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Shelton Mayor Gary Cronce listens on Monday
speak in favor of a study to identify projects to
Canyon Creek.
Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
to city commissioners
mitigrate flooding on
By NATALIE JOHNSON sign of a future project to
,,~(die(~i~ma~;~mcou;~b,c~m mitigate flooding on Can-
==:=:=::=:====:::::::=::::=::---=:========:::====:=::= yon Creek, it only identi-
fies feasible solutions to
The City of She!ton Corn- the problem.
mission hopes to vote next While Mayor Gary
week on a professional ser- Cronce said he generally
vice contract to design a is not in favor of Spending
plan to mitigate flooding on money on studies, he ap-
Canyon Creek. proves of this endeavor.
"Back in fall of last year "You have to know what
... we set aside $152,935 in you have before you can fix
the stormwater fund to do it," he said.
the first phase of work in While long term projects
the Canyon Creek storm- are studied, Michael said
water issues," said city en- the city plans to do some
gineer Mike Michael. smaller projects to main-
City staff has drafted a tain the creek.
$150,000 Professional Ser- "We have at least two
vices Contract with archi- that we've identified so far
tectural firm OTAK for en- that we're starting to plan
gineering services related for," he said.
to the project. After a project is iden-
Michael said this con- tiffed the city will form a
tract does not cover the de- community advisory group
and perhaps a technical
advisory group as well.
Commissioner Mike O1-
sen, who has a first-hand
understanding of the flood-
ing problem on Canyon
Creek, commented on the
"I thought maybe some-
one from the Canyon Creek
neighborhood would be
here. I live on Canyon
Creek," he said. "They're
very skeptical about the
amount of money that is
being spent on this study."
Olsen said he planned
on being very involved in
the project.
"Since talking with
Steve (Goins) and (city
civil engineer) Jerry Hauth
I've been led to believe it's
an important step," Olsen
City settles faulty sewer screen claim
By NATALIE JOHNSON Pease's insurance provider, Traveler's
nu/,a]ic'~'m,a~cn~co~nty.com Insurance, released $250,000 to the city last
....................................................................................... fall.
On Monday, city attorney Kathleen Hag-
The City of Shelton announced Monday gard gave the city commission more good
that it would receive a satisfactory settle- news on the settlement:
merit for faulty equipment that caused Travelers is prepared to pay the city
damage to its Satellite Water Reclamation $699,000 in addition to the $250,000 re-
Plant last year. leased last year, plus $50,000 if any more
"It's giving us everything we were asking damage is found when installing new
for," said city Administrator Dave O'Leary. screens at the facility.
In April 2010, operators at the plant no- Haggard made a few small changes but
ticed that rotary drum screens at the plant's expects Traveler's to accept them.
headworks had failed. "We haven't heard their definite okay on
In May 2010, the city announced that the the changes yet, but we do anticipate they'll
screens had caused between $900,000 and accept the revised version," she said.
$1 million in damage throughout the plant. This means the city will be compensated
The screens were provided by contractor for 100 percent of the damages, Haggard
Pease and Sons and its subcontractor Lake- said.
April flowers
Journal photo by Natalie Johnson I
Ornamental fruit trees are blossoming throughout Mason County this
week, such as this one on Railroad Avenue in downtown Shelton.
A sampling of our
Volunteers, from left:
Socorro Villeda, North
Information Desk;
Carolyn Parker, North
Information Desk and
the Gift Shop; Diane
Deason, Human
Resources; Skip Angell,
Surgery Waiting Room
Desk; and Margarita
Hernandez, Administra-
tion andThe Birth Center.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, April 19, 2012 - Page A-3