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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 19, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 19, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ablications ). 33,t8 [) CREDITORS OR COURT OF THE VASttINGTON FOR ?Y f the Estate of BER- [ERINE DIEHL, De- is the appointed and r of said estate. All claims against said luired to serve tile e, duly verified, on hfs attorney. Robert address below stated, c wltb the Clerk of ther with proof of sin six months after : publication of this me will be barred. publication: April 5, )IEHL yard shington &apos;DER tea 4/5-12-19-26 4t 3317 CREDITORS OR COURT OF THF 7ASHINGTON FOE )F MASON IN PRO. the Estate of MAR3 . also known as LU- g. Deceased. by given tbat the been appointed and Executor of the es- ,ucillc Guise, a/k/a Deceased; that all claims against said by required to serve erified, on said Ex- orneys of record at bw stated, and file Clerk of said Court oof of such service s f after the date of this notice, or the reL publication April 5, 'EAGAN said Estate. Bhuildlng Pllan, lqulst ate, lg 4/5-12-19 3t 3313 IEARING FINAL PETITION FOR IBUTION )R COURT OF THE rASHINGTON FOR 'Y IN PROBATE r the Estate of BEN )eceased. ]REBY GIVEN that ON, JR., Eexecutor ed estate, has filed tile Clerk of said m't and petition for g tile Court to set- stribute the proper- thercto entitled and petitioner as Execu- report and petition he llth day of May, ock in the forenoon r as soon .thereafter n be hehrd at the above-entitled court in Shclton, Mason on, at which time erson interested in appear and file ob- td contest tile same. lay of April, 1962. 'ETTE 1 Court. Vermillion, Deputy. tc uth 4th St. on 4/12-19-26 5/3 4t Es00te EASE -- 40 acres, ue growing timber. n home. partly fur- t. Phone HA 6-4147. S 2/22 tfn lot. Workshop. On .Y. Clifford Evans. Bremerton. 4/5o17 CANAL 2 bedroom home, and a boat, pan- sod Canal and the lg touches to put- ',3,000. NO. NOTICF IN THE STATE OF MASON CoUN In the Matter o "M. COATES, De( Robert W. pointed and estate. All said deceascd al the same in on said Executor ert L. Snyde stated, and Clerk of said proof of such months after cation of this be barred. DATE of first 1962, ROBERT Executor Sial" Rt. I, Shelton ROBERT L. Attorney at Law 125 N. 5th Shelton, NOTI,E OF VALUA ON STATE OF WA MENT OF Bert L. Cole, Lands. Notice is hereby day, the 23rd da meneing at ten c of said day, District Hea& Orchard Washington, trator of the following will be sold at highest b Appl Cady Lake miles west of sale is con] property Township 23 W.M., contain less, compr bd. ft. of 60,000 bd. ft. growth) ; 408 white pine ; Minunum Timber stallment plan a.lll., each mum deposit t bill of sale' fec, the form ficd cheek, said an opening bid Upon award of ire deposits unsuccessful chaser so pay all the total amoU elusive of fees, bid price based This balance nmY cheek. within 30 bond anee sale. All are to be nladl missioner of Accessibility : Comllletc con nmy be District I-Iead, or's ()flier, of Public TO be sold at Any sale and for wbicll sbKll not bc readvertised. offered within the advertised tinue on the the hours of ten o'clock pan. -old Said Thnber on ,' for not less lllal|--[-: q as appraised bY tel Public Lands in t "by law, a notice %f file in tlm offiCedV Mason County, . a/.IM, trator of said dlsu,i Ternls of sale a' ment plan baiS._¢eA BERT L. COs Commissioner NOTICE REPORT IN THE STATE OF MASON In the LILLIE MAY NOTICE W. G. above entitled office of tbe report, )ersons Charge the peti and that said 1 be beard on 1962. at 10:00 o FOR BIDS Mason Coull- No. 3 arc on the follow- is I heir ash ingion : t240 v(d/s lo 120/240 to 120/2t0 yells reeeived at tile Ctrcet, up to at which lime read. : b.v I1 for 5'), of de gUaranteed de- and give engin- in- losses, l'egu- full load ]hl[ Si)(| alld Serve lhe righl alld lo sPleet their judg- needs of 1110 I alh'l g'e r No. 3. .1/12-19 2t 334 )ITORS RT OF THE FOR ths Estate of WAL- ' Deceased. appointed of said claims nyder at the md file tile said Court, service, date of or the lUblication: April 5, 4/5-12-19-6 4t Legal Publications 1962, and answer the complaint of tile plaintiff, and serve a Copy