April 20, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 20, 1967 |
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with l)el West, on at the Shelton Chamber
<)f (',ornmerce meeting htst Thursday night
at. whi(,h she was the speaker and dis-
cussed the a(.tivities of the 1967 session of
the State Legislature.
W-2 Lock Slows Legal Publicatio..$
Cause No. 9249
Tax Refunds NOT,CE O S.ER'F'S SALE
Under Special Execution
• S, nrm 24,557 federal tax re- In the Superior Court of the
turns without the required W-2 State of Washington for Mason
withldding statemenls were County.
lih,d so far this year by Wash- Capital Savings & Loan Asso-
in:ion SHde taxpayers and those ciation, a Washington corpora-
in I|le nirlmt['s comprising the tion, Plaintiff, vs. Steve T. Sag-
IlLS W:stion. , r and. Gudrun K, Sagmiller,
Hotel Sup..
This rn,'gi(,lay in the pr- ' ply ompany; Glynn Roller, d/b/a
,,cssin1.: of rebinds unlil the Roller Construction Co.; State of
W-2's ,an t)e oblained from tax- Washing'ton Department of La-
Imy,'rs north-cling to Ncal S. bor and Industries; American
Warren, IRS Distric! Director Mortgage and Investment Cor-
poration, d/b/a in the State of
for WashJnLdon. Washington as AMZ, Inc.; Kurt
Col)y B. of the W-2 statement L. Mann, d/b/a Mann Real Es-
that emph)yers are required to taLe; State of Washington Em-
give employees is the one that ployment Security Department;
h,uht . have been attached to Lester Ericsson; State of Wash-
H,(i.ral lax r(,ttn'lt:L hP said. ington Tax Commission; Shelton
Hotel Company, a Washington
When rP|IIFFIS Wi'l'e received in corporation, Defendants.
IlLS offices without a W-2 for Under and by virtue of a spe-
all in(.ono on which taxes have eial execution issued out of and
born wilhhcld, a ]e,tter request- under the peal of the Superior
in the nissing document was Court of the State of Washing-
sun| to the taxpayer. Until the ton, in and for said County, on
W-2 is ro,.eive(l, or an acceptal)le the 3rd day of March, 1967, upon
a judgment rendered in said
,xph,nation (,f why it cannot be Court, on the 3rd day of March,
supplied, l)rocessing ,)f the re- 1967, in favor of Capital Say-
turn cannot I)e completed, ings & Loan Association and
against Steve T. Sagrniller &
Gudrun I. Sagmiller, his wife;
Scout Circus Dohrmann Hotel Supply Com-
pany; Glynn Roller, d/b/a Rol-
Cub Sc,)u| Pack 110 Circus ler Collstruction Co.; State of
Washington Department of La-
will I)c hekl April 27 at 7 i).m. bor and Industries; American
m the MI. View School multi- Mortgage and Investment Cor-
l)urpose room., poration, d/b/a in the State of
IH ]Ul
SAVE 50' by subscribing ÷o the
month. The yearly subscription
increased on May I.
Washington as AMI, Inc.; Kurt
L. Mann, d/b/a Mann Real Es-
tate; State of Washington Em-
ployment Security Department;
Lester Ericsson; State of Wash-
ington Tax Commission; Shelton
Hotel Company, a Washington
corporation, for the sum of $36,-
735.34, together with attorney's
fees, interest, costs and increas-
ed costs, and to me directed and
delivered, commanding me to sell
the following described property
to sell the following described
property to isatisfy said:,Judg-
Lot Oie i J i',' the east'9'%nty-
three and one-half (23&) feet
of Lot two (2); and the North
twenty (20) feet of lot eight i8);
all in Block fifteen (15}, Fran-
ces Shelton's Addition to the
City of Shelton, Washington,
Volume 1 of plats, page 1.
NOTICE is hereby given, That
on Friday, the 21st day of April,
1957, at 10:30 o'clock in the fore-
noon of said day, I will sell the
above described property, or so
much thereof as may be neces-
sary to satisfy said Judgment, to.
gether with attorney's fees, in-
terest, costs and increased costs,
in all amounting to the sum of
$41,108.64, Plus Sher)ff's Fees
and Publication Costs.
