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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 22, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 22, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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gpril 22,‘ ~' _ ‘ ifled Ads . Phone 100 in, \H _._...._ DEGREE SIGNED and Decree eliness Treat > ‘ EVENL now going on at‘ o “ Let us help you - and save the thin can t replace! \ID "BER 39.75 Med 3 diam. ng ($24.75) ldinq ring 0' m5). yer mt, dries in BECK Sallon does PASTE FORM A cc: 3, v.) a. free package 3%? Burpee Flow :2 lull“: any item in o lg in a mad : ierrymakon' l and from. "i cut. Pro- $ . re celebrating our g‘nitl’lhthten-up Days” Event "We. Drop in for yours. SHERWIM-WILLIAMS ay, April 22, 194 BRIEHN-UP 111‘ to llten-up . . . paint-up gs new kind of finish that 8 wallpaper with one of er to every adult pur- 111' , per 5 gaiefy, m- more thor- gal. . .. . inmates you , “It 2332:1121. ' i in S-gal. pails) IpIurod bow: ' RENAMELIIIII nSWIM-Drying Enamel i ath- th KEEN ENAME Y"lu- “1‘ screen name! pre- ts ruist. ‘1 t clog Q 3 . For es as well Gloss Black .E V _ “WIN-millaus ‘ mars, 8"l'flwm. WILLIAMS WILLIAMS mun-up fur niture, work, toys and tools I. Screens are more Bumble now than ever! T. Order was Signed by Jiltlgc , M. Wilson approving Final 01‘ DlStl'ibll- the estate of Albert .An~ 'I 'Suite 1, Lumber-men's Bldg, lthc forenoon of said day, l IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FUR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate, Hugo' Wolcker, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned. Einar Alexander VVolcker and Lois VVolcker, have been appointed and have qualified as Exe— No. 1562 NOTICE TO (‘REDI’I‘ORS TO PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS (illltil'S of the Last Will and Testa— iiient, of Hugo VVolcl:er, Deceased._ and that all persons having claims against the said deceased or the said estate are hereby required to serve the. lsame duly verified on the said Exe- ‘ cutors or on their Attorney of Record at the law office of Chas. R. Lewis, Shelton, Washington. the same being designat— ed as the place for the transaction and file such claims, together with proof of service, with the Clerk of the, above, entitled Court within six months after the, date of first publica- ’tion of this Notice, to-Wit: April 1st. 1943, or said claims will be forever ' barred. EINAR ALEXANDER WOLCKER. LOIS WOLCKER, Executors of the, Estate, of I Hugo I’Volcker, Deceased, Suite 1, Lumbermen's Bldg, Shelton, Washington or Red— mond, Washington. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for said Executors, Suite, 1, Lumbermen's Bldg, Shelton, Mason County, Washington. 4-1—8—15-22—4t. Spokane Place List No. 233 Serial No. 018945 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I'NI’I‘EI) STATES LAND OFFICE ' Spokane. Washington, March 11, 1943. Notice is hereby given that the Northern Pacific Railway Company, Whose post, office address is St. Paul, Minnesota. has this 25th day of Feb- ruary, 1942, filed in this office its application for a patent under the. provisions of the act of Congress, ap- gprovcd July 2, 1864 (13 Stat. 365) and [under sub—section (b) of Section 321, Part II, Title III, of the Transpor- tation Act of 1940, approved Septem- lbcr 18, 1940 (54 Stat. 954). for Lot Eleven (11) of Section One I (1), Township Nineteen (19) North, Range Five (5) West of the Wil- lamette Meridian, State of Wash- ington. Any and all persons claiming ad- ing to object because of the mineral character of the land, or any other reason. to the disposal to applicant, should file their affidavits of pro- test in this office, on or before the 15th day of May, 1943. . HARRY L. CHILD, I Register, United States Land Office. 