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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 19, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 19, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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vid and Phillip, teamed up nish Valley youth wimer ed agam and made it ',OLLEVSON Worked together JLCHE$ iT-AIR exclusive !es grass an orbit : Particles. are near lawn as clean as :, Push,typop 1led. i ,, I/WHAT'S COOKING IN WHOSE, KITGHEN?I Recipe Favorites of County Residents 'lrst LOIS DEMERS, seen here with her son, Jim, has a recipe for Avo- cado-Citrus Salad that will tempt even a gourmet. It is a wonder- fully refreshing salad to go with spring meals. This is the time of year house- 4. The Demers have lived in the wives suddenly discover cooking Pacific Northwest many years, but can be fun again. Spring fruits and vegetables on the market re- vtve thoughts of forgotten recipes and a desire to try new ones. Lois Demers' recipe for Avocado-Citrus Salad will bring interest in salads back. Lois and her husband, Bert, have two youngsters, Diane, 9, and Jim, MASOHRY Fireplaces Chimneys Planters ETC. Call- R. E. HASON HA 6-227.8 have been residents of Shelton only the past three years. Since moving here Lois has been active in PTA. She is secretary of the Mt. View PTA this year. She especially enjoys bowling and is a member of the Rayonier Bowling League. Music, collecting records -md e'ardening are listed along with bowling, as her hobbies. Lois has a little' trace of the gourmet in her. Her favorite ho b - by ,is eating out in nice restaur- ants. Her recipe for Avocado-Cit- tzxm Salad will satisfy the taste of any gourmet, but can be prepared by a beginner cook. Avocado-Citrus Salad 1 envelope gelatin 1 cup grapefruit juice 1 cup orange juice 2 Tbs. sugar 1,Tbsp. lemon juice % tsp. salt 1 cup grapefruit segments % cup orange segments ! medinm avocado Soften gelatin in combined fruit Juices. Heat, stirring constantly, until gelatin dissolves. Add sugar, lemon juice and salt. Chill until mixture is partly lhickened. Cut fruit segments and peeled, seeded Rhododendron So¢ietips To Hold Joinl Meeting At Brinnon There will be a join t meeting of the Shelton ind Olympic Peninsula Chapters of American Rh0doden- dron Society in the Brinnon school house at 8 p.m. this Friday. The joint meeting was arranged to give both chapters the benefit of a very unusual program. Mr. and Mrs. Wales Wood of Portland, Oregon will give an illustrated travelogue of their trip through England and Scotland. Mr. Wood is a member of the National Board of Directors of the American Rhododendron Society and, because of his vast experi- ence, is considered an authority on rhododendron culture. The Wooc]'s presentation was one of the highlights of the International conference Ileld recently in Port- land. All interested persons are in- vited to attend and enjoy this pro- gram. Rainier Guild New Officers Elected The Rainier Orthopedic Auxil- iary elected new officers at its  April meeting. Mrs. Robert Noll is the new president; Mrs. Robert Kramer, secretary; and Mrs. Rob- ert Dethlefs, treasurer. Mrs. Jack Borek thanked every- one for their help in making the Century 21 ticket sale a success. Mrs. Robert Sund, Penny Drive chairman, went over the assign- ed section to see if anyone wished to change areas. The group met in the borne of Mrs. Robert Steinhoff with Mrs. Noll assisting. Shellon ,Garden Olub Conservation Cun=heon The Shelton Garden Club Con- servation hmcheon will be held at 1 p.m. next Monday at the Colonial House. Charles Peck, County Agent, wilt show slides on natural re- sources and wild flowers of Ma- son county and interiors Of Colon- ial homes in the East. For reservations call Mrs. Hen- ry Hansmeier at HA 6-3173 or Mrs. Isaac Jeffery at HA 6-2265. They must he made by Friday. Guests are welcome to attend. GOODWILL TRUCK The Goodwill truck will be in helton next Tuesday. Call HA 6- d847 for pickups. (OL-DEGE CLUB Tile Gold'en Age Club will meet avocado into bite-size pieces. Fold for a 6 p.m. potluck dinner next into gelatin. Turn into 1-quart ring, Thursday at the Memorial hall. mold or into 6 individual molds. I About 60 members were present Chill until firm. at the last meeting. KAREN DORAN TO REIGN AT CYO CAKE DECORATING MAY DAY FESTIVAL ON MAY 13 DEMONSTRATED TO ESA MEMBERSHIP Mother's Day, Sunday, May 13, will be an extra special occasion for the people of St. Edward's Catholic church. It will mark the second annual celebration of the CYO May Day Festival. On this quite appro- priate day, the youth of the parish will honor Mary, Mother of God and perfect example of motherhood to all wom- en in every age. Karen O o r a n was Mrs. Bob Wolden was hostess to the monthly business meeting of :Beta Zeta Chapter, Epsilon Sig- ma Alpha in her home on April 11. For the educational portion of the ' meeting, Mrs. Jerry Richert demonstrated c a k e decorating, with member participation. She has taken lessons in this art and ;urns out a lovely cake. President Mrs. Floyd Ridout ap- )ointed Mrs. Ken Evans and Mrs. Nayne Herron to serve with her m the Chapter nominating com- nittee for the coming elections. I III I II II EASTER BREAKFAST Serving from 7 a.m. to i p.m. SOUTHSIDE GRANGE HALL Adults $1.25 Children 65¢ elected on the eve of her 18th birthday to reign as May Day Queen over the colorful spring pag- eant. Sharing Queen Karen's reign will be princesses Sue Walker and Penny Kimbel. All three girls are