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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 20, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 20, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FOr FAST SERVICE Phone 426-4412 Classified Deadline: 3 p.m. Tuesday Too Late to Classify: 5 p,m, Tuesday For Sale WALL-TO-WALL CARPETS or room-size rugs. Custom-made draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Free estimates. You're always welcome at OI- sen Furniture, 4th and Cote, 426-4702. O 11/18 tfn For Sale TWO WINTER TIR.ES, like new, with wheels, fits Fords or Chrysler models, 7:75x14. Ph. 426-3878. S 4/13-5/4 VACUUM CLEANERS -- We sell the best and service the rest. Jack Manley. Phone 426- 3544. M 3/2 tin 3 PIECE SECTIONAL set, tur- quoise, excellent condition, see to appreciate, $195.00. Sears rotary lawn mower with catch- er, $35. Sears stereo - two FOR A 24EE HOITR of beauty call for a Merle Norman Cos- metic demonstration. Elaine's, phone 426-4582. E 6/4 tfn For Sale MOVING to new location -- too much to move even ff it is next door. 10% off on all ,articles ex- cept guns and consigned arti- cles. Shelton Pawnbrokers, 126 Cote Street. Small loans on anything of value. La 4/20 FOR SALE -- Good used refrig- erator. Fnone 426-6448. D 4/20 WASHER-DRYER combination, good condition, $75.00. Phone 426-4824. H 4/20 Wanted WANTED Standing Alder Timber of Sawmill Quality CASCADE FIBRE Chehalis, Wash. 748-3800 days 736-5830 eves 4/13 tfn Services CARNATION FARMS breeding service. John Cook, 1:26-2396. WITH For Rent FOR RENT: Nice light one bed- room apartment, furnished, downtown. Inquire 718 No. 6th. D 2/23 tfn CREEK MOTEL has one and two bedroom cottages. Call 426-4420. Highway 101 South. 10/13 tfn VACANCY Edgewood Apartments Shelton Airport Real Estate 4 BEDROOM HOME on Ham- mersley Inlet. Daylight base- ment, two fireplaces, sundeck, drilled well, boathouse, fruit trees and shrubs. $29,000. 426- 3819 for appointment. --F 4/13-5/4 FOR SALE --. $7,000 Countless hours of summer sun sparkling on blue Hood Canal waterfront at SLetson's Cove. Numberless clams, oysters, rock cod, salmon. Fine swim- Rea HOME ' FAM I LY d ' m ........... :: A::NGL]SIS__E -- 3 ½ lots, : :acres. 8 rooms, 2.baths, full base- 3 BEDROOM merit, firepe. Lots of stor- age. "L ',.2.i00. ' fenced Ison. 00,0000i:e6-63002 • ' :: !"" ''" ..... 4113 tfn FOR house, barn, WOOD FOR SALE  Belfatr CR fl965. ' .- 5-2302. D 1/8 tfn speakers. $40.00. 426-2117. PRIMROSES 25¢ each or any 12 C 4/20-5/11 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED ling, boating. Moonlit beach ARCADIA ESTATES, offers ter- BIJND NEW Polaroid color S 4/20 for $2.50. Mrs. Ted Berry, 1015 fires and friendly neighbors, rificaily desirable deal in cleared ' '" E. Dearborn. B 4/13-20 FOR CARPETING, fencing, fur- Call 426-8584 4/6 tfn Plus FREE: Sturdy beach cab- black loam river bOttom tracts, mh mhli:.Hl, pack cameras. Fully automat-  nares, remodeling and roofS,phone Sears 426-8201. Ask for  in. Phone SH 7-2729 Seattle. also woo4ed acre tracts for only I'UIM[BJi' ic from $59.95. Ziegler's Cam- Sporting Goods Miscellaneous R.E. Exchanges ------ --------w4/132° . .... era Shop, 124 N. 2nd ....... TREASUR: Norm. Free estimateSs 4/627 $50 d0v 'ad $20 to $30 month- Z7/1 tfn "¢'GLASSPAR ' " Devereux-Hu/de'----------r ly payments. Includes water, L . IR-]IRE-AN---Ev- LOST: 15 keys on ring, vicinity CI--- SA-W---S--H-'-G: electricity to property, stream o[."ivP,!,. q ergreen Second Hand Store, airport or Jolm's Prairie road. speedy, accurate, precision EXCHANGE -- What you have privileges for everyone. Stocks work shop. IUAJ£ Dayton Road. Phone 426-2028. Reward. Phone 426-2170. grinding. Now at Saeger Mo- -- for what you want. Kurt decline while demand for land in- vef:,, W 1/20 tfn GLASTRON • EVINRUDE W 4/20 Lor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426- Mann, Realtor- Exehangor, creases. Get yourself a piece of a °Ja::.n_'Ll BOSTON WHALER 4602. 