of your answer ul)m the undersigned attorney for plahtiff at tier office below stated; an(l ill case of yotlr f11ihll'e SO to do, judgmenI will I)e rendered against you at'cording to the deniands of tile coin- plaint wllich will be filed with the clerk of this conrt; Tllal the cause of aciion herein is for lba l)roclirelllent of a Decree of Divorce ,)n Ibe ground of living separate and aparl for over a period of five years el1(1 fo|' non Sllpport. TRENA BELSITO WORTtilNGTON Altorm.v for Plaintiff OFFICE "AND POST OFFICE AD- DRESS : 205 Tlmrsion Savings & Loan Building OlYml)ia, Washington 3/29-4/5-12-19-26-5/3-6t No. 3346 NOTICI,,' TO CI(I,I)i'I'OIL IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Mailer of the Estaic of E, A. CR()UCIt, Deceased. MAI(IE CROUCH is lbe appointed and qualified Ex,cutrix of said estale. All [ 1(; l'SOllS havilig *c]ailllS ag'linst soid deceased al'e reqHil'ed (O SO,'Ve lhe same ill dul)licnie, duly verified, on said Executrix or hei' attorney, T(,berl L, Snydei' al the address below staled, and file the same with tile Clerk of said C(inr[, together with proof of sueh serv co, w thin s x months after !the dale of first publication of this netice, or the seine %viii be barred. DATE ef first publication: March 29, 1962. MARIE CROUCH Executrix Route 4, Box 378 Shelh)n, Wasbingt on. ROBERT L. SNYDER Altorney at Law , .: ... 5th SImlton, Washington. 3/29-4/5-12-19-4t N0. 3:t43 NOTICE TO CIREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF 1'I-t1 STATE O1P WASItINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Ill the Matter of the Estate of BUDOLPH A. OLSON, Deceased. Dora Muller is the appointed and qualified Administratrix of said es- tate. All persons having claims against said deceased are reqtfired to serve the same in duplicate, duly verified, on said Administratrix or her attof hey, Robert L. Snyder at the add- ress below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of suell service, within six months after the date of first publ!- cation of this notice, or the same will be barred. DATE of first publication: April 12, 1962. DORA MULLER Administratrix Route 11, Box 440 Olympia, Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125Vj N, 5th Shelton, Washington. 4/12-I9-26 5/3 4t ROTTER and &SSOCIAT|S Broker Walter George, Associate Broker 6-6642 Evenings- HA 6-3530 ON ANGLESIDE Lots of room for 2 lots. Full price $3750. Terms. 4 bedrooms, 2 car garage, 1 acre all Ideal for your own garden spot. $10,000. )ME, 2 BLOCKS FROM STORES, 2 baths, heat, 2 car garage,,,heautifully landscaped a honm ;(°tt can, be.. proud of. $27 500.. R HOME 138 ft of ideal lake frontage. Ex- for your famiiy swimming boating' good fishing. Could be 3 bath automatic heat. $10,000. ROOM HOUSE -- 2 bedrooms, bath, basement. Terms, HOME 3 bedrooms, bath, 90 ft. lake frontage. i ' $12,500. Terms. !:'0!. 1 ACREs CLEARED -- 5 ROOM HOUSE, 2 faib:t s, bath 2 car garage barn. This is a ood tarts. $12,500. .Terms g *. 1:. T BUILDING __ Completely,rented. Gross an- i,,!12, 0) cOme $210 Owner must sell, Full price EEUs FOR WATERFRONT AND FARMSI Rotter & Assooiates REAL ESTATE. Union TW 8-2429 E00GEP¥10NAL VALUES Real Estate nce Co. evenings call TR 7-5277 iii i SALE ags on Eaet Pine . $5,00? at Union being .aterfront). $6,00 $ ]ARSON HA 4081 BALE use  Large Lots of built- .wall carpeting eat .-- Large garage  90 t t. View. , 6-8428 2/1 tfn NEED i Sell famous Kn Full m" part sions plus for nlen Theisson, of said R]x. L l:.yedrooms, or the upstairs may be used as tile room of the e.tazrs has a kitchen, bath, living room, one the atrance Or you can have a lovely, roomy County. appointment right away for this will sell for and place anY t. ' said Estate ma !IIb jet tions tlleretO t' I .,,... DATED tiffs 2 . "HE ' -  -'ki-- NEIGHBORHOOD .... . ,' .HARRY L %:'ull ,;"g View '.. ETTLED e, Some furniture, also four lots. Priced for for more details. R'S CONTRACT this home located in Skokomish Valley. move into the country--ONLY $3200. PERSONALITY PLUS )tee bedrooms-v-electric heat, two-car gar- *se to schools, stores, built-in oven and ':IOE that likes to entertain with this sound- room. Three bedrooms, well designed right in this home as