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Luella June
Wella June Blomberg
Johnson, 72, died Friday,
April 15, 2011 at Provi-
dence St. Peters in Olym-
pia of COPD and cancer.
She was a resident of Shel-
ton for 45 years.
She was
Linn; brother Richard
Linn; sons Doug Tratnick
and Sid Tratnick; daughter
Jayne Coleman; nine grand
children and seven great-
grandchildren survive her.
Her husbands Bill Trat-
nick and Rick Colton pre-
ceded her in death.
A service is scheduled for
noon on Tuesday, April 26
at Latter-Day Saints 916
north 12th Street, Shelton,
WA 98584. McComb Funer-
son Jim, at the age of 75.
Scott enjoyed all aspects
of being outdoors. He was
an avid hunter and fisher-
man. He enjoyed his hunt-
ing trips with Shane. Scott
liked to can and always had
a jar of something to hand
out to family and friends
his family shared. He en-
joyed traveling to the des-
ert southwest in search
for gold with his life long
friend Darrell "Buster~
born June al Home of Shelton is han- Blanck. He enjoyed sports,
14, 1938 dlingthe arrangements, especially basketball and
to Sylvia he liked watching his four
and Jack granddaughters play at
in N.D.
Betty L.
s h e Larson
Jim Coo-
Luella June per in
1954 in
Blomberg Olympia,
Johnson the mar-
riage end-
ed in divorce.
She was a chore provid-
She was an active church
member and volunteered
for Relay for Life. She en-
joyed pets and her grand-
daughters Kristi and Jen-
She is survived by her
daughters Deline Boyse of
Kent, Debbie Savunen of
Shelton, Nadine Keyzers
of Olympia and Kallista
Danielle of Olympia, son
Rick Cooper of Olympia
and 18 grandchildren and
16 great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in
death by her parents,
granddaughters Melissa
Boyse an Sara Cooper;
brothers Marshall and Rog-
er Blomberg; sisters Helen
Miller, Betty Rogers and
Violet Fisher. A private
service was performed. Me-
morial donations can be
made to the American Can-
cer Society. Mill and Mills
Funeral Home and Memo-
rial Park are handling the
Betty L. Larson, 87, died
Monday, April 10, 2011 in
was born
August 5,
1923 in
ated from
Betty L. Univer-
Larson sity with a
degree in
She married her child-
hood sweetheart Wallace
The family shared that
she was a wonderful wife,
mother and Grammy. She
was known for her great
sense of humor, she enjoyed
to cooking and sewing.
Her sons Richard and
John three granddaughters
and five great-grandchil-
dren survive her.
Her husband Wallace
Larson preceded her in
Memorial donations
can be made in her name
to the Juvenile Diabetes
Research Foundation at
jdrf.org. McComb Funeral
Home in Shelton is han-
dling the arrangements.
Patricia L.
Patricia L. Colton, 67,
died Monday, April 18,
2011 in her sleep at home.
She was a lifelong resident
of Shelton.
She was
born July
12, 1943
in Park
Minn. to
Linn and
er) Linn.
Patricia L. The fam-
Colton ily moved
to Shelton
in 1947.
She grew up in Shelton
attending Shelton schools
and graduated from high
school in 1961.
She married Bill Trat-
nick in 1960 and they had
three children. The mar-
riage ended in divorce. She
married Rick Colton in
She worked many years
in Shelton as a bartender
for the Pine Tree Restau-
rant, JR's Restaurant and
Lounge and retired from
the Little C~eek Casino.
She enjoyed playing
games with friends and
Everyone who knew her
remembers how much she
cared about her friends
and family and that she
would go the extra mile to
help those down on their
luck. Her family said, "Her
compassion and love will be
forever missed."
Her Mother Thelma
Leon "Bob"
Russell Scott
Leon "Bob~ Russell
Scott, 79, died April 13,
2011 in Tacoma from com-
plications after surgery. He
was a resident of Shelton
for 37 years.
He was
born Sep-
tember 1,
1931 to
Sam Scott
and Vera
Jones in
Mist, Ore.
H e
Leon "Bob from Rose-
burg Se-
Russell nior High
Scott in 1949.
He was
a standout football, track
and basketball player.
After school he and his
friend Dale Blanck decided
to see the world and joined
the Navy together.
After discharge he re-
turned to Roseburg and
went to work logging for
his uncle, within a year he
was falling timber and did
so for the next 45 years. In
1968 he worked in North
Bend with Jack Morgan. In
1973 he relocated to Shel-
ton and did contract "cut-
ting for Simpson Timber
Company. The Scott Tim-
ber Company was formed
and cut some of the rough-
est terrain in the cap Gris-
dale and camp Govey area.
At it peak he had 25 cutters
working for him, including
his sons Jim, Mike and
Shane. His lost logging job
was running skidder for his
Mary M. Knight. He was an
avid Boston Celtic fan.