1/15 tfn 426-6592. 8/18 tfn Res/ Estate land now while available while EVINRUDE -- HOMELITE   ---Llgh-t of reconditioned ranges, re- BOATS & MOTORS The kindness and sympathy of Real Estate we can offer at reasonable G-i've'us-a-call. "/, frigez:ators, washers, dryers. Holesclaw • E.Z-Loader neighbors and friends in our re- grading, back filling, sewage prices. Request literature. 2 miles 950. _, Bells & Valley Appliance Little Dude cent sorrow will always rem'ain systems. Reasonable rates. 3,500 SQ. FT. oF GOOD east of Shelton (Hillcrest) on "BARAr Center. 6/5 tfn Open Sundays with us as a precious memory. Dietz Kadoun, phone 426-6893. LIVING, READY SOON Arcadia Road to sign. ARCADIA n ..... m' r  I(-)I-E---FU-R-TU---- Bank Financing Our sincere thanks and gratitude 7/22 tfn St>ACIOUSHillcrest home,THREEwithbedr°°mfamily FullBrandlengthnew sunC°ntemp°rarydeck. 3 finedeSign'bed- ESTATES, Rt 3, Box 346A 800Oand termS, :qacres in r--;i1 " d F for all those comforting acts. PSC----A--D room, fireplace, patio. Shown ..... W(. specialize in quality HOO anal Mrs. %helma Loertscher compact furniture for your Mrs. Ruth Blundon and help on many matters, by appointment. Phone 426- rooms on m'ain floor; 2 or more, Phone 426-3663 anytime. " 5 in daylight basement. 21/2 baths, 10/20 tfn j.eventngs &'. mobile home. At Olsen Furni- M=rma Bernard Hurtley 7182 Martin Way. Phone 357- 3261. W 4/20-27 2 fireplaces, 2 car paneled gar- tare yc)u're alyays welcome, Ernest I.ertseher Jr. 8771, Olympia.  1/5-26 tfn " age attaced. Family room.  AAi:,t !t 4th and Cotu 426-4702. Union 898-2252 behind Robin Hood Inn on Can- 4/14 tfn  --C--fli--r-, h CHOICE LEVEL wooded lots Many, re'any extra features. $24,- Help Wanted top soil, grvel, septic tanks al. Black top ro,ad 2 sides. 950. 10% conventional. T-- I-  installed, cll Glen Parr, 426- Water and lights to lots. Call at Olsen Ilrniture, 4th and SKIN-DIVING LESSONS, TuBe- 6539. 2/23 tfn ,after 6 p.m. 426-6864. 3 BEDROOM BEAUTY Cote. 4/14 tfn day evenings. Used wet suit; WANTED: Nurse aides, house- M 4/20 tfn BRAND NEW SUBURBAN :# SCUBA; 14 ft. fibre glass kay- keepers, etc. Expanding oper- -A-V-E--, tp-fll North of town. Spacious living "c.iI=tIS;]S'T0W---U'-- ak kit. $75.00. 426-6377. ation. Please c:tll collect. Olym- peat soil, custom tractor work. DOWNTOWN DUPLe,,. by own- room, impressive £ireplace. En- rubber stamps for sale at The ........ L4/2-:/4 pie. Dial 1-491-2832 after 3 Johns Creek Sand & Gravel er. Just painted inside, very try hall, dining room, narvelous :9, Journal, $1.50 each. 227 West p.m. A 4/20-27 Co., phone 426-3552. 9/12 tfn good condition. FHA appraised kitchen. Hidden utility. Patio, Cota. 12/1 tfn 15  C.JIP TRAJL,F_: exoellent condition, $700.00. 17 lw'-ght ' LANE $13,500. Consider any offer, fireplace. Large attached garage, i Must see to appreciate. Call for sealed. Take possession at once. . F-O}--AI.-J----o(]: Sea Knight cabin boat with haeuser Co. pulp mill. Apply HOUSE MOVING appointment 426-2704. Only $15,750. $1,000 down. 25 and inexpensive advertising, bunks, 35 Evinrude outboard, Cosmopolis office. Equal oppor- Houses Raised, Foundations L 4/20-5/18 year agreement. I Jtlst call The Journal, 426- $600.00. 426-4224. D 4/20 tunity employer. W4/13-20 4412. 