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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 20, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 20, 1967
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i nHlhSchool: 00nd, Chour Holding show interest. Several years ago this was attempted, but a lack of enthu- siasm ended any chances of the course's success before it was established. The same barrier is present today. Too many SHS students have no idea of what debate is and they don't have enough am- bition to find out about it. A class af the potentional cali- ber of debate is a great credit to its school and now it is avail- able to -IS. If the students meet the school board halfway, they'll match their move. HONOR SOCIETY New members of Honor Soc- iety met Tuesday during their lunch hour in Angle 3. They brought their lunches and discussed the upcoming installa- tion. FATHER-DAUGHTER BANQUET Tickets for the Father-Daugh- ter Banquet have been on sale since Tuesday. Senior girls bought tickets Tuesday; juniors purchased them on Wednesday; and sopho- mores are buying them today. be ex- Tomorrow anyone is eligible to it is purchase the tickets which cost Sat- $3.50 per couple. during The Father-Daughter Banquet is annually sponsored by the night, Girls' Club. ASSEMBLY HELD time Tuesday was the day of pri- m addition mary elections. At a first-period and live assembly that day the candidates extensive were introduced to the student  ghts a Week a num-  drag themselves le . " aomework and 72 and rehearsals S..n,ber stage band, i m those in attend- A !? aCCOrding to home- Y oUats of time. ` '  so that most - ,, the band room i: !1 ure for a rrdni- ..ottrs each prae- .ce IV[OOrehead,s di- 1 e'l.theJunior Hig h r Vith uj Williams is . *i"aecast,and chorus . earlier listiw, h, a reViSed The°m-:" a  Ca.." aiR . ptaln Andy is , "00y200"ie 00uckham l ''wayed by Jim tally pleased Who have their new Jhn?s move Rob- roles : and of for SHS all the its im- and are seriously. School was School and up. to the (Who? The three Order to Brown, Grirmell, quizzed. course, Would which inter- the ad- body formally, and each deliv- ered a brief campaign speech. Results of the preliminaries will be disclosed next week. PEP STAFF Girls interested in trying out for next year's pep staff should be getting limbered up and into shape. The first meeting is set for May 1. :]Iore information concerning this will be coming soon. SENIOR PARTY IDEAS Earlier the idea poll given to seniors in relation to their sen- ior party wished was mentioned. Since then the proposals have been collected and read. One of the most popular ideas was a cruise on Puget Sound. This idea had many strong points in its favor, along with many votes. Buses as the only mode of Practices For Forest Festival Operetta kids would be easy to control (they can't go overboard) and erous sheets of paper inquiring we could go out and back with- to the effects of TV on the grade out stopping to get off." averages. Whatever the location and The poll asked the grade, form of party, it is hoped that grade point average and aver- all will have a go(l time at age hours of TV watching is the 1967 senior party, spent by the participating stu- GERMAN CLUB German Club members are again busy with plans for the club. They plan a trip to The Ba- . varian in Tacoma at the end of May. The four members having the most points will have their dinners provided by the club. cations classes have been hum- and makes Ul) class schedules. dents on weeknights. Results may be rather slow in coming, since the math work involved is extensive for the over 450 tallies. BACKSTAGE As most students know, Chet Dombroski, affectionately referr- ed to as Mr. D, is a big addition The rest will buy their own. to the staff What many don't Also, they are preparing a new realize is the amount and di- edition of the German Club versity of his duties. Cookbook, which is planned for sale prior to Mother's Day. His main job is counseling stu- This new edition is revised dents. This includes giving them from previous editions in that information they request and it will have a new cover and helping them out if they run into be in loose leaf form. so that problems during the year. supplements may be added easier. He registers the boys for the draft when they are 18, and