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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 22, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 22, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Two TOM FITCHETT NOW CORPORAL Cpl. Tom Fitchett, stationed at! Douglas, Ariz., was awarded his: The pompously dressed, slickly mustach- ioed gallants of former years attending Easter services in heavy, swallow tailed coats, stiff shirts and wide foppish neck- ties have given way to smoothly dressed men, briskly purposeful . . . but the feel- ing of reborn hope is still as new and bright as the April sun! Times may change and customs in dress undergo modern trans- formation but now as then, durable, qual- ity fabrics in styles that conform to the dictates of the times are demanded by discriminating men. StranWOIdv_ Mrs- Hazel Simmons: friends. ter and brother-in-law Mr. and . . . SHIRTS ...................... $2.25 lm-a 14,2331; Iggmggssciglgd at}: The Juno Woman’s Club met Kenneth om...“, balance in War Bonds to keep our fighting men up i sacrament of the Lord’s. 'Supper figntlllfleldgigzg; 'SI‘lhirbEnaéaturday and sunday m ' ““ " ! {32833; Observed fonowmg the Dick Addlllerlrian las hostess. .Mr. and Mrs. Roy Asleson q ’ 9 .............. .. t0 ‘ Rev. Pickering also announces {52:11:} I’ll‘sccavgfizerllreivi‘gepfigfid. Spent the week end m Morton corporal stripes some time ago i the Journal has been informed. He is with Aviation School Mechanics. : Kiwanians (Conlinuod from page one) industry is close second, but there is only a limited list of industry or occupation which can claim de- ferment for certain key employes and these will be up to the draft officials. Single men With depend- ents and married men are on the lists with every prospect of being called to service before the year ends, reclassified from 3B to 1A, unless they have taken essential jobs, which also includes farm-i ing-YV He pointed to the Navy Yard as in urgent need of many more workers to repair the damaged vessels coming in which are use- less until piit back in service at; the front; also Boeings and the jshipyards, which are vitally es- ‘ sential and must be furnished with many more men and Women from every source possible. Answering ‘the question of surplus men and :others idling in these vital indus- ltries, Col, Chastek said there might be instances of such shirk- ing but these would soon be weed- 'cd out, although to be expected , in gathering thousands of men on :jobs they were not used to; and ,’ perhaps some might be spoiled by the easy money. In concluding he stated that the draft boards had, a hard job but were required to carry out the laws and rules im- ‘ partially, and .play no favorites to the end that all able bodied men .WOI‘k either in essential industry or take their turn in the armed services. Phil Murphy called attention to the coming of the first detach— ment of. men to the local airport, and the need to gather books and magazines to be sent to the airport, as Well as early plan- ning for entertainment. iPageant Slatgd At Hoodsport By Lois Pierce Hoodsport, April 20<——- Friday evening, April 23rd, at 7:30 a pageant “The Challenge of The Cross” will be presented at the Hood Canal community church. The cast will include Mrs. Mc- Closkey as Evangel, Mrs. Lois iPierce, Mrs. H. Jones, Mrs. Rea ithere Will be special Easter serv- SHELTON-MASON GRANT C. ANGLE, Editor Richard l i l Subscription Rates: $250 per year in advance; 6 months$1.50; Canada and Foreign $3.50; Special SHELTQN-MASQN COUNEY JOURNAL} COUNTY JOURNAL ’ Consolidated with The Shelton Independent Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Shelton, Washington J. EBER ANGLE, Manager Watson, News Editor | outside Mason County $2.75; ' Service Men‘s Rate $1.50 per year. M NORTHWEST MUST EXPECT VISIT Saturday was the first anniersary of the