8/19 tfn and Leveling TWO McCULLOCH outboard ISLAND LAKE HOME, 3 bed- FARM HOME- 3 BEDROOMS :-]K()l='A-K-;H]M-•wiea matching motors, long shaft ARE YOU EARNING LESS Phone 426-8147 rooms, fireplace, 2½ lots, dock, ON 15 GOOD ACRES, N.E. roll left for processing. 126- (25 hp hndpull, 28 hp electric THAN $13,750 PER YEAR? 1/27 tfn play yard. Phone evenings 426- About 10 miles out. Kitchen and 620-:[27 KodacoIor, 35 MM Ko- start) controls and extra props. HS-S 3265. P 4/6-27 living room in knotty pine. Cen- dachrome, 8 MM movie, etc. $575 for both. Phone 426-2411 WE OFFER tral furnuce heat. Closed in pa- Ziegler's Camera Shop, 124 or 426-3375. K 4/20 A rewarding career in your area & TABLE SAWS tic. Garage, sheds. Orchard. An seMng finest quality products in A Roy D/ excellent buy f0r $22,500. $8,500 No 2nd. 40066163 1/5 tfn our ftel00 SHARPENED down. Used Cars • farm ..... Kamilche Valley. 426- We will train you... NOW . . . 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) 3740. M 1/12 tfn to make $13,750 plus per year Phone 426-6687 H 2/17 tfn $150 DOWN BUYS THIS . . . 50 ACRES, PART CLEAR J e • • • L'm: )-' FOR SALE: Ford pickup,  ton llke our other men. We ask you well; natural drainage. On Bur-  V-8. Runs good, big tires, $175. be: Over 40, have auto. For ira-  Comfortable 2 bedroom Hillcrest Includes good lrn. Land lays home with fireplace, gas heat, faced rad. Full price $15,000.  of the Olympics. *2(r)la Cut any length. Phone 426- Honda 50 runs good, extra tire, mediate opening in Shelton area and nice view. $6,500 at $75/mo. $4,350 down. 2582. N 3/30 tfn $100. 426-4645. R 3/30-4/20 write A. C. Dickerson, President, Southwestern Petroleum Corpor- frontage. Priced to sell at $22,850. See it qu, / t ROTOTILLING and large lawn 2 TON CHEVROLET truck, !JX- ation, 534 N. Main Street, Fort POODLE CLIPPING and groom- 3 BEDROOM ANGLESIDE . . . 3 ROOM HOME, / ACRE st :]ij'o mowing. Mike. 426.8682.  .ry, tvta4kvsson,: wJel •Worth, Txas. ing. Black toy for stud service. And you'll like the cozy family 1 '":' L 4/13-20 ' .bae re)laf0q.ed fe, l" ft. . ........... '1 i'i t,l,,, ,.L ,,_ , Phone'd26,2878. R,4/1:;5/4 'z'op with fireplace, the spacious Arcadia Road, in county. Walk ANGLESIDE SPECIAL , . . Utility "room; and the nice real- to markets. Bedroom, living i - bed/428-36 B 4/13-5/4  REGISTERED AUSTRALIAN dential distridt: $15,500. LLT(GAGE CARRIER, 6 ft., Car ..... " room, kitchen, bath and full base- ter car top with zippered c.n- 1957 BELAIRE HARDTOP, 2 Wanted Terrier puppies for sale. Males lent. Laundry, shop. Dug well  vas cover. Excellent cozdition, door, black. Phone Hoodsport and females. Also one West sealed, City water vailable. Fine l€i:-'s $50. Hoodsport 877-5498. 877-5513 or write P. O. Box Highland white r terrier, male. site. Buy now, build later. $3,950. Of W 4/20 193, Hoodsport. B 4/13-20 Phone 426-6152. F 12/1 tfn $1,350 down. Assume $40 too. on balance. CONSOhE WALNUT PIANO -- Take over my payments of $23.09 or cash. Almost half pa, id (6 moB. old). Moving out of state. Write box T, c/o The .lourml. 4/20-27 (]ARDEN }1USES, sprinklers, 5 ton hydraulic jack, 6 cell flash- light, binoculars, 12 volt spot- light, sire 16 sports j'aeket, 2 pants. Phone 426-8901. P 4/20 EIAC'IRIC STOVE, $12; one small bike, $8. Phone 426-8597. D 4/'20-5/11 SELL OR q_'PADE antique roll top large oak desk for old up- right piano or ? 426-6953. D 4/20 ROLIA)WAY 40 in. bed $12; full size rollaway $20; large attrac- tive buffet $25. Innerspring 40 in, mattress $8; cotton mt- tress $6. 