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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 19, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 19, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 20 tl i For Sale i JJ Iu-INCIt I)EILTA lilling Arbm'* Ssw with {finch j}tnter. Like new. One b.p. m(,t,,r, l)s(la head, $350, Call ..... ,!ns: .............................. T .a/l? if r, 1,'(11t SAIA] ...... Six-year ('rih, spring and i tit 'v.s, $15. Baihincttc, $4. atlI lquP ml U ] ' grand pia]to, make tKfcr. Ihonc IiA 6-B205. 1018 Cota. W 419 5/3 UE]) I.)IHIUMII)II'IEH, :-/ 10,000 ctl: bic foot callnC'lly. Cosls B() ]uorc to o)m'al4' than a 200-watt light buliJ, S-e tit ,h,urna $50.00. J 4/19 tin MOSS IN YOUR LAWN? Now is the ilm' to apply Mo,sitc f]'otu Gray- ,iorlP of h(!l|o]l. FF('e US]! OI spread- el. Phc, ne tlA 6-6661. 4/19 lfu lrOl: SALE _2._ 1957 D;.duxi( Edlii('m World loo( Em,yclop(.'dias. Supple- m.nls aud bookcase included, $100. ItA 6-3158 al2er 4 p,m, B 4/19 [,'()I , IHTTER CI.EANING.-t0keelJ color glelltllillg US(: l]lot Lustrt: q .;ti']),:t c] oallcl', iu|]lbeyt]len's Mere- :uS ih' Conq)aoy, 4/19 ]'()B SAI,E One Buzz Saw with FuirJmaks et]gint: mounted ou two- wheel trailer, Call HA 6-8058. W 4119 5/3 FoR SALiq 22 One cew laay cycle, $5. ytuv:l mail box $2. One ru and pad u:*,,.d .',ix montis. 14 x 18'. Plmnc HA 6-613. O 4/1.9-26 MEMBER/IIIP in Shelton Golf Club. ,;100 valt], ivl' $75. 'Ierz|lS. ItA 6-3649. B 4/5 tin ONE SM)kLL threc--aw bdgei:-for sale. $65. One Craftsmlln jig-saw, almost new. $25. Call I-I/k 6-37,12. K 3/22 5/4 Music Box, 205 Cota St.. phone HA 6- 'i'{(12. _ ..................... -- .2/1 t_fn EH,]CTROLUX SALES, sorvlce and VUlqdiee, John Rice. Phono HA 6- 611/8. Frec demonstrations, R 1/7 tin NFW I(Y00 "W A-T T f') 10--v)) ]'t--I i'gfi }:" i 1 h'n t  !, hoatu, campers. $198,50. Saeger Motor Shop, HA 6-4602. 12/7 tin YOU CAN PUMP more water and hmger with Fairbanks Morse pumps. So(: the]n at Shclton Electric Co., 41.1t Rtih'oad. 3116 tin ]'ii Cli[ "BLhCK"2'(ji--:-'S(jl.i77"rlll--dil.f7 r,,td anti fill gravel, wmuhcd sand and gravel, dralcage, gravel aml pea grgtNe[ fo]' dvivcwys. NormalL All- ehrs(,n, phone I.tA 6-3552, John's Creek Sand and Gravel, Bayslloro, 7/25 tin SEN-G RA.YS TO NE' F0}7PYLON: -ihe alllilZ|ng, iHlp]'ovod finish for floors and furniture that lasts and lasts and lasls. . .......... 51125_ tin I,'(.)R SALE lJu(d steel, plates, pipe, pultoys and s}mfls. All [.ypes sal- VIIgP. ["* h el 1 olI ,II]I1R (O., It't I'F, t al]d For Sale FRANKLIN STOV1,Y-- Like new at Arcadia Point. Write R. J. Buzzard Rt, 1 Box 744, Winlock, Wash. B 4/5-17 FOR' SALE"tZt standai:dl()gging trail- or, dt|ul axle, good tires. Marvin . Lo,'enzen. B!,[nnim,..Wah:_ - L..4_(.12-!9 NEW PIJBINAI horse ctmw does away with lhe need to Iced hay• Cooke's Feed and Hardware, 219 South First St reid. 4/5 tfn LOWREY OIIGAN SALE at Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cota St. 4/12 tin Tb-P--S0I L.---draG;.iT 'ili--hiFt7" F:-E. Ogden, HA 6-6156, 2/12 tin fflFi5 - - K 6 W Tii --wo%iK Y6F %' f6.--Xff length. Phone Oliver Petty, HA 6- 235. 4120 tin W6o D-- i3k--S-A G g---2-X id%77-hK $15 per cord. Phone HA 6-2332, H 11/23 tf.n Music Box, 205 Cota Street. Phone __HA.6:a02: ............... 2/__tf "CHRISTMASTOWN, U,S.A•" rubber stamps for sale at the Journal. $1.25 each. 227 West Cota. ' 12/1 tin transparent plastic coating, never nceds waxing, polishing or scrub- bing. Ideal for all surfaces, inside or out. See Graystone. 5/25 tfn PIONEER SAWS sales and service. We are open Sundays. Shelton Marine HiIlcrest Hardware. HA 6- 8163, 3/29 tfn RABBIT"IRYERS l;or--s-aletaIso rab- bit fertilizer• Phone or.ders between 1 p,ln. and 4 p.m. Pimne HA 6-3626• .......................................... c s/_]r FOR SALE -- Polaroid Cantors. large lllodel with all accessol'ns and car- rying clle, Pilonc HA 6-2277. B 4/12 tfn EM'ERSON-'TV hUh-stcr;:o: See them at Jollnny's Music Box, 205 Cota St. 4/12 tin WE NOW SELL"AIBERS"-chll'"-fi'iin- nit and suckle. Cooke's Feed and Hardware, 219 South First. 