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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 22, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 22, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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amine WMITTED ). Massey of Sh ' .ed to the state at Steilacoom M. Wilson Satv1 mvo $12255; TS T0 REMEM: till have comPe ._ cs; 2. We still “ 'ts.' 3. We still ch thout charge. ally-designed 'V' r ‘ repair time. lelpfulin your ' ‘ robleins. unfla’V” :o. helton, Wash m__./ second ant has r about United erately ng for. ployees ) invest r aver- )loyee’s ge $75,- id sales bit. greatest so that an you t ‘ "‘w 9 o o o o o o o o o o 9; 9..»‘«’«%¢.0 9 o o o o \ .mmwoogoo «.09.» «O.0.00.0o.»,«.«.«.«,«,»..99.. o 9. o o 0.”,9¢.oo.oo.oo.o‘o.oo.oo My . Charles T. Wright MERICA —- Let’s be frank about it . . . so far, many of us back home have been fighting this war from an easy chair. Many of us have bought War Bonds out “f extra cash, out of money we didn’t miss too Inllch. We haven’t, been really tough with 0tll‘selves. But this war is a hard, down-to-reality war. And many of our boys are dying in it. We've got to buy MORE 8" your government asks you to buy Bonds and more Bonds—to get really tough with your- :df- We’re asking you to give up the frills and el‘itras” for the rest of this war. We know how human it is not to make sacri- fices until the crisis drives us to it. In England they felt the same way until the bombs started faHing. Now they can’t do enough! Bombs are such persuasive things. But just as persuasive ought to be the spirit of our broth- ers, sons, husbands — who are ready to give “L Think now . . . what are your dollars, com- Paer to their lives? If you could see Look at it this way—suppose you had a magic e"I'Pet that could take you to Africa and New THE 2nd WAR LOAN DRIVE Guinea. Suppose you could hear the groan of American boys wounded, and American boys dying . . . Say now, how many Bonds would you buy? That kind of war THEY . . . are dying. And they will keep on dying until we drown the enemy in an over- whelming torrent of bombs, bullets, guns, tanks, planes, ships, and shells. That’s why we’re asking you, in this one month of April alone, to lend Uncle Sam 13 billions of dollars — by buying War Bonds. 13 billions of extra dollars —- over and above any buying that you’d be doing anyway I. A lot of money 13 billion dollars is a lot of money. It’ll take sweat and tears to raise it. It’ll mean going without now. But also —-— it will mean saving now—to buy later. It’ll mean giving up every- thing you can’t square with your conscience, so that we, us, our children, can have a more decent place to live in when this war is won. The drive is on So, if someone calls on you to ask you to buy War Bonds in this 2ND WAR LOAN DRIVE, will you buy to the limit—and then buy more? Better yet, will you go to your Bank, Post- office, or wherever you’re used to buying your Bonds — and buy NOW? Will you lend extra money this month? Money that can hasten the day of Victory? Money that can help to save American lives? Money buys money Remember, what you’re really buying with your money is Still more money. For after all, these Bonds are money! Money plus! Every dollar you put into War Bonds will bring you a dollar plus interest. So the more Bonds you buy the better for you. Americans—Get Tough—with your- selves—for your country. IS ON! America....v0l|"Ve / “o” to 9et tough" I There Are Difierent Types (of U. S. Government Securities—Choose The Ones Best Suited for You: United States War, Savings Bonds—Series E: The perfect investment for individual and family savings. Gives you back $4- for every $3 when the Bond matures. Designed especially for the smaller in- vestor. Dated 1st day of month in which payment is received. Interest: 2.9% a year if held to ma- turity. Denominations: $25, $50, $100, $500, $1000. Redemption: any time 60 days after issue date. Price: 75% of maturity value. 