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April 19, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 19, 2012
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Journal photo by Emily Hanson Shelton freshman Juan Guijosa, left, and alumni player Herman Sandoval get after the ball during the annual Shelton boys' soccer alumni game on April 10. boys' soccer alumni defeat Highclimbers By EMILY HANSON the varsity Highclimbers hit the field en~iZy@n~a~:o,~co~n~y.c~JTnand put two goals on the board during their first three minutes of play. "The junior varsity played the The Shelton boys' soccer alumnifirst half well and were just excited team won the annual game against the to play," Herrera said. "Once we all Highclimbers April 10. calmed down, we played a really good The alumni won 5-2 against the game." current junior varsityand varsity The alumni game has been played Highclimbers. at SHS for more than 10 years, Her- "Overall, it was a great atmo- rera said, withthe alumni players usu- sphere," SHS head boys' soccer coach ally winning. Last year, the current Isaiah Herrera said. "The fans and Highclimbers beat the alumni. players enjoyed it." "It's just a respect game for the guys The alumni played against the ju- of the past," Herrera said. "This game nior varsity during the first half of the lets the alumni players see the current game and shut the youngHighclimbers players and what they can do. That's out. For the second half of the game, all it really is." Youth soccer program receives sponsorships By EMILY HANSON The sponsorship of teams is help- emi@ ~ma,~'o~'~o~n~:y.c(~, ing to.keep the program going and the Z."U2".'?TTYZT'Z"--T.'ZT72UYZZT.-'ZZ'21~ZZ.T2Y-: youth program has a larger overall goal. The local youth soccer program re-"We're trying to work to develop the ceived large sponsorships recently, youth program to try to develop the Last month, the South Mason Coun- high school program," said Malpass, ty Youth Soccer Association (SMCYSA) who is also the Shelton High School var- received a total of $2,400 from two sop- sity girls' soccer coach. "If we can get the arate sponsors -- Bert Fisher, CEO of kids involved, we'll bring up kids who Our Community Credit Union and Mel- are more active and they'll lead health- anie Bakala, a State Farm agent with ier lives. Their soccer skills will also be the Shelton office, much improved." "They each are supporting one teamMalpass assists with the summer right now with the purchase of rain youth soccer program and said that jackets, water bottles, balls and other hundreds of children in the county par- training equipment," SMCYSA equip-ticipate during the summer. With so ment manager Mike Malpass said. many children separated onto so many He said that the equipment the spon- teams, more team sponsorships would sors funded, such as balls and training greatly help the SMCYSA. equipment, goes toward the entire pro- To sponsor a team, Malpass can be gram. contacted at 584-2070. In last week's Journal sports section, Sam Gerhold was incorrectly identified as "Stan." The Journal regrets the error. Journal photo by Emily Hanson Shelton outside center Jethro Wily touches the ball down to score a try against Skagit Valley on Saturday at Oakland Bay Junior High. By EMILY HANSON time," he said. "I know that DeShon Bell e,~i~y@m~,~onct)u~b,,~o~,,, and Cyrus Larsen, our scrumhalf, set up a ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: lot of our scores." Toward the end of the second half, No- The Shelton boys' rugby team came smith put in several of the team's second- back strong from a two-week long break string and alternate players, since Shel- last weekend, ton's lead was so high. He said he never On Saturday, the boys' team (2-2) de-minds losing out on a shutout if it means feated Skagit Valley 48-5 at Oakland Bay all of his players get the opportunity to hit Junior High (OBJH). the field. "The first half of the game was pretty "It was a good game," Nesmith said. sloppy," Shelton co-head coach Chris No- "With our second side guys in for most of smith said. "The second half cleaned up the second half, we were still able to score. pretty well." All-in-all, it was a good day." He said the first half of the game was The She]ton boys' rugby team (2-2 is extremely windy and took away the team's scheduled to play next at 1 p.m. on Satur- ability to use backs, day in SeaTac for a non-league game. "In the second half, the wind calmed "SeaTac has a lot of really, really good down and we could score more," Nesmith athletes and sometimes natural talent can said. go a long way," Nesmitb said. Though multiple players scored Shel- The Shelton girls' rugby team is sched- ton's 48 points, Nesmith said the impor- uled to play at 1 p.m. on Sunday at home tance of the points is not so much on the at OBJH against Chuckanut while several player who scored them. of the boys' players will be back in SeaTac. "In rugby, the guy who scored is the trying out for the Washington State All- guy who was in the right spot at the right Star team. Jou/nal DnOtO by Em lahson Shelton senior midfielder Mike Bowman gets after the ball with a Stadium player hot on his heels during the Highclimbers' home game on April 12. Stadium shuts out SHS boys' soccer By EMILY HANSON On April 12, Stadium He said this game was erni/y~;:ma.~onc~nln~'y.con~ shut out the Highclimbers the same as the last time ................................................................................... 6-0. Shelton played Stadium "We played scared, whichthis season. The Shelton boys' soc- showed especially when we The Highclimbers are cer team had a difficulthad good opportunities to scheduled to play at 7 p.m. first game back from spring score," SHS boys' head soccer on Tuesday at home against break last week. coach Isaiah Herrera said. Central Kitsap. 0 Zumba Toning 0 Zumba Classes • Sauna/Steam Room. Personal Training • Weight Training o Swimming • Aerobics Classes . Tae Kwon Do Classes Every Saturday at 11:00 a.m. FREE with membership o Kettlebell Classes Now in progress -- See schedule at • Racquetball • Tanning • Cardio • Massage Just South of Downtown Shelton on Highway 3 Stop in today at 707 South First Street Call 426-1388 or email us; Check us out on the web at Hours', Mon-Fri 4:30am-gpm, Sat & Sun 7am-3pm ATH C Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 19. 2012 - Page C-3