4/5 tin NEW FISH. now turtles, and'goldfish bowls, ttA 6-4878, 638 Arcadia. V 4/12 tin FOR-- SkLE'--ZL--Child.s--hain.d,.iven tractor and trail(;], in excellent con- dttion. Also 6-ycar crib with mat- t l[!¢s. $17,50 each. HA 6-4673. S 4/12 tin FULLER ERUSH BOAI' BRISTLE bz'ushe8, II o m C clean]IlK SUplflies, etc. Pimne HA 6- 8095, S 4/12 tf:n FOR SALE .... It(,rse fertilizer.-$7,50 l)i(:kup load: or two loads for $10. Ralph Iurickman. HA 6-,1789. B 4/19-26 ;-'--SX L-g'----23' ' "x2i ;; -"Aiid,:ffif6 i]t- NIZ/Y gas I'al]l,'. Four Ilurners and ovca, $25. Phone HA fi-33'9. I 4/13 6/3 Mill, l)h,me HA 6.6626. 918 tin I"OR SAIE--WOOI) -- 16-tneh and U Ca m',w. Slab $12.50 a cord: Pole wood sod rs $16 eov(l. Phons HA 6-,t867. 8 10/12 tfn FOIl SALE -- 3/,t-ton F'ord pickup, 1261i/,AiE--Lt_-iai:g7qi[ioii"bi-ex" U,l,,,l co/]ditioc $200. Call weekends conditioned ranges, refrigerators, or al'it'l' 6 HA 6-301. B 4/19 washers, dryers, Eetls & Valley Ap- 1947 CHEVROLET-pickup fro; salei pliauce Center. 615 tin ,$325 or Ileal offer. Phone HA 6-8742 (  I n ( i( lit, I 6 p I l MINIATURE i'L .WEIi"ar-a [g".'i( ,qlts[  '' ' . • W 4/19 5/3 Y.ur Crafl. llobhy and ,Health cor-] IOOR SALE ..... 1q47 Slu]lel]akir Charo- n,q-s, liar-Dill 520 Fvaokiin Opeu 1 n ") ' t X ' f( " ll't ' IR" IPn,,., ut MoIldtly allt .[ !'lday.  6/.2 till i (.,vc(,ll. Phone HA 6-3605. G 4/5-19 PY'I(?N WlLL NOT CRACK, chip. or $]25,, 195]. OLDS •"'98". Good • trans- pe¢l, lerlt]anvul, finisn ana scaler I l) ]lation Owner HA 6-813 o d,)-s not discolor with age. See i ' " " R'I/15 tfu (;r,w.'d.(m(;. ........................ 5/2t! .tfn ] "FOR SALE" :..2 1960"-iA}'.Vd-i6dalt'.'-B({ DtITCH IgCY PAINTS ...... We at'e. open t l'lSo]lal)  offer aceclltable G(t 30 Sundays, Shelton Mar]co, Htllcrest ] )nllcs por gel m. Phonc HA 6-37H Hardware. IIA 6-8163. 3/29 tin / ,.v,,nin::.:. P 1/19 WtCHTL'(',tI01SI!I r:m;"c, ]:t/'gc o,cu: i}/59 I)')ItJV_8 coin, f,,I S'5 • lql ' l#i t:Jd*t/'c tabl, I-1) wawr iwater. Fot.d V-h picktlp, $65. Loona],d 1;eat fl'f,,/. oct.1. $25 t;tlo:) ell.her. Hpp,'('c. a01 It]asl B. HA 6-3192. ('ol'l]vV ba|tl lab (CAM[ 1,'OII) ",vilh S 4/19 tfu flllllgD: }150.00. pho]}c ]'[A 6-37"18 eve- ]950 MhHl([Llty in good eondithll ulnas. S 3/29 tin t:a/l ItA 6-4895. ]I 4/19 tin I°I'UI'P 'P[¢I'H!;S. dwarf and reg'u]ar; ,i,,,,,.,,gus. ]'hod,,dc],- Good d ]'o J'l+q. i ()Sf*S 4'Vll  I'('O]IS, J)eollJes, S tl'Jl YIIDI pop|lit!S, IA]IJ[Is l]ll( {'Itlffl)" dlls. A],q arlificial l|owel' l]OO]ltle[s. Ttw (i;tt'(tcll S],t p, fill,tat HA 6- '-"" ' 3710. 3/1 tin ! I.,],E(;REI{;N slt'tw|cIT.V pltl]lls for atlth'. :32 ';Oll(lt 3vtl. IIA 6-'t202, S ,1/12 tin l:L,%lPf SITTI,.']{S .- t.hfld cart; not H('¢'.{;'{lt]'y "WIoII yoII Cfll lll A  W [)l'lVi'.lll, 1"i1'1112 l}1 Ri(18. We Ilave baby bt,IFl 't's. 4-I2 ¢)Nii .PAItt (':]tl]l.: F]mt, WoPn-ttbo]]l. llil(, I'l l(t/i tl|. VCl'y I'O¢Id iH/lIdiil0n, Sizo l0 I/=:. '{0. P|]ont' HA 6-'1157 al t*'l' 6 |).Ill, S 'I/12 tin GHI+'F]NEST IAWN ]n the 1.)1o(:1€ Use (at) b]'llltl] {0]1 (.IFVCJI, (yaysIiill(j (1t 8hq:ltoII. HA 6-6661. 4/19 tfn HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 200 E. PINE H 2/8 tfn WANTED Used rniture Will Buy or Consign K ELLY'8 FURNITURE HA 6-2411 Well Drilling HA 64245 or HA 6-2455 SEPTIC TANKS Drain field. Digging, Sewer Marr Const. Co. Phone HA 6-3053 Rt. 3, BOX 623 if no answer, Ph. HA. 6-6183 7[7 "V'"''"--'- ................................ I All Metal Sin gle-horse TRAILER With Top -- Ready to use CAMP TRAILER Sleeps 2, food storage, sink, water tank, ice chest, awnings KIMBEL MOTORS 1st and Mill Street Phone HA 6-34 33 i Boat Building Repair= Fiberglasshag Seaswift Marine 2316 Olympic Hwy. No. HA 6-4652 SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATIONS PRE-CAST SEPTIC ANKS .100-gal., 250-g, ul., 500-gal., Drain Fields, Ditch Digging SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone HA. 6-3660 8-18tin , . i ii BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA 6-6441 3/27 tfn i DICK'S TRANSFER [I and Delivery B.