426-6953. D 4/20 Immediate Delivery HOTPOINT 10 Year Fm Replacement 1959 DODGE 4 door sedan, excel- lent rubber, exceptional condi- tion throughout. Phone 426- 4089. B 4/20 1937 CHEVROLET pickup; 4 speed; 56,000 original miles; excellent rubber; new ringe, exhaust valves and bttery. $350.00. 426-8775. E 4/20 ql n, I  H I|1 Am1 Guaranteed USED CARS '60 THUNDERBIRD H.T. '60 CHEV. IMP. 2-dr. H.T. '61 FORD SQUIRE '62 RANCH WAGON "62 VALIANT WAGON '62 CADILLAC 4-dr. H.T, '63 FALCON WAGON '63 COMET CUSTOM '64 RAMBLER WAGON '64 GALAXIE 4-dr. H.T. '64 CHEV WAGON '65 FORD CUSTOM '65 FAIRLANE 500 WGN. Good Second Cars --- As Is '56 CHEV 2-DR. H. T. '58 FORD WAGON '58 FORD SEDAN FAIRLY NEW two or three bed- room home. Mt. View. Electric heat. Buy equity. 426-2835. L 4/20 IRONING DONE in my home six days a week. Phone 426- 6420. 90¢ per hour. L 2/10 tfn HANDYMAI wants ]DOS. Clean- ing, painting, repairing. For in- formation call 426-4278. B 3/30 Lfn CERTIFIED DAY-CARE---Moth- er will baby-sit in my home. Fenced yard. Mrs. Georgene Anderson. Phone 426-3552. A 4/6-27 WANTED ' GOOD USED FURNITURE or APPLIANCES Cash or Consign KELLY FURNITURE let & Mill 426-2411 1/27 tfn Septic Tank Installations 5O0-gal., 750-gal., 1,000-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging Backhoe, Trencher for Hire SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone 426-3660 Warranty '59 FORD SEDAN  5-2157, Belfair A-I Guaranteed I BACKHOE , USED TRUCKS SERVICE Septic Tanks • Drain Fields Grading • Free Estimates 59 GMC ½-ton p.u. BILL HOLt '62 FORD ½-ton p,u. , 426.4160 ..... 3/16 tfn Other Used BULLDOZING k f dlm b immb, id dhe Eells & Valley Appiianee Center 2nd & Cots St. Phone 426-4663 Complete Home Furnishing Center II III I II IIIII Trucks --- As Is '55 FORD ½-ton p.u. '55 GMC ½-ton p.u. '61 DODGE ½-ton p.u. JIM PAULEY'$ BOB- BUS- BILL- DICK 5th & Rallroa(J 426-$231 i i i i i , II III II I I FOR SALE 18' B & B BOAT. 75 h.p. Johnson electric start and 10 h.p. Scott motors. High freeboard, wide beam, mahogany back to back seats, deck and trim. New foam red vinyl ouahJons. Two gas tanks. Full canvas. Extras. New paint in and out. Dandy fishing and fun boat. New Shoreline trailer, Sell together oP separate. Beet offer. Call 420-3813, S 4/13.20 2t I IIIII !1 II iiii DUMP TRUCK LOADER Culverts • Bulkheads Herb Welch Construction 426-8349 or 426-8550 - 8helton 3/9 tfn i BULLDOZER ROAD GRADER r Backhoe and Dump Truck Work Septic Systems Installed Call GENE'S GRADER SERVICE 426-4827 3/80 tfn Page 20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal. Thursday, April 20, 1967 HORSES PASTURED. Hay and feed provided. Bring them out anytime. $30 per month, pay- able in advance. Gordon Peder- sen, at. 2, Box 931, Shelton, Wash. P 4/6 tfn For Rent LAWTON APARTMENTS -- 7th and Pine. Quiet, comfort- able, furnished, unfurnished. One bedroom or bachelor units. 426-2121. 2/9 tfn GUEST HOUSE -- AlL electric, completely furnished, suitable for one person. Walking dis- tance to town. Carport avail- able. $40 per month. 426-4410 after seven and weekends. W 4/20 2-BEDROOM furnished apart- ment for rent. Just outside city limits. Phone 426-8423. W 2/23 tfn FOR RENT. 4 bedroom home. Overlooks Arcadia Point and Inlet. Lovely split-level home; 2 baths, 2 fireplaces (1 in kitchen). Community dock. $125 month, $125 breakage de- posit. Devereux-Hulder Real Estate, 426-8544. 4/20 2-BEDROOM HOUSE, partly furnished. Cottage bedroom. Both 6 miles north of She]ton. For information call 426-4322. M 4/6-4/274t FOR RENT -- Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426- 4426. M 10/8 tfn FOR RENT -- 3 bedroom un- furnshed house. Close to school and shopping. Hillcrest area. $70. 