makes profile charts of SHS's ratings with the national aver- ages on national tests. He is the boys' club advisor, and is the supervisor for those students taking extension course. Each year he registers stu- dents for classes, helps set up the courses In the curriculum Once on slle, these books can be obtained by contacting any German Club members or Mrs. Williams Rogers, the club's ad- viser. GIRLS' STATE Congratulations to the Girls' State winners, Pat McNeil, Beth Quimby, and Aleca Ruddell, with Karen Bodle as alternate. These girls were chosen from the ten finalists last Tuesday at a 12:30 p.m. meeting with a group of ladies from the Amer- ican Legion Auxiliary. FRENCH CLUB The five girl models for the May 3 French Club Dinner and Fashion Show yesterday travel- led to the Polka-Dot Shop and were fitted for their clothes. Next Wednesday, they will vis- 'it iVode O'Day and be joined by the two male models at Lloyd's. Mtay 2, they all will be scheduled for Millers. The fashion show and dinner menu are under the joint-lead- ership of Peggy Nelson and Vicki Valley (who will be the wandering musician for the din- nertime entertainment.} Decorations are under IAndley Whaley's chairmanship, and are to depict a French sidewalk care. With luck, the menu, all in French, will be served outside in the Angle Building's court- yard. MATH "To take or not to take". This is the questions which is being asked as results from the math Another resl)()nsibility which has come into prominence this time of the year is scholarships. Mr. D has the information and aPl)lications for the ntnnerous scholarships awfilahle to SI[S u- dents each year. In relation to college, Mr. D. has several other duties, lie fills out the secon(t and third l)ages of all college applications and helps students with their college plans. Testing is the last major area of his concern. He administers a number of national and spec- ials tests throughout the year. seven of these pertain to college entrance, and are given any- where from Ocl:ober to March. jV[r. D. also adminisWrs the junior's math test, which he per- sonally scores. He relates and interl)rets these and other lest scores to the sludents. With all these duties, his room is always ()pen for students to walk in and most often there is a stream of students in and out through the school day. "S" CLUB The boys' lettermen's club at SHS is called "S" Club and is presided over by president, David L. Mendenhall. In an interview, he gave an over-view of the club and its I activities this year. Primarily an organization for lettermen to attend, numerous activities arc not its primary purpose. Members must display good conduct and leadership qualities in and away from school. The club promotes fund rais- ing activities during tile year. The primary use for the money raised was for the purchase of bright red sports jackets of var- ious sizes with an SHS Crest on them. Athletes of each sport were allowed to wear them. To support these purchases club members sold pens show- ing the basketball schedule and sold popcorn during the basket- ball season. Before closing Dave added "I'm deeply indebted to Jack Wright, without whose vital as- sistance and advise I would be sunk; and also thanks to Jim Roberts, Fred Wiles, Bill Ander- son, Steve Mills, and Tom Mar- shall for their great assistance in selling popcorn the past bas- ketball season." COMING UP Tomorrow night is the annual Spring Concert, as presented by the choir and band. This year's program promised to be an outstanding one, with guest conductors from Western Washington State College. The concert is to be heht in the high school gym. Admission is 50 cents fl)r students and $1 for adults. The show begins at 8 The next clay the choir travels to East Bremerton and Choral Contest. Next week is full. Tuesday al 6:30 p.m. for Father-Daughtcr The gMs were Debbie Mram ville, who t)layed the "lst Move- mcnl. of Concerto" by Tomaso All)inoni on tim oboe; Jeanne Os- borne who played "Gavotte" by Jean Bapfiste Lully. She played lhe clarinet and was accompan- ied by Jim Stewart. These two girls attended the camp last year. The third performer was Banquet is slated; Thursday, Linda Mounts, who Honor Society Installation will "Fantasie" on tile flute. be held;  Friday, the dramatics departnlent will present a night of One Act Plays; and