famous Doo-l little raid on Tokyo which of reach, but by certain to bring a real test preparation to fight the coming of enemy planes to give us a taste of the destruction which is going on in the other continents, and enroaching on our own in Alaska. Our woods will be tinder dry soon and next to the war industries and ports present the greatest danger of holo- caust and wreckage which even a half dozen planes could, spread through bombs and gas; an unfavorable wind and wide spread fires in the timber would tax all our prepar- ation and our man power; we may not yet fear invasion but proved that Japan was not out the same token the Pacific Coast is also in a vulnerable spot and Tojo would give his buck teeth to take a crack at the Northwest. Now another dry season is nearing which is almost to the Northweest of all itsI , .vi... .‘.__._.,.> \ we must anticipate an enemy visit. Somehow a few lines of “hang-over” from last cam- paign was dug up for last week’s issue, which reflected on our Congressional dele gation then not economically mind-i ed. At last election three of the delegation were replaced by Republicans, including Norman from this district, and they are standing guard for all economy measures and I against national wasteful spending and “yessing.” W— Mrs. D. Broderson entertained Thursday afternoon in honor of her son DeEttes first birthday. Present were Mrs. B. Goodpas- ter and son Billy, Mrs. M. Kaare and daughter Karan and son Jerry, Mrs. R. Pierce and daugh- ters Carol and Patricia, Mrs. B. Morrison and daughter Barbara and Mrs. Doris Lukenbill. Mrs. Joe Vail returned home from Seattle Saturday. Mrs. Vail convalescing from a recent Op- eration and we are glad to see her so much improved and happy to have her back with us again. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson and family spent the week end in Longbranch with relatives and and cards at Clarmel on Wednes- day afternoon. Present were Mrs. Fred Sauer, Mrs. Minnie Hamilton, Mrs. Allie Ahl, Mrs. Helen HuS<l ing, Mrs. Helen Mitchell, Mrs. Alice Martin, Mrs. Lelia Adams, Mrs. Margaret Anderson, Mrs. El— I la Lunt, Mrs. Elenore Orcutt, Mr. and Mrs. K. Bitney, Mrs. Eddie Haeger, Mrs. Husman. Mrs. Es- ther Vallett, Mrs. Ruie Dickinson and the hostess Mrs. Yenter. Mr. and Mrs. P. Robbins of Port Orchard were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Robbins from Thursday until Saturday evening last week. The newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jarvis and Mrs. Jarvis’ sis— with the A1 Mains family. Tahuya Resident Dies In Tacoma and resided at Tahuya and was a former carpenter. He leaves his Wife, Dora of the home; sons, John of the home, Joseph of Brinnon, brother, Fred of Alaska; hhlf brothers, Frank Gichard of Ta- ‘conia, Walter in the east, and James of Alaska; 12 grandchil- dren. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 3 p. m. at the Piper chapel, Tacoma, the Rev. Frank Haley presiding; burial at Span- away. Thursday, April 22; Sdalfig Ration New (Continued from page 1) ning this summer. Roughly the. same pattern will be used for dis- tributing home-canning sugar as last summerieone pound for each four quarts of fruit and, in addi- tion, one pound for each member of the family. i Bananas will be sacrificed to bring the extra sugar for canning from Cuba. Butchers Must Report Watch for point reduction next month on ham, spareribs and sandwich meat, reported to be pil- Shulton’s roses-and-spice fragrance that imparts an aura of subtle charm to its wearer. Cool and lasting in its loveliness. Priced for use with lavish abandon. In an old-fashioned bottle with convenient sprinkler top. 4 oz. BOTTLE 1.00 FIR DRUG STORE In spite of all shortages; rationing and stepped-up tempo of present day living, this month we must forego all but barest necessities and invest the Century to supply your food