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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 20, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 20, 1967
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• NorCh Mason Bowl,ng Resu|ts and Statistics Track Team wMe' Na ,i"- hey Brewer 215 [i: tielen Bloomfield 493 d at 44), Vera Bishop 483'; L k',. ,,t, Cleo Haler 458 t°la,kt', 3"1, Adair Neau  e Clary 1-3 Edna ton Co. Bey. i; Zhelton Rec 1-3, Doris 111 1487 • 3-I, Donna FUrn. h,cky 4-0, Nancy Brew- t J Lager 0-4, Mac : 01sen's Fur It tll R- n. 35- # a23 .ec',.,34 t/=-211/2 ; f¢ : RaI':'tary & Clary I V, 2,Y _24-32 Whurs- • 33; L."?'32½; B&J 1 ueKy Lager 211/2. SIMPSON MEN'S LEAGUE Hi Game & Series: Stan Ahl- quist 238-644 FINAL 2ND HALF STANDINGS : (Playoff for the championship will be held tonight between Railroad & Mill 2.) Railroad 46-14; Mill 2 40-20; Engineers 31-29; Shop 29-31; Ia)gger 28-32; Loaders 28-32; Mill 3 21-39 IBP ].7-43 12:30 WOMEN'S Hi Game: Ewidean Lord 170 Hi Series: Char Murr 169 Standings: John's Richfield 35-21; Nell's 31-25; Shelton Union 24-32; Pastime 22-34 " . Y I:=shmcj Opener 480,000 An lers u ;:/ CJ | ea.g,, t State's summer as the summer fishin, season s0 o .... g ' th a b,-'-.aed Sunday, opened with the Olympic Pen- (P hl "Shermen t " ' " w te rat r s _P(IhlY e ',,.... urn- msula tnt I) 1o rope 'u e.', PI.I' sh"mte¢l at 480,0,90 rain and sow. t '-,0 Lake Cushman had nearly 5 I1119 ay crowd cguM inches of snow as the season IM to',u per cent greater, opened, but hardy anglers took Game Depart- some large rainbow, cutthroat Weatherm 1, lVind an co- and Doily Varden. Judy Kinl4 elt0tls, 'n rain, hail, low of Seattle checked in with a 2 .Jv m u Snow at med pound cutthroat, and another #I;;t s greeted angle/:s Seattle resident, Diane Receb. lise, i  the state.' took a 3% pound Dolly Varden. {F),..0f fishi Was the worst Fishing success at Lake Suth- :lthe ))hseason since erland was fairly low, but rain- l"l-aal alqd catch was how Io 15 inches and cutthroat 1St gl%. T above in sev- mostly 11 inches were taken. " I 1i? op regional areas Four cutthroal from :/-5 pounds ti sta we h@s, th, C re north- apiece were checked in at the 'Ills^: r'-l)kano- olumbta Ba- resorts. ., ,: .n lI':Ze'f ii reee: ,'rice Lake was one of the 'pres better ones with 17 anglers hav-  t00f r the. fishery ing taken 112 rainbow up to 16 |:.0, UShmg pros- inches and 17 hrook trout aver- Il Or s ueekend which aging 10 inches. .. " etter than on .IK%r.. e0unties experi- ..(l "my light l)ressure 309'ERS FINAl. WEEK Men's High Game & Series: Gene Wehunt 254-594 Women's Hi Game & Series: Sharon Johnson 169-438 Tardies 4-0, Bob Riffey 563; Redin 0-4, Jean Temple 403 Skippers 3-1, Jerry Mallory 519; Ritin 1-3, Larry Lyle 447 Recess 3-1, Rodger Johnson 456; Rithmatic 1-3, Dick Morton 400 Flunkies 3-1, Dell Abelein 462; MIXED FOURSOME LEAGUE PLAYOFF-- Seawolves Curt Wolfe: 210-547 (2nd half winners) Sand Baggers Shin Ahlquist 224-205-215-644 (lst half winners} Champions are Sand Baggers MIXED FOURSOME Men Hi Game & Series: Stan Ahlquist 222-566 Women's Hi Game & Series: Marge Witcraft 193-532 Timber Ducks 3-1, Marge Wit- Professors 1-3, Jack Swanson 431 craft 532; Sand Baggers 1-3, Scholars 2-2, Gene Wehunt 594; Stan Ahlquist 566 Dropouts 2-2, Edna Webber 376 Standings: Skippers 64-44 (League Champions); Scholars 63-45; Ritin 59½-48½; Recess 57,½-54½; Tardies 53-55 Flunkies 53-55 Redin 51-57; Rithmatic 49½-58V, z Professors 47½-60V2; Dropouts 46-62 MEI{,('HANTS Hi Game & Series: Jack Stewart 253-608 Standings: Stewart's Pro Shot) 371,r'/J'181/ ; Stewart's Market Bas- ket 35-21; Fuller Consl. Too 33- 23; Western Auto 32-24; John's Richfield 29½-26V.a M&S Gro- cery 28-28; Prepp's Rexall Druc 26-30 Reneeker Const. 