2V2% Treasury Bonds of 1964-1969: Readily mar- ketable, acceptable as bank collateral, these Bonds are ideal investments for trust funds, estates and individuals. A special feature provides that they may be redeemed at par and accrued interest for the purpose of satisfying Federal estate taxes. Dated April 15, 1943; due June 15, 1969. Denomina- tions: $500, $1,000, $5000, $10,000, $100,000 and $1,000,000. Redemption: Not callable till June 15, 1964; thereafter at par and accrued interest on any interest date at 4 months’ notice. Price: par and accrued interest. Other Securities: Series “C” Tax Notes; 7/8% Cer- tificates of Indebtedness; 2% Treasury Bonds of 1950-1952; United States Savings Bonds Series “F”; United States Savings Bonds Series “C.” THEY 911E THEIR LIVES...vou gig YOUR MONEY! This page is one of a series sponsored by the individuals and firms listed below who have pledged 100 per cent support of America’s Fight for Freedom GeOrge A. LeCompte, M.D. Elliott B. Spring Rube (301m Auto Parts ' Fir Drug Store ’ Wivell’s Texaco Servme F. O. E., No. 2079 Ralph’s Grocery Mason County Abstract & Wilcox 10¢ Store Mac’s Corner Title 00- Stretch Island Winery Needham FOOd Store Simpson Logging Company w Daviscourt Bakery aShington Service Corp. Shelton Electric Co. Hillcrest Hardware A1 Dickinson Shelton-Mason County Journal M. Munro’s Men’s Store ll10’s Market—Hoodsport O 0.00 O O. O. Witsiers Funeral Home Olympic Plywood Co, Local 38, I.W.A., Sawmill & Timberworkers Union F. E. Beckwith M. H. Needham Men’s Wear Shelton Hardware 00, Mason 00111197 , Assoclatlon Olsen Furniture Co. Western Supply Co. Andrews Photo Studio Shafer’s Bakery Fessler’s Super-Creamed Kimbel Oil Co. Olympia Feed Co. Grant Lumber Co. Herbert G. Angle Creamery O .0 699060 9 0,9 Charles R. L6wis M & S Food Store M. 0. (Neil) Zintheo Pigmon Motors Shelton Sporting Goods Ivan Neuenschwander, Jeweler Wilson’s Cafe Lawton Lumber Co. H. L. Kennedy, M. D. Rayonier Incorporated Pantorium Cleaners Shelton Meat Ice Co. Dr. M. C. Melcum Sleyster’s Fix-It Shop B. N. Collier, M.D. Hilltop Tavern Hotel Shelton J. W. Graham Al Huerby Motors Sanitary Market Mason County Saving & McConkey Pharmacy Werberger Winery Loan Ass’n. Weinel—Olstead Insurance City Market Agency Paramount Theatre 20th Century Store St. Charles Winery Shelton Auto Body Works Shelton Gas Co. 9 00600. O 00. 0.. O o .09. o 00 600 0 4000900 oo oo ’ "¢”¢”o”o- o”o”o”0”9"9”o”9”o”o”o”oi’ “o”.”o”o’,’o’?o”o”o”o”o”o"0"0”09%'of?o”of’o’?o”o”o”of%”o"09.? Hi-School Service Lumbermen’s Mercantile Co. V Gilbert Frisken, Associated Oil Distributor This page is one of a series prepared by the Public Information Committee of the Mason County War Council o o o o o o o o o o o”.’.’o’.’o”o’.’o‘.°o” O o o o o o I’of’o. o”o°,‘o. . o 9 " -‘ ’ w schizLAmezggim... a sHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Pagg Five i . ‘ .W”..9.000°OOOOOOOO996000909.9060090000060000099900 OOOOOQOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOO 00.0000000000000000000QOOQ Q Q 0.90.”.90.”.06.”.OO.69690.“.99*9O.OOO”.”.O0.OO..O.OO.”.QO.”.OO.OO.QO.OO.OO.O0.00.90.”.OO.“.¢O.”‘”.”.OQ.OO.O9‘09‘”.00.99 “.OO.OO.”.009”.O0..0.99.00'”‘”.‘99.”.90.’0.99.”.”6”.”.”.00.O0.90.00.”.99.”.00.0O.”.”.”.”.”.QO.Q0%...”»”’”.”.”.O O 0:. .0 O 0 O O O O O 0 O O O O O«.O0.0Q O O O O 9.9..”9 O O ’9 ‘o O 9.99. O O O O§ O «.0 O O O O O .00 90.0 9 o o 0“... 0990990. 99 oooooooo”o”o”o” O O o o o o ’«.«.«. O O O O «zoo 9 .0. 60 O O O O O. O 0 so: 9 O “.90.” O 099 W o o oo “oo 0 O O O 9 O O O O O O O .99.”. .00.”.”” O O O O O O O 90.”.fl.“.0%”.00. 0's. 0 «:«rés’ O 0’. O “at”. 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