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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 20, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 20, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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II | rl|l o Mr. View PTA Tn "= == = = : =-----&apos;----------- Be÷a Ze÷a W h a t" s  " " /tW Install Officers • Has Election .00liOClO[I,/ Co n k,n t? N" ........ ....... ................ Monday Evening  New officers were elected at i!!-..'i!!.).:'iiiii':'iiiiiiii::i;;!'."iil::i!i;;{i.;,.iii. ..qD.,,P,..,,4.,.m,.- -'''4''' the April 12 business and educa- • New officers will be installed ::.i::/ tional meeting of the Beta Zeta .::: Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha. :::: Mrs. Ray Rice was hostess for : :) .... the evezdng assisted by Mrs. ::::: :::m : : :: : ;/? Dot Ridout. ::: To be installed in June are :::i Mrs. Ray Rice, president; Mrs. :::: Kyron Wilson, vice president; :.;ii:::i:: Mrs. Bob Wolden, recording sec- retary; Mrs. Ed Dunhar, cor- responding secretary; Mrs. Tom Ogden, treasurer; and Mrs. Bill Kimbel, parliamentarian• Mesdames Ray Rice, Gene W.hite, Kyron Wilson, Floyd Rid- out, Kenney Evans and Tom Og- den attended a social of the Omicron Chapter in Tacoma Sat- urday which honored Beta Zeta members. Next W.ednesday's meeting will be the regular social for the month, a bowling tournament at the Timber Bowl. Orthopedic Guild • Mrs. Glenn Correa will be hostess for the regular monthly meeting of the Georgine Reed Orthopedic Guild in her home tomorrow beginning at noon. MARGE BROWN has a "special ingTedient" she adds to her Beef Short Ribs and Noodles to make them extra de- licious. This is an easy-to-prel)are dish and needs nothing more than a salad and rolls to complete the meal. Music Club To Host Husbands Next Tuesday • All members of the Shelton Music Club are reminded to in- vite their husbands and guests to next Tuesday's meeting at 8 p.m.. in the home of Mrs. R.W. Norvold. A mixed choral group, The Puget Sounders, will present a special program. f State Convention of the Nation- Noodles Prepared Wi÷h Bee ., Federation of Music Clubs will be held in Olympia April Short Ribs Is Ternp÷ing Dish • A special ingredient gives Marge Brown's Beef Shorl Ribs and Noodles a little s()mothing "extra" in flaw)r. With this dish all you need is a salad and rolls to c)mplete your meal. Everyone who knows garge, knows of her love for music. She deriws much pleasure from her electric. )rgan although she has had no lessons. She likes especially corresponding with people who are shut in or who need cheering up for any other reason. BEEF SltORT RIBS AND NOODLES Use 1Vz to 3 lbs. beef short ribs cut into pieces. If desired, sprinkle With tenderizer. Brown in frying pan with about I Tbs. to Latlrel Court Amaranth choir most of lhe 12 years she has been a n)elnber. This pasl year Marge has serye(] aq (:ofldllc|r(ss for Anq- aranlh. She will be inslalled ns associ;ll(* nla|ron May 5. She has also been an active meml)cr of the T.B. Association for inany years lind Ires served as 1;roasurer of thai; group for a l()n!,  time. Besides music, Marge likes e(king and keeping the large trailer she an(l husband ttarold live in neat and clean. She likes doing things for others, sing and has been in the. melted shortening. Add : C. warm .water 1 large can tomatoes (or two small cans) 2 <)nions chopped l pkg. Lowry spaghetti sauce mix. Mix together. Cover and turn heat down to 250 degrees. Cook 2-3 hours, until lender. Boil egg noodles until done. Rinse in warm water and re- heal with one tsp. bacon drip- pings or margarine. Serve in SCl)arale serving dishes. Place n(rMles on plate and top with the meal mixture. 