Said sale will take place at
the East door of the Court
House at Shelton in said County
and State, and will be at public
auction, for cash in hand to the
highest and best bidder.
Dated at Shelton, Wash., this
21st day of March, 1967.
Sheriff of said County
3/23-30-4/6-13-20 5t
Journal +hls
rate will be
FOR s4.50 !
Page 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 20, 1967
Vandals Do s4u,000 Damage In Forests
• Why do people steal wilder-
ness registration boxes, desh-oy
traffic counters and guard rails,
shoot locks off gates, m" use
cantpground tables for fire-
wood ?
Mhlicious vandalism and
thefts continue to plague Nation-
al Forest managers in Oregon
and Washington, a U.S. Forest
Service compilation shows.
Such acts amounted to approx-
imately $40,000 in replacement
costs in the 19 National Forests
of the Pacific Northwest Region
in 1966, according to J. IIerbert
Stone, Regional Forester. The
tota Its in addition |o costs of
regular maintenance, sanitation.
and litter cleanup.
There were such cosily acts
as destruction of an unused look-
out tower ($600), damage to a
tinbcr sale operator's D-7 Cat
($1,075), and destruction of
campground toilets ($350).
But perhaps more imporhml
was the threat to public safety
caused by the acts of a few van-
dais. Examples last year were:
reversing of directional trial
signs, remowfl of lightning rods
from lookout towers, theft of
railroad crossing signs, theft of
first aid kits, and broken bottles
Cougar Limit Is One
in swimming areas, three youths who destroyed a A Year In The State
In several cases the errant: toilet were caught, with the
vandals or litterbugs paid for help of the Federal Bureau Of ring:
their nisdeeds, Regional Forest- Investigation and ended up pay- of• ASstates,true thein amountain, growing numberlion is required of anyone ",,|
' er Stone pointed out. In one case, ing the damages. A regular hun "
In another instance, a person gar, but no special lalJi I
classed as a game animal in
who dumped garbage in a the State of Washington, and mit is necessarY.
scenic spot was traced and later
went back and picked up the there is a limit of ONE per 6 'L'}Itlll
litter. In still another, youths year per hunter.
who painted rocks and trees in Cougars m,ay be hunted year- Pomona
a campground had to pay court round on the west side, but
Eastern Washington Counties
costs and remove the paint.
More people each year are
turning to the outdoors for rec-
reation and enjoyment of natural
beauty, Stone said, and he urged
all users Io do their part in pre-
serving the resources of the
National Forests.
The National Forests are the
playgrounds of mill)ires, and a
few destructive or thoughtless
persons make the playgrounds
dangerous or unsightly for all.
Rock Meeting
The Shelton Rock and Min-
eral Society will meet at: 7:30
p.m. in the PUD building. All
n)embers and I)ersons inleresi-
ed are welcome at the meeting,
A program and refreshmenls arc
Please! Only you can
prevent forest fires!
are closed during the months of
January, February, lVrch and
An exception to the bag limit
is that there is no limit on the
number of lions that may be
taken in four westside counties
-- Clallam, Jefferson, Grays
Harbor and Mason.
The lifting of the limit for up-
per Peninsula counties came
about when residents of the
country around Forks began
seeing an unusually high num-
ber of the big cats late last
• Pomona Grange, f k
11 a.m. Sunday km
Grange hall. I=,,
served, Charles Say*'|,.
master announced. |"
NO PLACE for ate.
another look. Most
tables, soups, sauCe S 1
seasonings need n
a four-inch depth.
of space rrght b.e
the back door, al0,m,
frigerator, in a h I
down a stairwell. .,,,
you may be surpr
usable sl)ace yo0'l]
This area, frorr Lake Crescent WATCH OP|
to the I-[oh River, and particular-
]y around Forks, remains a THE oTHEf I
good spot to look for cougar,
according to local reports. ..
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