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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 21, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 21, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Jillian Duncan selected as Stud nt of th Month Nineteen year-old Jil- lian Duncan of the Shelton C.H.O.I.C.E. High School was selected as Student of the Month for Febru- ary 2011. She was recog- nized for her outstanding accomplishments in her school and was honored by the Shelton Lions Club at their regular meeting on Tuesday, April 5, 2011. Jillian was a member of the CHOICE Leadership group and participated in the Winter Celebration every year. She felt it was such a good cause being able to help give to those less fortunate than her. She has volunteered at Helping Hands Massage Therapy. Jillian loves kids and babysits her nephew Jillian Duncan Jaxson whenever needed. Her morn is Cheryl Duncan and is presently a homemaker. Jillian will be getting married August 27, 2011 to Jesse Hutson. Her future educational plans are to attend Clover Park Technical College in the fall of 2011 and her major study plans are to be an ultrasound techni- cian. The collective efforts of the staff and faculty of the Shelton C.H.O.I.C.E. High School chose Jillian for her dedication to community service and high achieve- ments within the high school. Tiie "Student of the Month" is a program spon- sored by the Shelton Li- ons Club. It is designed to recognize students that possess qualities of ex- ceptional community in- volvement and high aca- demic achievements while attending the Shelton C.H.O.I.C.E. High School. Trumpeter Continued from page B-1 "What I would do is I would get up in the morning by fi a,m. get to work by 7 a.m., get home by 3 p.m., teach about a halfa dozen students a half an hour lesson each, which would take me up to 6 p.m.," he said. "Then I would go to a show or a rehearsal every night, study until about three in the morning, then crash." While music was an enormous part of his life, Leftler gave it up to build his four businesses in Shelton that let him and his wife live a happy, quiet life full of golfing and time spent going to symphonies and other events. "I first moved to Shelton in 1977 ... I grew to love this beautiful area," he said. Although he loved living in Shelton, Leffier said he gave up playing profession- ally because ~here were few opportunities in the area. "I got a little discouraged not being able to find high quality musicians to play with," he said. After the death of his beloved wife, Lef- tier went though a debilitating mourning period, and then one day, decided to hire a coach and pick up his horns again. "Even the emotional music that would m ke me c would be a relief1 a way to re- fresh myself so to speak because it would bring back fresh memories," he said. "But once I got involved with playing my horns, once you start actually concentrating on music, you can't think about anything else." Leffler said the time spent relearning how to be a world-class musician helped him pass the time it takes to mourn a loved one. "It took a year and a half for me practic- ing six hours a day to get almost back to where I was," he said. "Now I'm 70 years hold and it's a Hell of a lot harder." Today, Leffler is the principal trumpet with the Olympia Symphony Orchestra, and also plays with several other musical groups. Leffler's overarching message is don't give up - even when things look their worst, life can get better. For him, it was Chris Frost with Photo courtesy Washington State Senate Senator Tim Sheldon. Chris Frost serves as page for Senator Chris Frost, an eighth grade student attending Oakland Bay Junior High School, par- ticipated in the Senate Page Program at the Washington State Legislature in February. He was sponsored by Sena- tor Tim Sheldon, D-Potlatch. Pages deliver mail, run er- rands, present the flag and learn parliamentary procedure firsthand. Students also try their hand at drafting a bill and engage in a mock session. Frost is a member of Boy Scout Troop 110 and is work- ing on his Eagle Scout rank. He is the son of Amy and David Frost of Shelton. Cookin' Continued from page B-1 "And also the differ- ence between talking to and tallying wlth klds (Is important)," River said. A lot of people just talk to, and that child that was talked to has a much smaller