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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 19, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 19, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 22 * High School Spotlight. JUDY AND JANE SHUMATE have faced many problems in their 17 years as twins, but have found many rewards in the companion- ship they have shared. Judy&apos;s plans for the future include Nurs- ing school, where Jane wants to be an Elementary teacher. How does it feel to see yourself whenvver you look at your sister ? Do you dress alike? Do you like Ihe same things? These are some of the questions this reporter put to Judy und Jane Shumate during a recent interview, Seeing little twin girls dressed alike always brings oh's and ah's ol admiration frorn onlookers. The average person never realizes the problems two identical people have m finditlg individual personalities. Judy and Jane revolted against being dressed alike, at a w,'ry early ;Jg(,. They felL they had no iderltity whatoever, Their little friends could not t[.dl them apart st), not knowing wllat nmm to call them by, culled them hoLh "Twin". Another interesting factor hav- in K Co do with names, is thut nei- ther el the girls uver had a, nick- nanae Ilntl] las| Slllllllli.r. Their friends had Lo content.rate st) hard i'ememberillg which wa Judy ai'ld which \\;ViiS ,lalit. tha,t the opportll- mty for lliC](llalrle.i II(V(*l" itlro.+-te, Whell ,lane ati(qtdcd (3sill I) Malibu m C'allada last stlltnn(q' the p, irls were tel)aralcd lor tla first time, ,14.tlie be;camp, al:i individllal, a.nd be- ca,tile her new t'ricllds were not I,ryiDl to figill'e ()lit which "twin" ,;tlC \\;V:l,q, shf .iof}tl Wli:4 happily lilt- SHELTONMASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A., Shelton, Washington PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. - FRI. - SAT., APRIL 19 - 20 - 21. RIGHT TO LIMIT. complete surprise, even to the doc- l.or. Ther(, l'md l)ecn m indienlion of twins. Tlwy weJgh(,(l at)otlt ,1 Ib,;. al)lecc altd ,olm t,i;trl(d Iosirl{4 w(.ighI, Collz¢(:qlleiltJy, 1,hey spcnt the fir:d, two montl s of their lives l all illCU|'Jator, 'I'll(, fhlllllatc='s morel1 to Hoods- pOl'l. \\;v]lell lhe 14iris were ready t,o enler the 3rd l'i,lde where they re- mained lhrough the 7th grade. They rclurncd to Olynipia for t hl'oC yea I'S add Ill()vt!(t back to }lood:porl, whclt tile tWillS were ready for tllcir .luilior year in higlI school. Tim girls ;ire ISIT. seniors this yeai'. Jtldy is t;lkilig" algebra. Gel'- mail chemistry, physiology, civics and lit. Jallc',s Sllbjec=ts are hiohigy, ]fllysiology, Fr(nch. civics, choir, i'Oltlp, Hlld ieachcl"s (irieiltalioll. .!lndy lihes [aI31CF. Or' all kinds, hives Io cook arid elkioys readin/4' witcn ,lie can find time. She is a, great pink pong faro In the sunl- I +,,++,+ Boneless HAM .u,,,o..+ for school aitd other social rune- Whole or Half Lions as a. singtrig duet. Jane, who was Omsen tot" Girls' State last year has given her speech on sev- oral oecaslOllS recelltly. The twills have green eyes and dark hair. Judy got ;L 20 nfinute head start in the world on her ilte>ntical sister. Jane has never caught up in height. She has re- lnalned i tilth shorter from birth. Their friends can tell them apart after they get to know them, but no one. intdttding their parenls, cfltl I.elI lheir vole.el klpa.rt oil LIIc phollc. They live ai Hoodst)ort with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jim Shtmlatc. Tlwy have two older sls- (IIOI tWill,) rho ;I, ro lllalTicd, .hilly and .lalle I)¢lttl feel that. al- thotlgh }win,,4 . tWill has its dis- advanlage,;, it also has coinpelsa- lions. They haw,  always had eaclt olhcr 11t1' ciHllpalliOtlshil). PTA Council To Meet On Tuesday T]IC Mason Cmnly I>TA OOIInCJl will i)loiq fl'Olil l0 el.All illitil <',;{0 p.m. ilext T/le(hlv ;il tile EVel'- g'reoll schilol libra 'y. swerJllg to a, 12ickltallltL The IllOrllill, session will be a The girls were |)lirll OcLLIbcq' 15,'/ COIIIIci] meeting followed by ii1- 1944 ill Otylnt:lia. ,lale, came as a[ stallati°n nf new OI'I'iceFS. I I, i.incll will he aerv#2¢i at nooll. A filn-i t'lilitled "Cllihh'en Ctlllle liqr:t" wilt 1.)[ :41town il [he alftCl '- mer stiv likes t help wilh i<c|Jllt - rner camp, She I.llillks it is ['1111 to  help on l<itellen detail a,ll(I plitn- l!l I . ....  ' M I i ml{K She will worl< this s nnmer and llopen i,o enter Nursing scimol Ill [] ill tile fall. , [] I I Jallc b,,hing,; l.,) F'I A,. Pep Chib, •   lhe Gtrls' Enenihh: {tild in a. I'llClll- I  ¢:}7 b(,r (:if the tennis team. She is • president of the Youtl) Chib at the I ,.:, lW ]Iced Calla] chllre.h and teaches • "}::iJ >:¢,) |he 3rd a.nd ,lib grade girls ill SIIll- i i;ii, ;¢.) (lay School. I i P, II She likes tennis, writing letters I i to the Iwi.ny friends she shade at mE ,-.,.,r,, Ctlll l) Malihu last year, watching   iiiil ' fool.bali games and riding horse- Y ,.- ii"; I:ittrCl{. S|10 till0 likes to garden and  i, clean l)uum. Shh plall to work   It this SUliill:i('l" illld go 111 college it) :i !,;llill ih II tri:tin fr)l" EIcllelitary Leaching ill I t ::::|r  the fail, ._1__ I ....=,NII _..A 11(Ioi1 Io]h)wcd I)y cJlts:4t's fol' til- l COlliiil . ....... (lJl('tw,. ('.ANAl, SOCIAl, CIA:II I"0 }lAVE ]'(YPla[:CK Catlal Collrt ()r(ler of Aalitr- an[h Soc, ia] Club witl la,,,'[ )i' a pol,hlck llll'lCheOll IICN? lil /1 .(:,1" at lhe holllo of .MIllllio [;l[')'( ill I'()L- la+tch. IZAGLES AUXILIAHY TO NOMINATE NEW OFFICERS The FC)I Auxiliary No. 2079 will llleet :it nexl Tuesday aL Illt Eagles' airport hall. All lllelllb(ra al'( Ill'C(1 l(:i lit- tend as there will b lloltiina, tioJ'l of officers for the 1962-6;I season NAVI'. ' MOTItl,;ILI TO MEET 'l"he Na, vy Molhers will meet al, s i).lu, toliiKht in lhe J%{c,n/oria] tlall. SHOP NOW FOR A A Perfeoi Foundation Boneless WHOL;UoLLYCOOK__EATH,S H.,,.ay o. F,.ta Ib SOCIETE or SWIFT'S HOSTESS 83" ' , , OCEAN SPRAY ' WHOLE OR CRANBERRY SAUCE ,...,.=_..o.2/1 OTATOES TAYLOR'S . SmEET P .......................... +oo00. 27 , ELBERTA PEACHES .................................................................................... +oz. +, 29 IUD,lU,D, ,ASTEWELL 20,¢ IPlilUlIII ........................................................................................ 4'/2.oz. TiN llil For Your Easior Meal SPARKLE VAN., CHOC., STRAW.. ½ GAL. La NEW DODGE Several Models and Colors on hall(i for A GOOD SELECTiOH ()ur Used Car Stock Is Low and CORN FLORIDA EXTRA FANCY, FULL TENDER EARS ............................................................... ASPARAGUS AVOCADOS o.,+..,.x.....c. 2 29' LARGE SPEARS ........................................................ L B$. LARGE SIZE, IDEAL FOR .[41., YOUR EASTER SALAD ............................................ EACH ' [] NEW POTATOES :=<::'=F°::: ............................................ 5 -.o.39' PAPAYAS '"° ""+ ""°'+ ,o, ,oo. 39 FESTIVE EASTER BREAKFAST ............................................ EAGH '€ ALSO: Strawberries, Pineapples, Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Grapes & Many Other Specialty Items for the Easter Dinner. ,,o,,,,,,,._ 1,.oz..,.,,,, 3/,lO o CHILI lION GARNE Thursda, --tlAG! Cosen t Trip made re- S. Reed Who will at- tate on the camp- 11 to June of schol- mhip and Eby, orvold and Tuson were girls are or c]ass. Will join the county, The simulated and discus- and good citizen- Le is spon- Legion and is a Girl'., has inv0 any represent arri md its as- the and forc( is spon- thes auxiliary tnc: mine  all From T tinn "ltr '=vii ecru( ing Public trim entered a p.roo Ill a member hls z I ,'ommisslon sar.y U. S. Choice-  tic I 7;7,; 2; Round Steak " ' r A' lil i.. ,e, lCall-- delicious Ib fm m i= ms letter that tect V 'I: ! take oftice as a i el U. S. C-hoice ,il i j... i . :i, BONELESS ROLLED I!lie une he could r (Am Q :-caPacityofcivu est B fR . ,00,ce,w ' from th¢.*oud 'b tU h - ee oast ,ema, easy o ea.rve man TOVe"Pa'dy--19"211b'a'g' : ' ,key o "' "t s,g Slated F lilli"l,n+ing_ h all at t o'row .£ ,'< tllre. . ,+ . -lower "deck" n; pmntt, re tor a  ¢lec and cock- e¢ k is there now ', 2' +++.hed, ,,,ill " are 2u!ng facil- . a, -ur rale pres- C C 3.LP' .............. TIN CARNA- TION 14a-OZ. RIGHT TO LIMIT. SHUR- FRESH QUART CRISCO SHORTENING EVAPORATED MILK SCHILLING'S VANILLA ooA. EGG COLOR, KIT + °'"°,°. ,oo.C°'°+ "BUNNY CAKES" REYNOLDS WRAP .,vY <,o.,.,. ALUMINUM FOIl .................... 25 KRAFT MARSHMALLOWS purc by a sen Patti )efore midni old, WE ARE GIVING SKY.HIGH PRIGES ON USED GARS PAULEY MOTORS .) First and Railroad t hone HA 6-8183 BROWN 'n' SERVE 3/'1oo PKG. .... of, 39 ¢ DINNER ROLLS PACKAGE OF 12 Hot Gross Buns Doz. re plans for motel units r or W&- DOLE  20-OUNCE SLICED U KRAFT -- 1"6-OUNCE CHEESE WHIZ ...................... 5S q: PINEAPPLE ....................... ... Phase to 18 Reed, With Clem ler resort of trail- follow. are of the i