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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 20, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 20, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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, I Am A Bachelor-, ty-C, ty Record M a Color Me Pretty ,s ,PUn ........ rrlage Dies In Seattle Sd Rh(xta Eaton, 68, will be held i -0 'j at 4:30 P.m. today in tile Adams Forkner Funeral Home in Seat- ! :t0,.li_  Riley, vacation home, $2,229; • Applying for marriage 1!- tie. Miss Eaton died in a Seattle ch c/I i COIJT Frank Sever, cabin, $3,000; Lake censes in the 1V[ason county aua-hospital Monday. t i  :SRi:::I:chl L:::I taF'tThNotl ' !tn s ionndiia! :h i  L1 hlni YnuV, s aitn [.th  :sh on +h^ . Cushman Resort, grocery and itor's office this past week were: She was born Dec. 8, 1898 in of l}llty ju^, , o_ocket in tackle store, $15,000; Joseph Jack Milleckek, legal, Union, Tacoma and moved to Shelton I lo '.,Je tu Court be- Schemboie, summer home, and Janet Ratter, legal, Belfair. as a child. Although she was .: :':" :: his time? Like everyone else, of mY bed They are the most warmth which can De so_easuy hSt-',:., orrea dur- $5,000; Delbert Brumfield, cabin, Daniel Mousseau, 23, Pine stricken with polio at the age  . . . . . : ...... snut ozz wnen me weamer so n,]_-t were: $150; Gordon Moore, residence Ridge, S.D., and Rena Jones, of 12 years M,ss Eaton grad-  ......................... working,counts foreatingmost anaof theSleepmg24 hoursa¢" sleepUnC°mz°rta°lewith v WheretmngSthatt°confound-try to theOn;'i° ...... . "',"Jn ": ..... ..... ,, --'ih"Y n tate Patrol and shop, $15,000; William La- 29, Belfair. uated from the Shelton High .... :. rtainment " t spun(1 sLumoer, no snarp el- m  eacl day-- wath ente ed mutt of rmne gets them all ....... fII0rse, . -aA .... a Valley,, cabin, $1,000. Morris Webster., legal, Seattle, school and took correspondence It :T: ....... T:': :::.ii:: .... :::":: worked• in here ant/" there,'" s'teal- ana ...... wny rm [nes to "bury nows;..o urmse,.s t .... me .mos'...n° "J!, no w- th Place and Janna Weiss, 45, Seattle. courses from two universities. e! aile. ''u_ vehicle li- CITY BUIIAING PERMITS Edward DuPree, 39, Shelton, She was an employee in tile ing a little timle, perhaps, from them in my bed is completely ci'ils-a'll e'wa uT', -,v /  z"sl/ other more important activities, baffling to me ,_. _ ._..,.,_ i'.__". ,T' v ...... dUrth,', $L2 forfeit; ....... and Frances J Brown 32 Shel- county auditor's office here sev- A 2C D_NALD T..._,ER, __ ' .. . ,u,u a uuuu,c uu au m ones- is W]ir^, . 1, Box 220 uiiaing permits approvea oy . ' ' ' ' ,,., ............ +,_ ^,^, But: as most. women would Also important are me hair self No oarttmr to reouire r ,,umg .... ton eral years prior to moving to ,,,u., ,a z:z.s zt- , , of • . . _ _ mo e in,reen , $12 forfeit, the mty of Shelton during the -" ......... . agree, I m sure, the success dye and haw restorer. Careful than a "ust share of the bsi]i, 1946 Gregory past week were to H.B. Willey, an'aYerrveIncAlsteZr ' lna Seattle in 1930. She was a part- ecl S " . 