& H' Gravel & Paving Co. Phone HA 6-6364 Grading, Asphalt Paving, Driveways Our Specialty Moving Anywhere 14 years in business ,ln a: County HA 6-4888 8/24 tin GASH PAID FH Good, Giean, Used Furnilure and Appliances. KELLY'S FURNITURE .A i i i Sporting Goods BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip- nmnt at Walt's Marine Supply, on beautiful Hood Canal, Phone Hoods- port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tin 10ATS "8 and 10 fL-prams, $40 and $60; 12 ft. fisherman, $80; runabouts 12 and 14 ft., immediate delivery. Any size on order. M. J. Hooker, 1015 E. Dearborn. HA 6-8511. Bar- Din, HA 6-6837. B 12/14 tin FOR SALE --- T'o-horse tandem whecl trailer. All motal with lights. Tires in excellent condition. $325. Call TR 7-5425 after 6. H 4/12-26 EVINRUDE SALES and se,'vice. ' are open Sundays. Shelton Marine Hillcrest Hardware. HA 6-8163. 3/29 tfn EVINRUDE SALES and service. Scott out-board service, Hood Canal Mar- ina, Union. TW 8-2252. 3/15 tin 16 FT. STRIP-BUILT boat with new Johnson 18 h.p. motor, gas can, oars and controls. Phone HA 6-4851. Q 4/19 5/3 1'6 'Tf- MONK-}iesigned- Daycruiser, 35 h,p. eh,;tric Johnson motor (like new), Fully equipped, extra gas tank, new paint, Prtccd low. HA 6- 3029. R 4/19 5/3 f 6- --F T 7 -S W-A--N -g0-N2g u/i K -b-0 at - "w i tff - 10 h.p. Mercury motor, $125. Phone HA 6-4970. W 4/19 u For Rent FOR RENT .-- Modern beach cot- tage, Pickerlng Pass, partly fur- nlsbed, oil cook stove. 14 miles north Slmlton. no dogs, please, HA 6-3757. S 4/19 tin F-OR" REI'P -- Honie-wifll-lots of pri- vacy, close to downtown, two bed- rooms, double garage, partially fur- nlshcd. Call 706 Cota after 6 p.m. B 3/1 tfn Convenient to mills and downtown stores, City sewer and water. At highway br|dge. S 4/4 tfn F-()R--'R'INT- -- One-bedroom unfur- nished, heated apartment, adults on- ly, 311 N. 1st. Phone HA 6-3025. P 4/20 tfn SMAL-L HOUSE on Hlllcrest. T512 Boundary. Newly re-decorated. Re- frigerator, hot water heater, electric stove with trash burner, movable 220 electric heater. Inquire John Ge*ty, 1601 Franklin. HA 6-6265. G 2/15 tin Jr--0  R E N T  Light housekeeping rooms. 100 West Pine. Phone HA 6-4679. R 4/14 tin i:/b-ffgEi/t i gisi N--ai'fd-'si K@i- rooms, linen aad dishes supplied, Low wceldy rates. Cameron Hote, l, phone HA 6-2081. B 2]2 tin TWO BEDROOM furnished apart- menls for rent $50 per nlonth, in- cluding water, garbage, electricity, phone ,HA 6-8423. If no answer phone HA 6-3532. Also one bedroom furn- ished, $40. W 2/1 tin OV" -l. R't'IG i-I-'--£ii- - -WE'E-I i-N'- guests you haven't room for? Send them to Lawton Apt,-Motsl, Apartments now available by day, week or month. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6- 8177. " 7/16 tfn For Rent FURNISHED APARTMENT available at Gohlsborough Apts, S 4/4 tin LAWTON APARTMENTS, Bachelor units ideal for stngl men or wo- men. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All untllitias furnished, except lights. Reasonable• Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177. 12/4 tin MASON APARTMENTS NEW TWO-ROOM furnished apart- ments. Linen, dishes and all utilit- ies furnished. Automatic laundry, $45 and $50 per nmnth. Also weekly rate. Phone HA 6-8021, 111 East Railroad. 1/5 tin FOR "lq-NT-2----6"ne2-b-ed-oln furnished house, water and garbage furnished. Phone HA 6-8150. N 5/25 tin ONE BEDROOM HOUSE. partly fur- nished, newly ] ",'eorated, down- town, Phone HA 6-2,081. 3/22 tin E FOR RENT at Goldsborough apartments, south second, $6 month. S 5/11 tin FOR RENT -- Two bedroom housd partially furnished. Potlatch TR 7- 5359 Hoodsport, or FI 2-3746 Olym- . pea. M 3/29 tfn FURNISH .b---XPT.