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Tomorrow is the
April Hymn Sing
Join us as we sing together in 2012.
Special Musical Guests
.............i ........ i FridaY,5:00- 6:00April 20thp.m.frOm
i'm .......... ' at the Missionary
Alliance Church on
Mountain View at
Washington &
East "J" Street.
Friday April 27 • 5 pm to 7 pm
Belfair Eagles Lodge:
#hquestrienne of Mason County
Annual Tack and Garage Sale
(for everyone, not just horse folks)
"60 Women Cleaning Barns,
Houses and Husbands' Shops"
Saturday, April 21
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
3081 E Brockdale Road • Shelton
Western & English Saddles and Tack, Blankets,
Clippers, Barn Supplies; Clothing: Women's,
Children's, Men's; Jewelry; Collectibles; Crafts;
Books; Household Furnishings; Guy Stuff; Tools;
Sporting Goods; Vanity Sinks w/fixtures; Toys; a
vendor with Western "Bling" Purses; Belts; Jewelry;
and Much More with 3 Checkout Stations this year[
Girl Scouts create care packages for troops
Girl Scout Troop 40867 will be put-
ting together care packages for de-
ployed military service members at
6 p.m. today at the Pioneer primary
Residents who would like to donate
an item to be included in the packages
or would like to help can attend the
Individuals who would like orga-
nizers to ship a package to a deployed
service member that they personally
know can drop off the member's apo/
fpo address and organizers will ship
them a package.
Shelton resident
accepted into
scholars society
Kaylee Corinne Walker
of Shelton has accepted
membership in the Na-
tional Society of Collegiate
Scholars (NSCS).
"NSCS is more than
just a symbol of academic
achievement. Member-
ship gives students access
to a number of amazing
benefits including career
and networking resources,
scholarships, travel and
service projects both on
campus and in the com-
munity," said Stephen E.
Loflin, NSCS founder and
NSCS is a member of
the Association of College
Honor Societies and is the
nation's only interdisci-
plinary honors organiza-
tion for first- and second-
year college students.
Membership is by invita-
tion only and is based on
grade point average and
class standing. NSCS has
more than 850,000 lifetime
members and 300 chap-
ters in all 50 states, the
District of Columbia and
Puerto Rico.
For more information
about the National Society
of Collegiate Scholars, call
202-265-9000 or visit the
NSCS website at nscs.org.
Courtesy photo
Shelton resident Kaylee Corinne Walker has accepted membership in
the National Society of College Scholars.
Olympic College Shelton offers free workshop
Hama Hama Oyster Rama!
May 5th 11 am to 6 pm
Tideflat tours, u-pick, scavenger hunt, live music, beer garden,
oyster and w ne tast ~g, kid's activities, and more!
$10 adults, kids 15
and under free
Tickets available at HAMA HAM
www.hamahamastore.com .......
Benefiting the Hood Canal Education
Foundation and the McReavy House.
Olympic College Shelton will holdtry their hands at welding in this work- Call or email to register: 475-7480 or
a free "Women in Welding Workshop" shop and finish their own metal rose. careercenter@olympic.edu.
from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on May 19 at the Students must be 18 or older to reg- Registration deadline is May 4.
O.C. Weld Shop (Old Bronze Works), 50 istef? This event is presented by Pacific
W. Fredson Road. ~ This workshop includes all welding Welding Supplies with available funds
Organizers encourage attendees to materials, instruction and lunch, from the Carl D. Perkins Act.
Hospital week showcases physician's Antarctica expeditions
As part of the national team on assignment to Lindblad Expeditions andbecause it's kind of what I
35846 N. Hwy. 101 • Lilliwaup,WA98555. 360-877-5811 ~ celebration during Hos- photograph Emperor the National Geographic do anyway," he said.
..........~ pital Week, Mason Gen- penguins. Society, in close and often In this special-guest
eral Hospital & Family The presentations will dangerous encounters with presentation, Gushee will
• °Se °f ~#~lf# ~1~ is t° help
people beconle ~::~,~ ~ ~N~ ~ through Worship,
hildt(o-,~~ ProvJeled "ff Witness, Warfare, and Work for His Kingdom
Come Hear What Has
Satified Our Souls
Evergreen Elementary Library
900 West Franklin St. • Shelton
Every Wednesday. 7:30 p,m,
• Non Denominational
• No Collections • All Are Welcome
Ministers: Everett Swanson & Ross Wetherell
Mr. Olive
Lutheran Church
Misstltll'i Synod
206 East Wymadotte Avenue
Wednesdays 3114, 3/21 & 3/28
Soup Supper 6pm o Lenten Service 7pm
Co]l[empor~Fy Service .......... 3:~0 a.|~l.
Christian Educatkm ................. 9:45 a.m
Traditional Worship ............... li:00 a.1tl
Office 426-6353
Daycare 42%3165
www.mtoliveshelton.o rg
Refreshed -- Restmvd -- Renewed
in Rivetw of Grace
Alliance Church
2320 Washington St.
Sunday Night Worship 6:00 p.m.
www.sheltonfbe,org 360 426-8461
• Sunday Morning Worship 9 + 10:30 am
Sunday Schoo~ lot atl ages
NightChurch 6 pm 4~g w. Railroad Ave.
Domingo LS Iglesia Bautista 6 pm
S ................. pm i liI
Wednesdays 6
Youth Chumh, AWANA K 6 Adult Classes
dueves 6 pm El grupo de Io$ Lalinos J6 ..... ~ li~
St. David's of Wales
A place where all are welcome
324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton
7:30 & 10:30 a.m.
9:15 Conversational Bible Study
Office phone: 426-8472
New Community
Church of Union
Sunday Gatherings
...... , (All are welcome/)
8:30 and 10:30
at the
Union Fire Hall
50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592
web site: www.thenccu.org
Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 19, 2012