3 bed. ner in a boarding house in Se- aS tile 92nd ,.trateglc a day is due to adequate prep- and thorough apphcation is a No matter whether a normal , f0r]I,.::", over center residence $12744; Merle Cleve- z  ' ' '.i'l"_[,: Wesley John- land, patio, $150 and James attle and last February cele- Aerospace Wing's mainte- aration the evening before. So "must." Oh I don't worry about double bed queen size or even brated her 25th year as owner ,,, ........ e H ........ +h o lhat is where I try to give a the thinning 'roof"-- if I get king size--- how often does a LI¢II'U JLIIL| UL l/l IIIIILII fi  "" • "" - " - a " ' - "- " of the Alcove Letter Shop in lmL accounting, cauect granap pa or 'Paltry mate need almost the entire Spokane tie is a fire con- • t rrtant is that doesn't matter at all But s)ace leavin ou with a-=-ar the University district. She came • • Fwst and most me_ . . - " -I' .. g y n - s o do I a I what verfle male wants to stroll o ]n led and went from her office in o trol systems technieiall a..- the mud pack. H w PP Y ..... row f ur-" ch ge at the edge motorized wheel chair. During .tffllod t th 9nd Arma- it? I don't What good would that .own me oeacn wire such light of the bed or even less in the 25 years she operated the -'°  "" '.'- ." ... do me? If the quantities of mud air on the chest as to be corn- which case as liable as not,'you ment anti Ilecuonlcs Mare pietei unnouceame* (Poor shop she gave lmrt-time employ- ' ' " that I wallowed in threw around Y • end up on the floor. ment to hundreds of students tenance Squadron. and even ate, in my early years blonds!) And. a. bald-chested he- So after all that PRETTYING working their way through failed to add to mY beauty, a man? Unthmaole, up, and a good nights sleep, school, few ounces plastered over my So after a careful manicure all ready to start is new day is She has no surviving relatives.  ,.. puss isn t going to have any and pedicure--on the poodles of Your PAL.  " effect at this late date. The ira- course, I am finally ready for q,rll|JIIIll|lI4|| ix)rtance of mud is to knock it bed. Pajamas? What are they? ........... I i ! :tl I. off. Do you think I am so an- But I do most carefully adjust WaII:H IIIII HW Tides civilized as to crawl in between the controls on my electric ............... /1" 7}gOt'.gt£1tg'It 1P'MA" the sheets with mud on my blanket before flopping exhaust- Till: IITIlI:R liV V#W ¢OVIU L.F rrr..- shoes? ed between the sheets, nun. vuuHuui.m 'marl 0. - Julie Stock reported vandalism period ending at 8 a.m. as re- ...-mP       mnnm --     ---   --   ...... "t ,a. :lCE to a summer cabin, ported by the Rayonier, Inc.  'laliako ...... weather station, i  i ac,ie , Rt 1 Box SHELTON POLICE Five-Dav Foreca.nt FRIDAY, APRIL 21 .............. -- t I, -" rape..:' "arson, Rt ,. " r-_.u .... a r-_,,r,, e Moncmy to average oelow nor- Low ................ 8:42 a.m. 4.0 ft. vew, d . • ,,,, ,J,a,,, .......  • • • High .............. 2:12 p.m. 9.7 ft. e,. 0 0 elective • • al wth hghs mostly m the l ''.$ fine. or s hcense Grove 50s ; lows mostly 35-45. Precpz- Low ................ 