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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 20, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 20, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Construction Starts On New Church • Ground was broken Tuesday afternoon for a new Church (ff Jesus Christ of the IAtter Day Saints church building al: 12th and Connection Sts. The building will be construe(- ed with donated labor from members of the local Ward with assistance from the other Wards in the Stake to which the group belongs. The first construction will be two sections of the building which is designed st) it can be expanded to four sections. The first two seetiors will comprise an office and general pur[g)se area and a chapel area. The third phase would be a recreation area and the fourth additional office space. Dee Casper, Salt L',ke City, has been sent here by the church as building superintendent and will be in charge of the con- struction project. A building pernfit obtained from the city gives the cost of the construction as $135,000. Clyde Knight, president of the ard here, presided at the ground breaking Tuesday. Church officials who altended and participated in 'the cere- monies were Herbert S. Ander- son,. Olympia, Stake president; Walter Gehrig, Tacoffm, counsel- .... lot, and John A.xelson, Kent, former branch president here. Also on hand for the ceremon- ies were, Mayor Frank Travis, R.W. Oltman, secretary-manager of the Chamber of Cmmmrce, and Harold Dalke, Shelton m- "hiteet who designed the buihl- n%le-churcn-- is presently meet- ing in a temporary buihlin, n re- modeled residence. !! McCmary Gets Drama Class . City B.uys Two: Pickups00 New Position Working On :For C,ty Work Crews t • Douglas N. lVl:cClary, son of Mr. and lVl]rs. Hal lVlcclary, r a tv "ro 'uc"o  The Shelton City Commission a half-ton and" } Shelton, has been nanmd man- r voted Tuesday to award a con- three quarter.ton' ager of the Novoply plant of tract for two pick,ups for the trade-in on ea cha the newly-merged U.S. Plywood Corp.-Champion Papers, at Ox-  The University of Washington water, sewer and street depart- Other bidde rs' II ford, Miss. He joined U.S. Ply- School of Drama will again host ments to Melt Chevrolet, low Inc. and Kirat-I wood in 1954 as a fc)rester and the Washington Association of bidder on the vehicles. Fire Chief A! became production manager in Theatre Artists' annual High" The lell bids were $1,799 on the commission 1959 an¢l phmt manager in 1965 School Showcase. Scheduled for tacted by m el of the lirnfs Novoply plant at May 6, the Showcase will be' Club about fire t k Rcdcting Calif. The plant he will presented in the Showboat Thea- YOur h Asks city dock during , be managing in Mississippi is tre on the UW campus.  Last year there t the world's largest single press WATA has divided the state clocked there d$€ " and the club is al ;p flakeboard plant, into eight regions and has ap- About Crow pointed a host in each. HIS fume- its project of l 1 tion is to help high schools raise of Yacht ClubS! tr to come here fa fi @olden Age Club their standards of production. Shooting Each year he selects a high The commisst school which represents 'the best ' check into p0 The 6 p.m. potluck dinner theatrical work being done by tion action hic :: meeting of the Golden Age Club a secondary school in his re- :', The Shelton Chamber of Com- will be held next Thursday in glen. These high schools then o,merce gets lots of letters ask- the Memorial hall. There will present a production at the " ins for general or specific in- o. •  be a program and cards will WATA Showcase. formation about Shelton andMa-kf'.l.I be available