28-29. Music Week To Be Held May 7-14 • Preparations for the musical events in Shelton during Na- tional Music Week, May 7-14, are being made by Mrs. Ber- nice Stewart of the Shelton Mu- sic Club. National Music Week is spon- sored by the National' Federa- tion of"WIuI'c @lUbs•' ;''  Port Orchard To Visit Auxiliary • Eagles Auxiliary No. 2079 will host Per! Orchard Auxil- iary at 8 p.m. next Tuesday in lhe airport hall. They will put on memorial services and there will be nom- ination of officers. BOB AND BARBARA NELSON, employees of the Belfair PUD office, cut the cake which was presented to them by employees of the PUD No. 3 last Thursday at a retire- ment party held in their honor in the PUD 3 auditorium. The Nelsons retire with a total of more thaR 40 years serv- ice in the Belfair office between them. Bob went to work May 1, 1945 as agent and Barbara joined the staff in 1948 as clerk. A wrist watch was presented to both of them. Bob and Barbara enjoy traveling and visiting and will be dividing their time betweea their property on the North Shore an4 California,, Bridge Club • Seven tables were in play when the Shelton Duplicate Bridge Club met Monday night. Winners for north-south were Dean Ellis and Ura Longevin, Col. Dudley and Rex Umphen- our, Lenora Dudley and Luise Umphenour. For east-west winners were Mr. and Mrs• Gordon Bennett, Bruce Kreger and Helen Rud- dell, Bob Eliot and Dexter Edge. The club meets at 7:30 p.m. each Monday in the PUD audi- torium. All bridge players are we]eom.-L Fresno Visitors • Fresno, Calif guests in the home of Mrs. Flossie Earle last week were her grandchildren, Donna, Susie and Salley Botts. Other relatives and friends also visited during the week. TI[IE TO REGISTER FOR SCOUT CAMP • Registration fox' Camp Ken- neydell officially opened Satur- day. All girls interested in at- tending camp are urged to reg- ister soon for the session of their choice. Sleepy Hollow session for Jun- ior Girl Scouts entering the 4th, 5th, or 6th grades will be June 26- July 9; July 11-24; July 29- August 11 and August 13-26. Sherwood Forest for Cadettes will hold the same session dates as will Pioneer Ridge for Coun- selor-In-Training. Partial registration fee and application are to be mailed to the Tall Timber Council office on Littlerock Road in Tumwater. WHEN DESIGNING screens and other garden structures, be sure to consider the view  from in- side the house as well as from angles within the garden and rom the sreet, Society Editor Marj Jacobsen Phone 426-4412 when Mt. View PTA meets at }}.j{':i!::/).)!,.",".//,//.,:7///., 8 p.m. Monday in the school multi-purpose room. Classrooms will open at 7:45. Taking office will be Bob Kra- mer, president; Gerrie Himlie, 1st vice presidenl; Cathy Hem- inter, secretary; and Pat Crow, treasurer. A Science Fair, presented by different rooms, will be sol up for parents h) observe both be- fore and after the meeting. Mr. Pike's fifth grade and Mrs. Rif- fey's second grade will be the main part of the program. A film or speaker is planned but last minute cancellations leave this yet to be decided. The flag salute will be led by Mr. Fox's Boy Scout Troop No. 110 and Father Gabriel of St. Edward's Catholic church will give the invocation. .Refreshments will be served. MR. AND MRS. PAUL E. ARMSTRONG announce the en- gagement of her daughter, Judy Rains, to Daniel Laxson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Larson, of Parkland. Miss Rains, a graduate of Shelton High school and the Olympia Vocational Institute, is employed by Simpson Timber Co. He is graduated from Washington State University and is now attending graduate school at Oregon State University in Corvalis. An August 25 wedding is planned in the Shel- ton First Baptist church. Dobbers Schedule Short Meeting • The Dirt Dobber Garden Club will hnld a short meeting at 10 a.m. sharp next Tuesday in the PUD auditorium. Plans