426-6934. T 4/20 FOR RENT: One-bedroom house. Everything furnished. $80. Lit- tle Skookum Bay. 426-4973. S 4/20 FURNISHED TItREE room house house for rent. Inqure 629 Cota St. Phone 426-666. C 4/20 tfn FOR RENT --- 3 bedroom un- furnished house, built-in range, garage, basement, electric heat. Call 426-8615 T 4/20 FOR RENT .... Two bedroom, furnished apartment. Edge- wood Apts., Shelton Airport. Phone 426-8584. S 4/6 tfn ONE BEDROOM house for rent, range and refrigerator furnish- ed. Call 426-4661. S 4/6-27 • GATEWAY APARTMENTS Furnished, modern, downtown. Adults only. Inquire 119 E. Ce- dar, phone 426-4895 or 426- 4481. 3/16tfn 3 BEDROOM, wall-wall carpet, full basement, large kitchen and dining area, Close to town, city park, secluded, $125 per too. Bill Carlson G.H.B. 426- 3831. MASON LAKE WATERFRONT A dandy 60 foot wooded lot w2th 450' depth, on North shore of lake. $5,500. IT'S YOURS FOR $13,900 .... This lovely 3 bedroom. Mountain View home in excellent district. Master bedroom has private trth, pretty carpeting all over, large separate utility, built-in range and oven, lovely birch cbinets and formica counter-tops. 10% down will swing it. Let's go look! A BAYSHORE BEAUTY[ . . . You are only 3 minutes, fron town to this lovely 3 bedroom 2 level Bayhore home. Here's the ideal place to enjoy all water- front actvities. Cozy fireplace, many built-ins, dishwasher, pan- elling, Workshop, 2-car garage, covered deck, bulkheaded beach- front, etc. $18,500. NEAR LAKE NAHWATZEL... This cozy 2 bedroom country home on 20 acres could be the ide'al place for right family. Walking distance to lake for swimming, boating, fishing, etc. and yet plenty of room on the acreage. $7,950. WANT DOWNTOWN AREA? Then let us show you this lovely older 3 bedroom home in one of our nicest neighborhoods. It has many plus fe'atures including fire- place, excellent hot water heat- ing system, natural gas installed, lovely large lot, etc. So conven- ient to stores, schools, churches, work, etc. $13,000. 3 BEDROOM COUNTRY HOME Nriy new home with fireplace, beam ceilings, radiant heating, and situated on 3 acres can now be yours for $13,700. TOTTEN SHORES LOT... 60 foot waterfront lot with over 400' depth. Dandy for summer cottage. $3,500. LIKE RIDING HORSES? ... This cozy home on 5 acres out Arcadia road might be your cup of tea. Nice barn, corral, and out- buildings. Good area. $8,000. CARLYON BEACH COTTAGE Narly new and cute 2 bedroom cottage with cozy fireplace, nice deck, snuggled in a wooded set- ring. Includes country club mem- bership with all waterfront activ- ities. $12,500. WANT GOOD INVESTMENT? Put your money in this 120 acres of farmland near town--wtch it grow in value. Mostly all cleared and fenced. 2 small houses there- on now rented for $100/month. $36,000. CALL 426-8544 John Devereux 426-4251 Andrew Hulder 426.8544 Devereux-Hulder 226 N. 1st St. -- SHELTON LaBI$$ONIERE Real Estate ALMOST NEW LARGE & ROOMY 4 bedrooms, all one level, slate entrance, carpeted living room with fireplace, dining area, mod- ern kitchen with built-in ,appLi- ances, main tiled bath, master bedroom also has its own bath, large recreation room with bath, electric heat, well planned e'asy to care for. $22,500 F.H:A. BUILDING LOT Large corner lot, excellent view, water and sewer to it. $3,800. BRAND NEW MT. VIEW 3 large bedrooms, plenty of clos- ets, 2 lovely tiled baths, easy furniture arranging living room, dining area, elegant kitchen with wlnut cupboards, built-in range, all gas home, kitchen bar, utility room, double garage all ready to become recreation room, outdoor patio with Bar-B-Q. All this for $17,500. ANGLESIDE LOCATION 5 