Satur- day is the Shelton Invitational and Band Contest. An added event for juniors Wednesday meriting will be jun- ior vocational conference, which consists of three 55-minute ses- sions with talks of various fields of interest to SHS juniors. TRYOUTS HELD April 6 after school tryouts were held for those who wished to attend Fort Flagler. This summer music camp scholar- ship is sponsored by the Shel- ton Music Club. The judges were Mrs. Mildred Kreger, Mrs. Wagner, and Mrs. G(x)dwin. There were three participants ---all from the band, although choir members also are eligible for this scholarship. played The two winners and alternate will be announced at a later dale. SCARLET S A stmrcely publicized clu b at SHS is Scarlet S This is the girls' lelterman's club Thcre are about 15 members at lhe I)resent time, and nine of who, along with Mrs. Ruth Wil- lard, the club's advisor, and an- oth('r nlol:her, plan to take a weekend lrip to Victoria the sec- ond weekend in May. In order to attend tile up-com- ing trip, 30 points must be earn- ed by tie girls. 25 points are necessary for the pin. The two main ways to earn points are to soil al games and to attend the meetings, wifich are held during early lunch when the need arises, explained the club's president, Lmra Woodrieh. BAR.S Round.Up worth- transportation to and from were tests for juniors are being com- Solved. almost unanimously shouted down piled. eu|ar 33: Re. .9B --" Our .44 (almost because one person was 'Results are availabl%now from Ib,ll -,.(. WOuld be in favor of them under specified the 40-nute,;l(}.prdbleni test ..... , ' ........ ' I  .................. thiSlass.-- 'Students should be able to to take. 'i1 Pkg. b up  drive cars" came up many times. ,. r l_ Another ballot read "At Ocean rot, |/2 :lb,. t time .... Shres if we could take cars. Circulating through United B,,ltli '  the Ovnar. e Otherwise have it at the Golf States' History, Civics, and Vo- i z2 .L, b,.Uebate. ',mplc Course like they used to." This ........ tl t We d,,,,  are alternative was not offered fre- - '--_- -- -- " l00t%':callbe00;'c, Wan,, t quently. C n,-00emv l l 1L,lS Say th- "Not at the Tyee" last year's l Olllllrl/ 1 [ l.W,-,g?tting t. .main locations was voiced in numer- V m -- I =  mm l ,I "uZlllg a ..*each- OUS instances. The Elks Club in ' n  IM  S , 1 r(¢(((((((((((((((( v,:no(1 for Tacom  'dP"tll • Vl !fl%., a was suggested several , | I[thiath .... tiraes along with Ocean Shores; | (ohoIarsh[o Fud ' PNUT ] SAVE EVERYWAY.. " .... EVERYDAYI all for  me sue- but a cruise had the lead in Y  . _  .. , _rfuelnd .a debate popularity. II bat., lprll zl Ii, 2res4r;tlYe on . The following is from another I shelton Valley Grange Hall ! BUTTER I "" h seed ""- oaot expmining why this per 1  ake ,L, enough so " _ __ "  Music by Stansbury s Music I -- ,u,s n reveres me cruise a S--nsored " 00:g21 NALLEY'S --8 OZ. _  Ii  SNOWDRIFT _ _ l I i.''[ g°eb ele'g enoththe:°7ort beC:Chagtee(i2gefun. We couldiglena°tugh:fw°uwlhave'indoor | ! ;a;on'C'mUn;YO: .. , .I 27 I FRENCH DRESSING £ i SHORTENING 3LB. TIN I hone'Ce th,ngis thatab°Utyou shopp,ngdon,t have I SHASpTA [ CATSUP 14OZ. BOTTLE 19€ CRACKERS ,-,B. BO×24€ • i 00Qck it out of the garage. , Fleg. or Low Ca, ' STOKELYS II n' '5€ OFF ' A I i l"i 00LEV AN M,c I TOMATO SAUCE T,N'I U RIN oz. I H I E R CO LGATE FRES -- 40 OZ. JA $ 04 5ooT,. * UTBUTTER 1. PASTE00'%,00 Y 76 il Just Pick u , ,  OUNT N   : IN j: ! ogtOin,, ., P your phone soin the dial and ou re where you re I .}- I SYRUP oz. 01 HAll SPRAY i I  "s. re'" - ' - Y [ agai n S  the store what you want and, cliCk,parking ticket. No dentedY°u're back holne ] a.!!-our 2€ [ FRUIT COCKTAIL r°lN Z0 Dog Chow 0U t.BS. Om0 ' ate and Sound. No fender. I I I])])UI I LIBBY'S  € PURINA 1  $  [ ( Pacific Northwest Bell I I - .... noo I HUNT S  BI¢ CHAMPION  • ( PEACHES SPARK PLUGS 04- LIBBY S FLAT TINS  SHELL, RPM, TEXACO ' SLI, fpD PINEAPPLE6/1 M?yO. o,, 4¢ I BABY FOOD 10' SOCIETY CANDY II%eedg',';" u_r'u"l CHOPPED J 1€ ALL 5¢ -- ---- 61 100"78' I BABY FOOD CANDY B00RS 6/23' Mo00hwash Shampoo Too[hp, asle wE CONOM00J Re, IoHn Lander gg Re Our A OUSE DIRECT PRICES  {'w l  llll g $1 29 Our $1 10 Reg 99€ Our 93¢ g 79¢ 67¢ • " " ," " Extr r'e * WHY PAY MORe' * l IWilll ='" I0" =z. I0" : Thursday., April 20, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15