1 i -- I " Westinghouse Appliancel | i for all occasions . " IN 1L LB. C TN.  H I ° Fairbankli-MorsePumpll I ] • F'Iowers  PAPER NAPK S Z/ZJ : lOg i__ . , +i :a " k "s I SHELTON ELECTRIC GO. | t EVERGREEN FLORISTS "VffIV,4.t_ SERVE-U SAVES-U DOLLARS ,..t. • -- i i  i I K J I. +Ill ge, Alaska. 1419 RaiLroad HA 6-62113 4th&Birch S to S H A 6 . 8479    . " L  I #q O .llElr" Irr .00Nc. irll x:. - r ,,i, first visi, e,c00, . n Uur00re00 I lllll i oOZ+N II g a +e  etic+ L I I Installation --'E2 on family ,.Prescriptions - I | JIM'PAUL =v llul- "ill=ii'll'\\;+''++$'JLl'+'7il)'++i''++++:+++'t"" " r + me Wlaitener ITER EXCITINO i![ laine visited I ° Hypo-Allergle cosmeuc, I I .., ..... il ll-iilillill,Zli'- "'+.'ffS/"'.,/P, , .+.. + ,..,,,..,,c,, , i+th'"a..road .A6-8+31 mllnmium 111 I i // SAKE"YDEPARTEN+!V+. 7  /+I Wesley@hitool - [ Govey Bldg. HA 6-3327 I I ill llilll [il l[-I nm C& H "1 *] C ilMiilliiliShur'Fresh I/'+ & I/z, 12 Pack i+, RI--E-PA"'ED++"+', IiilP lillllLliUf I[ ©A Brown&Serve3/+l RIZE-PACKED ' te,,t ?,,oste,' a eaei,ing ' -------., Cabinet Work lame. ,r THE CHg00, -, , __u____ ______._... __.. < Pl-llr elinliltO! , James and Used Furniture I I ocKltchen King Kabinets /gill Imp'ga. mma -- : . .,.,,, _,,$, n of Tacoma I I store Cabinets :llalvlr+< ,+,,+ of' school I " ApplianceSi#urniture "I I .  _.  II i lla la J II llm m.a In • II p SHUR-FRES" Jl Ill.-- l;,k,, ur0wnli3erVeshu,..Fres,,, 9 ,a+k ;11/ I +.{ • I , , • Counter To s rae p.: " 32 OZ I= € ,__ , - ,, . .klt!t" +'hter of Mr. I ,Beds & Mattresses i I stlmates II V I I lu iu n n I I R' U  Hol Cross Buns 39 try fees go d i rectlYil ' ' IstKELLY'S& Mill FURNITuREHA 6 24.1, ' |MT.1916 oIyVIEWHwCABINET SHOP [ " j I • Y. No. HA6.2042 llllilIV 11111'II 'Ill= 00IPI ItASgRt elI1 " BkeShol,i Funer - PEAS FIRST OF THE SEASON t 0€ ' m • Sales and Repair NEW CROP ............. ......................... LB. JLi Prices Effective April 19 -20 - 21 • Locksmith __ Keys Made POTATOES OPEN SUNDAYS • • Hobbies als tlndor- iclton hospi- .*tt + L Week and was able to )l, home on ,_+k Ii Pie Lo a Youth ;,,nday ovo. FU--E. ,,.os. MAN NEW o.,o REOS 5/39 ¢ iJ'tgroups. Phone HA 6-8095 / SLEYsTER,S BIKE SHOP KAN,,nI,'n I Roy ClinLol 223 Cota St. • • re tnaking on the new J I11111¢O WASH NGTON GROWN l /I10 .Ill''. HOTHOUSE ........................ +" "'"° Her+il/es t ' eollstrtlcting Welling.. They On I." themselve Fireplace Equip.------ Draperies -- VAU CAL=FORNA *)/,'0¢ 4y desirable, Screens, Glass Doors " custom made llilllqll FOR THAT EASTER DINNER .... LB. ''/-- SlERVE-U SAVES-U Qrange last 8attu.daYHall Accessories ! • free estimates DOLLARS Whine Satasfactlon is a BUY Word ,ve 100 per- • Ceramic Tile & Mosaic • WOrk guaranteed We have many, malty specialty items for ".Olan tribes CARLSON'S TILE SHOP J.C. PENNEY CO. your Easter Dinner. "eaaion with Mt. View HA 6.2057 305 RR Ave. HA 6-8283 1