-f()r-r e nt. Gr0-u'fid floor. Call bctwocn 5 and 7 p.m. HA 6-2117. C 4/19 tin FURNISHED COTTAGES 'pac grounds, utilities furnished, $20 per week and up. Mill Creek Motel. Ph. HA 6.4420. ,, 7113 tfn FOR RENT -- Two bedroom unfurn- ished apartment. Hot water heat, city utilities, range and refrigera- tor furnished. Holly HIll Apts. Con- tact Apt, No. 2 or HA 6-2493, or HA 6-2446. B 5/18 tin F-OR RENT  FUrnished o-net-l)edroom waterfront cottage, Arcadia Road. modern, large lawn, adults only. Also pmall furnished cottage suit- able for couple. Phone HA 6-2420. D 4/12-26 FOR RENT- One-bedroom furnished house. Ideal for older couple or single person. Phone HA 6-6785. P 4/19 tin SLEEPING -iko o-sT-7iiUk'i/ih e n -Ff: vileges, for rent. Inquire 720 North Fourth, phone HA 6-3487. R 4/19 tin F()R LEASE-" One-7;ear or longer-- 21 bedroom waterfront hont on Hood Canal near Alderbrook. Phone Seattle MU 2-9366 days. P 4/19 5/3 3t 0R--14(ENT ----Onc-bedr'o-o-I{i" llous on Island Lake road. Phone HA 6- 4661, S 4/19 MJi)ERN--fu{:n]sfi-c:d- aptTfot. " rent. Downtown. HA 6-6176. 218 No. )st. M d/19 tin THREE BEDROOM unfurnished house for rent on Hillcrest. Close to stores and school. Phone HA 6-6257. W 4/12 tin Miscellaneous JEROME BURKE GARDEN rotovating, field plowing, barnyard fertilizer, well-aged alder sawdust, pit run gravel, compost fertilizer. Phone HA 6-3678, 4/5 tin m Classified Service F--OR-SiT" -- One bedroom furnished house also wo bedroom, unfurnished SIGN PRINTING DONE -- Posters duplex, electric heat. garage. Phone HA 6-8]50. N 12/14 tin SPACIOUS one and two furnished bedroo,ll al)artments, lots of closets, (:lean and neat. Very pleasant place to live. Edgewood Apartments. Air- port HA 6-3772. S 3/19 tfn iOti "'t#ZN T" =--- - -r ?-eii -Xi ,-i7. 2- [;i=6i;;. III]f't/l'IlJS]l(?/j, g'tLl;KC, yard. C.II La- I.lissoniert , Agcncy, HA 6-4666 or HA 6-4336. D 3/29 tin ONE BEDR-()(fM?ti:ii{i:d--a[faiiff7 fOl' rent. Heat water and garbage {ut',ni.he. luquirc 1119 I,ranklin, apt. o. ynone HA 6-6496. B 4/12 tin WANT TO RENT Responsible party desires to rent or lease 3 or 4 bedroom, unfundsled house. PHONE HA 6-6558. W 4/19 small show card exterior slgns, progrant covers, menu covers, etc. Call HA 6-6209. Vernabelle Rice, R 4/5 tin i[PERT--AUTOGi]A SS - fiistallatlon. Jim Pauley Inc. 601 Railroad Ave. Phone HA 6-8231. 4/28 tin HOUSE TRAILER TOWING -An-y= where in state. Robert Shumate, 2642 East State Ave.. Olympia. Ph• FL 7-5358. 2/22 tin FOR EXPERT MASONRY. fireplac-, chimneys, planters, call R. E. Mason. I=IA 6-2278. 3/1 tin ARTIFICIAL BREEDING service pro- vcn, and highly classified sires. Dairy, beef and eharolsis, $7.00. Pt- per__Brothers Inc. John Caulfield. HA . .ti'z084" . C 12/15 tfn McCULLOCH SALES--and ' Ser'ic-e." We are open Sundays. Shelton Mamno Hillcrest Hardware. HA 6-,8169. 2/29 tfn J 'URNAC"E CLEANING, repairing,-]/t. stallatlons, oil conversions. Shelton Furnace Co., 821 So. Third. Dial HA 6-6121. 511 tfn " ALL F0 l E 3,...,' " 0r, (in the f,,llow- 9 | i7,71,]{s l V2,,'/ .... te 120/2,t0 rolls f ]'eceived at lhe Ctroq, up to at which tinle publicly read. I).,,, a C fOl' 5¢',; or E Clarified Service Trade Legal Publications le gua,'snieed de- 2,. ' - .... and g'ive origin- ROOFING, blown rock wool insula- SWAPS -- We will swap our fine - NO. tlon. Guaranteed. Phone HA 6-6417. sandwiches and bevevagcs for coin NOTICE Nt). 33,t8 in- Tt) CRFDITORS losses. ]'ogU- 6/20 tfn or palter money. A & W Drive-In. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE NOTICE I'11tl hind MASSEUR TREATMENTS at lny res- 4/12 idence near tile Lower Skokomish MAsoNSTATE COUNTyOF WASHINGTON FOR INsTATETHE OF hot sire| and I: School. Call Trojan 7-5436 for ap- MASON servo the right S pointmcnt Saturday. Sunday, and Real Estate In tire Matter of the Estate of BER- In the Matte]" s and 1, s,,h,ct ] NADETTE KATHERINE DIEHL, De- M. COATES, De( ill their judg-: Wednesday. A. F. Oppelt. 4/16 tin ceased. . Robert W. n,',,ds ];f lira = C R-l'II'ERX/r(51!tS--and--]'t;eetz-e-rst-x:e-= HOUSES -- Three-room, $3200. Five- Fred H. Diem is the appoted and conditioned, reasonable. Shelton Re- room, $4200• 10% down, $50 per too. qualified Exe(mtor of said estate. All pointed and frigeration Service, 315 Cote, phone Near Dayton, HA 6-6837. B 5/25 tin l)erson: having claims agalnit said estate. All Macagor n HA 6-8082 day or night. 