will be made for the April 28 plant and rummage sale t.o be heht in the PUD auditoriun. A lunch will not he necessary. di: 'i'!7:::. SHERREE RIOUX, Mrs. Deanne Handy, Delores Rhoades and Mrs. Judith Kay Chappell (left to right), all of Shel- ton, received the cap and uniform distinctive of the St. Peter Hospital school of l)ractical nursing in Olympia in recent ceremonies. Completion of the one-year state-ac- credited program entitles the graduates to take the State Board examination. Upon successful completion of the exam, the candidate becomes a IAcensed Practical Nurse. THE NEW YORK SEXTET will appear in the Junior High school auditorium at 8:15 p.m. next Wednesday• This final program of the current Mason County Community Con- cert season will present varied and popular examples of group singing. The Sextet, under the direction of bass- baritone Edmond Karlsrud, will offer solos, duets, trios, quartets, and the entire ensemble in a Program of operatic selections, axt songs, folk songs, spirituals and hits of the Broadway stage. The other artists featured in the group axe Carol Joplin, soprano; Liz Lamkin, mezzo-soprano; Paul Solem, tenor; David Griffith, tenor; Guy Wild, bari- tone; and Stanton Carter, accompanist. I Home Meat Slaughtering Unit GLEN PROBST Cooling "k Cutting "k Double Wrap AL HANSON, Meat Cutter WE HAVE 30 LB. BEEF BUNDLES (Includes Hamburgers, Steaks and Roasts) Call--HOWELL'S GROCERY Phone 426-6779 Dayton Crossroads Inquire About Our Locker Beef. I ,... I Pte 6 - Shelton-Maeon County Journal - Thursday, April 20, 1967 Children's Home Society To Meet • The 70th annual meeting of the Children's Home Society will be held in the Olympic room of the Seattle Center tonight. The dinner meeting will begin at (; :45 p.m. Guild Meeting • The April meeting of the Ra- chel Knott Orthopedic Guild will be a noon luncheon in the Hood Canal home of Mrs. Harold Nichols this Friday. On Honor Roll • Nancy Briggs, a graduate school student at Oregon State University, has been named to TERRY SHRUM Ii  High School SpotlkJ ' • Now that the Tolo is over, and has been claimed a success, Terry Shrum, chairman of the event, can relax and enjoy the remaining weeks of her senior year at Shelton High school. Terry plans to go into home economics and will attend Yak- ima Valley Junior College in the fall. A new subject offered at SHS this year, Furnishings and Interiors, fits right into her phms for the future. tier other subjects include chemistry, civics, honor's Eng- lish, and drama. She is president of Thespians, having taken part in the Diary of Ann Frank in her sophomore year and acting as student di- rector last yea.r'.;l member of IAu( has Ix, en on the ecutive board t°l# She is a ne$ Life and attends / Wal church She years in 4-H b the A&W the paS Terry is the da and Mrs. Jim s one sister, Collee, uate, and one nearly 16. She W{ ton M:arch 16, 1 'A brown-eYed -, stands 5 feet 9i: favorite pastin]e I riding. She als_0; water skll g, ing. the winter term honor roll at OSU''Miss:Brtggs'maintained'a 00]loer÷ Lord F:e÷ed B' strliiglt-': grade for the"'te'm,:: 4-H Club News, Eagl( On His 8St.h rt, : • A surprise birthday party ' honoring the 85th birthday of EVERGREEN WRANGLERS • Toni Cole told about the club's trail ride when the Evergreen Wranglers 4-H Club met Satur- day. Members discussed prac- ticing for the parade. The first practice will be held this Sat- urday at 1 p.m. at the home of Marlene Schmidt. The next meeting will be held at 1 p.m. May 6 at the fair ,wounds. Members, don't forget your record books. Carol Scrogham, reporter Dogs A-Go-Go • The Dogs A-Go-Go 4-H Club met April 17. Rhan Redman con- ducted the business meeting. A cabin for camp and the dog sec- tion of the fair premium books were discussed. Liana Ford, reporter 5' ',, 7 ..... il:.<,\