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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 22, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 22, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Six 'SHELTON-M'A’SON COUNTY JOURNAL‘ lJuveniles D. of H. Schedule Party 4 The Juveniles of the Degree of :Honor will hold an Easter party jon Saturday, April 24. at the Odd lFellows Hall at 1 p. m. Games gand refreshments have been plan- ,ned for the afternoon. \Veek End in Olympia Geraldine Carlson left last Fri— day to spend the week end in Olympia with Ann Drew. Refrigerator lFrom Garinger, Oregon o I Mrs. Hugh R. Hamilton spent several days visiting friends in ,Shelton last week end before vis- All Makes liting the Island and returning to iher home in Gardiner, Oregon. , Mrs. L. E. Attwood ’ Entertains Club Mrs. L. E. Attwood was host- less to the members of her bridge Phone 334 123 So. 2nd lclub at her home Friday evening. ‘Mrs. Jack Gray and Mrs. Charles Walton won honors. 5 [pg a3 $ . $3 M x. a In time for Easter . . . Dis- tinctive gifts that reflect luxurious living without the expense. Jewelry that is ex- quisite in beauty, of superb quality . . . and yet so mod- .1 erately priced. Here is a l" host of Easter gift sugges- tions for Easte; thoughtful- Q ness. Solid gold wedding band duo . . endur- ing perfection. Crosses, beautiful craftsmanship. $1.50 to $10 P E A R L S $1.00 to $42.50 Diamond .. .. ment ring. $25 to $50 engage- LOCKETS $3.00 to $10.00 In . ‘ ll F. E. Beckwith- ,, is if I I I I Lincoln Parent-Teachers Association Holds Meeting A capacity crowd was in at- tendance at the regular monthly meeting of the Lincoln Parent- Teachers Association held lastl Thursday at the school. The fol-, lowing officers were elected for the coming year: Mrs. Lawrencel Carlson, president; Mrs. Merreckl Butrick, vice-president, and Mrs. Edwin Lovell, treasurer. The of- fice of secretary will be left open until fall, when a teacher will be elected to fill the position. I Mrs. W. S. Valley, chairman of the pre-school clinic announced it will be impossible for the doctors to give their time this year and therefore there will be no clinic. Each parent is urged to take any child entering kindergarten or the first grade to their own physican for a thorough physical check up and innoculation for diphtheria and small pox. Later there will be a check to see how many chil- dren have been taken to their doctor for this examination. Anyone wishing further infor- mation about the school should call the school nurse at the high school. The three first grades furnish-l ed a most delightful program.- Students of Mrs. Swanson's first grade sang “Mr. Duck and Mr.. Turkey” and then acted and sang "Big Bear and Little Bear." A reading, “Easter Time” was given by 'one small pupil. Miss DuBois’ grade sang and acted “Five Little Drums” fol- lowed by the “Dancing Lesson" which was most delightful. Mrs. Eliason's first grade sang a “Train Song” depicting its trip over mountains and hills, and a song “The Letter V” for the vic- tory of the U.S.A. Mrs. Frank Hueston, guest speaker for the afternoon gave a most worth while talk on “Nutri- tion is Fashionable.” Miss DuBois’ room won the flag for the month after roll call was taken. The Association voted to send the regular yearly $5.00 to the Helen Clark Wilson Memorial Fund. The usual tea hour was not held. The next meeting will prob- ably be held a. week early due to the last of the school term when teachers are so rushed. Donna Bryne Has 10th Birthday Party the 17th On the occasion of her 10th birthday on April Bryne had a theatre party fol- lowed by refreshments at her home. Her guests were Bobetter Gil- more, Colleen Smith, Marilyn and Nancy Lakeburg, Eileen Lough- nan and Mike and Jerry