sen- iors at Irene S. Reed and will represent the CYO in the Forest Fes- tival parade. Miss Kim- bel is currently the pres- ident of the CYO and Miss Doran is vice pres- ident. KAREN DORAN SUE WALKER PENNY KIMBEL Ex.Shellon Teacher On European Tour Last Friday had overtones of good fortune rather than the pro- verbial bad luck attached to the L3th of the month as far as a former Shelton school teacher was concerned, Mrs. Dorothy Patterson, who was a member of the Irene S. Reed high school faculty here for many years, departed for Eur- ope Friday in the role of choir mother for the University of Pu- get Sound Adelphian Choir. The 41-member singing group, plus is director and Chaperones, will be on tour in Europe for the next two weeks, returning to the United States for a concert in New York City May 1. This is the first overseas tour in the 30-year history of the UPS choir. Shirley Van Vdkenburg Colorado College Soph Miss Shirley Van Valkenburg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Van Valkenburg of Shelton, is currently studying at Colorado Woman's College in Denver. Miss Valkenburg is a sopho- more studying Liberal Arts with a field of concentration in Bus: iness Administration. She was re- cently: Chosen a member of the CWC Big,Li'l Sis Societysn honorary service organization for upperclassmen. Girl Scout Council Meets In Cheha!is The second council meeting of the Tall Timber Girl Scout Coun- cil was held in the Scout House at Chehalis last week. Delegate from the Mason Neighborhood who attended the meeting were Mrs. Ernest Mal- 10y, Mrs. Ray Cook, Mrs. Fred Holm and Mrs. James Gilllland. VFW Auxiliary Regular Meeting Tomorrow Night The next regular business meet- ing of the Ladies Anxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars will be held at 8 p.m. this Friday in the Memorial building. Merle Van- derWal, new president, will p're- side. Chairmen will be announced for the 'coming year. April13, fifth district presi- dent, Jessie Cox installed the new officers of the Ira L. Cater VFW Auxiliary in Olympia. Color bear- ers taking par in the installa- tion from Shelton were Josephine Sparks, Colleen Gephart, Betty Godwin and Florence Hamilton. Assistant conductress was Fae Robinson and assistant musician, Bernice Janssmh als0 from Stlel- ton. Each girl was presented a gift. Others attending were Arlene Smith, Mildred Malloy and Dor- othy Towle. Mrs. Cox was presen- ted a lovely sterling silver "Cen- tury 21" teaspoon. All girls re- ceived spring corsages. Refreshments were served fol- lowing the program. District Dealer For EX-CEL-CIS COSMETICS Asks All Her Patrons To Call HA 6.4516 MRS. BEAUCHAMP For All Orders of Ex-Cel-Cis Cosmetics and I nformatlon = i = Nothing to buy! Nothing to write! Here's all you do: Just drop by, write your name on an entry blank and try one of the new Homelite chain saws. You'll be seeing the most dependable/chain saw ever built. And you will automatically be in the big "Power-Up Sweepstakes" In which 12 Homelite chain saws will be given away absolutely free. Don't miss out, comein todayl Entries must be in by July 20, 1952. Saeger's Mo|or Shop ON HILLCREST HA 6.4602 IIIII Mrs. Evans reported on cam- >aign favors for Mrs. Herron, who running for Washington State "reasurer. Mrs. Bill Kimbel is chairman for he Chapter Founder's Day pro- ,Tam which will be held for mere- mrs and guests April 30. She will ppoint her other chairmen at the ext meeting. The next meeting, also an edu- aUonal, will be held next Wednes- uy. All members are asked to be )resent. At the close of the meeting, re- t'eshments were served by Mrs. ?olden and her co-hostess, Mrs. Iarold Johnson. SQUARE DANCERS TO MEET AT MT. VIEW The square dance lessons given )y Clint and Sylvia Renney will be eld at the Mt. View school next l V[onday instead of at the Bordeaux ch0ol where they are usually held. This will be for one weel ony. I I I I I I LITTLE and BIG SHOPPE New Store Address !22,0ola Slreel "k LADIES' DRESSES (Petites through ½ sizes) "k MATERNITY WEAR "k SUB TEENS "k SPORTSWEAR * CHILDREN'S WEAR * INFANTS' TO TEENS' * SWIMWEAR (All sizes) i i ii One Minute Quiz about your surplus funds How do You Score? ,.i i 0 YES No Are you always sfire of getting back 100 cents on the dollar ? [7 El Are your savings insured to $10,000 by a United States Government Agency? [ [7 Are you getting the top return consistent with complete safety ? E] El Is this return paid on every dollar of .... your savings ? 1-7 ['7 • Does yow savings institution have a long record of paying all with- drawals immediately on request? iX] iX] Can you add to savings quickly and conveniently by the pabook method? !-7 [-7 Can you make additions or withdrawals by mail when you wish? El t-] Are yo u made to feel welcome when you open an account with a very small amount  __ • Do you like the people you deal wih and the service they give you ? I-7 [' PEOPLE WHO CAN SAVE CAN HERE ANSWER YES to all these questlo Yonr savings account here is insur- ed to $10,000. Ak us how a family of two or three can have $30,000 to $70, 000 d insured savings. i iiii ii i iiiii i[ [i i i i ii i - TS-- YOUR UVIGS DRAW INTBEST AT 4%%:@ ,i i i i i Shdlon 6ran=h Thurston County Federal L Savings& Loan Association 9 A.M. -4 P.M. Monday thru Thursday 10 to 3, 4 to 5:30 Fridays Home Office Branch Office 5th & Capitol Way  313 Railroad Ave. Olympia, Wash. 8helton, Wash, SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES • Private, Confidential, Econommal i i i , = ii [ i [ i i u i i lU ii