necessities at savings ing up in butcher shops ' . themselves to prevent 3130 me 1‘ nos: , 0 Butchers can drop pomi um they report to the GPA ~ 1 . . . . John Reynolds Crowell, 71, died S" a]. for Cannin W l igig?gingilestlygfdis eglcarctedTiiistlogn Pumxshed every Frlday mornmg ThUTSday at a Tacoma hospital' No suggr or point starips will duces prups at the same 5 o C, . . . . , . . , l , _ the essential and the pulp Member °f EmancipationSingle; He was a of Nova 8an be required to get for - -ARII We Keep Precio Woolens Dust- ' and Color Brig i Smart spring suits wilr newer . . . longer, if yo" them frequently dry 6 Our expert cleaning ‘, puts the forces of d". deteriorating perspiratl, rout without harming tile ing-Iife of precious fabrl ors too, retain their 0W“ brightness . so im now that you are weariM conserving pastels! ar bought ' Shel dud S) MASON COUN m, U STEAM LAUN l, . igloo .s. & DRY CLEAN hnd yoi Phone 88 Twiln All but one member was resent Mrs. M. J. L , M . d ALL—WOOL LEISURE COATS__ $7.50 igsgdgxéchigpcglgupfiézu$112223! to 1\Eiijoy lglile fun. t p th Mrs. Alex Bartefsafmliflrrl‘. and t t b b d & t Emma rs. oy Yen er was 9 Joe M’ch Is (1 M. d M . ' ‘ i ‘ ‘ ARROW and BOTANY TIES $1.00 several Easter songs- guest of Mrs. H. R. Dickinson e a“ r a“ ’S 3 W1 em 9 you 0 “y more 0“ S S amps' ~ iii-1...... Mr- and Mrs. Sapp and Mr. several days last week. While THE STORE __FOR MEN iSeWing' $331199 ,1“); 34245} . Tacoma visiting relatives and friends Cleanser ea 7;: PRICES __... _____ _ I, o . o o . . . 0 IN THgnélfiE’gfiligrfillclgxgfilgitglF THE Mr. and Mrs. Ed Iverson were Old Dutch TOBACCO “ ‘ visitors at Lake Cushman over, . is<1f§cTiEco%FnT¥’ASHINGTON FOR the week end. d t Cigarettes ............ .. 2 for 32¢ garrollhRichafrdsripl antdffAnne Rich- Ml'.h and Mrs. D. Monroe and § u o o o - . q 0 ¢ Camels, Luckies, etc. (ctn. $1.60) ar son. ls W1 e, aln l s sons ave moved to Quincy, Wash. , 11 21 Thomas A_ RES}; and Edna M. We are sorry to have lost the Half ga on Clgal‘ettes ------------ -- 21.01. 26¢ ~ . Ragstém, hisd véire, 'Dtefendtants. I Monroes but our loss is Quincy's L0 -t rch ea ¢ Avalon, Dominos, etc. (ctn. $1.30) l execnuteignanissuebd vdiritueofo 33d gal/led; gam' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' . Prince Albert, VBIVCt .... .. the seal of the Superior Court of and Mrs. Ellis of Olympia were guests over the week end of Mr. land Mrs. Will Lunt, The Church Contact Circle met at Mrs. Ralph Hills Wednes‘ Iday afternoon. Eleven members land one guest were present. The : afternoon was spent at Red Cross l here she entertained the officers of the Eastern Star who served | LEGAL PUBLICATIONS the State of Washington, in and for said County, on the 16th day of April, 1943, upon a judgment rendered in said Court on the 16th day of April, 1943, in favor of Carroll Richardson and Anne Richardson, his wife. and against i. Leslie Wyers went to Tahuya Saturday evening to visit friends and attend the dance. Tony and Agnes VanLaanen, Virginia Aherne, Herb Miller and Eilert Hoem, of Vaughn, spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McKiel. Mr. and Mrs. D. Laramie and l ison John spent the week end in NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON In the Matter N0. 1564 ' SALE DAYS APRIL 22th to 28th INCLUSIVE EXCEPT PRODUCE We Reserve the Right to Limit Nationally Advertised Products Matches ctn. 23¢ Rockdell Pocket size tins (lb. tin 75¢) Geo. Washington lb. tin 59¢ C Thomas Ralston and Edna M- Frank Binns, Dec gfedlhe EState 0f . o o 2 gilstglré, £1115“ vggebgéldgllréilégngebttgggé Notice is herebeS given that the g. h u n d r e d seventy-six and 57/100 ($1376.57) Dollars, together with at— undersigned‘ have been appointed and] have qualified as executrix and exe-I cutor respectively of the above entitled , execu trix and executor Giant 64¢ COFFEE DEPT. L5 . torney's fees, interest, costs and in- estate- th t 11 h ’ 5 . creased costs, and to me directed and égains't saaid adec‘éigi‘finsar avmg Clalms p . ' , , e hereb re~ W delivered, I did on the 20th day of quired to serve the same dulyyveri- Regular Hllls’ M.J.B" Del Monte April, 1943, levy upon all the right, fjed’ on said ' title and interest of said judgment or their attorne Chase and Sanborn """ " . . ys of record at the C giggle? 