Bryne. Lt. Werberger Guest At Sunday Party Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Werberger entertained Sunday for their son Lt.. William Werberger, the oc‘ caSion being his birthday. Guests were Mrs. Werberger and children, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Davidson, Mrs. 1B. N. Collier and children and ‘Mrs. Stella Kellogg. it, Say It ’ WITH FLOWERS They Bring Comfort and Happiness FUNERAL DESIGNS AND HOSPITAL BOUQUETS Delivered anywhere, anytime I I Travis Floral Shop Shelton Hardware Bldg. Phone 232 270-W MCCONKEY PHARMACY Phones 303 555 Now tam» comm @gmy FACE Pownrn . . . in a newsl DEBUT Box ‘RICHARD HUDNUT oli'crs a $1.00 “get acquainted" size of DuBarry Face Powder {or all those who have wanted to try this famous powder. (Same fashion shades—same superb quality as in the regular ‘2 economy box.) Special Easter Package Candies and Cookies Packaged Ready to Ship 1,29 WITH THIS CRYSTAL-CLEAR 50c 75c CASTILE SOAP SHAMPOO Pure as heaven’s dew..the long-famous liquid caslile shampoo that does wonderful things for your hair. A Perfect Cleanser - a no 0 a just 3 Pure, bland formula that can be used on the most sensitive scalp.” Rich, foamy lather. . rinses easily, leaves hair shining and manageable. . . . Ollie:- Ogilvic Sitters specialized shampoos in our Toiletries Department Wfl'fl‘l coroonss Tender, roman- tic fragrances in stunning replica bottles. Cotton Blossom Cologne, a brilliant new and original fra- grance in vase bottle. $1.25. Plantation Gar- den Bouquct or Woodland Spice Colognes in sparkling Dc- cantcr Jugs at $1.00 and $1.75. $1.25 .2.25 SOCIHI (VtNTS LILLIAN WARREN, Society Editor I Glenn W. Landers, Jr. a Weds Illinois Girl Seaman Glenn W. Landers, Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Land- ers, Sr., of Shelton and Miss‘ Georgia Eastman, daughter~ of Mrs. Minnie Eastman were united in marriage Tuesday afternoon, April 13, inthe St. Paul church of Dixon, Ill. The bridal vows were exchang- ed at 4 o’clock in a double-ring candlelight service read by the Reverend Lloyd W. Walter. Organ music, played by Mrs. DWight Chapman preceding the ceremony was “0 Promise Me,” and “Con- tilene Nuptiale” by Dubois. Mrs. Lundholm sang “Because” and “I Love You Truly.” Miss Fern Cline, maid of honor, entered to the strains of Lohen- grin’s Wedding March, wearing a. pink chiffon floor—length gown with deep lace inserts in the full skirt. Her bouquet was of pink carnations, white sweet peas, white daisies and blue iris, with a matching bandeau for her hair. Georgia entered on the arm of her cousin, Lieut. William Pon- tius, who came from Ft. Lagan, Denver, Colo., to give the bride away. Before an altar banked with palms and ferns, with seven- branch candelabra and altar bou- quets of white stock and yellow snapdragons, Georgia and Glenn pledged their wedding VOWS. The bride's wedding gown was of white all-over silk lace, made on princess lines with a sweet- heart neckline trimmed in seed pearls. Her fingertip Veil was held in place with a. tiara of seed pearls matching her gown. She carried a bouquet of blue iris, white sweet peas and yellow roses with white satin ribbons. James Peter Mohr, fraternity brother of the groom was the best man. Throughout the ceremony Mrs. Chapman softly played “0 Rer- fect Love.” Mrs. Landers, Sr., who went east for the wedding, wore a Navy suit with smart white ac- 17 Donna cents and matching accessories and a corsage of red roses. Mrs. Eastman wore a black suit with Chartreuse accessories and rose corsage. Following ception was held at the home of the bride’s mother, where refresh- ments were served from a table centered with a four-tierred wed- ding cake and bowls of snap- dragons, stock and candytuft on either side. A buffet supper was served later in the evening. Before