8:24 p.m. 2.0 ft. ' Perat , HasBrouck colhded at Fwst and . .:qth -oy (2. Don ..... " - - r r ted a tation about normal SATURDAY, APRIL 22 ""i! ,,ILNI,._, aN.E, c ..... wctor cnroeoe epor " C"' marie, -- )?l{iv. ' Over °ee-t-le' bicycle found. It was brought High .............. 2:54 a.m. 12.3 ft.. "'!ii !!iiiiiiii! ..... ... on your  It; Jam,- ,. nmr to the Police Station. _ Low ................ 9:18 a.m. 2.3 ft. •i .¢,:::i..v-=::#ii!iii!:i!:!i::iiiii:i i!!ii:,::::::i I I % N ,o rteron . "=-=---=-==-=-€=---- High .............. 3:18 p.m. 10.5 ft. ,',:. ,E. $ ..... , Children were reported play- V  act $2 ¢ttue dis- , i::!i::ii ]:::.::]i:ii::.!!iii:::.ii!::i!iiii::ii:ii:ii}:i!:.i .... A :;times:-, °forfei, ' ing on the roof of Bordeaux n .... Low ................ 9:12 p.m. 2.8 ft. I : iil :i iiii':iii:.:::.;iiii::ii ....  I _ ,,,w. - .............. ." "" ...... set ," :|'"g arr'est ,,X Cars driven by Ruth Elson High 3:24a.m. 12.4ft.   :h..::.iiiii:" -!iii!:V:::.....¢!.. -:7L , **uu and Ove Hagerup collided at lii=ulI# Low ................ 9:54 a.m. 0.6 ft ....... r@" " ..... )i::'::::::k @ " ,: S[P%ICE - Jefferson and 6th Sts. llli''"'''ll" High .............. 4:24 p.m. ll.3ft. ,* L:.  A* .,g 0n , uOURT Mrs. Pat Selby reported a __________________- Low .............. 10:00 p.m. 3.7 ft. ..:,.."  uo e docket in tire on her car slashed.  MONDAY. A.PRIL 24 I i I i rt lIob fore Judge Charles Dale reported a tire Shelton General Hospital High .............. 3:52 .m. 12.4 ft. la.-uay n b,ht and wheel stolen. Mr and Mrs David W Knut Low .............. 10:36 .m.-1.6 ft.  ..... ii::i::' "l.r White, rrfinor .. A_deline Syts.m.a reported the zen, 1229 C,ta street, a girl, High .............. 5:18 p.m. 11.9 ft. N' lz-,'. +.50 fine me/t of two fires, wneezs an Anril 12 n,ll}, Duggins lt' hub caps from a vehicle "-- " r Dale Way 1618 Low ............. 10:48 p.m. 4.7 ft. IW',.,I.SO ' n? OPerator, s Saeger Motor Shop was broken Ridge Road, a girl, April 12. High .............. 4:24 u.m. 12.3 ft. [S/.Se '. €_ forfeit; into and two cnain saws taken. :Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. New- Low .............. 11:18 a.m. -2.6 ft. ...vetlng ", 320 B. St., Entry was gained by breaking man, Box 162, Allyn, a boy, High .............. 6:18 p.m. 12.2 ft. 'a a Shelf22 forfeit; a window with a rock. April 14. Low .............. 11:42 p.m. 5.8 ft. • ........ .:%1 n' $2.} ", Speeding, Gerry Armstrong turned in a Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tumin, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26 ! i:iiiiii:i::r' ..... i '. %Va.e°.sts; Steven motor bike he found. It belonged Star Route 1 Box 99, a girl, High .............. 5:00 a.m. 12.,1 ft. | ri..: I.--- .......... 1 ia0r ¢mngton, Port to Ed Kneeland. April 15. Low .............. 12:00 noon -3.1 ft.  'iiii !i!* • 'teit; SUrning liq- Cars driven by William Dickie 1V[r. and Mrs. Donald R. Gates, High .............. 7:18 p.m. 12.3 ft..  ::ii: t '; It' ,mert Ludke, and Charles McKague collided Route 2 Box 495, a girl, April 15. THURSDAY, APRIL 27  to |'', li:ngeles, mi- at Seventh and Alder Sis. LOW ................ 0:30 a.m. 6.7 ft. # .,,,rtlJt't% $25 for. ,Cars driven by Archie Tricky i EelL00&Vdley ' '[, ^}7 E. Lopez, and William Francis collided on f' _'_ L]__L__ .