22- 34: Kimbel Motors & Whltey 20-36; Boon's Plumbing 17-39 SIMPSON RECREATION Ill Gam.e & Series: Vi McGee 193-542 l,oggers 1-3, Sheila Sievert 489; Shops 3-1, Helen Bloom- field 426 Railroad 3-1, Vi McGee 542; Loaders 1-3, Gladys Adair 442 Standings: Railroad 37-23; Loggers 25-25; Shops 25-35; Loaders 23-37 Railroad team won 1st and 2nd halves, so is Simpson Rec- reation champ for the year. In Grays tlarbor Counly, Aher- deen, Failer and Sylvia lakes showed an,;,er successes he- Babe Ruth tween 4-6 fish per man, with highest rate and biggest sized rainbow coming from Sylvia. Two of last year's big ones at the ol)ening .... -Bay lake, and Clear hike in lhe Bald tlills of Soulh Puget Sound ..... l)rovided fewer fish this year, and the Sk League Meet Y Set Tonight I  • All boys age 13, 14 and 15 ;l iTPA in tile Hoodsport, Skokomish, ' Ore team won fish were of smaller size. Both Union areas who are interested "/,'L'tllll t Mn's Ilandi- waters ;ire heavily populaled in Babe Ruth League baseball !i twl With al Shelton's with other fish species which may register on Saturday April "' a Score of e()ml)eh' with trout production. 22, at the Hood Canal Junior -v't,.t|v. 7--*" 'r '11 Size of fish generally, as High with Ted Blair. Birth cer- judged by ow.wall fishing checks, , s, in order • tificates are required and there !,A.-' ;, , r Cxmstruc- was very good, and decidedly is a $3 registration fee. e:R Oil, 2985. improved over. the •size of aver- There will be a meeting of '1 age ,ish creeled ;It the op in' il&,,; Qltry 3{, , 'rimbt,t'., f--,'''lr::,''Qi C: 'i i,¢j ....... '},,'g'l thd3abe Ruth League.on Thurs- "I'i- Qlary 2955. Fishermen 'who missed the the Colonial House. • , .. our or bye years.bacg., day, Apr:l 20. at 7:30 p.m. in 'lll''.the 2 teams will opening day turnout, or wenl ''ltll:'d *,dtl:aa, Is ; hote early hecause of weI, cold weather, have every reason to ; ta..!Y 6-7, for expect equally good fishing this €11I" %5" finals at Ta- coming weekend, says the Came Knock Outs 1-3, ?;ue Bennett 408; Sea Wolves 3-, Curt Wolfe 531 Board Busters 3-1, Ernie Dah- man 528; What's Next 1-3 Henry Cook Sr., Henry Jr. and Ira Cook 435 Odd Balz 1-3, Del Hartwell 496; Anglers 3-1, Dave Robertson 407 Standings: Sea Wolves 39-17; Knock Outs 36-20; Timber Ducks 33V2-22V2; Sand Baggers 29-27; Odd Balz 26-30; What's Next 24½-31V2; Board Busters 21-35; Anglers 16-40 MR.. & iMLRS. Men's Hi Game: El@m Todd 224 Men's Hi Series: Harvey Griffey 560 Women's Hi Game: Mary Peters 165 Women's Hi Series: Genevia Coiling 459 Standings: Tyee Well Drilling Co. 72-40; Eaerett Lumber 71½- 40½; J&J Service 71½-40%; Grapeview Grocery 69-43; Rich- field-Evergreen 69-43 Allyn Shell 51-61; Lakeland Village 44-68 A 3 game roll-off was played to determine 2nd and 3rd place. Total pins deciding the winner. Roll-off was won by Eacrett Lumber. GRANGE PLAY-OFF RESULTS : I)el)artment. JUNIOR Boy's Hi Game & Series: Chuck Thompson 210-526 Girls' Hi Gan • & Series: Diane Hoosier 187-442 Hembroff Insurance 4-(}, Tom Demmon 494 Trail Blazm's It 0-4, Diane Hoosier 442 Beckwith's Jewelry 3-1, (;try Stites 371; Joslin's Insurance 1-2, Gary Robinson 483 