it has had marvelous Yard. Priced for $17,500. located in town -- $65.00 per month, kDIA POINT "ARKADA PARK" ots, all utilities, private dock. DY HA 6-4252 days -- HA 6-6530 Write P. O. Box 37, Shelton has two bedrooms and an extra room third. Lovely hardWood floors, kitchen is oven, tabletop stove, garbage disposal, yard. All this for $8700, ANGLE AGENOY Estate -- Insnrance -- .A6.627 -- mCZ SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Chrlstmastown; U.B.A./Shelton, Washington ............... Page 21. s, ii Legal Publications NOTICE TO ('ONTRACTORS NoLle(, is hereby given that the Washington State tlighway Commis- sion. Department of Highways, P.O. Box 327, Olympia. Washington is cal- ling for bids for wclt drilling and l)Uln I) installation at tile Shelton Maintenance Site located in the East , Southeast :!:. Southeast .i Town- ship 20 North, Range 3 West W.M, ilI Mason Coullty. Sealcd bids will be received ai the office of the Distriel Engineer at ,Tumwater, Wa:-lhington until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, May 3, 1962, and will then anti there be pulfliely opencd and read. Prequalifie.ation of bidders will bc required. Plans and Specifications may be ob- tained, witlmut charge, froul the Dist- rict Enghleer, P.O. Bex 327, O]ynlpia. I)lfoi'olati()alll copies of tile plans and sl)ecifications are on file Ill the Office of tim Dish'iet Engineer, Tumwater, Washington, the Office of 1he ]lasoIl County Engineer and tit the Mainten- anee Division Office ill Gorst, Wash- illgl on. ERNEST A. COWELL, Chairman R. W. KEI=SLAKE, District Engineer 4/19-26 2t NOTICE OF llEA]tlNG NOTICE IS ItEREBY GIVEN That pollding rceeil)t of Resolutions frolo a majority of the School Districts in Mason C(,unty, tlmt the /Board ol County Commissioners will, at ] :30 l).m., on Monday. the 30th day of Al)ril, 1962, consider the advisa- bility of adopling an Ordinance pro- viding for the levy of not more than .19{- Excise Tax on sales of real estate as provided ill RCW 28.45,040 and ,050. Said Hearing will be held at the office of said Board in the Court House, at Shelton, Washington, at the above stated time, DATED this 16th day of April, 1962. Board of Mason County Colunltssh)ners By C. NOLAN MASON Count.v Auditor and 1G!x. Officio Cleric of the :oard. 4/19 It NO. 3352 NOTICE '1,O CltEDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WA'HINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In tlie Matter of the Estate of JEN- NIE E. ZINTHEO, Deceased. Jack H. Mays is t.he appointed and qualified Executor of said estate. All pz'sons tmving claims against said deceased are required to serve the same in duplicate duly verified, on said Executor ill" his attorney, Robert L. Sn,'der at the address below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service, within six months after the date of first publication nf this notice, or the same will be barred. DATE of first publication: April 19, 1962. JACK H. MAYS 2019 King Shelton, Wasbington ROBERT L, SNYDER A'ttorney at Law ]25V, North 5th Shelton, Washington. 4/19-26 5/3-19 4t NOTICE TO ALL CONCERNED: The partnership of Chappell. Chap- pell and Zillyette has been dissoh'ed ns of December 31, ]961. WALTER CHAPPELL HENRY CHAPPELL KENNETH ZILLYETTE 4/12-19-26 3t Friends Honor Rural Resident With 'Pink And Blue' Shower By Joyce Scott: HOODSPORT .... About twenty friends of Bernice Renner of Cush- man gathered at the home of Shirley Rollevson last Thursday evening to honor hcr with a pink and blue shower. Lovely floral decorations carried out the color scheme. Mrs. William Kirk and Mrs. Bart Robbins were the win- ners in the games played during the evening. The Tiny Tim Orthopedic Guild will have a Bake Sale on Friday, April 20 at Calahan's Store. Sell- ing will begin at 10 a.m. So in- stead of baking that day, stop by: and pick up a Cake and help the girls out. The young people's group at the church enjoyed a Progressive Din- ner on Saturday evening. The first stop was at the Ken Graves for appetizers, then to Shumates for salad. The main course was served at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Gain. ; The gronp then drove up the Canal i to the Harold Sunds to enjoy sonle I delicious pies. i Mr. O. K. Linscott had the mis-I fortune of getting his hand in-I volved with a lawn mower on Monday evening. A doctors care was needed to repair the damage. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gwinn and children moved this week into the house on Finch Creek formerly occupied by the Art Indahl's. Mrs. Myrtle Allard was a recent !!ouse guest of the H. I. Millos. The Millo's spent the weekend in Portland with their daughter and son-in-law, the Joe Hansens. Mrs. Edwin Kurtz arrived last week by jet from Pennsylvania to visit her brother, George Yocom. Legal Publications NO. 335t NOTICE TO (31tEI)ITOR, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate ef M. C. ZINTHEO, Deceased. W. H, Anderson is the appointed and qualified ExemKor of said estate. All persons having claims against said deceased are required to serve the santo In duplicate, duly verified, on said Executor or his attorney, Robert L, Snyder at the address llelow stated and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of sUcll service, wit]fin six months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the same will be barred. DATE of first l)ublication: April 19, 1962. W. H. ANDERSON, Executor 1420 Boundary Shelton, Washingtou ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125 N. 5th Shelion, Washington. d/19-26 5/3-10 4t 500 FEET OF WATERFRONT Allyn area. Steal at $12.00 per foot. HOOD CANAL WATERFRONT 300 feet close to new Minerva State Park. 80 foot bulkhead with septic tank and drain field in. Don't wait to call if interested, a steal at $33.00 per foot. GENUINE FAMILY HOME Built around enormous 22  x 22  living room. 4 BRs, 2 fireplaces, 2 baths and many, many more fine featm'es all on 10 acres. 11 miles frorn town. $15,000.00. SHELTON'S FINEST Move right in and start living" as the matched washer and dryer, range, refrigerator, drapes, mirrors, wall-to-wall carpets in dining room, living room, halls and bed- rooms all stay. Owner will carry contract. By appointment. Only $17,500.00. PRICE DRASTICALLY REDUCED due to ill health, doctor's orders are to move. Owner will sacrifice 20 acres (approximately 6 cleared) with peaceful 2 BR home. Priced at $12,000.00 but owner will accept $10,000.00. You can't go wrong on this buy. 5 ACRES 5 MILES FROM TOWN This spacious 3 BR home in the process of being completely redecorated, Has large combina- tion dining" an living room, well planned kitchen. MMst be seen to appreciate. $16,500.00. APPROXIMATELY I/2 ACRE IN TOWN Ideal for family with man in trucking or logging business. Has a huge 36 x 46 shop on back of property. Can be at home while working on equip- ment during lay-offs or break-downs. Has comfortable 2 or 3 BR home with full basement. More than you would ever expect for" $10,500,00. George is still confined at Madigan but hopes Lo be imme soon. Mr. Km'tz will join his wife here this weel(cnd. Mr, and Mrs. Main'ice Kaare be- came grandparents on April 10. Karen and Bob Pederson of Port Angeles have a baby girl. They named tier Debra Ann and accord- ing to Marie, there's never been one so nice before. This brings Mrs. William Dean the distinction of being a great-grandmother for the first time. Again this year Easter Stulrise Services will be held at the Hoods- port School on Sunday morning at 6. Many in the Canal area attend each year and Hood Canal Com- nmnity chm'ch urges all to be out for this inspirational service. Rev. Wallace Bell from the Skokomish Comnmnity church will be guest speaker. Customers entcring Canal Sup- ply these (lays are congratulating Archie and Blanche Calahan on the "new look" the store has taken on the past few days. Things are still a little nnsetted but looking very modern, This is just one im- provement job we've noticed. Tilli- cure Beach has a handsome new sign to attract all those Century 21 tom'ists ! LaBISSONIERE AGENCY REAL ESTATE -- INSURANCE 119 South 4th Street HA 6-4666 Evenings Call Sylvia Carey, HA 6-3132 AI LaBiuonlere, HA 6-864g Harry (Bob) Wiles, HA 6,926 Vivian Ninemire, HA 6-8806 PREFERRED PROPERTIES Extension Agent Presents Budget For The Aged k" THE VIEW'S GREAT Enjoy every minute with this "preferred,, watvfrnnt and view