1:10 221;? tto thg. gollowms de- address below stated, and file the Lux Flakes reg ' 6¢ ment togwilz. 3" 0 53 ‘5 3’ said JUdg' fiameéhwith'the Clerk of said Court, ' ' ' ‘ . Flcgo """"""""""""""""" " ’ 1 mpg emigranilrzié.sic airs Coffee substitute 0 , ection 6, Township 22_ North. glgtfis} is??? M“ descr‘bed as same will be barred. p ' ' ' ' ' . . . Ratl‘on Ald """""""""" " 3 “ms at the Southwest Date of first publication April 22, Wheat Meal Coffee stretCher corner of Section 6, Township North, Range 1 West, W. M. and pro- ceeding thence along the South line of said Section 6, North 89 deg. 34' 30" East 1,431.74 feet; thence North 0 deg. 18‘ 15" West 2,297.34 feet more 1943. Helena Huston Binns. Executrix of said Estate John Howard Binns, Executor of said Estate Address 514 Fidelity Bldg., I first publication of this notice or the, Pancake Flour . 28-0z. 16¢ Sperry’s (3—1b. bag 26¢) Banquet .......................... .. 17¢- Coffee stretcher or less to the Government meander line: .thence along the said meander wuuamsogacgflfigs gaéhinngtonfia ' POINTS PHI line in Government Lot 4, North 39 Attorneys ‘for Estate 1” mg m' . 2 ' l > “1.6 deg. 48’ 57" East 35.56 feet; thence 514 Fidem Build-n' ' ' ' ' ' Tomato Julice ~ North 58 deg. 45' 57" East 231.58 Y ‘g' ' ' ‘ can Tacoma. Washington. 4-22-29--5~6——3t. feet to the Northwesterly corner of Libb 's 46-02 , gige tracttofflilzmd. describeég and the R“ e 2 ¢ y o 1 Wha pom o eginning; ence con— ask“ unung alon sa-d mea d I- N th RESOLUTION ORDERING HEARING N,B,C. Re 131' J ‘ 2 I 58 deg. 45' 5:7" East 14!.114erfeelt)? thgzrice 0N EMERGENCY APPROPRIATION gu T0 ato ulce " ' ask: North 35 deg. 33- 57-. East 70.86 WHEREAS, conditions, unforeseen, Heart’s Delight, 40-02. l feet; thence South 54 deg. 26, 03" haye increased the work of the Sher- do“ Save our tlres sure-b .t East 108.52 feet, more or less, to the lffS office to the extent that the - a - - - 0 P 2 ‘ hm]- y ’ Normerly right_0i_way line of Pri_ present force cannot reasonably and Fisheris assorted . . n o o o a u 0 mary State Highway N0. 14 (Navy adequately attend to all the required all 1 Yard Highway); thence along the Nor- dunes; . Oregon, Jumbo SAVE YOUR WHOLE of Post-Tens ea 21 w South 43 deg 15. 08m West 125.02 feet tions could .not. be foreseen at the . . . . . - o l c more or less to a point thereon which “me Of cons‘dermg the 19.43 budget5~ Keno ls Variet ' ' ' ' ' We I is South 32 deg. 18’ 58" East 106.53 AND WHEREAS, the Judgment .Of 0‘" gg y Lakota N0 21/ - .geet, more or less, from the goint of Etereggfiga t?:msl¥lg‘y 2g glim‘og will u c ' 2 mg eginnins; thence North 32 eg. 18‘ . X m 9D“ y l T f 1 58" West 106.53 feet, more or less, to She““ for the balance 0.15 “.19 Year“ . . 2 ¢ . . . . . . o We’ the point of beginnin ; said land be~ NOW THEREFORE ‘t ‘5 hereby mg also known an described as ordered that a hearin be had thereon Soft WeaVe Brentwood, No. 2 can bro] No matter how you nurse your tires Tract “D” and tiée Southwesterly 3? 3,2133%, 133,121; 43 dat. 2:3? ‘8 M} ' buil - 10 fet f T ct “ ” of the u oar _in 'e our , 6 1 if yoflnegiegeézggrttfiocyy’gg a IS VIT cordgd plat ofrgaid Government Loxtri. Hlmclgeaigf 5&9];ng at Wh‘Ch “me 3113 l ' ' yea! mo UB A], (2) Also, all that portion of a tract P a X Yersfinay appear an N h ’ th R Unn s y rep! of sgcond-clrass Sttitdelaifidsw frprmgrly lg? :zfifirdalfggggg Zgépgén‘éhe granting campbeu’s . o o at t at we re trying to minimize c im- “e 309- owne by t e a e o as ins on. . Y- . rt ' ‘ . ment: of these should as def'ned by Cha ter 255 f the APPROVED “"5 19th day Of Aprllv s 9 portance of proper tire care: We ourselves be avoided. Sessionl Laws of 1927, peonveyed ($37 the 1943, Shelton. Washington. “Ice . We’ offer as complete a tire-savmg program as 1iiiitaée of, yaihirnl teon (go the Chas. R. 