He is survived by his
first wife Dorothy of Rose-
burg and second wife Vickie
Kennendy of North Bend;
sons Steve and Jim Scott of
Shelton, Mike Scott of Cen-
tralia and Shane Scott of
North Bend; daughter Sh-
antel of North Bend; grand-
children Angela, Michael,
Jenny, Jessica, Carrie,
Alicea, Aaron and Michelle
and great grand children
Bret, Lexi, Maelynn, Alexis
and Taylor.
His parents preceded
him in death.
A celebration of life will
be held at noon on May I at
the Matlock Grange with a
potluck to follow.
Patrick Shirk
Dennis Patrick Shirk,
52, died Wednesday, April
13, 2011 at the Univer-
sity of Washington Medi-
cal Center in Seattle from
complications from an auto
accident on December 2,
2010. He was a resident of
He was born July 15,
1959 in
Port An-
geles to
Allan E.
and Ardis
Shirk. He
grew up
in Bel-
Dennis fair where
Patrick his fam-
ily main-
Shirk tained a
home and
treasured summers on the
North Shore of Hoods Ca-
nal until the year 2000.
He attended North Ma-
son schools, beginning in
kindergarten and gradu-
ating from high school in
1977. He was Student Body
President, represented his
high school at Boy's State,
and was the recipient of the
Good Citizenship Award.
He was an athlete, play-
ing four years each in foot-
ball and wrestling. Dennis
twice made it to the State
wrestling tournament. As
a high school senior, he
was nominated to compete
for the role of Paul Bunyan
in the Mason County For-
est Festival.
He attended Central
Washington University
and graduated from the
South Seattle Community
College Culinary Arts pro-
He married Sherida
"Sheri~ Norris on August 8,
1992 in Belfair.
He worked in the Cen-
tral Market for 11 years as
the seafood manager and in
other roles from the com-
pany. He helped to design
the company's shoreline
store. Shirk was featured
in TV commercials as "Su-
per Dennis." He worked for
Larry's Markets, Anthony's
Restaurants as dinner chef
for seven years, Sea Gal-
ley Restaurants and in food
and hospitality industry in
He enjoyed fishing, do-
ing home projects such as
landscaping and playing
and caring for his dogs.
He is survived by his wife
Sherida (Sheri) Shirk of
Silverdale; stop-daughter
Andrea Slye (Josh) of Bel-
levue; grandsons Fin and
Smith Slye of Bellevue; sis-
ters Terri Hjelm (Michael)
of Vancouver, Wash., Di-
ane Hansen (Bob)of Rent-
on, Sue Chandler (Greg)
of Snohomish; brother Mi-
chael Shirk (Betsy) of Al-
pharetta, Ga. and sister-in-
law Andrea Perry (George)
of Bothell.
His father Allan E. Shirk
preceded him in death.
A is memorial is planned
at 2 p.m. on Saturday
April 30 at The Stone Cha-
pel, 22272 Foss Road NE,
Poulsbo, WA with a recep-
tion to follow. Rilrs Life
Tribute Center in Port Or-
chard is handling the ar-
Memorial donations can
be made to North Kitsap
Fishline Food and Emer-
gency Services at P.O. Box
1517, Poulsbo, WA 98370
or Kitsap humane Society,
9167 Dickey Road NW, Sil-
verdale, WA 98383, or the
charity of your choice.
James Emmet
James Emmet Waltman,
89, died Monday, April 18,
2011 at his home in Shel-
ton. He was a resident of
for 25
He was
born June
11, 1921
to Frank
W. Walt-
man and
James (Daily)
Emmet " Waltman.
H e
Waltman served in
the Unit-
ed States Army as a para-
trooper from 1942 to 1945
during the European cam-
paign. He was a technician
fifth grade at discharge.
He married Johanna
E. Lazarus in 1981 at Hot
Springs, S.D.
He was a sheriff of Daw-
son County in Chadron,
Neb. for many years, and
then he began working for
United Pacific Railway. He
was self-employed as a big
game guide after leaving
the railroad in Wyoming,
which is where he left his
heart his family stated.
He enjoyed hunting,
fishing and gardening. He
volunteered for many years
with the local food bank lo-
cated at the armory here in
Shelton. He was a lifetime
member of the VFW and
the Eagles. He was a mem-
ber of St. Edwards Catholic
He is survived by his
wife, Johanna "Ellie~ Walt-
man of Shelton; sons Rich-
ard Waltman of Whitman',
Neb., Steven Waltman
of Lincoln, Neb., Gordon"
Zulauf of Keunewick and
Michael Zulauf of Corval-
lis, Ore.; brothers Clayton
Luther of Mesa, Ariz. and
Frank Waltman of Chad-
ron, Neb.; 16 grandchil-
dren, seven great-grand-
children and one great-
His parents preceded
him in death.
Forest Funeral Home of
Shelton is handling the ar-
Send obituaryinformation to:
obits@masoncou nty.com.
Deadine is 2pm the tuesday
before publication.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 21,2011 - Page B-7