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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 20, 2023     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 20, 2023
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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COUNTY BRIEFS Assessor’s Office renewal applications The Mason County’s Assessor’s Of— fice mailed renewal applications this week to exempt recipients on the Se- nior Citizens and Disabled Persons Exemption from Real Property Taxes program. According to a news release, the in- tended recipients live in Union, Hood- sport, Lake Cushman, Colony Surf, Lilliwaup, Harstine Island, Pickering, Spencer Lake, Phillips Lake, Timber- lake, Agate, Shorecrest and surround- ing areas. Applications need to be submitted by June 30. For more information, contact the Assessor’s Office at 360— 427—9670, extension 491. Olympus Rally race gathering A gathering of race cars will be at the Fred Meyer parking lot from 7 to 9 a.m. Sunday before competitors con- tinue the second day of the Olympus Rally Prac Expose. According to a Facebook post, this is a chance for people to meet com— petitors, ask about the race’s first day and talk strategy about the last day of the rally. The first Parc Expose will be 8 to 10 am. Saturday in downtown Shelton next to the Tolle train at West Rialroad Avenue and Third Street. The Pure Expose’s are great for tak- ing photos. About 40 to 50 cars are ex— pected for the meet and greet. The Olympus Rally is a two—day race in locations around Shelton. For more information, go to olympusrally. com. Two injured on 101 Two Shelton» residents were in- jured in a two-car crash on US. High- way 101 at noon Friday. According to a Washington State Patrol news release, a 54-year-old Shelton man was driving a 2008 Ford Explorer northbound on US. 101 near SkokomishRiver Road with a 32—year- old Shelton woman as a passenger. A 25—year-old Palmer, Alaska man was driving a 2004 Ford F150 south- bound with a 22—year-old Homer, Alaska woman as a passenger. The Explorer turned left across the south- bound lanes, and the F150 struck the Thursday, April 20, 2023 — Shelton-Mason County Journal Page 9 'Explorer head-on. The road was fully blocked for 45 minutes. The 54-year—old Shelton man was injured, and flown to Harborview Med- ical Center in Seattle. The 32-year-old Shelton woman was transported to Mason General Hospital. The Alas— kan man and woman were not injured in the accident. Fire training April 29 Central Mason Fire & EMS will be conducting a live—fire training at 920 Dearborn Ave. at 8 a.m. on April 29. According to a news release, the training will begin at 8 am. and the height of the fire activity will be be- tween 12230 p.m. and 3 p.m. The training allows firefighters to practice together on fire operations and fire attack. it also gives newer officers an op- portunity to train alongside more ex- perienced officers while managing a large-scale fire with multiple person- nel and equipment. During the training, East Dear— born Avenue from Southeast Ridge Road to Holman Street will be closed and Edgewood Avenue from Dearborn to Ellinor Avenue will be closed to traffic and pedestrians. For any questions, contact CMFE at 360426-5533. Home care aide class in North Mason North Mason Regional Fire Au- thority, Virginia Mason Franciscan Health and Visiting Angels are part- nering to launch ahome care aide class. According to a news release, a problem in health care is finding ad- equate and qualified in-home medi- cal care. The program will begin with two 12-student group who will com— plete their training in April. All stu= dents will receive a full scholarship through Virginia Mason Franciscan Health. The opportunity is intended to pro— vide people with an option to enter the home aide workforce and increase family members’ ability to become for— mal caregivers for their loved ones. A few spots remain for students. For more information or for those in— terested, go to I Compiled by reporter Matt Baide COMMISSION BRIEFS Old Belfair Highway project Mason County commissioners approved an update to the project limits of the Old Belfair Highway county road project at the April 11 meeting. According to the information packet, commission- ers approved a resolution May 21, 2019, for Old Bel— fair Highway to widen and realign a portion of the road. The project includes an extension of an exist— igg structural plate aluminum arch culvert as well as improving the road geometrics to a 50 mph design standard. Public Works received Rural Arterial Trust Account money from the County Road Administration Board for $565,972, and the amount was increased to $1,186,000 and project limits have been revised to milepost 1.20 to 2.60. Public Works requested a revi— sion to the resolution to reflect the new project limits on the 2023 annual construction program approved by CRAB. The estimated cost of the project is $1,420,000. RATA money will cover most of the cost. Inmate housing deal OK’d County commissioners renewed a prisoner housing contract with Lewis County. According to the information packet, the prisoner housing agreement between Lewis and Mason Coun— ties to house Mason County prisoners in Lewis Coun- ty. The county anticipates housing inmates remotely if the jail becomes too crowded, an inmate needs to be segregated, or if there is an emergency. The contract MARCH 27‘“ — jun]! 25‘" assigns the daily rate at $92.40 for general population inmates and $110.88 for those who require individual housing. If the county needs to pay for housing in Lewis County, it is anticipated to be paid out of existing bud- get authority. If the need arises to use beds on a regu‘ larly, commissioners would be approached about spe- cific funding. MasonWebTV contract Mason County commissioners amended the con- tract between the county and MasonWebTV. According to the information packet, MasonWebTV uses their own equipment and provides live video streaming and recording services for the county since 2017. The most recent contract between the county and MasonWebTV was approved Sept. 27. The contract amendment will amend the 2023~24 contract term and add a Zoom only flat rate of $25 per hour. MasonWebTV is budgeted for $12,500 and the amendment is not expected to affect the budget significantly. COHCESSlOl‘IS contract Mendoza’s Texas Style Food was awarded the con- tract for concessions at the Mason County Recreation Area. According to the information packet, the county allows concession vendors to sell food and beverages for visitors to the park. The vendors are selected and awarded contracts through a competitive request for proposals process. County staff completed a review of the proposal submitted and recommends contracting with Mendo- za’s Texas Style Food for concessions and has provided concessions at the MCRA since 2017 . Concession vendor contracts do not affect the coun- ty financially because the vendor is required to com- pensate Mason County at a rate of 10% of gross in- come from food and beverage sales in exchange for us- ing the county facilities. The money is used to offset any cost the county has in procuring or facilitating the vendors. Community Lifeline grant Community Lifeline’s shelter program grant amend- ment was approved by Mason County commissioners. According to the information packet, the state De- partment of Commerce has additional Shelter Pro- gram Grant money for the purpose of developing or expanding shelter programs and bringing unsheltered people inside. The goal is to help participants find per- manent housing and positive outcomes. Community Lifeline is the recipient of the grant and the addition- al money will allow the completion of post-occupancy capital projects to improve the shelter’s facility and ability to increase shelter bed capacity from 35 to 50 beds. The budget impact will be $57,235. I Compiled by reporter Matt Baidc H l R1 N6 EXPERIENCED ROOFERS $22 - $32 DOE 0 401k 0 Health Insurance 0 Vacation Pay ' Quarterly Safety Bonus 2402M. us Hwy. 101 Hoodrll 60877-5200 -6-427-3780 1131 Kamilche Ln. Shelton, WA 98584 360-427-861 1 shelton©theroofdoctoncom