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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 21, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 21, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Shelton graduates looking for help to fight daughter's cancer By NATALIE JOHNSON struggling to deal with the addition- al expenses of fighting their daugh- On September 4, 2010, Anthony ter's cancer. and Emily (Hearn) Maier heard a devastating diagnosis. Their four- Tillie Maier's prognosis is good, year-old daughter Tillie Anne had her family said, and is in remission, Acute LymphoblasticLeukemia but continues to undergo treatment to ensure that the cancer doesn't (ALL). come back. Since September, Tillie Anne Ma- ier has gone through multiple bouts Donations to the Maier family can of chemotherapy, a life threatening be made to the Tillie Anne Maier staph infection and two surgeries. Leukemia Fund at Key Bank. While the Maiers, who beth grad- Her progress can be seen on Face- book under the name Tornado Tille uated from Shelton High School, have good health insurance, they are or at http://tornadotillie.blogspot. Gasoline card raffle prize Mountain View Elementary School's Parent Teacher Stu- dent Organization is sponsoring a gasoline raffle to raise funds for a new LED reader board. The raffle is running un- til May 9. Tickets are for sale for $1 each. The grand prize is a $350 gas card. Second place is a $100 gas card and third place is a $50 gas card. The winners' gas cards will be from a gas station of their choice. Tickets can be purchased from the office at Mountain View Elementary and Steph's Espresso. The PTSO is trying to raise $17,000 to purchase a new LED reader board for their school. They are down to raising the last $3,000 to cover the cost of the sign. If you are in- terested in making a tax-deductible donation, contact Tami Ehgstr0m at MountainView Elementary, 426-8564. ) Bridge Community Church invites everyone to Easter service Sunday Bridge Community Church someone will tell how Jesus be- invites everyone to an early ing alive today influences his or Easter service at 7 a.m. on April her life. 24 to celebrate the resurrection Bridge Community Church of Jesus Christ. is located on Harstine Is- Breakfast will follow the ser- land at 500 E. North Island vice at about 8:15 a.m., adult Drive, just one half-mile left af- and youth bible classes at 9:30 ter crossing the bridge. a.m. and the morning wor- For more information and ship service at 10:30 a.m. It is to RSVP, phone Pastor Howard pla~ned~that~iri-each service Spear426-5221. ffl', helton Arts The Shelton Arts Commis- sion was pleased to donate $1,709 to The Saint's Pantry Food Bank from donations Commission made by participants at the sixth Annual Empty Bowls Project. Local restaurants Empty Bowl including The Strip Steak House, Steven's on Rail- road, Xinh's Clam and Oys- ter House, Route 66 Bar and finished, participants gath- Grill and Olympic Station ered to choose a bowl to keep Dell generously donated soup for exchange of a $10 dona- and bread for the event, tion. Participants then were The Empty Bowls project treated to a delicious bowl of is a creative effort to fight soup and bread served by one hunger. Participants created of the five participating res- ceramic bowls, building one taurants. All proceeds went night and glazing two weeks to the Saint's Pantry Food later. When the bowls were Bank. American Business Women award nominations last call The deadline for nominations for Mason General Hospital Foundation's 2011 American Business Women • award is May 31, so if there is a spe- cial woman whom you'd like to nomi- nate for this year's award, entry forms are available online at MasonGeneral. corn or may be picked up at MGH's De- velopment Office at Gateway Center, 2505 Olympic Highway North, Suite 460, Shelton, 98584. Every year, MGH's Foundation honors three outstanding business- women who are or were successful in their occupations, work or have worked in Mason County, and are ac- tive and volunteer in their communi- ty. From this year's pool of nominees, three extraordinary businesswomen will be selected to be honored at the 14th annual American Business Women's Day Luncheon that will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Hospital's downstairs meeting rooms. Tickets for the luncheon are $25 per person. Nominations must be post- marked or received by the Foundation by Tuesday, May 31. For more infor- mation call 427-3623 call 275-8614 from Allyn. Past honorees include: 1998 - Mir- iam Hall, Janet Thornbrue, and Pat- ti Tupper; 1999 - Nita Bariekman, Jean Lee, and Norma Taylor; 2000 - Kay Gott, Colleen Hunter, and Do- ris Wilson, M.D.; 2001 - Mary Helen Anderson, Beth Johnston, R.N., and Betty Wolfe; 2002 - Carol Hunter, Rose Nye, and Cherrie Reitsch; 2003 - Janis Byrd, Carolyn Olsen, and Gayle Weston; 2004 - Patti Case, Betty Wing, and Catherine Ann Wolf; 2005 - Angela Wake Olsen, Michelle Schnitzer Corral, and Renee Youngs; 2006 - Xinh Dwelley, Irene Locke, and Virginia J. McCarty; 2007 - Lynn Busacca, Vicki Gonzalez, and Lynn Harvey; 2008 - Laurie Buhl, Pam Hanson, and Billie Howard; 2009 - Kristy Buck, Sharon Tibbits, and Lisa Woodard; and 2010 - Janene Petty- john Bandes, PamelaHunter Schlau- deraff, and Cheryl Stewart. Mt. Olive Lutheran Church '~ i~SOtlri ~VllOd I~ ~ • 21)6 East I~ ~muh tie Aw'nue Tontemlx.'a~y Service .......... & ]0 a.m Christian Education ............... ,):45 &m Traditional Worship ............... 11:00 a.m. I~'I~R WEEK SERVICES Office 426-6353 • t~un~ Thursd~ Service- Thun. ~1.7:00 p.m. ~Good Frid.w Service - Fri. 4/22 • 7:00 p.m. DdV( d[t? 4274165 . Easter S,.mfise k~cvice- Sunday 4/24.6:~0 a.m. www.mok,¢ tsmenlberconnect,net• F~ter Celebration Service - Stmday 4/24.10:30 a.m. [Grace Baptist Church Mailing add]ess: | ... for the faith ofthe#ospd ro ~x 1025, Shdt0n, WA 98584 Phone: {360) 462-1611 [ Times of S~ViCeS" E-maih pastor@gbcshelton.erg / Sunday School ........................ 10 a.m. ,,'ww¢,¢~he,,,.,~g / Sunday Morning Worship ......11 a.m. / Sunday Evening Worship ........ 6 p.m. ] Wednesday Prayer Meeting ..... 7 p.m. r I, istcn on ~l KMA81030 AM ~- } l~mi~ servic~ in the ne~,llj renovated ,~ndatl 9:30- lO:OOam | ~tt 6rs.l~ Bids ou MAte Loop gd. .~ CrossPolnt I~l~ic. Trldltloirml Service~ ..... A more ¢ onter~porary servlte A more tl~(lltiona] ,~,rvi(e ....... t thai begins at llloe AIW t hal begil}s dl ........... : ... - ' Praim' Band ' Praise learn 1 O:4S AM • ( ontemporary Messdgc Choir Children and Adult Stmday School 9 AM • Childeare both services NEED WEEKDAY CHILDCARE? -~ Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 21,2011 Christ Lutheran Church 3701 NE Northshore Road, Belfair, WA 98528-9434 P ,Vtd CtluR.c I Pro~pessh~o E~SCC~C~I Chumh 324 W Cedar St., Shelton l New Communi'ty Church of Union Sunday Gatherings ~, (All are wetcomeO (360) 275-3354 ................................ ' ............................ Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. i~i;ii 8:30 and 10:30 Childcare: 360-275-0499 .t Shelton United Me~odist Church