entering the service of his country, Glenn, a graduate of Qie Shelton high school, was a student at Illinois Northern col- lege of Optometry at Chicago. Carol Jo Lovell Has 1 10th Birthday Party Miss Carol Jo Lovell entertain- l ed Miss Laura Ashbaugh and Miss IMargaret Walton for dinner and theatre Monday evening, on the occasion of her 10th birthday. Return From Trip Mrs. R. L. Mitchell and daugh- ter Betty have just returned from _Fuffalo, N. Y., where Betty was visiting her grandparents. Mrs. Walter Elliott Jr. Entertains for Friends Mrs. Walter Elliott Jr. enter- tained last Wednesday evening at the McCann home for a group of friends from out-of—town. Her .guests included Mrs. Arnold Sten— | get of Bellingham, Mrs. Jack Has- ,kins and Miss Marion Elliott of Seattle, Mrs. Charles Rowe, Mrs. Mervin Wingert and Miss Vera Rowe. Delicious light refreshments iwere served at the close of the 3 evening. 1 ,Mrs. Victor Palmason f Entertains Chorus Ir Mrs. Victor Palmason entertain- led the Women’s Chorus Monday evening at her home for the reg- ular practice. A social hour fol- , lowed. Leaves for California Miss Juanita Miller left on Sunday from Seattle by plane for San Francisco and San Jose, Cali- fornia. She will visit friends in San Francisco and then attend Cali- fornia Grand Assembly for Rain- bow Girls on Monday and Tues- day. Girl Scouts Have Good Success with Flower Sale The Girl Scouts acknowledge with thanks the unusual response of the City of Shelton to their recent daffodil sale. Funds deriv- ed are to be used by the individual troops for current events. . Special recognition is given Brownie Troop 6 under the lead- ership of Mrs. James Simmons, that led all the' troops in selling their share of the 8,700 blossoms. Mrs. Alfred Michaelson, chair- man of the sale extends the thanks of the Scouts to Mrs. Todd Fredson for the gift of 1500 daffodils to the sale. Mrs. W. H. Smith Will Visit Daughter Mrs. W. H. Smith and grand- daughter Patricia Byrne left last week for a couple of months visit with Lt. and Mrs. David Kneeland. Mrs. Kneeland, the former Elsie Smith is the daughter of Mrs. W. H. Smith. Mrs. Edgar Bryne entertained for Mrs. Smith before she left. Her guests were Mrs. W. L. Knee- land, Mrs. Tommy Kneeland and ers. Bill Shelton. v Friendship Club V Holds Meeting i Fourteen members and. four ’guests attended the meeting of the Friendship Club held last Wed- ‘inesday at the home of Mrs. Vern Pearcy. A delicious dessert lun- cheon was served by the hostess ‘after which the members sewed ; for the Red Cross. The next meeting will be held ,at the home of Mrs. C. B. Mit- lchell. the ceremony, a re-I PHONE 10) Beatty-Shafer Wedding Read at Post Chapel Sgt. Howard L. Beatty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. Beatty of Great Falls, Mont., and Juanita K. Shafer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shafer of Shelton, were united in marriage, Satur- day evening, April 17, at the Post Chapel at Fort Lewis, Wash. The double ring ceremony was performed by Chaplain Clarence Neslen, Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, before an attendance of about 20 close friends of the cou- 1e. p The bride wore a smart light blue dressmaker suit with navy accessories and a corsage of gar- denias. The bridesmaid, Mrs. Val Sienko, cousin of the groom, wore a wine colored suit with blue ac— cessories and a corsage of pink carnations. Val Sienko was the best man. The bride, popular Shelton girl, is employed with the First Na- tional Bank at Olympia. Sgt. Beatty, who has been stationed for the past two years at Fort Lewis, will leave for Transporta- tion Corps Officer’s candidate school at State College, Miss., on April 24. Bovee’s Attenmeral Welcome Chapter No. 40 Will Install Saturday Installation ceremonies for