Shelton Jaycees 4-0, Dave Clark 522; Trail Blazers 0-4; Chuck Thonlpson 526 Merv's Tirecap 4-0, Dave Graffe 471; VFW Post & Auxil- ary 0-4, Bill Schuffenhauer ,t94 Standings: Merv's Tirecap 38-14; Trail Blazers I 32-20; Hembroff Insurance 29-23; VFW Post & Aux. 28½-23%.; Beck- with Jewelry, 26%-25½; Shel- ton Jaycees 24½-27½; Trail Blazers II 17-35; Joslin's Insur- ance 12½-39½ JUNIOR Boys' Hi Game & Series: Chuck Thompson 194-513 Girls' Hi Gae: Linda Witcraft 158 Girls' Hi Series: Lynn Nelson 431 Hembroff 3-1, Lynn Nelson 431; Merv's Tirecap, 1-3 Dave Graffe 454 Beckwith's 1-3, Scot Robert- son 444; Jaycees 3-1, Dave Clark 510 VFW 3-1, Bill Schuffenhauer 486; Trail Blazers II 1-3, Randy Churchill 397 Trail Blazers I 4-0, Chuck Thompson 516; Joslin's 0-4, Gary Robinson 448 Standings: Merv's Tirecap 39-17; Trail Blazers I 36-20; VFW Post & Aux. 32%-24%; Hembroff Insurance 32-25; Beckwith's Jewelry 27½-28% Shelton Jay- cees 27½-28½; Trail Blazers I 18-38; Joslin's Insurance 12½- 43½ Prevent [00|'rest fires! "" IIRIES & IhNEIL rcl & Grove Wind=Maid It guaranteed not to leak,  Beats MMK By BOB MEYER • The bad weather last week can(:(,lh,d a baseball game and a h.nnis match, but it let up just ,'n,)uRh F'riday afternoon for ft.' Nol'lh Mason track team to it]iliah, Ih,' now track field wi a 99-:;I; \\;,i(:h)ry over Mitt')' M. Knihl. 'l'ho Ihtlhlogs won eleven of sixt(,(,n first places, with fresh- man l.yh' Vernar(l gelling three firsls; lit(, 100 and 220 yard dashes and the broad jump. Scotl Buller h)ok first place for NM in the javelin with a toss (ff 128' 10", and Mike Graesch won the 880 yard run with a time of 2:15.9. Others winning for North Ma- son were Ray "Cougar" Baker in the 440, Dave VanHorn in the discus, and Don Huson took the shot put: and high .jump. Dave Stodden led Mary M. Knight by winning the ntile in 5:07 and the pole vault a! 9'6". Sh)dden also placed third in the high jump. The Owls received two more firsts from Gribble in both tilt. high hurdles and low hurdles. Jerry Robertson Wins Cycle Race • Young Jerry Robertson of Shelton won the Evergreen Championshi t) motorcycle race Sunday in Tacoma. Jerry, riding a 250CC Bullaco, won his heat and feature race to cop the title. After all class racing was com- pleted, an overall championship race was held for all winners from 100CC to 750CC. Jerry hehl Agate Grange won first place with 2248; Skokomish Grange second place with 2106. IVen's Hi Game & Series: Don Knudsen 201-526 Women's Hi Game & Series: Margie Knudsen 171-457 MEN'S CITY Hi Game: Ade Kopperman 241 Hi Series: Stan Ahlquist 627 Wilson Co. 27-1B; M:otel Tim- bers 27-1.8; Beckwiths 25-20; Hidden Haven 23-22; Shaub Elli- son 21-24; J&J Service 20-25; 40 & 8 19-26; Simpson Timber Co. 18-27 YOUNG ROGER McNELLY of Seattle caught this 20-inch," ' 2L:t-l)ound Rainbow from the clock at Lake Nahwatzel. I.ADIES THURSDAY TRIO Hi Game & Series: Beth Brown 183-459 Cottage Cafe 1-2, Dorothy Ahrens 389; Hoodsport Cafe 2-1, Beth Brown 459 B&J Mart 1-2, Carole Hanson 433; Herb's 2-1, Verna Johan- son 439; City Center 2-1, Dee Gray 434; Anderson & Jacobsen 1-2, Mar- lene Hill 354 Mamies Jawl Haas 3-0, Shirley W;eaver 447; NW Evergreen 0-4, Nancy Brewer 383 Standings:Cottage Cafe 27-15; his own for nine of the 10 laps before mechanical failure forced him to drop out. Game Depf. Gives Dog Laws SHS Golfers Whip Elma, Lose To Port Angeles • S&elton High Golfers split a pa'r last week when they lost a tough one to league foe Port Angeles 91 to 84, then picked up ;t non-leaguer from h)wn rival Elnla 53 to 37 for nine holes. In dropping their second league lnatch in as nlany outings to tile R.oughriders, head Coach Andy Tuson feels the cause is hwk of experience, and says his boys are improving daily. l{is ace hacker, Rick MeComb, seems 1o be playing at his best, as he picked up medalist honors against Fhna, Ilion shot runner utt to P.A. 