property_-"ile-- acres of land includes gard-' en, fruit trees,, sweeping lawn. excellent drilled well, and a charming three bed- room home, This is the best in economical country living for jusL $12,750.00. JUST RIGHT FOR 2 This charming two bed- room Mt. View home is jus¢ right for a couple. It has been Well cared for inside and out, and has a dandy garden-spot on the dOuble lot. You Will especially like the convenient kitchen, cheery bedrooms and large utility area. FHA terms are available, so why not call today. ROOM TO ROAM! This 25-acre spot located between Shelton and Olym- pia Will give you the extra room you need It has a real good two beclroom house, duble garage-workshop .-- p us an Xcellent water sys- tem. This is a new listing and a "must ,, see for the week-end farmer. VA or con- tract terms:at $10,500. NEED ROOM? If you need room and are a handyman, you should see this large Mt. View home. There is room for four or five bedrooms as well as spa- cious living and dining rooms. We are sure you will ee lots of possibilities, so let's take a look . . . only $6950, with terms to suit your budget. THROW OUT THE ASPIRINI No more headaches over which house to buy! Here is the perfect place, and here's why: It has four large bed- rooms, two baths, spacious living-dining area with a beautiful fireplace, and one of the most convenient kitch- ens you will ever find. This attractive home is surround- ed by an extra large, well landscaped yard. All this plus a large garage and car- port. This is a must at $12,- 000, easy terms, of course. The annual Mason Count Homemakers meeting this week featured facts about financial planning for retirement. County Agent Jane Windsor presented an example of a retired couple's bud- et and Mr. S. Anderson, Tacoma broker gave the audience an un- derstanding of investments that provide dollar growth in inflation-i ary times. THE BUDGET shown was for a couple living in an $8,000 fully paid for home---with good car paid for and all life insurance paid up plus the couple having reasonably good ilealth. The mau was retiring at 65 and his wife was 62. Social Security inconle was listed at $174.70 per month and it was assumed the couple bad $60.00 per month coming in on company pension or from some investment. Retired Couple Estimated Spen- ding Plan (Yearly Income $2816.- 4O) House repair and maint. , 1 of value of home $ 80.00 Real Estate taxes .............. 85.00 Fire Insurance .................... 20.00 Fuel ...................................... 120.00 Telephone ............................ 48.00 argage, water, sewer. ..... 36.00 Electricity ......................... - 120.00 Lodge Dues .......................... 15.00 Bank Charges .................... 15.00 Food ...................................... 600.00 Personal .............................. 150.00 Clothing ............................... 250.00 Household Operation ........ 150.00 Auto & Trans. inc. insurance, licenses, etc Furnishings & equip ......... Medical care including insurance ...... Education & Recreation .. Gifts, church, welfare ...... VINCE HIMLIE HA e.esoi Total estimated liv. exp. $2814.00 THIS PLAN tended to show the need for even more attxiliary income above social security to give the couple much opportunity for travel and hobbies , etc. Another feature of the day's program was a talk on the pur- Poses of the Evergreen Safety Council by Mrs. Henry Unger who serves as home safety chairnlan for this county. The JOURNAL - Want a HOUSE or a HOME .. ,? They sound alike. They may look alike. But there's a difference! Why settle for an ordinary house when you can own a lovely home ? The cost is little more, the divi- dends i comfort and life- long family happiness are tremendous! Compare any house you've seen with this charming first-rate home • hich is four years old, but will seem "brand-new" to you because of super care. The spacious family room joined to an outstanding all- inclusive kitchen, two full baths, double garage with electric-eye door o p e n e r, many, many extra nice fea- tures, plus a beautifully landscaped yard including a complete sprinkling system. Your appointment to a lux- urious home awaits you by calling us now! WATERFRONT