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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 19, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 19, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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STORE & DELl SPECIALS -- APRIL 19-25 Courtesy photo Master of Ceremonies, Patti Case with the Skookum Rotary, announces the program to the Academic Excellence students from Mason County last week at the University of Puget Sound campus in Tacoma. An excellence announcement Skookum Rotary honors Mason Grapeview, Hawkins Middle School, Hood Canal School, Oakland Bay Junior High County eighth-grade class School, Mary M. Knight, Mason County Christian School and Pioneer School. The STAFF REPORT students were treated to a tour of the UPS Campus, a lunch in and a presentation of Skookum Rotary in conjunction with Academic of Excellence certificates. the University of Puget Sound, along with The Academic of Excellence pro- school principals and teachers, parents gram was emceed by Skookum Rotar- and friends gathered together on the UPS Jan Patti Case. Guest speakers were campus to honor the academic top ten per- Skookum Rotarian Judge Richard Ad- cent from each of Mason County's eigth- amson, UPS admissions' Robin Aijian, grade classes on April 11. UPS graduating senior Maya Hech and The participating schools included Mike Knape. iN EMS $ RE & .................. EL!:@ 19390 North U.S. Hwy. I01 Skokomish Nation, WA 98584 minuf:s tnhcer tih:~he~oti,?olln ?hfeHSkoW~ko lm0sl l&ndiHanW~Rel,0r?ation Coors & Coors Light Ven. | • sI 99 $ 9 4 18 pk. 126z. cans 12 pk. 12 oz. cans 3-p.iece MarlbogQ !, $+ Chicken/ i:S3.50 u• • I " Bud & BudLight ~'~: ~-'.----~ ~ ~:+:~ :+ ~:,:~+~,, ................ . ............... ......... 05 18 lok.~l 6 '. ' , '"~-+ ~::+i~ ........ 0 '°"°+°'""+'+l"°: "°" Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces to Serious Risks To Your Health Letters 40et8, cannot understand the failure of the school why it ahs taken over 20 administration to support Continued from page A-4 weeks to fix a problem,the NJROTC represents a which should take an hour return of that anti-military in NJROTC. The granting or two. Our analysis of the attitude. The veterans of of such credit is authorized situation places the blame Mason County applaud our by sta~e regulation, Board totally on the high school kids for participating in an of Education policy and is principal and the superin- authorized, patriotic school already done at many other tendent of schools. Do we program. We intend to high schools across the detect an anti-military bias support them using all the state, or just ineptness? Perhaps means at our disposal. Go What's the problem? it's both. NJROTC; continue your Why are our kids being Many of the Mason great service to the cam- denied what the law and County veterans remem- munity. The veterans of board policy entitles them? ber how poorly they were Mason County are proud to The Mason County groups treated by some of their march with you. representing our veterans: fellow citizens upon their James C. McElroy American Legion, Veter- return from Vietnam. It Major General (Ret.) ans of Foreign Wars and makes us wonder whether Shelton Tax a juvenile or family court docket of which selected abuse, neglect, and dependency Continued from page A-1 cases are identified where parental sub- stance abuse is a primary factor," accord- The countyis considering using the Re- ing to the Washington Courts website quest for Proposals (RFP) process to allo- ( "Judges, attorneys, child cate funding, protection services, and treatment per- "They will make recommendations sonnel unite with the goal of providing based on timing and specific allocations," safe, nurturing and permanent homes for Kirkpatrick said. "Then they will make children while simultaneously providing those recommendations to the commis- parents the necessary support and servic- sioners who will then allocate those es to become drug and alcohol abstinent." funds." Kirkpatrick said county staff and judg- The county has one mandated task that es have been working hard to make this a comes with the tax- to create a new ther- reality. apeutic court. They've been doing work during this in- Mason County hopes to'use some of terim to begin to identify what that would the funds to create a Family Dependency look like," she said. "The cost of that will Treatment Court, which can handle some determine what amount of money is left criminal cases in which families with de- for other services." pendent children are