vocabulary. While this year's pro- gram is almost over, River said that anyone, not just with kids attending Pio- neer, could inquire about the classes by calling the Pioneer School District. At every motheread meeting River said she organizes an activity re- lated to the books. For a story about a mouse, Riv- er and her students made cupcakes decorated like mice. Mouse Cupcakes 1 box cake mix (or your own recipe vanilla rostlng shoestring Hcorice mini Oreo cookies or wafers mini M&Ms Bake cupcakes directions. Once cool frost each of the with the vanilla frostinlg. :- Use the mini M&I eyes and a nose. Use small pi of shoe Hcoriee to make whisket Take: Oreo cookies apart and remove theeook. ie frosting. Use the cookies to,make earl Harstine dents to complete and cations to be received is May The applications working to protect and sue- walk sponsored bythe South turn-in their Scholarship 5,2011 and allrequirements should be submitted to Ms. tain ably use the natural Sound Estuary Association Continued from page B-1 Applications. , In addition listed on tl~ information Benson by the due date. resources found in Masonstarting at noon. There will to two women s club schol- sheet must be completed. To The Second Annual Earth County such as clean water, be several workshops in- at the Pointe has written arships, the women's club obtain informationsheetand Day on Oakland Bay Event shellfish, native plants and cluding a clam digging dem- and sponsored as a gift to will be managing the Judy an application contact the is scheduled from 11 a.m.- 4 more. The event will take onstration by Taylor Shell- the community, and Charles Chase Memo- counselors at Shelton and p.m. on Saturday April 30. place at 3990 State Route 3 fish; a look at native plants There is a change for rial Scholarship - a total of North Mason High Schools, This family friendly event and that is right next to the by the Capitol Land Trust the sewing group that three scholarships. Appli- Shelton Branch of Olym- will feature local resource Bayshore golf course. The and a bird walk by the Black meets on the island. Judy cants must have graduated pic Community College and agencies and volunteers workshops included a beach Hills Audubon. Graft has changed dates from High School or have South Puget Sound Com- wit attian a = m ity °le einOl ia hosting the group this be residents of Harstine Is- They may also be obtained month, April 26. If you have land. Scholarships carry by contacting Kayce Ben- any questions give Donna a monetary value of up to son at 34 E Chapman Rd., m(~ )on~ Hamilton a call. $1,000. Deadline for appli- Shelton or sharonkayce@ O I L ~-DIST. CO COMPANY The Harstine Island Women's Club annually of- fers scholarships for those ~ I~ H EAT INI OILtl entering or continuing in " " l; We deliver an institution of higher :hlropractu II education. And times run- ning short for Island reel- 8[.ow kmgMassage C()MPARE OUR LOW PRICES! We carry kerosene. Located at Sanderson J)l lit ----.--. --- Industrial Park Voted "Best *Apple Dell Chiropractor" Mason .Sony.IBM County 2010 SUB BiDS REC UESTED *Gateway .Compaq.HP * ,Toshiba & MORE 422 N. 1st St. Shelto. Mason General Hospital I BatteriesPlus ¢ 4: 6-6 325 .... Bid Package #MGH-4.A: Masonry I r . Bid" Package #MGH.4.B: Rough Carpentry I I Freq'ht, . IBid Package #MGH-4.C: Furnish Doors and Frames I Eil ler=q.qlC Exalll Bid Package #MGH-4.D: Furnish Door Hardware I • I ..... ......... , , B,d Package #MGH.4.E: Install Doors and Hardware I n | .,,h couPo & X ray Bid Package #MGH.4.F: Overhead Doors I I_ __ __ __ '--- --- ~ .... -J ; Bid Package #MGH-4.G: Operable Panel Partitions I Bid Package #MGH-4.H: CATV I I \J / Bid Package #MGH-4.h Communications Cabling I J _ DENTAL CENTER | PRE-BIDMEETING:Apri, 25,2011 at lO:OOam I BIDS DUE: May 10, 2011 at 12:00pm I C°r e $ee why everyone is s HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 360.426.8401 ' OF WASHINGTON . / 360 GO BRUSH Katherine J. Ketcher, DMD Bid Phone. (206) 286'6697 - Fax. (206) 286-7523 [ "(462.7874) .1505 Westlake Ave N, Suite 500- Seattle, WA 98109 - LIC # HOFFMCC164NC J We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including : disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. J Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http:l/ | Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 21,2011 - Page B-5