3-25—4-1-8-15-22—5t. NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesday, the 4th day of May, 1943. commenCing at ten o’clock in in front to the of the main entrance door County Court House in the City of Shelton, county of Mason, State of Washington, by the County Auditor of said county, the following described state lands, together with the im— sold at public auction to the highest bidder therefor, to-wit: NOTE—No one except citizens of the United States, or persons who have declared.their intention to be— come such, can purchase, state lands. Application No. 17461 NW“; of NW9; of section 36, township 20 north, range 3 west, W. M., containing 40.00 acres, more or less, according to the government survey thereof, appraised at $500.00. Said lands will be sold for not less than the appraised value above stated and upon the terms and conditions followmg: , Not less than one—tenth of the pur- lchase price must be paid at the time not sale. :The purchaser, if he be not the owner of the improvements, must forthwith pay to the officer making the. sale the full amount of the ap- praised value of the improvements, as above stated. One-tenth 0f the pur- chase price must be paid annually thereafter with interest on all deferred payments at t (3 rate of six per centum per annum: rovided, That any pur- chaser may make full payment of prin- c1pal, _intcrest and statutory fees at any time and obtain deed. The pur- chaser of land containing timber or other valuable materials is probited by law from cutting or removing any such timber or materials without first ob- taining consent of the Commissioner of Public Lands, until the full amount of the purchase price has been paid and deed issued. All sales of' state lands are made subject to the reservations of oils, .gascs, coal, ores, minerals and fossils of every name, kind and description, iand to the additional terms and con— ditions prescribed in section 3 of chap— ter 256 of the Laws of 1907., Said land will be sold subject to the terms, conditions and reservations of chapter 312 of the Sessmn Laws of ' i i For Easter' Practial ca. .' tons thet ,, “I‘llle in II mt “$300, * IS A (I led For Ea l f s“ tl'oo ‘ h isive typefl' I care fwng )f quality all arias—in ‘i" spring clerS' id 38 to 44- South . 3rd. Task Force \alld the task is War. Under the busy fingers of the 0118 distance operators flow messages that move ‘_ P8, locate and assemble'supplies...that help to rulld ships, guns, tanks and planes. To handle the gigantic volume of long distance 9118, We could use more equipment if we could get lt' BUt that would draw upon critical war materials at are needed at the fighting fronts. SO We earnestly ask that only‘really necessary calls e n‘lade to war-busy centers. T hank you for your help and your understanding. ‘ The 13 Billion Dollar Second War loan Drive is on. i - I'm in the (Elise of freedom by buying WAR nouns iFIC TELEPlIoNE AND TELEGRAPH C(IMPANY Phone 497. of of the, business of the. said Estate,; vcrsely the lands described, or desir»; proveiiients situated thereon, will be‘ LEGAL PUBLICATIONS i i I I l 1927. relating to easements for rights— of—woy and the, carrying of timber, stone, minerals and other products‘ over the same. I JACK TAYLOR, Commissioner By FRANK YATES, Asst. Commissioner of Public Lands. «1-1-8-15-22-29—5t. NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY REAL PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That. pursuant to an order of the Board of County Commissioners made and en- tered on the 23rd day of February. 1943, there will be offered for sale by the Sheriff of said County, at pub- lic, auction, at the, front door of the court house in Shelton, Washington, to the highest bidder, on Saturday, May 8, 1943, at, ten o‘clock a. m., the following described real property, the “Elnora Johnson House". Tract No. 14C. Section 19. Township 20 North, Range 3 West, of Willamette Meridian, more, particularly described as follows . Beginning at the Southwest cor- ner of the Southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said section, township and range; thence north a distance of 477 feet. more. or less along the, west side of said forty to the, right of way of the Angle- side. county road; thence following said road in an easterly direction, making due, east sixty (60) feet; thence south parallel with west line, a distance of 353 feet. more or less, to the, county road at the top of the hill; thence, westerly 60 feet to the, place of beginning, subject to the right of way of the county road and containing 57/100tlis acres more or less, together with appurtenances. Minimum selling price of said real property for cash shall be not less than two thousand dollars ($2,000). and minimum terms are placed at 20% cash at time, of sale, and balance to be paid at $30.00 per month. includ- ing interest at 6% on balance. DATED this 7th day of April, 1013. HARRY DEYETTE. County Auditor and Ex—Offi- cio Clerk of Board of Mason County Commissioners. 