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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 20, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 20, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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To Host Friendship Night Meeting Friday Night YATE$ On Friday eve- starting at will . granges meet- first of Friendship last month other three be Agate, Hoodsport: Karen Potwin, her husband parted to he visiling her grand- and their daughter, Kathy, were parents, the Donald Williams, special guests at the Social Club during the week Gar and tlilda Dinner. Karen is the daughter stayed at their home in San of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Holt, who Bruno. They also were there on are members of the club. Easter Sunday and had the thrill Friday evening must have of watching Allison engaged in been one of the chilliest nights her first real Easter Egg Hunt. of the year, so everyone was On their way home they very glad to have the newly in- stopped over in Portland for stalled oil heater in the dining three days and attended room burning brightly that night, races there. During the Snow Sunday Traps Openincj Day Fish end af her stay, a cousin, Brid- By LOIS PIERCE get Bridges from. Aberdeen ac- companied Johanna home Ix) ]1 HOODSPORT ...... The weather Harstine for a week's visit• failed to cooperate on the open- Bridget's morn and dad, Nancy ing day of fishing season Sun- and Lenord, drove up from Ab- day, so many who came to erdeen this past weekend to get Lake Cushman and other fish- her. ing spots left early Sunday Last Wednesday, a week ago, morning for home with snow Gret Simmons, her sisters, Jan atop their cars, trailers and (or) the Ioward, and Toni Fessler drove campers very disappointed. stop down to Brooklyn, located be- Mrs. Calin Gravatt and her ermen in the Lauber Lumber Company but pickup and store received Store building Wednesday after- noon, after the pick-up truck 1Vh-s. Gravatt was driving lost it's brakes coming down the School House Hill in Hoodsl)ort. Unable to cont-ol the speed or stop the car, Mrs. Gravatt rammed the front of the store. Seconds before the accident, which shattered the large win- dew, Emil Lauber had been re- considerable damage. Another accident Wednesday afternoon in Hoodsport damaged three cars. Bryan Miles, Pot- latch, in making a left turn ran into the path of a pick-up truck driven by Charles Linder. This pushed 1W.iles's car into a parked, unoccupied sedan owned by lVark Chisum. There was dam- age to all three cars but no Har- :It helped quite a bit in remov- there they had a chance to see hold a rag- ing the 'icy chill that usually and talk to many old friends all four prevails' in that part of the hall. and acquaintances• Their last in the The officers of the Grange that stop before heading for Harstine Will also were on hand last Sunday eve- was Vancouver• From there they lUnch after ning at the hall for a practice headed right for Home Sweet tween Montesano and Raymond. three small children, David, They stopped in Montesano to Daniel and Steven, of Skokomish pick up some other friends. After Valley came to a jarring halt arriving they enjoyed a Grange rummage sale and pot luck Matock$ lunch• arranging the window display• injuries to persons 'involved• There were no apparent in- The Blanch Radtke Orthopedic juries to mother and children, Guild will preterit an Arts and Crafts show April 26, 1 to 4 p.m. at the Holiday Beach Club House, north of Hoodsport. Oth- ferries by Pomona first at 8 guests over afterwards to again. before noon phone call the George as 1V£axcine t]ill (Cindy's been in she called Stop George, the 12 p.m. then she came across for Seattle. her Dad's apart- session before the Friendship Home! 