1/18 tin it(ill SALE ---Zt Ci]tlal')'--(v.'l'l:"'i')'l-W'O deceased are required to serve the said deceased a No. 3. the same in ,I/12-19 21 s, on said Executor II Wanted ].o,/,I, cab]u, plastered. Can be movcd 8ante in duplicate, duly verified, on on highway. Plumbing included, said Executor or hfs attorney. Robert Phone days HA 6-8626, or evenin s L. Snyder at the address below stated, stated,ert L. SnydCand 334t T° K 4/19[6 and file the samc with the Clerk of Clerk of said )TTORg s WANT]D - Elnply liqoid-soaI Icoc- ItA 6-4567. talners, for U,e by church arias]on- TWO BEiJROOM-"fut-'n-lshed-'hotlse-for said Court, together with proof of proof of such JIlT OF THE C such service, within six months after arics. Lcave at Thurston Savings & sale. Utility room with washer and the date of, first publication of this months after FOR  cation of this Loan office, 313 Raih'oad Ave., Shel- dryer, garage. Near shopping dist- notice, or the same will be barred, be barred, ths Estate of WAL- n ton. d/12-19 2t rict, $4000. Phone HA 6-3510 eve- DATE of first publication: April 5, DATE of first ' Deceased. II FUI-JL--'OR'-PXRTLTIMEcA-etical work nlngs after 6:30 p.m. C 1/11 tin 1962. 1962, wanted. Wtll interview anytime. T'HRE3---HIdI-IWAY-L'O-T-S--oII-];iou-I@" FRED H. DIEHL ROBERT W, appointed Mrs. Joy Tobey, Rt, 1, Box 338. tain View for sale, or will trade for Executor Executor of said T 4/12-19 boat or dump truck. John Kneeland, 428 W, Harvard Siar Rt. 1, claims gWANTED----Acreage.-Low down pay- phone HA 6-4889. 2/8 tin Shelton, Washington Shelton ment. low monthly Imyments. I- fOB, SALE -- Duplex 84x28 v-ithl-0 ROBERT L. SNYDER ROBERT L. R quire Manager Blue Ox Theatre lots. Inquire 1726 Stewart street or Attorney at Law Attorney at Law A weekends only. T 3/29 tin phone HA 6-8150. N 7]23 tfn :125V2 N. 5th 125% N. 5th nyder at the 1'. 'Y--LS-I'TT-II-G WANTED -- L6h-g INCOME PROPERTY by owner. WIll Shelton, Washington care for your children in my home. take 20' to 30' trailer house sue 4/5-12-19-26 4t Shelton, md file the S pit. said Court, SelWice, Phone HA 6-6391. A 1/11 tfn payment. Located on Mt. View. NOTI,E dale of TREES TOPPED, trimmed, removed. HA 6-4288. P 616 tfn NO. 3317 OF or the Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. HA MUST SACRIFICE two-bedroom Hill- NOTICE TO CREDITORS ON lablieaiion: April 5, 6-4823. 2/13 tin crest home. furnished or unfu,'n- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THF ;TATE OF WA: (1 WE BUt" scrap iron, batteries radia- ished, large garage, corner lot. close STATE OF WASHINGTON FOB MENT OIO tots, copper, salvage of all kinds, to school and stores. Must move. THE COUNTY OF MASON IN PRO. Bcrt L. Cole, Shelton Junk Co.. First and Mill Will sell at real bargain. Phone HA BATE, Streets. Phone HA 6-8626. S 4/7 tin 6-8549 afternoons or evenings. In the Matter of the Estate of MAR Lands. R EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted M 12/14 tin LUCILLE GUISE. also known as LU- Notice is hereby at the Sbelton Hotel, Apply in per- LARGE TWO bedroom home. Dining CILLE M. GUISE. Deceased. day, the 23,'d a' son. S 4/12 room, basement, fenced back yard. Notice is hereby given that the mencing at ten t: N-----S-'AW---SH-X-IP-EhTIN'G,--sp--'dy, Plaster inish throughout. Excellent undcrsigned has been appointed and of said day,  accurate precision grinding. Now at condition. Phone HA 6-4673. has qualified as" Exccutor of the es- District Head, Saeger Motor Shop. Hillcrest. Phone S 11/9 tin tate of Mary LuciIlc Guise, a/k/a Orchard .)1 HA 6-4602, 1/15 tin FOR SALE -- House on 3 acres near Lucille M. Guise. Dec,,ased: that all Washington, a. HANDY MAN -- Odd jobs! If you " Skokomish school. Contact A. F. g persons having claims against said trator of !' think it can't be fixed call Henry pelt on -Wednesday or weekends, deceased are hereby required to serve the following ¢ Landis. HA 6-3098. 