4-15-22-29—3t. BAPTIST CHURCH This Sunday, Bible school at 9:45 a. m. Classes for all ages. Special observance of Easter with Resurrection Message and special music. The resurrection of Christ is‘the most important event in this world’s history, do not fail to worship in some church next Sunday. The Baptist Church in- vites you. ORDINANCE NO. 353 AN ORDINANCE levying an admis- sion tax on persons paying admissions, or who are admitted free or at reduced rates to any place; fixing the amount and providing for the collection there- of; prescribing penalties. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SHELTON DO ORDAIN AS FOL~ LOWS: Section 1. Definitions: For purposes of this Ordinance, words and phrases shall have the following meanings: “Admission Charge," in addition to its usual and ordinary meaning, shall include a charge made for season tickets or subscriptions: a cover charge or a charge made for use of seats and tables. reserved or otherwise, and similiar accommodations; a charge made for food and refreshments in any place where any free entertainment, recreation or amusement is provided; a charge made for rental or use, of equipment or facilities for purposes of recreation or amusement and where the rental of the equipment or facil- ities is necessary to the enjoyment of the privilege for which a general admission is charged, the con\bined charge shall be considered as the admission charge; and a charge made for automobile parking .where the am- ount of the charge is determined according to the number of passengers in an automobile. “Clerk” shall mean the City Clerk. “Place” includes, but is not re- stricted to, theatres, dance halls, am— phitheatres, auditoriums. stadiums, ath— letic pavilions and fields, baseball and athletic parks, skating rinks, Clrcuses, side shows, swimming pools, outdoor amusement parks. and such attractions as merry-go-rounds, ferris wheels. dodge ‘ems, roller coasters, and ob- servation towers. “Person” means any individual, re- ceiver, assignee, firm, copartnership, joint venture, corporation, company, joint stock company, association, so— ciety or any group of individuals act- ing as a unit, whether mutual, coop— erative, fraternal, non-profit or other- wise. Section 2. (a) An excise tax is~here- by levied and imposed upon every person who pays an admission charge to any place, which said tax shall be in the amount of one cent for each twenty cents or fraction thereof paid for the admission charge. (b) Whenever the admission charge is ten cents or l'ess, no tax shall be payable; nor shall any tax be payable by any bona fide employees of» the place or by any federal, state or municipal officer or employee on of- ficial business, or by any child under Ewelve years of age, Who is admittedl rec. (0) Whenever any person is admit-l ted free or at reduced rates to any place at a time when and under circumstances where an admission charge is made to other persons for the same or similar accommodations, a tax shall be payable _by the person so admitted in an amount equal to the tax payable by such other‘per- sons for the same or similar accommo- dations. (d) Whenever the charge to women and children for admission to any place is less than the charge made to men, or when such persons are regu- larly admitted free, the lesser charge is not deemed to be reduced rate under this ordinance, and the am- ount of the tax payable hereunder by such persons shall be determined by the amount of the actual admission charge paid. (e) Amounts paid for admission by season ticket or subscription shall be exempt only if the amount which wou1d_be charged to the holder or subscriber for a single admission is ten cents or less. (f) Whenever tickets or cards of admissmn are sold elsewhere than at the ticket or box office of the place, any price or charge -made in excess of the established price or charge therefor at such ticket or box office shall be taxable in a sum equal to 10 per cent_of the amount of such ex- cess. which tax shall be in addition to the .tax on the ticket or box office admissmn charge, shall be paid by the person pa ing the admission charge and shal be Collected and re~ mitted in the manner provided in Sec- tion 7 hereof by the person selling such tickets. (g) Any person having the perma- nent use of boxes or seats or a lease for the use of any box or seat in any I I _._...__ ._.._..._.. __._.___-_...______._._._.__.__—_..._._.,.__._.