REALTY 3.17.BAILROAD AVE, _ MARDEIM STBOUD HA 6-8585 ANYTIME HA 6-4000 LETTERS SHELTONIANS FEEL GOLD BUG A-BITING To The Editor: On Labor Day a friend and I drove to Lake Chclan, roy sccond time there since 1896. At that time it was mostly cow country-- bucking horses mid two-gun men, I if they had the drop on you. Today it has more Kitsap and Grays Harbor cars than there were cows then. We stopped at the only placc we could get for the night. It was much like a tent as it was so full of flies thai: 1 worked a P.I. to shrcds killing them. The fruit is just in the con- dition to call the flies. The lake is beautiful in the moonlight and lighted up with porch-lights all night, so they could see who came, I was told. The old Stevens Pass is mul different than 64 years ago, but my car had to go on the bum on it, just as bad as thc old Model T would, and of course it was a Ford from the Chev outfit in Shel- ton. We came back over the old Blewett Pass, which in my time l was as the rest of the country--a cow range as well as a mining dis- trict. I was told that iv/ the early days and up to my time there was: over $3 million worth of gold ta- ken out of the Blewett, or Swauk Creek mines. Some of the old mines are still at work, I understand, yet many are said to be worked out. But there is a fresh crop of gold to be had each spring as the crcek re- cedes and the water gets low en- ough. There was an old friend of mine who came west in 1844 just be- fore the '49 gold rush. Fie toot€ up a place 10 miles out of Ellens- burg on the Willson Creek hill ov- erlookilg tim Kittitas Valley and the home of the man who wrote "The Man With the Hoe". His name was W. T. Seaton. As I re- member his home was down on the stream. I have the picture of the old house, that is, what is left of it some two years ago. 1 also have a picture of old John Lillard's house which is left and ome of an old breaking plow just as I unhooked from it as I was helping Lillard in 1897 a short time before he died. Nothing was moved from the The beam has rotted out and the old whippletrees lay as they dropped that day. But I think I will have to go back to the Blewett anti try rny luck a: there are a ]clt of new outfits starting to operate there. Old John Lillard had found gold but would not .take out a claim as he was afraid to. so many had been killed for their gold fit the early days when the gold was first found, he said. He said Ellm]burg was the most dmtgerous place he had ever seen. He called it "Robbers Roost". He aid many men were found near Dry Creek with bullets in their backs as thPy came toward El- lensburg, and some Chinese had a claim in which they were doing well but were found beskte the road shot. Anyway, I think I must be get- ting the bug after looking things To The Editor are much different than in by- gone days. I sca the bug i. grow- ing. I may have to do something about it. Well, if I do I will tell you. Dr. A. F. Oppelt Star Route 1, Box 154 Shelton, Washington WISHY, WASi|Y PEOPLE Editor, The Journal Dear Sit': In almost any conmmnity there arc three types of people who arc INlIUMAN HUMANS concernc<t in every cvent, catastro- IMtol ..... qhe JOlllU' 'll" phe or public improven]ent that " , .... takes place, or in any matter that How can a human (?) bc so would affect the public-at-large. I intuuuan io a poor, helpless, (:hmb There are, of course., the lead-l animal? ers of the community, who will Whoever drove into our drivc- pioneer a new project or idea, who lway and turned the no)st lovable are usually made the scapegoat, I Collie-cross puppy loose iu a for people as [:t rule are afraid to]wooded area-vith what looked plunge ahead rote s0methmg new I like a TV antenna wire so tight to there,. Here is where tiae skep- around its neck he could hardly ic ann ooubter snine and are in[breath and loops so h)ose they t}leir glory..There .i:s no limit to ]could have cau'ght on a broke'rt tne moeis tney wni pm upon a[stunlp or limb and been forced to pioueer who will brace the wilder-[a terrible death hardly deserves ness and zts obstacles. [the status of hunlau. " It is easier to take the course i Had we not accidently seen the of least resistancc. There will al-half-starved