*___ LowHigh ............ .............. 12:485:36 a.m.p.m. ** t-00.o ,,. I) t .-teit,r Consumin,, Highway 10IS ICI I-larDor l-lrm t, L°hert Miller, Wallace Johannes reported the . High .............. S:lS p.m. 12.1 ft. h:'q%"Jton, minor theft of gasoline from his ear. ,$e T,*,,P /Prhie_ , 19 forfelt'; ,, ]Robert-, ottermllev., rpoed a €, ,  ;. -, lt.7' c0aS. flroad grbaga:ean taken om, Sprouse- '  .,, u.,4.,m .... ,/ .... 'r uraln • • ' '- ,' . T -- .t, :, ........ ---: ....... ' 'L,I'F[ Fiutsog liquor, P.e,¢z .... ,. $10,178 timber contract at Lake V i :t' }: t lice n: H.t. 1, 8UPERI"I ¢".¢'RT Cushman Wednesday at the reg- ;' eostsT", 'ads, ular meeting of the Tacoma Pub- V V Ii' Cotta ' aniel Default Divorces lie Utility Board. Sse-- .... Talmo.- Inc. was named the  |',.zqt0 r zon of and Default divorces grante in ..,, .'.. .... Ltt, , l0 a_ t .... r, .... ,, € .... ,,,,.  ....  sueeessfm oiaaer to narves[ ',ued "YS in ............... . -v .......... 460 " ' V • , $2 " • 6 00 board feet of Douglas fir '2ad . .50 costs; Fmday were to Norrrm Whldmp ....... "_., .v -" €- | '' i, 3r:ve- '' ' |; i.. n _hlu "e'-'t" 1Z'zeU" ' at 3 allLl)l'" h." l=, St-`*  fil' ' $2.50 ,re atlgh., d-elective zG $2,50 e forfei'.' ' quipm.. ", ' St "';°"rry 'fie'ln' ]PERMIT ° ' t ~ e --'qulp" ox .............. v[s. e, '__[". ,. $2636 no 501, . k.#.l|&|.& . A$ .& $..& zrom son-Sermon the • "Probation subject iNat waiump, of to this after be ... tr #tt.. "Sunday,s .... read Death" $ a. . in Les- all is Cushman tween guson. Cushman ger State v,,--..- " ing arounct l-acoma The ..^. to trees" Park City Allyn areas '  ¢Dam transmission Light and me ....... along and include property, removing aKe Supt. Union, ulty thethinning J tusnman Tacoma- line D accord- Lagnt s Fergu- "dan- Fer- be- a BRKE FRONT i HO1 1 POINT RANGE i "°mtsap" " ° Christian Science churches' s°nsald" 14 POINT * [ L%ti.Ity _[Ove.d by The Golden Text is from  *' .... " .... ' l0nday'a..m'ssion Psalms 139: "Search me, O God, END ' es, r_W.ere to and know my heart: try me, WINDOWS too exposed to hot  " O_.o clence, and know my thoughts: and see surrtmer sun can be effectively l,"'0; onwUet ran, if there be any wicked way in shaded by an "eyebrow" built P'"; et- me, and lead me in the way of 2x2s. Use the eyebrow as a evlar ,,,' VA,.U,." ""'w""w'°°l I n"n'u-_i t00//I II 111116! ,.k** Inlpect and clean brake IClean,lsp,¢tC|'anClaofrontdrums'sh°eS.,ealll. wheelandardf°r fulladjuS'ln,p O-'bearlngs'and'On'act'brakerepack,'ea'e i ' i ,    1.'1 Adjust, balance tensions. | Clean and inspect wheel '" d]ust'fabric handling mechanism. I .>,,i.d.,.. . De-h'nt thread handling mechanism.  ,A, Inmpect and refill master '[ Vlltg / 5' Check wiring for safety. I * Ch,.k,,-o.t,..,¢.,,,. II 6 Lubricate machine te motor. ! "lllJ r Check toe in. AdJust toe In to factory [ " , ,,... , n | R *lnspectmuff,er. t -I i Inspect steering linkage. • ml iimummim CALL, FOR APPOINTMENT  'i "'-'- I ' I'! _ I '. DOi]BO OEl l]l]l[.iD ; S* ".Olympia * Ph. 3S2-0S29 ELLISON o """°'ou : o 426-3333 O APPLIANCES • TV • STEREO • FURNITURE .,o,,. .. | .... Thucsday, April 20, 17 - holton-Mason outy Journal - Paso 3