'gfoevglfisogFCgfigglg K & B, 46-oz. and . . c u ., r i you could find anywheref-mcludmg'wh‘ecl DON'T NEGLECT OTHER tion,“??? deed darted OSepatelfl%eI:‘0r%. WASHINGTON G f t J ' 9 are alignment, wheel balancmg and solentxfic “.1. AL PARTS LIKE THESE 1935, recorded September 20, 1935. in VIgICfJNT E. PAUL: AS ara S 2.1bs rape r ulce' quiz ecqu ]. . g ' Volume 63 of deed, page 112. under H arman p gu 0 ' ' C D 1 M 46 biak - H Auditor's File No. 76121, situate in ' 1" DICKINSONv N0 1 Cal‘f ' e onte’ ‘oz' "19] N ,d ,t t t talk d w th . -‘ front of, adjacent to or abutting up- R' TRENCKMANN v ' 1 orma 0, we on O 0 n eunpor- on the first above described upland. Atteth We, mceofyour ates—we want to talk up the including part of the vacated Clifton HARRY DEYETTE! ' . Clerk of Board. 4—22-1t. Rhubarb lb. 10¢ State Oyster Reserve Plat No. l ‘ New Outdoor 138. and lying between said Government Lot 4 and the Southeast line of an oyster tract conveyed by the State of Washington to W. T. Budding thru deed issued December 26, 1905,-under Application No. 3876, and between two lines running North 46 deg. 45’ West from the Westerly ends of the North- erly and Southerly lines of the first above described upland tract to the aforesaid southeast line of said gyster land tract conveyed to the said . T. Budding. Situate in County of Mason, State of Washington. NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Saturday the 22nd day of May, 1943.. at 10 o‘clock in the forenoon of said day, I will sell the above described prop- erty, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said judgment, together with attorney‘s fees. interest. costs and increased costs, in all am- ounting to the sum of One thousand four hundred ten and 26/100 ($1,410.26) Dollars. Said sale will take place at the front door of the Court House at Shelton in said County and State, and will be at public auction, for cash in hand to the highest and best bidder. Dated at Shelton, Wash, this 20th day of A ril, 1943. . E. F. MARTIN, Sheriff of Mason County. 4-22-29—5-6-13-20—5t. importance of your whole automobile. Re- member, no new cars are being built at all. Your present car must last. That means you need a program of complete, all-’round maintenance service. Not just tire inspec- tion. Not just lubrication. But these things plus all the other vital services so neces- sary to counteract the possible “ill effects” of today’s low speeds and limited driving. We offer just such a complete, up-to-date service program. Why not see us today! Lakota, No. 21/3 Spam......... or SNACK Deviled Meat. . Loyal, 5-oz. Salmon....... Bonnie Best, 16-oz. Tuna.......... Tune—In Brand, 7-oz. tin Carrots . . .. 3 bun. 29¢ Fresh, Crisp Oranges lb. 10¢ Fancy Florida Lemons doz. 29¢ 360 Size, Sunkist FOR BETTER CONCRETE ON ANY JOB Large or Small Diurlbutor points, made ofvital tung- s t e n s t e e I, Volvo; im- properly ud- ius ted are so b iec t to burning out and must be replaced. Brakes not equalized wear 0 or fast. Worn linings result in scored drums. Pinon: and piston rings wi II I a s t I o n g e r i f safeguarded b y. prop er lubrication. must be kept adjusted to prolong life. use READY-MIX SHELTON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. Seventh St. Bridge PHONE 123 66.415301 YOUR OLDSMOBILE DEALER ALL-’ROUND, ALL-QUALITY, ALL- CAR SERVICE Lots of Parking Space Mell Chevrolet Com lst & Grove ' Pally Phone 114 Many other materials in i you our are vital. too. .. .-¢~..- Ak—QL x... . ..:. --...":..