creattu'e ttmt sarue so be no limit to the "wiseacre" afternoon heaven only knows what arrogant and sardonic remarks would have happened to him. that will flow from them. It is Would it not be much more lnuuan all destructive criticism and neg- to imve him put to sleep by a ative forccasting of events, veterinary? Then there are the workers who All I can say is I don't see how will devise plans to help and ntakc that person can sleep nights. We the original plan workable and saw the car drive out so they, practical. They will assist and whoever or whatever they are, help the leader, and will fight if can be assured we will try to find necessary to accomplish what they a good home for the pup. believe to be right. They are un- (Name withheld, 1)uL on file aL dismayed at false propaganda and Journal office), negative overttires. They are tim .............. real workers, but thc ones who Journal Wani id; Pay are USUIlly forg'otLen In the end, The wiseacres will soon forget the fearless battles they fought for in greater ease and comforL. Lastly, there are the drones, HyT%%I weaklings and wishy-washy peo- ple who have no moral fibre or convictions. People without opin- ions, spineless and gutless and afraid of their own shadows. They will let "Gcorge" do it all and peek through lhe citrtain and nev- er offer a hand. They will go whichever way thc wind blows or wifichever way their bread iv but- tered the best, regardlcss of prin- ciple. They have no consistency and will jmaap over thc fence at the slightest difficulty. Oh God, thaL there were more rugged individuali.¢:ts who would stand by their convictions, re- gardless of "hell or high water". I. M. Justificus Route 2, Shelton MEXICAN IIALLET I,AII1)EI) AS TOP ENTI'I{.TAINMENT F.dil(n'. Shelton Journal: In porsuing the agenda of en- tertaimnenL evenLs scheduled for the Seattle Worhl's Fair, one such s(.hcduled performance thal 1 have personal knowledge of is nol, ewor- lhy and shouhl bc publicly com- nlellted on. The Ballet Folklorieo de Mexico, (drected by Amalia Hernandez is scheduled froITl Angtlst 27fh to September 2nd aL the new Opera 350.00 100.00 over and seeing what others are House I recently saw this won- 325.00 aomg there, though the method derful and incomparable show at 150.00 ......................................................................................................................... 200.00 SOME EXCELLENT BUYS A MOST ATTRACTIVE 2 BEDROOM WATERFRONT HOME You'll just love this place Lhe lakefront sctting is beautiful, and only 15 minutes from town. There's so much to tell about this nearly new and spacious brick home with the feattu'es we all enjoy. Picture yourself living there--swinlming, fishing, boat- ng, skiing, from your pretty front lawn. An ideal way of life. Only $17,500, Better see it today! SPACIOUS 4 BEDROOM AND DEN HOME IN COUNTRY ... If you want to live in the counLry, with plenty of room to raise the family, here's the ideal property. Several acres with stream and small pool for play area; home includes full basement, separate dining room. fireplace, and beautiful view of the water- front and mountains. $21,500. Like to sce it ? HERE'S ONE OF MASON COUNTY'S FINEST HOMES . . . And there's so nmch to tell about it! A very pretty ranch- type rambler with so many, many lovely features. Beautiftd. rooms, plush carpeting, two pretty baths, two fireplaces, a pan- elled den, a nlost popular family room, three attractive bedrooms, and a gourmetrdesigned ldtchcn. A separate hobbyslmp, ken- nels, and room for several cars. By appointment WHAT A GRAND HOME FOR THE GROWING FAMILY . . . This is the type of home uany families want--lots of room, full basement, loads of storage space, two-car garage, etc. The four nice bedrooms have large closets, the lovely kitchen recently remodelled and so attractive, and even a separate room for music, TV, or den. It's downtown too! And only $14,950! IF YOU'D LIKE A REAL CUTE 2 BEDROOM CO'TAGE . , . At the very reasonable price of only $5950 at $50/nlonth then betLer check Lhis one. Dandy location, and has extra large lot, immediate possessmn, so check this one today. Who'll get it? 4 BEDROOMS, FULL BASEMENT, FIREPLACE, $8500 . . , And