Ma- lsons and Eastern Stars will be open to their friends at 8:30 p. m. .this Saturday, April 24th at the Masonic Temple. Installing officers are Viola Kimbel, William Anderson, Min- nie Wivell, Geneva Crary and Claude Danielson. Installing Chap— lain, Anne Anderson; installing Marshal, Jeanne Zintheo and in- stalling organist, Neil Zintheo. Officers to be installed are: Etna Eliason, Worthy Matron; Edward Sutton, Worthy Patron;l Myra Collier, Associate Matron; Andrew Hopland, Associate Pa- tron; Jessie Knight, Martha Jacobs, Treasurer; Vera Duffield, Conductress; Elsie Wil- son, Associate Conductress. Mary Smith, Chaplain; Aileen LeCompte, Marshal; Esther Wiss, Organist; Carol Grunert, Ada; Joetta Walton, Ruth; Gladys Mar- tin, Esther; Esmerelda Jordan, Martha; Edna Bastone, Electa; Petra Sutton, Warder; Lantz. Wiss, Sentinel; Magna Hopland, Register Sentinel. During the ceremonies Mrs. Earl Jordan will sing “Open the Gates of the Temple” and Jane McKay will render “When April Sings.” After the presentation of the past matron’s jewel, Mrs. Earl Jordan and Mrs. Lantz Wiss will give a | duet “It Was For Me." A short meeting of the Eastern Star will be called at p. m. sharp, preceding the Saturday meeting. The fore part of the week Rev. Lake-Isabella Club and Mrs. J. O. Bovee were called to officiate at the funeral services of Mrs. Dolly Dyson the mother of Jake Dyson, an old friend of the Bovee family. Services were held at the Fern Hall Baptist Church of Tacoma, Tuesday. Garden Club Meeting Date Not Definite The regular meeting of the Shelton Garden Club will not be held on Monday but will prob- ably be held during the latter part of the week as the Club has asked Dr. John Hanley, director of the U. of W. Arboretum, to come here April 30. As this date is not definitely settled watch next week's paper for the date and time. Mrs. Herbert Angle Entertains Brownies Mrs. Herbert Angle entertain- ed the members of Brownie Troop 7 at her home. The Easter party was a reward for the girls who have helped their mothers with two duties each day the past month. Very clever Easter decorations, daffodils and two huge Easter I eggs filled with cookies were used on the table. A musical cake dec- orated with small Easter motifs delighted the girls. Games were played during the afternoon. Sue Kennedy and Mar- ilyn Dotson were able to attend the party, the day also being Carol Jo Lovell’s birthday. Wedding Performed Here Monday James William Smith of Shel- ton and Patricia Teger of Aber- deen were married by Justice of Peace Walter A. Magoon at his office on Monday. iNavy Mother’s Club To Hold Business Meet The Navy Mother’s Club will meet on April 28 at the Memorial Hall at 8 p. m. for a business, meeting. Mill Creek Club Will Discontinue Meetings The Mill Creek Economic Club, met last at the home of Mrs. Edna Webber with Mrs. Mary Trotter as the hostess. It was decided to discontinue the meeting for the summer with the first meeting of the fall scheduled for September 15. Announcement will be made later for the annual July picnic. The quilt top made by the 'club members was sold and the pro- ceeds given to the Red Cross. Capitol Hill Club Holds Regular Meeting The Capitol Hill Club met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. lPat Meurer and spent the after- noon quilting following the pot- luck luncheon. The next meeting lwxll be April at the home of Mrs. James Harrison. pnnnmourr THEATRE Shelton, Wash. Thursday .