2/12 tin 7-5438. 10/5 tn thc same. duly verified, on said Ex- will be sold aL w -l--WA'N/i'--lf¢(:)'Itk-'-'il-l'd FOR-SALE BY OWNER '-LL Two bed- ecutor or his attorneys of record at highest b n day or hour. Call HA 6-4378. room ]muse, concrete founds]ran, the address below stated, and file Appli :;, the samc with (he Clerk of said Court, miles west of Eastern bird rack siding, 4 milcs Cady Lake ..... V 3/8 tfn together with proof of such service K SAW FI-L'i'N0]--gin-d]-nad--re-toofh i soutit of town. Partially furnished, within six months after the date of Nice garden spot with fruit trees first publication of this notice, or the property ing. All work guaranteed. Ted Bet'- and berries. Phone HA 6-8851, ry, 627 Wyandotte, phone HA 6- N 4/12 tin same will be barreiL 2433. 3/8 tin Date of first publication April 5, W.M., W-'AlqT."I5- Chest of drawers in IgO d THREE-BEDROOM holrl(,-100 ft. lot 1962, less, Mt. View. Close to stores and PATRICK REAGAN bd. ft. of condition, suitable for baby's room. school. Priced for" quick sale, $4000. Executor of said Estate. 60,000 bd. It. e Phone HA 6-8693. R 3/22 5/4 HA 6-4774. K 4/12-26 625 Henry Building growth); 408 l WANTE-E$--1000-re'co, p]'kbi-'{[i:fOK FOR SALE '" Roo]{{y-'th,:m-);droom Scattle. Wash. white pine; Rubber Welders, Mt. View. 1/10 tin house, Forced warm air furnace, Graham, Green, Dunn. Mininlum " .firepla('e. six walk-in closeLs, pic- Johnston & Rosenquist Timbcr Pets, Livestock ],,re windows, two Iota. doublc ga- Attorneys for Estato. sLallment plan ,' , , - __ rage. Under $12,000, lllay asSmlle 4]/ 625 Heury Building removed percent G.L loan, HA 6-4652, Seattle, Wash, 4/5-12-19 3t On or FOR SALE --- Chihuahua pupp,cs, H 4/12 trn a.m,, each bid( R01 Reasonable.: 2020 Washington St. B-RAND NEW--thi'ee"'b({d'oon honle, n]um dcposit A 4/5-17 Owner lransferred $]3.500. Must sell NO. 3313 bill of sale' fcc, o ........ 1he fornl of c.ash, ilti,,.' / 15 HEAD OP ,:i'll-I)rol¢iisaddle h,,,'s- Easy t.e,'ms. Inquire 2a20 Madison NOTICE OF llEAItlN(; FINAI. anl'ied check. Said dc---opening l Sso the  .... "1 es, Several good playday prospects, St,, ShelLon. C 4/12-19 REi'ORT AND I'ETITION FOR bid at A 3 real gentle ponics. Boyd Zepp, Rt. ie(JR'S2IE ---°Ailghi'idti-[oll-r2bd].oom DIWrltlBIJTION Upon award of tilit #It, 1 B.X 254 Ehna, hmated six ]ldlt.'s ]lol]le. Full I)ascment, garage, Own- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE ice deposits sllall I P' Broke South of Matlock Store. Z 4/12 el' must scll. Under $10,000, Phone STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR unsuccessful blddhe " Hay HA 6-8584. D 4/19 tin MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE n]ust pay tire b 2 ''0 r 6-6649 Wal -- In the Matter of the Estate of BEN bid deposit and t , & Feeds FORhonm.SALE$,1500,"Z=--Modern--t-w-0=bedr{)(;]ll'tt!vnls. Phoue HA 6- F, GARRISON, Deceased. tile day of sale, " 0M ^ ". 6528. W 4/19 5/3 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN timt chaser so elects I l j[.tl/ltd OTTAGE ON AN HENRY GARRISON, JR.. Eexecutor pay an additions jl[ 001, Alfalfa Dairy Hay FO SALE -- Three bedroom ilouse of lhe above namud estate, has filed the total amoUnt living. 2 Anglcsidc. Fireplace, sliding glass in the office of the Clerk of said chtsive of fees. to lots. 2 door to covered, fenced patio. Gar- Court a final report acd i]etition for bid price based on tt N Tops, Bottolns, Feeder Hay. age plus carport 60 x 100 ft. corner distribution, asking the Court to set- This babtnce maY 1 %reLOCATION 4 bedl (Order Now For 1962 Harvest) 6636.1°t contpletely fenced. Phone HA lie said ,'eport. distribute the proper- st,yrl;? • Ideal for your tO I?tl, .... 