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port athl -to
r at Western
Shelton High School senior
Michael Millard is set to grad-
uate as a three-sport athlete
with a 3.92 grade point aver-
Millard said he chose to
attend Western Washington
University in Bellingham to
study for a possible career in
the medical field. His father,
Allen, and his mother, Ken-
dra, beth work as doctors in
the area. "He [Allen] made
me want to be a doctor," Mil-
lard said. "But they told me to
go into dermatology or as a specialist."
Millard was also accepted at the Universi-
ty of Washington in Seattle, but chose West-
ern Washington to walk on the men's soccer
"I think it would be fun to play college soc-
cer," Millard said. He jokingly said that his
medical studies are a fall-back option if"play-
ing professional soccer fails through."
"My dad alwa 's said if I could Go pro in a
sport, I should drop school and go make mil-
lions," Millard stated.
The Shelton senior student-athlete let-
tered in boys tennis, boys basketball and
boys soccer.
Millard said he used to play baseball up
until junior high school when he and a friend
had a quad accident the sum-
mer after sixth grade when
Millard's quad launched off
his friend's.
"I flew offthe quad, landed
on my shoulder and it rolled
over me," Millard said. "Broke
my clavical, I couldn't throw
a ball as well as I could." His
friend, who jumped off his
quad just in time, had some
good news for Millard.
"Funny thing is the first
thing he said to me was 'Good
news, the quad still works,~
Michael Millard Millard said.
Outside of sports, Millard is a member of
Shelton High School's DECA, a student orga-
nization for students interested in business
administration and economics.
The one thing Millard said he will miss
about life in Shelton is the community.
"The interactions I had with the whole
community," he said. "The people are so
friendly here."
Millard said one of the best memories
about his high school days was tt Avgli
through Europe with tennis teammate, Shel-
ton senior Morgan Moran.
"But if we're going to win state [in boys
soccer] this year, that would by far be a defin-
ing moment," Millard said.
Living well with diabetes class
If diabetes Is a part of your liib, plan to
attend Mason General Hospital's next three-
day session entitled, Living Well With Dia-
betes. The class will be held on three consec-
utive evenings from 6 to 9 p.m., Tuesday to
Thursday, June 14 through 16 at the Hospi-
tal in the Ellinor Room. The class is taught
by an expert team of healthcare providers at
MGH, who will cover the diagnosis of diabe-
tes, diabetes medications, proper meal plan-
ning, exercise, prevention and treatment of
complications, stress management, living
with diabetes, and the use of support people
and a healthcare team. Studies show that
effective self-management of diabetes is ben-
eficial tbr the patient and their family. Due
to space limitations, advanced pre-registra-
tion is required. Diabetes education is a cov-
ered service under most insurance plans.
To register, call Sue Barwick, R.N., cer-
tified diabetes educator at 426-1611, ext.
3301. For Allyn, call 275-8614, ext. 3301.
' Theatre Club offers drama scholarship
The Harstine Island Theatre Club Notification of the scholarship is usu-
will award a $500 scholarship this year. ally made by August 15. The recipient re-
Scholarship application packets are avail- ceives funds al~r successfully completing
able at North Mason and Mary M. Knight the fail quarter of college work.Eligible ap-
High Schools, as well as Olympic College plicants must be high-school graduates re-
in Shelton. They are also available at the siding in Mason County who are enrolled
Shelton, Hoodsport and Belfair branches full time in an accredited college, universi-
of the public library, ty or school of theater arts or related field.
Completed applications are due by Au- The scholarship committee will review
gust 1 and may be mailed to the Scholar- the previous training of all applicants, as
ship Committee, Harstine Island Theatre well as their experience in theater'arts or
Club, 220 E. Wilson Road, Shelton, 98584. related areas of study.
Pioneer School
Kindergarten registration will Pioneer Primary School will be conduct-
begin on May 2 at all three Shelton ing registration for students who will be en-
Elementary Schools - Bordeaux, tering kindergarten in the fall. As a part of
Evergreen and Mountain View. the registration process, the kindergarten
In order to register a child for staff will screen all students.
kindergarten in Washington State, Registration and screening will be held
a birth certificate showing that the from 8:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. on May 17 and
child willbefivebyAugust31 and a 2:15 to 5 p.m. on May 18. The screening
record of up-to-date immunizations and registration will be approximately 30
is required, minutes. The child must be present for the
Families may pick up regis- registration zreening, / ¢ i trati n by
tration packets beginning May 2 appointment only. Parents and guardians
from school offices and return the can arrange an appointment by calling the
completed packet, along with the school office at 427-2737.
required documentation, anytime Other requirements for registration: a
before school offices close for the copy of birth certificate must be provided
summer Thursday, June 30. Offices (students must be five years old by midnight
at the schools are open until 4:30 August 31), proof of immunizations and a
p.m. each day. Parents with ques- completed school registration packet.
tions may contact their neighbor- Our kindergarten program will consist
hood school, of four every other day programs. Two ses-
Bordeaux Elementary 426-3253 sions of Monday/Tuesday and every other
Evergreen Elementary 426-8281 Wednesday or two sessions of Thursday/Fri-
Mt. View Elementary 426-8564 day mid evelT other Wech~esday.
Community CPR class offered in May
Mason General Hospi- in MGH's Learning Cen-
tal, in partnership with ter, located next to McDon-
the community, is again ald's on Olympic Highway
offering a free adult, child North. The class is open to
and infant Basic Life Sup- all members of the commu-
port CPR class, from 6 to 9 nity and will demonstrate
p.m. on Thursday, May 12 the proper technique for
;')'i '"
Residential water rates-8%
Commercial water rates +9%
Russ Denney
CLEAII|RS & TAILORS Monday-Friday 6:30 o.m.-6:00 p.m.
Saturday 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Serving Shelton and 215 South Second
Mason County for 84 years 426-3371
adult, child and infant CPR,
as well as review the symp
toms of heart attack and
stroke. Everyone attending
the class is asked to wear
comfortable clothes, and a
Spanish interpreter will be
made available on request.
Pre-registration for the
class ~s required, as clas~
size is limited, so please
make your reservations by
calling the MGH Learning
Center at 427-3609. This is
not a First Aid class.
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Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, April 21,2011