bedrooms, large formal living room with stone fireplace, raised hearth, carpeted, view, separate dining room, modern built-in ap- pliances in kitchen, 2 baths, rec- reation room with fireplace, all this for $17,500. REAL FAMILY HOME 3 bedrooms, bath nd half, liv- ing room all carpeted, kitchen has bar, stove, lots of cupboards, large utility room with washer and dryer, large extr lot. Price $15,000. Angleside location. DOWNTOWN 3 bedroom -- $34,500. SEATTLE SYNDICATE 3 bedrooms -- $19,500. Call 426-4666 Call 426-4447 sue Dan,els 426-3434 m A Roy Dunn LaBI$$ONIERE, I • AGENCY REALTOR REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE 126 Railroad Avenue -- She:ton 119 So. 4th -- Shelton, Wash. G 4/13-27 --_ . ......... .. This may be the one you've waited for. It's rooms with a 4th bedroom ready for you basement also includes a huge rec room first floor area has 2 cheery beclroorn a sized living room and a dream kitchen. peted, easy to maintain and offers one town. Seb it today at $24,500. T:ll/i CHEAPIE!i 0t 'l' Just $4,950--for this cozy 2 bedroom home 0rl.% Hillcrest lot. Close to stores, so it's _ ]et' ple. We can arrange easy terms so ; ,. have a look. ' WE'RE NOT KIDDIN'..  __.,I€  This attractive 2 bedroom home is priced can be purchased with only $350 down you need  little elbow room for that sprg l There's a large carport, too. Call now HERE'S A GOOD 3 BEDROOM HOME ly Offering 2 fireplaces, a family room in the f water baseboard heat, hardwood floors, 2 r', 'HA appraised price of $16,750. And, it's 10c"  town area. Want to see it ? ;;= , THIS NEAT 2 BEDROOM HOME ie ofl'' - -, Has 780 sq. ft. Yes, everything is in apple itd side newly painted, heated by an oil furnace,  $, ,Jl. ' corner lot on Dearborn, and the price is onlY : Seller's equity and take over his 4½% inter :. able at $44.00 per month. YOU'LL APPRECIATE THIS OLDER i',i', 3 BEDROOM ANGLESlDE HOME fireplace.S.. " L ' room, That sports a good-sized family, a are '"IlIL'' room, fenced back yard . . .ana, the terme-ff e'o Just $11,750. Let's go see it and make art ::il( ..... SOUTH HILL d wait":0-- Brand spankin' new, JusL completed an sri new owner. 3 nice bedrooms, big 2 car   heat, 1 baths, fireplace, gleaming oak floorboard.  extras. FHA appraised at $18,250, so the w-- best. J00ST NORTH SHELTON ...... This neat and trim 2 bedroom home is lO.C;,€. E town and you can move right in without .dewJdl can be purchased with $375 down by FH/t. ACRE BOILDI00G SITE.. :. TiScadia beautifully wooded tract is located c!°,s I! Roadtn fact there is frontage on I t roads. The price is Just $3,350 with very $" very choice property. • ow .... B__uy all or part of the 250 feet of fron)lJi t The property is level and ready for buildll, P'. against high tide erosion. Tie]ands icl_ua'P0!':: unobstructed. Only 2 miles from downtOW'" . :: ., BUILD IN "PARKWOOD" ' Big, roomy tracts with lots of trees. Qtxiet: well drained.. All utilities underground u -, corners. Fire hose stand pipes. A plam"i,,i ''''' slte" development with you mino. ASK about it! A "BIG" 2 BEDROOM HOME .IN PF''h A den, 2 full baths, a sewing room, a ltlP), r.lii,* room that is honestly big enough for afp, z. 10PI'" tial basement and a large attached Jg .e;II Jo,. and it was appraised at $14,750 FHA. t - 0 r 3 BEDROOMS---5 ACRES--LARGE CReII( "0l roomy country home is on a fine tom land. It has pasture, berries, a big._.. P" 't'. t age and shop. Tt's about T miles from r'- It  and you can buy it on contract HIMLIE REAL,0000 1717 Olymplo Hlghway N. N EVENING8 cALl": : ( .,i'It| I DICK KNAUF 426-8110 -8Kmr .jIPll: • 0e VlNCE HIMLIE 426-6501  DAVi p: ,/'l