__ place for which an admission charge is made, in lieu of the tax imposed herein, shall pay a tax equivalent to . admission shall SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JO 7” llci‘ Pent of the amount for which a similar box or seat is sold tor each performance or exhibition at which the box or seat is used or reserved' by or for the lessee or holder, the same to be collected and remitted in the manner provided in Section 7 here- of by the owner or operator of the place, Section 3. Any person who pays an admission charge to any public per- formance for profit at any cabaret or other similar entertainment to which the charge of admission is wholly or in part included in the price paid _for refreshments, service or merchandise. shall pay a tax of one and one—half cents for each ten cents or fraction thereof of the amount. paid for ad- mission. and the amount paid for such be deemed to be 20 per cent of the amount paid for refreshment, service or merchandise. If the amount paid for admission is twenty cents or less, no tax shall be imposed. If a fixed admission charge. including a "cover charge" is im— posed upon cach person admitted. and it is fair and reasonable in com- parison with charges generally made for similar performances or entertain- ments, such charge. is taxable at the rate of one cent for each twenty cents or fraction thereof. If no'l‘ixed admission charge or cover charge is imposed. but the prices charged for refreshments. service, or merchandise are higher during the time entertain- ment or dancing is provided than at other times, or if the prices charged are substantially higher than are charged by other places furnishing the same. class of food or services but which do not furnish entertainment or dancing. an admission charge shall be. deemed included in the price paid for refreshments, service or mer- chandise, and 20 per cent of the total amount so paid shall be subject to the, tax at the rate of one and one- lialf cents for each ten cents or frac— ‘ tion thereof. If a minimum charge is imposed or a so—called “food ticket” is required to be. purchased by the person admitted and such minimum charge or “food ticket" is_later ac- cepted by the management in full or part payment of food or other re- freshments served, the amount paid for such minimum charge or “food ticket" shall not be, deemed an am- ount paid for admission. and in such case, the tax levied, shall be equal to one and one-half cents for each ten cents or fraction of the amount paid for admission, which shall be. deemed to be 20 per cent of the am- ount paid for refreshments. serv1ce or merchandise. Section 4. Whenever an amount in excess of ten cents is required to_be paid to gain admission to any build- ing or enclosure in which}: sw1m- ming pool or skating rink is located or to the pool or rink itself, the am- ount paid, plus the amount, if any, paid for rental or use of equipment or facilities supplied to the person, paying for the admission and ;'n§ces- sary to the enjoyment of the privrlege for which the admission is charged, shall be deemed the admission charge, and a tax is hereby levied on such admission charge of one cent for each twenty cents or fraction thereof, which shall be paid by the. person paying the admission charge and which shall be collected and remitted by the person to whom the same is paid in the manner prov1ded in Sec- tion 7 hereof. ~ Section 5. Whenever an amount in excess of ten cents is reqmred to be paid to gain admission to any resort ,7 or picnic grounds, the whole amount so paid is subject to a tax of one cent for each twenty cents or frac- tion thereof, even though such am- ount includes a charge for use of equipment and facilities such as ta- bles, stoves and bath houses. If a lesser amount is charged _to persons who do not use such equipmentend facilities than those who do use such equipment and facilities, the lesser charge is deemed the admissmn charge. Where. a separate charge is made, for the use of equipment ‘and faculties, such charge is not subject to the tax herein Alevied unless it. constitutes or is part of an “admission charge or is a “place,” as defined in Sec~ tion 1 hereof. Whenever an organiza- tion or club acquires _the sole right to use a resort or picnic grounds, solely for the enjoyment of its _mem- bers or employees and their friends, the. amount paid for such right is an amount paid for an admission charge and subject to the tax herein leVied: Provided, that if the organization or club