6- check. Purchaser Load Lots Oul- , P 2/22 tin _, j .......... ty Io the,.pe/,sons thereto eutitlcd attd vi:litl 30 days of ' • FOR SALE -- Three bedroom house, to discharge the petitioner as Execu- anted Ofwtth$2,'000.00ali ter"' ',th{}0 M.v:,_," Call collect, bath and italf, fireplace, electric to]'; and that said rcport and petition salc. All checkS, ¢ Marysville, Wash.. OLive 9-2003 hcat, call HA 6-2240 weekdays after will bc heard on the llth day of May, .]["%t0ta,.OME, 2 BLOCKS H • 5 p.m. B 4/12 tin 1962, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon are to be ntade P} ,.:p [lc oil heat 2 ' missioner of Public , , of the said day, or as soon .thereafter Access]bill]y: V f!['. , T"IllS is a¢ honle' car.go :Ix 2MOIKBN W as the nmtter cau be hehrd at the "d "' ..... cou,'t ,'corn ,,1" the above.-entitled cou % Coml)h, te contrac ,flli"l'l18 * ma, be" exandeed " in the Courthouse in Shelton, Mason District I-I(:'adquart$dlJM GLAD BULBS : Count, W00shlngton 'at which tin,e "a0.i000000R .OM00 and place ally person interested in or's office and otAl¢ $400.00 (*own said Estatc may appcar and file ob- °f--Public"Lln-d'S'P';(0li"''vo s,m a -- :J,I,.. vUllt .... la8 ft. jcctions thereto and contest the same. o bc ,o '[:#. '' "-'" ,e;o:r°ctlol: ea Full price, $7900 $65 per month ..l.e,) s !-- at • • Dated this 6th day of April, 1962. ;ad2'1tc''loc°2a I l'/fi blocks from Bremerton ship- HARRY DEYETTE k'lty sale wltlcll lli01 ' ' SEARS CATALOG yards. Will take late model pick- Clcrk of said Court, and for which n .(l",..  up or trailer or acreage. By: Teckht Vermilliou, Deputy. eoffer  ' 4 shall not bc r  I 1 14 Sin,- ROOM ', ,,- J OttN C. RAGAN ' If a- , vuo '-. ,,Juo --- readvert]sed. ,,. l." ' 0 Tel', SALES OFFICE I'RED THIBODEAU Attorney for Estat,:, offered withiu t,, *1;,, , .... Evergreen 'Square Blu Ox Theatre- Thurs, thru Sat. Bell Bldg.. 121 South 4th St. !':e:¢ui"}e'te;"°;:lT! 'llll'i)t"eadve"t]:'cdd't1°(""J"k'eHeIM2E'5 4/12 tin 3/29 - 4/19 Shelton, Washington 4/12-19-26 5/3 4t __ i oo 3 • Said Tllnier on t* IG' ' " " .... ; for not h, ss tlaan.,10, ,W--..11 bY t]  ACREs CLEAR as appraised ,e " l.lll'00tno . . i FARM EQUIPMENT SALE ?2:a; [i:., ,,, . %, : Mason C6unty, a..ttt, MI,,, _ trator of said d isua: II':" BUILDINg- r. Terms of sale  I,'. Irlcol .....  -- c tate • - ,,5.o ,ziuo ment plan na ,'T,' u - Real Es BERT L. 5 ' Conunissienr USED Allis Chalmers Modcl G tractor w/plow .............................. $ 450.00 Log Arch . 750.00 FURNITURE & APPLIANCES Log Arch ioi:'BKo'i:Ji'Zt.2Z2200:::2:200:2222::2Z220000 400o.oo 16 Uniflite boat, 2 motor's & trailer .................................... 1500.00 E! US LUMBERiI00[EN'S MERC00 23' Outboard Cruiser (otitfitted) 2 motors, trailer . ......... 3000.00 FOR SALE or LEASE -- 40 acres, FOR WATERFR Case Blower ................................................................................ 400.00 house, crcek, sonm growing timber. Home Furnishings .-- 2nd loor Fox Blower 300.00 Also two bedroom home, partly fur- ................................................................................ nlshed. 00ho.o., 0.,,, ,o,,,,,, Rotter SI Case tractor .......................................................................... 600.00 S 2/22 tin REPORT , Allis Chahners Combine .......................................................... 150.00 I5-1-SALE-Z---Two-bedt:)--n-inqclei'n IN THE E II & Vail Applia Oenle Cletrac M'arsh Buggy .............................................................. 800,00 home,seabeckl00' x165'Highway.lOt.cllffordWOrkshOP.Evans.On MAsoNSTATE OF Fox Chopper w/Continental motor ........................................ 450.00 Rt. 1 Box 1398. Bremerton. 4/5-17 0 S ey noe r Case Chopper Model 620 .......................................................... 300.00 In the REAL ES' LILLIE MAT John Deere Chopper No. 64 .......................... 150.00 On _ do. Single a.c ........................................................ :::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4o.oo HOOD CANAL • NOTmE Your Washer. or Hea uadem Oliver 8, grain drill .................. ..................................... : .......... 