- Saturday TWO FEATURES Buck Jones “DAWN ON THE GREAT DIVIDE” —and—e “MY SON—THE HERO” Sunday Wednesday . TWO FEATURES Ann Miller, William Wright “REVEILLE WITH BEVERLY” -—Plus—— “Mrs. Wiggs of The Cabbage Patch” Thursday Only 23¢ Night “LONDON BLACKOUT MURDERS” ~—and—-— “THE SUNDOWN KID” Red Barry Elects Officers Mrs. Grace Petty was elected president of the Lake Isabella Club at the Wednesday meeting held at the home of Mrs. Lucy. Weyand. were Mrs. Ida Downey, vice-presi- dent; Mrs. Lula Perkins, secre- ltary and Mrs. Cora Drake, treas- urer. It was reported the Club earned $14.00 on the dance supper. Mrs. Bob Nutt won the penny drill and Mrs. Tommy Skillman was guest The next meeting will be at the l officers will be installed at this time. Good Will Truck Will Call in Shelton Today The Good -Will Truck will call in Shelton today to pick up ar- ticles. Almost everything except bottles and newspapers are used by the Good Will. If you wish the truck to call at your home phone 236W. Iof the club. lhome of Mrs. Helen Keyser and I l I MILLO’S QUALITY MARKET GROCERIES FRESH MEATS FRUITS FINEST FOODS AT BEST PRICES HOODSPORT $2.98 all, 12 to 20, 38 to 44. WSCS Holds Wednesday Meeting in Church Parlors The Women’s Society for Chris- tian Service met on April 14, at p. m. for a regular meeting in the Methodist Church Parlors. “Latin America as a Neighbor" was the subject for the afternoon study. Mrs. W. H. Snel- grove presented a paper on Bra- zil, Mrs. W. A. Witsiers one on Chile, art’s topic was Cuba and Mrs. D. R. Pittinger’s South America. The devotions were led by Mrs. W. A. Brodt. At the close of the afternoon a delicious was served by the hostesses, Mrs. G. H. Jackson and Mrs. Secretary: ,' Carder. The women have decided to dis- continue the Circle meeting favor of meeting in a group on the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Red Cross rooms to Visitors at Davidsons Mrs. Lester Vallet of Vancouver was a house guest last week of Mrs. Vernon Davidson. Mrs. Stel- la Kellogg of Tacoma was her guest also over the week end. Other officers elected , I ..___.._. ._._. EASTER .1 WANTED FIGHTING DOLLARS for FIGHTING MEN They Give Their Lives . BUY WAR BONDS HERE . You Lend Your Money ' “Suit Type” frocks so popu- Figure Flattering Printsl' BUDGET DRESSES Cleverly styled spun rayons in one and two-piece types! A fine assortment of the much — in~demand b u t t 0 n- front models too! Sizes for :\.__.ayy Thursday, April 22, Journal Classified Ads ‘ rd Go-Getters — Phone 100 ‘ lm M 8&8?“ ‘ .‘0ll {hand DH the cstn "DEGREE Lovers of Loveliness Treat ee f‘sakl DlllMllNIlIllNl Good ' while Mrs. Bernice Stew- luncheon Arvin in 8-‘DIAMOND “BERW ~* , $39.75 . .. assist with the Red Cross work. , _ . , AC‘ Each lady will bring a sack lunch. Exqu'm“: ‘lyhdaaudgg‘ Mm Remember the fourth Wednesday 399m?" '53? . ' A new kind of each month is Methodist Wo~ ."dmsn . °“‘"gq) ""9 °°Vers wallp men’s Day. m “'9'. 0°“. dries on" our, h ' F. E. BECK DIGNIFIED‘ PAYMEll A GALA NEW FRAGRANCE l‘ agent/lent Myriad mulli-Ioned flakes of confefii whirling in a mall ‘ Iumulluous shower of color chaos! The morrymakon' 1 synonym for giddy revelry, formula for fun and frolittv definition for festivity! Lsuménic's "Confetti" gives you a whirl will: goiofy, in' a. . 1 t' vile: you to be carefree and light-hooded, initials: you a'5 m enca’s into the calorie of Ihe frivolous! Presenled in ruffled flacon with a glass sculptured bew perlly knotted on lop. -, Wm . ' Frocks For Easter' GIRLS’ DRESS A Delightful Variety! EASTER DRESSES $4.98 Casual and Dressy Types! Fascinating Spring Colors! You‘ll be amazed by the scope of styles in this bud- get priced group! Soft sheer, dressy frocks or the casual lar 'Ithis Easter. Sizes 12 to 20 and 38 to 44. gl Fashioned For Ea" And The Durati"n build, To COATS & SUI'IS m, I u . s, ‘ 1t. B ) ut that a] l a" . SO“ -' Dashing Casual Md»; be m‘ ( l ’/ Soft Dressmaker 1'de Tha Coats are smart in I design . . . suits mono, m from expensive types- a ll’, ‘ yours with care frompfl lll'g; selection of quality 1 TION fabrics—in “1 charming spring uulUrS' 12 to 20 and 38 to 44-