in turn charges its members or employees all or p.rt of the amount so paid, such charge does not, con- stitute an admission charge subject to the. tax herein levied. Amounts paid for the privilege of parking cars in a resort or picnic grounds do not constitute an admission charge un- less the amount of such charge is determined by the number of pass. engers in the automobile or theesame charge is made to all persons who en— ter the resort or grounds, whether .on foot or by other means of trans- portation. If a charge is made for each passenger in an automobile, in addition to a charge for parking fa< cilities, the amountmaid for the pass- engers is an admission charge and subject to the tax herein levied. The ,tax herein levied shall be paid by the person paying the admission charge and shall be collected and re- mitted by the person to whom the same is paid in the manner provided in Section 7 hereof. Section 6. The price (exclusive of the tax to be paid by the person pay— ing for admission) at which every admission ticket or card is sold shall be conspicuously and indelibly print- ed or written on the face or back of that part of the ticket which is to be taken up by the management of the place to which admission Is gained; and it shall be unlawful for any per- son to sell an admission ticket or card on which the name of the vendor or the price is not so printed, stamped or written, or to sell an admission ticket or card at a price in excess of the price of the admission price print- ed thereon. . Section 7. Every person receiving any payment for admissions on- which a tax is levied under this Ordinance shall collect the amount of the tax imposed from the person making the admission payment. The tax required to be collected under this Ordinance shall be deemed to be held in trust by the person required to collect the same until paid to the clerk as herein provided. Any person re uired to col- lect the tax imposled un er this Ordi- nance who fails to collect the same, or, having collected the same, fails to remit the same to the Clerk in the manner prescribed by this Ordinance, whether such failure be the result of his own act or the result of acts or conditions beyond his control, shall nevertheless be personally liable to the City for the amount of such tax. and shall, unless the remittance. be made as herein required. be guilty of a Violation of this ordinance. The tax imposed hereunder shall be collected at'the time the admission charge is paid by the person seekin admission to any place and shall e reported and remitted by the person receiving the tax to the Clerk in bi-monthly installments and remittances therefor on or before the 15th day of the month. next succeeding the end of the lbi-monthly period in which the tax is collected or approved: Provided, that the first return and remittance under this ordinance shall be made on or before the 15th day of July, 1943,'and shall cover the period from and including May 1, 1943, to and in- cluding June 30, 1943. Payment or re- mittance of the tax collected may be BIB FAST FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON Seattle Freight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock, Tacoma Freight via Str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock, No. Time Schedule as follows: Leaves Tacoma daily, except Sunday at 5 p. m. for Olympia) and Shelton Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday CLARENCE CARLANDER, President PUGET SOUND FREIGHT LINES SHIP YOIIII FREIGHT OAT 2 f. mvwvvvvwwvmm Classified Service AAA‘AAAAAAAAAAA A A.\AAA‘ WANTED: a chance to help you save your Victory Garden with Rotenone Insect Dust. It, kills bugs. No advance in price. Al- so A.A. Pyrythum Fly Spray. Just write the Watkin’s Man, Shelton, Wash. 4-8—22—3t. FLOOR SANDER _ AND EDGER By Day or Hour J. L. CATTO HARDWARE FREE! If excess acid causes you pains of stomach, ulcers, indi- gestion, heartburn, belching, bloating,'nau5ea, gas pains, get free sample Udga, at Fir Drug Store. 3—11—6-18u—15t. M.’ as 9.5 “AM For Rent mmmwwvvwm l l l i I ‘ FOR RENT: room furnished ca- l bin. Wood and lights furnished. i Maple Beach, 3 miles south on i Olympic Highway. 4-15-29——3t. TWO FURNISHED CABINS for year around living. Bremerton and Shelton bus connection. At- tractive location, 12 miles north on Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- port 24J3. C. H. Everett, Tilli- cum Beach. 