275.00 W.abovcG. entitledGI] 9N Ford Tractor w/Dearborn Loader .................................. 1350.00 office of the  / 9NFordTraetor ........................................................................ 900,00 Brand New!--2 bedroom home, Fhml Report X EPTID Papec No. 13 Hammermill .............. '. ..................... 75.00 carporL for 2 cars and a boat, pan- but]on, asking report, dis]rib Bombardier half tracks for Ford or Ferguson .................. 250.00 Olympics, finishing touches to pur- cimrge the pet T Q Rotary Hoe w/3 pt, hitch .................................................... 85.00 chaser's taste, $23,000. and that said ' ° be heard on t TOW N A Int Model A tractor w/blade & plow ...... '" 595 00 1962, at 10:00 o of sa d day. or  Six bedrooms, or Int. Model A Tractor w/mower. . . & ......... plow ........ :["[":. ................... .............. 795:00 Hood Canal Real Estate roomIl'e lnatterof titee'anal . Upstairs has a k ]9o4711tee6jhelrl°g,g: ttrue} .......... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 16400100 & IllSll][lee CO* the CourtiloUso :entrance. Or yo e  o e tlactol John M d 1 H " " "" .................................................. 600.00 County. Washil appointment rigl John Deere Model AR tractor w/Roper Pac Loader .....:.. 1250.00 TR 7-5211, or evenings call and place anY said Estate ms2 John Deere Model 420 Crawler w/blade & drum ............. 3250.00 TR 7*5575, TR 7-5277 je(tions thereto John Deere Model 440ICD w/blade, drmn & canopy ...... '.. 5500.00 DATED this 2! "FIE NEIGHBOR! John Deere Model 440IC w/bl,le, drum & canopy .......... 4500.00 HARRY D View of the moun G J0hn Deere 440ICD w/blade Qrtlm & canopy 5250 00 , Clerk of sa Dearborn Loader ................................................... ".'..'.'.'.'.'.'.['.['.'.'.[.'.'." 350[00 uunn E. Correa ,o exquisite home. ] Attorney for Estaw t-°elr°°ms b, eauti T Massey-Harris tractor . .......................................................... 450.00 FOR SALE Bell BuIIdir ' e, lovely drape Side Mount mower for VAC Case ........................................ 100.00 121 South New Idea Model A mower - ..................................................... 175.00 Two older dwellings on East Pine [-helton, "'hv G I Plel: up for New Holland Chopper ............. 75.00 for a handynlan. $5,000 'TTLED Ih b d I Oiver 2-14 Tag along plow .............................. [[[[[ .................. 1,50.00 " " * Always e esi ea, eorge Ferguson Model 62 plow .................................... " ........ 260.00 -Bedroom home at Union be=g e, some furni, at Bay City Shovel Model 30 5/8 yd .......... [[[[[[[[[[[i[[[[ 3500./}0 remodefed (not waterfront), for mort Terms Available • . . s6.000 NEED' R,s CONTRAC this home h E6]]S Vai]ev MDNTESAN0 EQUIPMENT G0. BILL PEARSON FullSell fam°USor part mOVe into the 2nd & Cota St. w =i j[ HA 6-4663 P.O. Box 710, MonLcsano, Washington Phone: MonLesano 151 125 N. 5th HA ,%Y061 sions plus PERSONALITY for 111ell lree bedroom furnished free. ' 3/2 tin , Theion, ose to schoc ....... Corp., 6401 E. - ' FOR SALE Angeles 22, IIDE FOR SALE = bedroom house -- Large that likes FOR DEPENDABLE .:. =-- family room -- Lots of built- room. Tl APPLIANCE SERVICE ins -- Wall-to-wall carpeting Old. right in this ] • Electric Heat . Large Paperhangln Yard. Pr'iced Used Reconditioned  Fully Guaranteed Patio -- 2 cat' garage -- 90' EARL 141 x 140  lot -- Mt. View. "A Whale of $' ALL MAKES & MODELS REFRIGERATORS  Large or Small Phone HA 6-8428 located in WH 3-173'2 OALL YOUR FREEZERS --@UprighL or Chest 2/ tfn FRIGIDAIRE DEALER "Unless I ca,, Guarantee lt, i Won't Sell It" has two L third. Lovel3 LEM WARREN REFRIGERATION I ARCADIA POINT OVen, tabR . -..  "ARKADA PARK" yard. All Lumbermen's Mercanlile 0o. SALES and SERVICE View lots, all utilities, private dock. DY Phone HA 6-4252 days HA 6-6530 'ANGLE All 0000qqP] 3rd and Railroad HA 6-6211 24 HR. ANSWERING SERVICE HA 6-2445 Write P. O, Box 37, ShelLon ), ( ! Estate -- , "- HA 6.82