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April 21, 2011 |
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City commissioners made the development of a neighbor-
the right decision this week to hood so close to the airport
rezone 160 acres of land just had to do with concerns about
south of Sanderson Field. noise.
The change in zoning from The pert succesfully ap-
commercial/industrial to pealed an initial rezone be-fore
neighborhood/residential use the Western Washing-ton
opens the door to much-needed Growth Management Hearings
development here in Shelton. Board due to those concerns
The California based Hall and sent the city back to the
Equities Group now has an drawing board.
oppertunity to build a new Extensive studys have now
neighborhood which in turn shown that the port's concerns
will allow them to develop about noise are unwarranted.
commercial, retail and After years of doubt, de-
recreational spaces along the bate, dilly-dallying and de-
west side of Highway 101. liberation, we hope that the
This rezone has been a long next thing we hear won't be
ume coming and was met with a 747 landing at Sanderson
stiff opposition by the Port of Field, but rather a back-hoe
Shelton, local pilots and others, turning some dirt just to the
The main objection to allowing south.
Wal k in our school board, which runway and landing
is a best uncivil, at worst zone to train pilots and
their shoes malicious. They have years paratreopers on a regular
of research, professional basis.
Editor, the Journal opinions and data to The main contractor for
support their claims, as the Shelton sewer project
As the Supreme well as the best interest flew in several times a
Court reiterated in theof our community in their month to check progress.
case against protestershearts. How do you support Comedian Dennis Miller
.,L funerals of fallen your claims, Mr. Diehl? arrived by jet several weeks
~ervicemen, we are When have you actuallyago for his appearance at
guaranteed the right to free walked through the school? the Little Creek Casino. In
.~peech. We can espouseHave you spoken with 2008 the Port of Shelton
.,~rson view without regard students who yearn for a hosted the Sanderson
tu the validity of our claims, modern, healthy place to Expo. Admission was
In regard to Mr. Diehl's learn? Are you one of the free and more than 2,000
recent letter, I have any on-site professionals people attended. Pilots
noticed that whenever aand volunteers who know volunteered their time,
bond proposal submittedfirst-hand what is actually money and airplanes to give
to voters to rebuild needed? more than 200 local kids a
the decrepit Pioneer Deborah L. Allen free flight.
intermediate/middle School Harstine Island All commercial airline
he is quick to condemn the pilots start their training
request. He has been doing in small airplanes. Pilots
so for many years. That is from Seattle and the
his prerogative, but I take surrounding area come
exception to his inaccurate here to fly GPS approaches
claims, and practice landings.
The original Pioneer Ily There are also two aviatien
School building was virtua
businesses that use the
not built to last. It has airport on a daily basis and
a V shaped roof, which provide numerous local
pools water and causes jobs.
deterioration of the come out And yes there are the
structure. No longer should local pilots who Price
money be wasted repairing of the cave describes as "old white
this roof. Many windows in men" in her article on the
the additions are Plexiglas, Editor, the Journal Shelton Biog. After reading
without insulation. Indoor her article on the blog and
air quality has been I am writing in response the comments at the end
scientifically determined to the letter last week from from Tom Davis and other,
to be poor because of the Katherine Price about the you will begin to see the
inadequate venting and airport. Having worked true nature of Price and
air circulation designs, at the airport for the last her band of CAVE people
not to mention the years three years. I am in a (Citizens Against Virtually
of mold, fungus and position to give a muchEverything).
rodent excrement that are more accurate description Dennis E. Frost
well contained, but why of airport activities than Union
would anyone want to Price.
house children in such an Two years ago when the
unhealthy environment? main runway at Olympia
Another writer states was down for maintenance,
that she does not doubtthe Governor's aircraft, iS tryi g
that a new building is along with others belonging r~
needed and asks why build to variousstateagencies to impose
it all now? Postponing were staged at our airport. -v
the inevitable is why weThe Governor and DNR
now have K-3 Primary made several flights from a tax
School, instead of a K-5here during that time.
Elementary. The majority The Washington State
of voters did not want to Patrol and Department
spend the money necessary of Corrections also use
to do the job right the the airport. Local fireEditor, the Journal
first time, so we are left districts use the airport to As the former director
with this task to correct transport accident victims of nursing for a skilled
the issues caused by via Life Flight helicopters nursing facility, I know
shortsightedness, to trauma centers. The first-hand that sere'ors
Mr. Diehl also aligns military uses both the are in long term care for a
Sheiton-Mason County
reason. Skilled nursing care
is already so tmaffordable
that people wait until the
last moment to move in.
Adding an additional bed
tax of up to $21 per day on
private pay nursing home
residents puts our seniors
in great danger. Seniors
are rapidly spending down
their savings that they have
worked so hard for all their
life -just to pay for skilled
The legislature is
to impose this tax or
in private nursing he
with the promise tha
federal government
match the funds to iz
the quality of care, b~
we've heard this fron
before. If they couldn
keep their promise tc
hospitals, I don't see
we should expect any
; the
different this time around.
If this proposed tax takes
effect, who will care for our
most vulnerable members
of society when they can no
longer afford the skilled care
they desperately need? Our
legislators need to take a
hard look at the implications
of this tax on our most
vulnerable population.
Mary Ann Southworth
o ......... She~ton-Mason County Journal is a member of Rick Kennedy, publisher Advertising: / Composing room:
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Page A-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 21,2011