4-8--5-6—1M iFOR RENT: sleeping room. Mrs. W. A. Brodt, 121 East Cedar. , Phone 582.]. 4-22—lt. , 3‘ROOMFurnished apartment for rent. Phone 436W. W—4-22—1t FOR RENT: furnished modern cottages, 2 rms. and bath. Rent $40.00 mon'th. Lights, water, as I cooking, oil heat, included. i1- I liwaup Motel, Lilliwaup, Wash. l I 4-22—5-22—1M ished, not modern. Mrs. Perkins, Route 3, Box 121. 4-22—1t. LONG LEASE on house and 5 to I 20 acres of land. See T. A. 1 Philips on Carman Ranch, be- , tween Shelton and Dayton. 4-22—5-6~3t. Lula I v CARD or THANKS 1 We wish to take this oppor- tunity to express our thanks to all our friends and neighbors for‘ 1 their expressions of sympathy and ifloral offerings over the death , of our mother, Mrs. Ethel Rogers. 1 V. C. Rodgers and sons 1 Steel and Irick and fam- ilies. l “ l made by check, unless payment or remittance is otherwise required by the Clerk, but payment by check _shall not. relieve the person collect- ing the tax from liability for pay- ment and remittance of the tax to the Clerk unless the check is hon- ored and is in the full and correct amount. The person receiving any pay— ment for admissions shall make out a return upon such forms and setting forth such information as the Clerk may require, showing the amount of the tax upon admissions for which he is liable for the proceeding bi-monthly period, and shall sign and transmit the same to the City Clerk with a remittance for said amount: Provided, that the Clerk may in his discretion require verified annual returns from any person receiving admission pay- ments setting forth such additional information as he may deem necessary to determine correctly the amount of tax collected and payable. Whenever any theatre, circus, show. exhibition, entertainment or amusement makes an ,admission charge which is subject to the tax herein levied, and the same 13 of a temporary or transitory na— ture, of which the Clerk shall be the Judge, the Clerk may re uire the re- port ~and remittance of to admission tax immediately upon the collection of the same, at the conclusion of the performance or exhibition, or at the conclusion of the series of perform- ances or exhibition or at such other times as the Clerk shall determine; and failure to com ly with any re- quirement of the lerk as to report and remittance of the tax as required shall be a violation of this Ordinance. The books. records and accounts of Iany person collecting a tax herein leVied shall. as to admission charges and tax collections, be at all reason- able times subject to examination and audit by the clerk. Section 8. Any person conducting or operating any place for entrance to which an admission char e is made, shall. on a form prescri ed by the Clerk, make application to and pro— cure from the Clerk 3. Certificate of Registration, the fee for which shall be One Dollar ($1.00), which certifi- cate shall continue valid as long as the registrant shall continue in busi- ness and pay the tax accrued to the City under this Ordinance. Such Certi- ficate of Registration shall be posted in a conspicuous place in each ticket or box office where tickets of admis- swn are sold. section 9. Whenever a certificate of registration is obtained for the pur- pose of operating or conducting a temporary or transitory amusement, entertainment or exhibition by per- sons who are not the owners, lessees 01‘ Custodians of the building, lots or Place where the amusement is to be conducted, the tax imposed by this Ordinance shall be reported and re- mitted. as provided in Section 7 hereof by said owner, lessee or custodian, unless paid by the person conducting the place. The applicant for a certifi- cate of registration for such purpose shall furnish with the application therefor the‘ name and address of the owner, lessee or custodian of the premises upon which the amusement Is to be conducted, and such owner, lessee or custodian shall be notified by the Clerk of the issuance of such certificate and the. joint liability for collection and remittance of such tax. Section 10. Whenever any person 9Derating a place to which admission is charged shall quit business, or sell out“ exchange, or otherwise dispose of.his business, any tax payable under this Ordinance shall become immed- iately due and payable, and such per- son shall, within ten days thereafter, make a return and pay the tax due. Any person who shall become a suc- cessor to such business shall become liable for the