for those who wish Prof. Richard Lane of rays son County. ' r to play. There will also be dane- Harbor College is the host for , An example is this recent one ins to the music of the Tune Region 2. He selected Shelton from a Seattle boy, which is J-lea , area. They will present a cutting The letter read: D00mo Club 'of William Gibson's The Mir- 'Tin in the fourth grade and Key acle Worker directed by Dean I'm right handed. And the rea- $1 The Mason County Democrat Tarrach. son I'm sending for information Club will meet tonight at 8 p.m. The Showcase will be open is because we have a lot at • Nine in the PUD auditorium. Speaker and complimentary to the pub- Shorecrest Beach. And I want High School will be Rep. Dan Jolly from the lic. The Showboat Theatre is lo- to know if you shoot a crow do guests at the Tri-Cities area. He is also an rated at the foot of 15th N.E. you get, a reward for killing Club meeting executive board member of in Seattle. The time schedule one? 'The progra Washington State Grange. for the productions will be an- Sincerely yours, Club and its nouneed later. • Stephen Lee Malmstrom Club is WHEN A PATIO joins house walls directly the harsh right Fi To angle (',all be softened by setting rernen large wooden planter [x)xes against the house Mee÷ Tonigh÷ TOO kATE TO CLARIFY 1957 VOLKSWAGEN sedan, good condition, $550.00. Call after 5 p.m. 426-8886. Y 4/20 • Shelton Fire Chief AI Nevitt will be one of several state fire- fighting group officers to be given an official welcome by the Kitsap-Mason County Fire- WANTED: APPROXIMATELY 5 acres within 10-12 miles of fighters Association at a meeting q a÷e -- T Shelton with 2 bedroom home tonight in the Shelton Fire Hall ' O preferably with creek. Around Nevitt is president of the State $6000 with terms. St. Rt. 2, Box 7, Union, Wash. 4/20-27 Firemen's Association. S ar÷ Worl ,o honored will be Royce MILLIONS Ol RUGS have been Wasdrep, president of the Fire. cleaned with Bhm Lustre. It's Chief's Association, and Chel. r"rogram Amorcas finest Rent electric shampooer $1. Coast to CoasL Kirk, vice-president of the Fire- 4/20 men's Association. The Shelton department wiil I1. High school graduatox int.r- HANDYMAN hold a demonstration prior to sted in engineering, hut n.l Cleaning, Repairing the meeting. After the business Hanning to enter (:olh,gt,, m y meeting, which is slated for 8 ;(x)n begin an engineering ('a- &. Painting p.m., there will be a film le- • eer with the Washington Stale 426-6337 sentation and a report on the Department. of llighways. TI 4/20-5/11 4t legislative proceedings of the P.& I want to know about Club. Shelton and Mason County. Don Beardet the Key Club ! velope.Thank you for returning my en- cage told of The Chamber office checked Bill Mende# on'the question about crows and the district g found that he may shoot a crow, tion speech ¢ but there is no bounty on them., spoke on the v The last sentence in the P.S. Acting as rr, refers to the first letter which was Glenn qa was received from the youth Claude Br0¢ which,contained a self-addressed School prin cipa envelope, but, no letter of any the grouP, ,_ kind. The chamber office return- plaque for  ed the envelope and asked the .R.n pan0el 'oulh what he wanted, advisor to the SLOT CAR SAL ,, 36 Only $5.oo -- $7.0o- $1o.oo CAR Kt'r 1/2 PRICE ; Hamfin's Hobby Sl00! 