'The next day, Thursday, Gret meeting were also happy to All in all they said they had was the luncheon guest of the know the extra heater was in a wonderful vacation. But the Pickering Women's Club at the working order to help heat the one thing that stzack them as April meeting. The Picketing hall for their guests on Friday being the most significant; was Women announced that at their evening. As promised in las week's pa- per here 'is the story of Gar and Hilda's trip to California. They were gone about one and half months• They left Harstine Feb. 16 with Los Angeles as how beautiful the fields, hills May 2 meeting members of the and mountains were on this par- Mason County Federated Wo- licular trip. The above average men's Club will be guests and rainfall California has expert- any of the Harstine Women in- anced this year surely improved terested in attending are very i Couple Leave For Visit their destination and the races at Santa Anita• They took an apartment there for 16 days and enjoyed the company of friends from Tacoma during their stay. Using their apartment in Los Angeles as 'home' they visited friends and relatives in E1 Monte To Arkansas Relatives I MATLOCK-- Mr. and Mrs. Olympia were Tuesday dinner R.E. Bradberry left for Arkan- guests of Mrs. Augusta Portman sas Friday to visit with the M.S. the scenery in her natural land- welcome. Lunch is to be pot Bradberry family. E l m e r ' s scapes ! luck. and Carl Portman. John 1VcGarvie of Rock Creek Canada spent the weekend with his folks, the Andrew McGarvies and also visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. I.C. Ford. From Seattle Mr. and Mrs. The week after they arrived home, the Williams drove over to Fair Oaks Farm outside of Tumwater to watch their colt, Deep Question, work out on the brother is seriously ill in a has- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dunham pital at Fort Smith, Ark. While Were the overnight guests of the in route the Bradberrys attend- Ski Madges at Ballow last Sat- ed the funeral of their nephew, urday evening. He is a cousin Rancid Kelly, of Lament who of Mrs. Madge. The two couples died unexpectedly from a heart Ronald May and children were spent their time together talk- attack. Mrs. Kelly will be re-, Sunday dinner guests of the ing about old fishing experiences membered at Matlock as Dor- Kenneth Howard family. track. They left here on the 9 a.m. ferry and arrived just a gone along Santa Monica, Glendale, Morro few minutes after their mare, .: She failed Bay, Salinas, Pleasanton, Cuper- Hildagar, had given birth to a and was hit tino, Pale Alto; Golden Gate foal-- her third consecutive horse scattered her Fields, San Bruno, Berkeley, and colt. Luck- Pacifica. After some of the excitement was hurt Having heard a great deal had worn off they watched Deep received about Solvang they included a Question during a work-out on the cut on stop there in their trip. Solvang the half-mile track at this farm. and telling fish tales, othy Dunkleberger. Mary Byers celebrated her The traveling Pinochle party birthday over a three day period :at Matlock Grange hall was at- last week. Thursday (the birth- tended by 25 people and six ta- day date) her twin sister, Mrs. bias of pinochle were in play. Josephine Nitsche of Seattle at- Prizes went to, first, Nellie Ross- rived and Friday another sister, mater and Edward Valley; Pi- Mrs. Manual Gerlitz and her nochle, Taffy KiUough and Art 35 stitches is a replica of a typical Danish one at that. town. Just to be different, Gar, to-' believe it rOr not, ordered 'Irish least of Stew'! Yes, it was on the menu saw it and Gar said it was delicious, so thankful just as good as if a genuine were any Irishman had made it. Probably the biggest highlight Dave, also Ccident, but drove to way he with other the an- Conference High. The in- High, He- of officers, of Shelton a lunch jello and Patty Vicki Bur- Jill An- at the m time night Bonnie ttillcrest. lOSe friend arrived and the ry last The and Johnnie and her and the turn- for the Uck din- al Club. builder. knew if OUr Ilew Mrs, Bert Cr0nin, Everett Fair Oaks is both a breeding and training farm with about 70 horses including mares, stal- lions, colts and the horses, such as the Williams' horse in train- ing there. Recently little Johanna Bridges, youngest daughter of husband arrived. Then Saturday, friends, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jones of Bremerton came for the day. Mrs. Lodga Kimbel of Shelton was the guest this past weekend of the Al Pridhams. Last Monday a week ago Ron- of their entire trip was getting Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Bridges, acquainted with their great- spent about a week and half granddaughter, 17 month old