full amount of such tax and withhold from the purchase price a sum sufficient to pay any tax due from such person until such time_ as .such person shall produce a receipt from the City Clerk showing payment in full of any tax due or a certificate from the Clerk to the effect that no tax is due, and, if such tax is not paid within ten days from the date of the sale, exchange or other disposal. the purchaser or successor shall likewise thereupon become li- able for the payment of the full amount of the tax. and the payment thereof by such purchaser or succes— sor shall, ‘to the extent of the amount of tax, be deemed a payment on the purchase price, and If the pay- ment is greater than the purchase Drice the amount of the difference. shall become a debt due the purchaser or successor from the former owner. Section 11. All revenue collected I 1 FOR RENT: 3 room house, furn- I i JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or less (minimum charge) 3 weeks $1.00, 1 week 50c. Lower rates for larger ads and more insertions. Reader notices 3c per word. 75c minimum charge on each notice. Card of Thanks, 750; original poetry 500 per inch; ciasmfied display rates on request. , Advertisements accepted 0 v e r the telephone from phone subscrib- ers. Cash should accompany all other orders or payment made be- fore the first of the. month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of IOC will be made when billing is necessary. PHONE 100 WV "m Wanted MMMMAAAAMMA WANTED: baby buggy, reason- ably new and sturdy in good condition, not wicker. Will pay cash. Phone 564R. W—J4'15'29’2t- WANT TO RENT: WANTED: men to work in vital defense industry. Certificate of; availability is necessary. Shelton Concrete Products. Seventh St. Bridge. 4-15tfn. WANTED: boy 16 or over to work on farm and learn business of raising food. Apply in person to Alfred Lee, c-o Nalley Ranch Skokomish Valley. ' 4-15-22-29—3t. WANTED TO BUY: good milk cow, weanling pigs. Wm. V. Gibbons, Star Route No. 1, Box 177, Shelton, Wash. 4-15-22—2t. ' WANTED: man to plow and har- row small garden plot. Call Steve Beers 14F22. 4-15-29~3t WANTED: upright piano in good condition. Write full informa- tion, price, etc., to Box T, c-o Journal, Shelton. T—4-15-29—3t. WANTED: practical nursing by capable, experienced woman. Mrs. Ed C. Miller, phone 282.11 4-15-29—3t. WANTEDgchildren to care for in my own home while parents work. Inquire Journal. G—4-8-22—3t. WANTED: builder’s level in good servicable condition. Reasonable for cash. George W. Woodruff, Mt. View, Shelton. 4-8-22—3t. WANTED: reliable girl for gen- eral housework. Apply Pantor- ium Cleaners, Thursday after- noon or Saturday afternoqn. P—4-8tf. WANTED: electric hot water tank. Leave information at the Journal office. G——4-8-22—3t. WANTED: cottonwood bolt cut- ters in the SkokomishVailey. Highest wages paid. Address Washington Excelsior and Mfg. Co., 871 Othello St., Seattle. ‘ 4-1—tfn. WANTED TO BUY: good port- able typewriter. Write Maurice Anderson, Mason Hotel, Shelton. 4-22-29—2t. WANTED: young girl usherette' at Graham Theatre. No exper- ience needed. Apply at Theatre. 4-22—5-6—3t. WANTED:~ housekeeper to care for invalid mother during day. $50 month and board. See Bill Bergeson, 1325 Railroad after 7 p. m. B~4-22-29—2t. WANTED: 4 or 6 quart glass butter churn. Inquire Journal. W—4-22tf. WANTED: woman to do laundry work in her home. Write Box “C” c-o Journal. C—4-22——1t. WANTED: beginning May 10th capable woman to manage household days week for work- ing mother. Two school children. Inquire Shafer’s Bakery. 4-22—5-6-3t. EQUIPPED to care for 2 children in my home, week days, 9 to 5 p._m. Mrs. E. Farrell, capitol Hill. 4-22—1t. WANTED: experienced waitress and cook for Tin Can Cafe, Uria ion wages. See Mrs. McAlister at Shelton Hotel. 4-22—5-6—3t. WANT TO BUY: 4 or 5 room modern house down town. Dick Eddy. Phone 115. 4-22—1t. WANTED: wholesale distributor for Seattle Times daily and Sunday newspaper in Shelton. Lady or young man can handle. Carriers also wanted. Write H.- D. Kelsey, Shelton Hotel. 