220 Cota lq Daniel F. Donohoe, director of the Highway Personnel Board, said that the I)epartment wild elect nearly 100 young tne!k:fq lt engineering technician train- :tng program. : Applicants mst haw, a high school diploma and a valid driver's license, '/'hey must al:o be Washinglon residenL between the ages of 18 and 25 as of June 19, 1967. Trainees will I given eight weeks of intensive study al eilher the Uniwn'sily of Washington ,)r Washingt()n Stale Universily la,ginning in June. At. the end of the eighl, weeks each technician will be assigned to one of the seven highway dis- tricts throughout the stale. The beginning salary is $:',42 l)er month. This is increased to $424 upon coml)letion of training. Af- ter a six-month prol)ationary period, the salary is adwmced to $445 per reunite. Surveying, stake selling and marking anci plotting of cross- sections anti diagrams are among the duties of an engineer- ing technician. Further inforrmtion on how 1o apply for these positions may be obtained by writing to the Highway Personnel l)ard, Room 529, Highways-Licenses Building, Olympia, 98501. The deadline for applications is May 1. JOHNNY'S L MUSIC BOX 205 Cota  426-4302 CLYDE KNIGHT l)resident of tim Shelton War(I of the Chur(;h of the Latter Day, hohls a shovel full of dirt during the ground breaking ceremonies for the (,.hurch's new building Tuesday afternoon. Looking on is Herbert Anderson, Olympia, Stake president of the IA)S church, who also participated in the ceremonies. Th A BIG HEARTY nk Y ou TO EVERYONE WHO ATTENDED OUR OPEN HOUSE AND MADE IT AN OUTSTANDING SUCCESS. ] Congratulations to the grand prize winners .-- 1. ERMA BERRY, 1015 E. Dearborn, Shelton, 10 cu. ft. freezer 2. WM. S. VALLEY, Rt. 2, Box 821, Shelton, free standing fireplace 3. VIVIAN L. NELSON, Star Rt. 2, Box 199, Shelton, Hallmark door 4. P. B. MURPHY, 1017 No. 8th, Shelton, 12' teak wall panel 5. JAMES E. CORMIER, Rt. 3, Box 447, Shelton, 7" electric saw 6. G. J. MERRICK, P. O. Box 334, Hoquiam, 5 gal. Fuller paint 7. BOB KEENAN, Box 240AA, Union, aluminum screen door, white 8. A. R. STEWART, M.D., Rt. 3, Shelton, 100' Alsynlte panel 9. MELVIN LANE, Rt. 4, Box 20, Shelton, 3 gal. Fuller paint 10. H. WALTER, Union, portable bar-b-que 11. WALT SIVA; 1714 Ridge Road, Shelton, Decorator closet seat 12. STANLEY PHILLIPS, P. O. Box 424, Shelton, 3 panel screen 13. GENE BROWN, Rt. 2, Box 51fl, Shelt0n, 2 gal. Fuller paint 14. DIANNE HALE, 1043 Falrmont St., Shelton, glass tub enclosure 15. EVELYN BISHOP, Rt. 2, Box 74, Shelton, light fixture 16. JUDITH WALTERS, 10917 E. Riverside, Bothell, pop rivet gun 17. MRS. W. MARCY, Rt. 3, Box 441A, Shelton, pop rivet gun 18. JEAN RICHERT, 208 Island Lake Drive, Shelton, pop rivet gun 19. MRS. GLEN C. PARR, Shelton, antiquing kit 20. DOROTHY BAKER, P. O. Box 55, Shelton, 1 quart of Varathane 21. DEAN OSTERBERG, 1412 Mason, She/ton, 50 lb. Weed & Feed of Shelton 1st & Pine 426-2611 "BUILDING M 00,SON COUNTY" Pql • 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 20, 1967 THIS NEW Cookware made of DUR00[NEL* • ' d,,,.,,,, ,,1 A)u,.,,,o., Crm,u, ,. ,)1 An,r,, a STAINLESS STEEL CLAD ALUMINUM with Gold-Anodlzed Covers h SEE US FOR MORE I;1 " INFORMATION ON THIS OFF LII: th 8-INCH OPEN FRY PAN Certificates and $4.95 Value $9.95 2t/e QT. STAINLESS STEEL TEAKETTLE Safe and easy to use. Push-button lifts poUt cap--to fill or pour. Sings when water boil-- Certificates and $4.49--Value $8.98 10½ INCH CHICKF_2q FRYER A2D/OR OPEN FRY PAN Deep Cover for "Multi-Purposl" Cooking Certificates and $8,49--Val.ue $14.95 "Slim-Line" 5Vz QUART DUTCH OVEN With "Finger Grip" Side Handles and Cover Certificates and $7.98 Value $13.95 Smart "Petite" 1 ]/ QUART SIZE SAUCE PAN ,Complete with Cover Certificates and $4.95 ValUe "Low Silhouette" 2 QUART SAUCE PAN & COVF-tgt Certificates and $5.95 ValUe "' "Safety Styled" 3 QUART SAUCE PAN With Cover Certificates and $6.95 ValUe • NEW VALUES •.. for you '. •. our customers.., with the ipe¢lsl €)flfics. You SAVE, SAVE,. SAVE. 00vergreem Phone 426-3456 or 426.4456