involved. The committee will also develop a five- Mason County already has one thera- year plan for the allocation of the tax peutic court- an Adult Drug Court. Ther- money. apeutic courts are evidence-based pro- "The commissioners approved this tax grams, which focus more on rehabilitation to sunset in five years. That's one of the than punishment, reasons I thought it was important to lay "Family dependency treatment court is out a plan," Kirkpatrick said. Adults $8 * 11 & under $5 • First of 3 Tagged Fish caught before 01/01/13 - s250 • Longest Fish - s200 * 2nd Place - s150 • 3rd Place - SlO0 ily "Juan's been working his tail off -- he's Fam been working non-stop sending money to Continued from page A-1 Guatemala," Nowlin said. "I have a lot of respect for this family." Juan Loza, a U.S. citizen, who recently Edwin Loza isn't the only Shelton High finalized the adoption of Edwin, Michelle School student struggling with this issue, and Kevin. Nowlin said. Edwin, Michelle and their mother have "All of my high school undocumented been granted 10-year residency visas to immigrants are in many cases losing hope give them time to complete their citizen- in their education." he said. ship process. The fundraising event includes live However, each visa will cost the family Latin music, spoken word poetry, interac- $1,000, and they need $1,500 for trans- tive theater, Mexican food, wine and a live portation from Guatemala. for a total of and silent auction. $4,500, Nowlin said. When he returns to the U.S. Edwin With the expense of maintaining two hopes to attend college and become a households, one in Shelton and another in physical therapist. Guatemala, the Loza family can't afford For more information, visit edwinloza. the cost without help. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY CAMEO BOUTIQUE & Wine ALLYN RV SPACE AVAIL- Shop 29th Anniversary Open ABLE. Quaint Beach Com- House and Sale. Friday, April munity between Shelton and 27 through Sunday, April 29, Belfair on Hwy 3. V~ block to 10am-5pm. 6871 E State beach, shopping, dining, and Route 106, Union. 360-898- services. Sound view. $355 3200. C4/19-26 rent. $100 deposit. 360-275- 3120. B4/19-6/7 SHIH TZU PUPPY. 3V~ month- old male, $500. AKC, beautiful, sweet, shots. 360-426-4205, for perfect home. 1 4/19-26 d' Nith new mini dental implant technology you can enjoy secure eating comfort again. In one short ~rocedure you can have a stable denture with minimal recovery time. Single tooth replacement options also available. Now open some evenings & Saturdays. Go ahead.., bite into that apple! +,.~,o ,, ,+, ,,.+. < :+.,i. .DENTAL CENTER '+.,+~i v ......." >+l/ ~+'l /,ll'::+/ Come see why everyone is smiling/ (360) 426-8401 . 360.GO.BRUSH (462-7874) 1829 Jefferson Street • Shelton WA, 98584 The Pioneer Kiwanis Club Presents the 15th Annual SPENCER LAKE HSHING DERBYt Opening Day Saturday, April 28, 2012 Daylight 'till 5:00 p.m. Fishermens Meal & Drink Specials Bonfire on the Beach! Thousands of dollars in gifts donated by local businesses. Cash prizes awarded at 5:15 p.m. Derby drawings held at 5:30 p.m. Must be present to win. Derby Location & Ticket Sales: Bar&Grill 360-426-2505 1180 E. Pickering Road Proceeds benefit cheritable childres programs of the Pioneer Kiwanis Club Monday-Friday 6:3Oam-Midnight • Saturday & Sunday 6:3Oam-5:3Opm Evening &Weekend hours are flexiblel While your child is with us you will receive the security and confidence that while you are at work your child is safe happy and just as busy as you oral Providing Quality Childcare for over 13 years. Toddler Program 121/2 vrs • A learning envlronmem ThaT promoTes Pre-School Program21/2 3 1/2 vrs -~os(tive se f image Pre K/KProgram31/2 5vrs +SOClalSKIIIS School ABe Program 6-12 yrs ~:me&GrossmoTorsKlllS Summer Program +Cognitive learning All Meals & Snack Provided -Safe & nurturing enwronmenT DSHS/CPS Chddcare Subsld, -Self heir SKillS Busing Available to & from AI ~Creative physical & emotional growth Shelton Schools = ~reparat4on & dever0pment for early schoc Comptetitive Pricing years "Head Start", IEP birth to 3 Daily Field Trips * Spanish speaking staff & programs Port,]Training * Summer Program "Wh~;r~ I !,~rr,~ t:By ABC,'s ;tnd l~3's wh~l~ pl,,"l}i).~ wi~h my ~'r~+.,>r.~ds!" 2323 Adam Street, Shelton • 360-427-1382 Call 426-4412 to subscribe We take CREDIT CARDS 3rd & Cota• 426-4412 WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE SELLING MORE OF THIS WEEK? We can help you when you call (360) 426-4412 to advertise Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 19, 2012 - Page A-5