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City of Shelton Animal Shelter
Adoptions cost $75, which includes closed Saturday and Sunday.
vaccine, wormer, spay/neuter plus $10
city license. Current listings:
New dogs are brought in all the time. American Eskimo. male. 7 years old
Call 427-7503 or visit the shelter at 902 Husky/rottweiler mix. male. 3 years
W. Pine St. Dogs may be viewed at shel- old
ton.petfinder.com. Rottweiler/husky mix. male. 3 years
The hours are from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. old
Monday through Friday. The shelter is Labrador mix. male, 2 years old.
Skittles is a 2-year old
Yorkie/Chihuahua mix look-
ing for her forever home.
She enjoys the company of
other dogs as well as chil-
dren and of course loves
being an adored lap dog. If
you have been looking for
a lovely little girl to add to
your family look no further,
contact Adopt-A-Pet and
come meet Skittles. We can
be reached at 432-3091 or
Hearing Aid :? Then,
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tions of our new personal hearing devices. These are a
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Discover for yourself without any obligation if these remark-
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Amber and her older kit-
ten friends are ready to find
homes. These loving older
kittens are looking for spe-
cial families that will share
love, warmth and provide
the safety these playful
kittens need and deserve.
For information on Am-
ber and her other indoor
only friends call 584-0594
or leave a message at 426-
ti Island Garden Club starts tion or assistance call Bar-
Hars ne preparing for its annualbara LaJune at 426-0494.
Continued from page B-1 Spring Plant Sale. Dig, di- Where did April go?
vide and donate is theirSomehow this month just
viable eggs are produced by message and invitation to flew by. As usual, the se-
hen fish." you gardeners or downsiz- nior lunch bunch keeps
Cammy Mills with ing gardeners out there. If ahead of the speed
the Mason Coounty Shore you are dividing overgrown curve and they already
Stewards Program would clumps of plants or pulling have their May menu
like to invite us to join her bushes overgrown for their pNnned. May 2 they will
for Earth Day on Oakland space, think about donating be serving chicken tet-
Bay on Sunday from 11 the surplus to the Garden razini, green salad and
a.m. to 3 p.m. The free, Club. Members have been chocolate pudding with
family-friendly event will known to come to you to whipped cream. The main
feature booths with activi- help do the dividing, or dig menu items for May 16
ties for kids hosted by local up small trees and bushes, will be turkey with mashed
organizations, workshops They can also use any ha- potatoes and gravy. Then
and fieldtrips and free sea- tive ferns or trees or plants on the May 30 they will be
food snacks provided by that you may want to potoffering up barbecued ribs
Taylor Shellfish and Xinh's up for donation. Garden and baked beans. Wow, this
Clam and Oyster House. tools and books are alsowill be a great month to
This event will take place welcome. To be confirmed, find your way to the com-
at 3990 State Route 3, Shel- but in the works is a small munity hall around noon
ton (Washington Depart- seminar on soils and soil or a little earlier. Everyone
ment of Fish and Wildlife testing as this year's educa- over fifty and their guests
site by Bayshore Golf Club). tional program. The sale is are welcome. You can get
It's that time of year scheduled from 9 a.m. to 2 all this great food for only a
again when the Harstine p.m. on May 5. For informa- $3 donation.
Patient Praises
Dr. Vuong
el, n both eyeS, done by ,:~
Dear Mr. APP _4 .-~,ta~act surgery o ,, ,.~ita~ Eye C3in~c. '~ii
/ recently nau ~ ason Generm rnu2v ~ .ao excellent
This letter is~ v
staff there.
My eyes were a bit unuSUat, as ~ had ~(ad~a~
(I~K) some years ago, and had 16 cuts on one eye, and 8
on the other, Dr.quong did such an exceptional }oh that ~n both eyes. Even though
wonderful vision at due to the previoUS
now have -" 'o ~ner than nor:~. __ ~ ~rocedure. Her!!)ii
the surgery wa>, '~ ~ .... b~e durmt3 ..... -explained ~'ii
RK, / felt perfectly com~u,~ease. she office
grofess~ona~ demeanor set me at
everything she was going to do during my preceding
"n surgeon, so~,oething}~
visits, so ~ knew exact}y what to expect.
an exact~ g .....aceab~e eyes.
Dr.Vuong seems to be it comes to my u,~vl
deePlY appreciate when
me during consultations, which
/ time with hands during the surgery.
She took amp~e safe
led to my leering of being in
cannot say enough in her praise.
;?~() Kati Court, 5uke C, Shelton WA ~o.~c,,
(360) 42&S? 17
www.MasonGer eral.com
Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, April 19, 2012