visiting relatives, Bob and Allison• Luckily Allison hap- Sherryl Hartt in Hoquim. At the Sc ID YOU CAN EVEN SCRAPE IT WITH A METAL SPATULA STEAM IRON s12"9 Up to 1 hour stea,ning capacity; water-window. Beveled edge alumimmi soleplate. Super fine spray action. SAVE s2 niP Johnson drove up from Ocean Shores to spend the after- noon with his mother, Mrs. Helen Johnson. s1750 TEFLON Lined Coffeen,aker Aluminum ; 12-cup size ,, s799 swish of the suds washes it... safe in dishwasher too. ONE Week Onh'. April 20 - 26, 1967 Order by Phone or in Person at Bennett and Low prize to Art Bennett and Dora Hearing. be, z ". and Mrs. Nick Gronko of 1V[rs. Larry Walker and daugh- ter, Janet, of Tacoma spent the past week at the Earl Walker home. Larry Walker came and spent the weekend and took his family home. Mr. anti Mrs. Lud Rossmaier attended a birthday dinner for their granddaughter, Lisa Ross- mater, 4, Sunday at the James Rossmaier home near Olympia. At Cushman with her husband and friends, near Rainier, Ore. injured her right foot in an accident• Think- ing it a sprain first-aid was adninistered by the Stolens but there was no relief and as pain and swelling grew worse, Mike brought his wife home to a doc- tor, where it was found Mrs. Stolen had suffered a broken bone in her foot. Mrs. Al Ch'ist, Mrs. Stolen's sister-in-law, is staying with the Stolens helping• Mike reports he caught three nice salmon. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hale have returned home from a months' vacation spent in Palm Desert, Calif. and ended with • Many Others 88' ;°;9 'Reg. to( C $1.39 NoW Hardwood Hanger Waxed Finish Trouser, Skirt, or Dress Hangers Reg. to 98¢ •Set VARIETY STORES Evercjreen Square " Sheffon Thursday, April 20, 1967 - $helton-Mason County Journal. Paffe 17 Plastic UNOV 00{ousewares Waste Basket • Handi-Carrier AsOTED • Laundry Basket coLORS cake Y' to to ex- J Sears,] CATALOG SALES OFFICE Evergreen Sqtmre " Shelton * 426-8201 SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO, 10-speed, FOOD MIXER full size, full power "2" SPRUCE UP AT SPROUSE! 7ant'ruTh. l_,.,,, II A ,d • 98¢ - 3'i Brush I Reg. '  € " 29€- 2' Brush lure- --.___ _ 39¢ -- Brush LLeITOM¢ I ' , , I' : $1.46Set, Reg. :, 9 x12 Drop Cloth I LATEX II 39¢ Flat I . 7 Paint Roller 3,, MASKING TAPE & Tray Set l Wall ! , I II 2160"Ro" I 1#. Reg. 111,.  I£A I Reg. 98¢ 0 J" 99¢ :at" Paint • : T' Roller Covers Reg. '/ [ Chamois Skins $2.981.,_,=,Gal.  . Am=.  Reg.  II ,. Pkg. II Approx. € 59¢ of um00ree rime @nl00/ • 13" x 16" .=,1 J- Assorted I I 2 °° =1 A oz. Plastic Bottle Cellulose Sponges Elmer's Glue-All Pack of 10 l 17 98¢ 43 Reg. 29¢ ( Value € 6' Plastic 6'x Plastic Bristle All Plastic Palmyra Fibre Window Patio Shower Vegetable Bowl Curtains Drapes Brush Brush Broom • Plastic New Spring Patterns Reg. 39¢ Reg. I .Pastels 84" Length 2Reg. 1925 23 $1.98 S 27 Reg. 16 7 Reg. IjpA7 ( $2.98 S 98¢ € for C r. Assembly of God Church at the junction, honoring Carol Gouley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Gouley. Sixteen friends attended and many lovely gifts were re- ceived by Miss Gouley, who be- came the bride of Gilbert Cor- dow, of Healdsburg, Calif. Sat- urday evening in the same church. ]Vfiss Gouley attended grade school here. After completing college she accepted employment with the Division of Public Health Service of :indian Affairs in Portland, but with her hus- band will now go to California to make her home. IVfJ's. Mike Stolen, while on a Salmon fishing trip last week, C L EA N- UP FIX- UP LOWREY Organs & Pianos Rent or Buy on Easy Terms Johnny's Music Box 205 Cota 426-4302 on which he and Don Young were working fell and both men injured. er features of the afternoon will be the bake sale, gift wrapped a flight by jet from Is Angeles package sale and Salad Lunch- to Hawaii, where they visited con. There will also be two door their daughter, Linda, a student prizes, both permanent-waves, at the University of Hawaii. The proceeds from the afternoon Bob lV0chaels came home • Sat- affair will go to the Mary Bridges urday from the Shelton Hospital Children's Hospital in Tacoma. where he spent 15 days immed- A wedding shoner was held lately following an accident at last Wednesday evening at the the Duane Ward place. A pole