's Bill Cargo with a cool 81 for eighteen. Second nlan Rick Correa has not Its yel produced his best, but is coIlling ahmg. Junior Mike McDowell came up with a liltle improvement fronl his season-opener as he rounded lhe course in 93 shots for a seven slroke improve- ulenl. Young sophonore Bill Daniels still needs seasoning, as he tightens up during matches, then turns around and shoots his best at turnouts. Coming ahmg fine in the num- ber five position is junior Jolm Koch. Big John's 86 for the course saw him pick up/20 points and third place honors,. Shelton's next encounter brings the Central Kitsap Cougars' to the Bayshore golf course this Thursday. They will then take a ram-league journey Friday to Port Townsend. SCORING SUMMARY Shelton R. McComb 81, M. McDowell 93, R. Correa 91, B. Daniels 94, J. Koch 86 Port Angeles Beekett 89, Cargo 80, J. Whit- more 94, Church 94, McKenzie 92. Shelton McComb 38, Cawrea 48, McEXr,- ell 42, Daniels 45, Koch 47 Ehna Sheets 46, Mowe 45, Whitaker 48. Thompson 48, Augustine 51 SHS Girl Tennis Players Undefeated In Five Outings Play off for f!r;t place in the second half will be Frid, hj)' night' April 21, 1967. Championship 19-23; Hoodst)rt Cafe 19-23; An- are. (ound is designed Io preV0nf ! their bst and have niad,iotv.,.t: .S!mlt°n will play host to the bowl off will be Saturday.night derson & Jacobsen, 18-24; North- of progress since the openi(lg Chehalis Wildcats tomorrow night April 22, 1967. west Evergreen 13-29 • Shelton's net femmes remain- Leading singles player Linda ed undefeated in five outings 5!s Barringhm improves wittl every • The State Game:Department they swung by Ttirflwater htst swing as the flashy young Jun- reminds dog owners that dogs week 4-1. ior remained u n d e f e a t e d used for hunting upland birds Though their first league through her first five showings. are barred from bird areas dur- match of the season was rained The other two singles positions ing the months of April, May, out last Tuesday night, the SHS are taken ul) by two strong jun- June and July, according to the netters feel quite optimislic about Mrs, Beth Quimby and Betsy B&J Mart 26-16; Herb's Second State ,G,am¢ Cod e .... • Hand Store 24-18; Mamies Java The 'regulalion keeping dogs the,,apl,)rt,ct!mg' l°ague.,gP.qro ..... Willard, who both can I)lay in n o[ t-wad C(mdh Ihlth ;Vil-." ieu.les role Haas 22a20; City' C'rttel' ; Motel': ' f(m; " ' ' L * .... .... +' Rfe,qs where" itpla}:id "bfrds ' lffrd's :r:tequetsWingrsbre':':tbd'':', '* ' " i[ needed, " molestation of birds during the key nesting period, of the '67 season. ' on the Shelton cement. SUNDAY-- SHELTON DRAG STRIP FUNNY CAR BATTLE OF THE YEAR L.A. Plymouth Dealers' Chicago's Hemi Cuda vs. Nic00ley Chevrolet __ L 186 mph Barracuda 8 second Chevy II PLUS Funny Car Eliminator- 8 Quickest Qualifiers 91 NHRA Classes---Pure Stock April 23 --- This Sunday --- _ Ill IL J[ -- _ SHELTON DRAG STRIP -- lI IIILI NIIll - -- -- III L Thursday, April 20, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11