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Joseph, Navonne Waterhouse
celebrate 6o-year anniversary
Joseph and Navonne children and three grand-
(Cook) Waterhouse of Shel- sons now serving in the U.S.
ton were married on April Army.
22, 1952 and will have an They have lived in the
open house on Sunday to Mason County area for 17
celebrate their 60th anni- years. Joseph served in the
versary at their home. This U.S. Army around the world.
is an all-day event. He retired in 1971. Navonne
They have nine grand- is not retired and still takes
children, six great-grand- care of their home.
Robert, Patricia Hamstreet
celebrate 64-year anniversary
Robert (Keith) and Pa- They are the parents
tricia Hamstreet of Shel- of Corky Yeager (David
ton celebrated their 64th Gaiser) of Gold Canyon,
wedding anniversary. Ariz. and Charles Ham-
They were married street (Julie) of Leaven-
April 17, 1948, at Sacred worth and grandparents
Heart Catholic Church inof Jason Yeager, Brad-
Lacey and have lived in ley Hamstreet and Leslie
Shelton since 1968. Hamstreet.
Woods reappointed hospital's
Director of Rehabilitation
Services at Mason General
Cheryl Woods, a licensed ment and care. "Treating
physical therapist, was re- our patients as individuals
cently reappointed as Direc- with specific needs is what
tor of Rehabilitation Servic- we do best," she added.
es for Mason General Hos- At present, PT has nine
pital & Family of Clinics. employees, including physi-
She served as director of the cal therapists, PT assis-
Physical Therapy (PT) de- tants, receptionists, techni-
partment from 1986 to 2000 clans, and a speech thera-
- when she stepped down to pist. All are members of
work part-time. Physiotherapy Associates,
PT offers special services a nationwide company of
that cover orthopedic inju- rehabilitation professionals
ries, stroke rehab, pediat- committed to the care and
rics, and balance training, management of individuals
to name a few. Woods' area with functional, limitations
of expertise is in pediatric and/or disabilities resulting
therapy and treatment for from injury, disease or other
vertigo. "The primary ob- causes. Woods is currently
jective is to return patients recruiting a physical thera-
to their maximum func- pist and an occupational
tional capacity safely and therapist.
effectively," said Woods. Woods grew up in Shel-
The clinical professionals ton, graduating from Shel-
in PT provide individual- ton High School in 1980,
ized treatment programs and went on to receive her
designed to restore the Bachelor of Science degree
physical function and inde- in Physical Therapy from
pendence of their patients, the University of Puget
valuing one-on-one treat- Sound in 1984.
Irene S. Reed Class
of 1946 reunion set ::
Fresh Tulips
The Irene S. Reed For more infor- :: $~99
: plinth
Class of 1946 will gath- mation contact Pat
er for a reunion fromRhodes Smith at 425-i'i~:i FreshCut Daffodils,,.
11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on 334-2642 or Winn Col-
May 17 at Taylor Sta-lier Ringhoffer at 425-
tion in Shelton. 335-1460.
Democratic committee
nominates Hamilton
for commissioner spot
On April 11 at its Nominating Convention, the
Mason County Democratic Central Committee
nominated Denny Hamilton for Mason County
Commissioner District 1.
Vern Rutter seconded the nomination and An-
drew Graham moved that the body approve Hamil-
ton's nomination by acclamation.
Hamilton is a Washington na- ~~
tive, born in Snoqualmie Falls.
He graduated from Mt. Si High
School, fished in Alaska, logged
for Weyerhaeuser and gradu-
ated from Central Washington
University where he was student
body president. He has a Master's
Degree in counseling psychol-
ogy from the University of West-
chester (Pennsylvania) and was a Denny
Peace Corps Volunteer in Lesotho, I-Iamilton
Southern Africa and an Associate
Peace Corps Director in Thailand.
Hamilton is a small business owner, an emer-
gency management practitioner, a trainer and a
facilitator of learning. Locally, he has facilitated
community meetings and strategic planning ses-
sions for several North Mason organizations. He
is a member of the Mason County Re-entry Coali-
tion; a volunteer with Belfair's Faith in Action and
provides personal planning skills for homeless and
incarcerated Military Veterans.
Professional auto repair
performed by experienced
technicians who care.
Pictured: Jason Banks, Dan
Moldenhauer and Noel Longan,
2033 Olympic Highway North • Shelu.
Little Creek Casino
Resort picks new CEO
Squaxin Island Tribe has named Michael Starr
the new CEO of Little Creek Casino Resort, the
tribe's award-winning entertainment property in
the Pacific Northwest.
With 30-plus years of experience in the gaming
industry, Starr comes to Little Creek Casino Re-
sort from Primm Valley Casino Resorts in Nevada,
where he managed three hotel-casinos as executive
vice president and general manager.
"Michael's experience, knowl- ................................................................................................................
edge and successful performance ;~':~i~:'::>~ ~i~
guiding casino resorts to elite
stature and quantifiable results~
appealed to tribal leadership and ~~~:i:]
aligns well with our resort vision
and objectives," Squaxin Island
Tribal Chairman Dave Lopeman
Starr joins Little Creek Casino
Resort during a time of growth. Michael
The tribally owned and operatedStarr
resort recently began construction
on a full-service spa and unveiled
the Skookum Spirit Cigar Lounge. It also opened
the new Salish Cliffs Golf Club in September 2011
to best-new-course acclaim from national golf mag-
"The Squaxin Island Tribe is committed to hon-
oring Mother Earth and the respect and protection
of all people," Starr said. "Tribal members do this
exceptionally well, which is evident in their com-
mitment to excellence. Little Creek Casino guests
find this dedication throughout the resort with our
superb amenities, attention to detail, customer ser-
vice and commitment to supreme hospitality. It's
an extreme honor to lead Little Creek during its
journey as a premier resort destination."
Starr was previously Senior Vice President and
CO0 of Fontainebleau Resorts-Las Vegas and
Miami Beach, Fla. Before joining Fontainebleau,
Starr was with the Mandalay Resort Group for 15
years, where he opened Mandalay Bay Hotel and
Casino in Las Vegas. In addition, the 1980 gradu-
ate of University of Nevada Las Vegas played an
instrumental role in the expansion and renovation
of Circus Circus Las Vegas and Luxor Las Vegas.
For more information on Little Creek Casino
Resort visit www.little-creek.com or call 1-800-667-
Medicare basics workshop offered
A free presentation is scheduled for individuals new
to Medicare or those who are confused about the many
options Medicare provides.
The presentation is from 11 a.m. to 11:45 am on
Wednesday at the Mason County Senior Activities Cen-
ter, 826 W. Railroad Ave., in downtown Shelton.
Trained volunteers from the Stat~wide Health In-
surance Benefits Advisors (SHIBA) will be available to
answer specific questions. Call 426-7374 to sign-up for
the event.
... So advertise to inform them
about what you have to offer.
Shelton-Mason County
Call (360) 426-4412
227 W. Cota, Shelton
Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, April 19, 2012 - Page B-5