only two blocks from shopping center on Hillcrest. If you need room at a modest price, thin it is! Owner's family now grown, so he will consider your smaller home as a trade on this ne. 10% down will handle, Better check this! THE CONVENIENCE OF LIVING DOWNTOWN . . . Where you can walk to work, stores, schools, churches, can be quite a saving on the gas hill. And where else can you buy three bedroom 1 bath home with large livng room, separate dining room, automatic heating, for only $6500? Suggest you look! HERE'S A LOVELY 2 BEDROOM AND DEN HOME ... With tlmt desired fireplace, plush carpeting and hardwood floors, cozy baseboard heatinK, pretty covered patio, workshop, and attractive 'ard with stream. Extra bath and lots of storage space are only a few of the additional fine features we know you will like. $15,900, Why's the time to buy! JUST FAR ENOUGH AWAY ... The convenience of town living' with the luxury of your own beach. This charming all-electric three bedroom home is located Just a mile from the city--with the accent on convenience. The lot is well landscaped with lots of flowers, Fireplace, garage and many other features make this an ontstanding value. The price \\; is $12.000.00. Call now for an appointment. A. ROY DUNN REALTOR Phone HA 6-6363 * 126 Railroad Ave, Evenings call-- MARV VOSS WALTER MARBLE A. ROY DUNN HA 6-8074 HA 6-3022 HA 6,4601 lhe Palace of Fine Arts in Mexico CiLy, and I unhesitaLingly report lha, t this is one of the m,,st eo]or- Iul artist:it and 1110st llnl'ot'get- table spectacles that :I: have over seen. The dancing and v;ri,,d mu- sic is gay aud magnificently ex- c.cuted, the etmreography truly su- perb. The 85 artists in this group per- fornl ill 10 scent!s, each SCt)lle l)e- ing rcpl'esentati'¢e of (:tiffercnt provinces of Mexico; the two hour .,;low is truly a display of per- fection, and I am ('.erlain Lh'tt all those that have seen Lhis show will agree that it ranks hiKh tlnl()ng the great folk ballets of (,nr time. To ntiss it W(l/lid he a luist:ake. Yours sincerely, GLENN E. CORREA PROTfET YOUR FORESTS- I<EEP MASON COUNTY GREEN Real Estate 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS FOR $6,500! IMPROBABLE? • At present it is a Duplex, but by removing one inside wall. you will have a 3 bedroom home wortl easily $9,500. Owner has moved to California and wants to sell now. Tcrms. Call us today on this one. 200  TIDAL WATERFRONT 7 ROOM HOME S. OF UNION • 3 Bedrooms, walk-around fire- flace. All year trout brook. Dou- be garage. Apples and plums ga- lore. Magnificent view. Skoko- mish estuary at Hood Canal, Worth more than $11,500. Con- ventional financing. CRAMPED FOR SPACE? NEED MORE ELBOW ROOM? • Here's your answer. Approx, 1 acre. 7 rooms and bath on first floor. 3 unfinished bedrooms ovl 2nd floor where your children can play to their hearts content, with- out disturbing the first floor. At- tractive living and dining rooms, The spacious kitchen has separate eating alcove. Try and match this exceptional value for $8,500. Yours for only $1,100 down including fi- nancing. 4 BEDR(OMS ON CORNER MMEDIATE SALE $7,250 • Strictly for a growing family. Big living-activity room, fireplace. Forced air furnace. Kitchen lights where you wanb hem. Ample closets. Garage. Carport and play shelter. You can move right in for only $700 down and $62.50 monthly. 2 BEDROOMS, 8 ACRES COLE ROAD, 4 MILES OUT • 4 tillable acres. 4 cash crop acres in young Christma trees. Drilled well. Some fence repairs, Large living room, kitchen and good utility porch. You can read- ily expand this sound 1955 country home. Priced right at $9,500. Terms arranged. $400 DOWN, $40 PER MONTH USE THIS FOR A STEPPING- STONE • Toward the home you will eventually want, 2 bedrooms. Standard size lot, large enclosed back porch, garage, good garden. 1 block from Bordeaux School. Call Mr. Mann on this one today. 4 BEDROOMS. DOWNTOWN CLOSE BY HIGH SCHOOL • Well located. Solid plaster walls throughout. Spacious bed- rooms. Full basement, with gar- age and F.A. Furnace. A good buy for $11,500 with $1..500 down flus financing. CALL HA 6-6592 ANYTIME MANN REAL ESTATE 321 South First Street  EVENINGS CALL JOHN DEVER,EUX "HOME.FINDER" AT HA 6-3500