4-22—1t. from the tax Imposed by this ordi- nance shall be deposited to the credit of the City current expense fund. Section 12. The Clerk shall have power to adopt rules and regulations not inconsistent with the terms of this Ordinance for carrying out and enforcng the payment, collection and remittance of the tax herein levied; and a copy' of said rules and regula— tions shill be on file and available for. public examination in the Clerk's office. Failure or refusal to comply with any such rules and regulations shall be deemed a violation 'of this Ordinance. . Section 13. The tax hereby levied and imposed ghall be collected and paid on and a ter May 1, 1943. Section 14. If any portion of this Ordinance shall be adjudged invalid. such. invalidity shall not effect the remaining ortions thereof. Section 1 . Each violation of or fail- ure to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance shall constitute a separate offense and shall subject the offender to a fine of not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) or to imprisonment in the City Jail for not to exceed thirty (30) days, or to both such fines and imprisonment. Section 16. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after its, passage and publications. Introduced in regular council meet- ing the lst day of April, 1943. assed in regular _Council meeting the 15th day of April, 1943. Approved: M. H. NEEDHAM, Mayor Pro Tem Attest: . GLENN W. LANDERS, City Clerk. (SEAL) Approved : CHASr R. LEWIS. City Attorney._ _.. 1-4222521; ' mwmv ' Real Estate Page Seven W / OMVWVMW' "WC 1' For Sale ~ .‘MAAAAMAAMAAA‘AMAAAA : “A‘MAAAMAAAAAAAAAM WILL SELL OR TRADE for Shelton property, 80 acre ranch, new 5 room house, barn, wired, well, farm equipment, two horses, 25 acres cleared. M. J. Dunkelberger, Matlock. 4-15 5-15—1M FOR SALE: house to be moved, 3 rooms and bath, hot- water plumbing system, electric wir— ing. $750.00. Phone 217R4. D—4-15tfn. WANTED TO RENT: 4 or 5 room modern house, unfurnished for family of three. Phone 16. R—4-8-22—3t. waterfront house, FOR SALE : well. In Pickering Pass. H. Baker, Route No. 2, Shelton.- 4-8-22—3t. furnished house in vicinity of airport. T. E. Fleming, PO. Box 163, Shel- ton. 4-8-22—3t. FOR SALE: 4 acres, small house, i chicken house, lights, water, on bus run at Belfair. $850, part cash. Roy Boad, phone Belfair 333. 4-8-22w—3t. WANT To RENT: small garden plot near Kaydee Apts. Mrs. I Roy Meek, Apt. 6. 4-8-15——2t. FOR SALE: 40 acres, 17 cleared, range, orchard, berries, 7-room house, water, electricity, out buildings, new barn. 6 head cat- tle, farm machinery, hay etc. C. E. Reed, Matlock. 4-1-30—1M I40 ACRES FOR SALE: 41/2 miles out. Spring, lights avail- able. $500 cash or terms. Pil- ing, tie timber, wood enough to pay for place. 506 or 512 Park I Street. Nellie Storts. I 3-25tfn. ',FOR SALE: 4 room house with . 2-3 acre ground. D. S. Cook, Rt. I 3, Box 139. 1/. mile from Olym- pia, highway on Arcadia road. l 4-22—1t. I IFOR SALE: house, 4 rooms and I bath with hot water plumbing l and electric wiring. Good gar- den space. $1,000. Located in Upper Skokomish Valley, phone 217R4. D—-4-22tfn. FOR SALE: large, modern house, 1 acre ground, cleared. Fine garden spot. Close in. Inquire Journal or phone Bremerton 8008.11. A—4-22—5-6—3t. FOR SALE: 5 acres, 9 room house. Arcadia road, half mile off highway. Gravity water, garden plowed. $3500. Inquire Journal. R—4-22--5-6——3t. Used Cars FOR SALE: 1935 Chevrolet 11/2 ton truck. Flat bed with hand winch. Motor just overhauled. Tires fair. $395. Olympic Gar- age, Hoodsport. 4-8-22—3t. FOR SALE: 1935 Dodge 1%, ton truck, dump body with hydrau— lic hoist. Good condition, has been used mostly-for farm work. Private sale, cash only. Price $1,000. Contact Bud Lee, Nai- ley’s Ranch, Skokomish Flats. ‘ 4-15-22—2t. good used car. WNT TO_BUY Prefer ’36 model V—8 coach. Will pay cash. James E. Riddle, Star Route 1, Box 88 (Skokomish Valley). 4-22--5-6—3t. FOR SALE: ’39 DeLuxe Plymouth coach, heater, defroster. Perfect condition. Geo. W. Dietz. Call mm‘ mvv mvv vvvm I Lost and Found “ m4‘wm LOST STRAYED or STOLEN: one light yellow 2 year old heif- er‘ with horns. JB. brand on right hip. $10 reward for in- A. Bennett, Shelton, Route 3, 'Box 240. 4-22—5-6—-—3t. LQST: between~ McCleary and Shelton and Bremerton. Spare wheel and tire for truck. 7.50 x20. Reward. Grant Lumber Co. ’ 4-22—1t. Tides of the Week Computed for Oakland Bay (Hood Canal tides are one hour a 55 minutes earlier) Low 2:40 a.m. 4.5 ft. Thurs. High 8:05 a.m. 14.0 ft. April 22 Low 3:02 p.m. -1.2 Hig‘h 9:50 p.m. 14.1 ft. Low 3:25 a.m. 5.2 ft. Fri. High. 8:39 a.m. 13.9 ft. April 23 Low 3:44 p.m. -1.5 ft. High 10:43 p.m. 14.2 ft. Low 4:16 a.m. 5.8 ft. Sat. High 9:18 a.m. 13.5 ft. April 24 Low 4:30 p.m. -1.5 ft. High 11:42 p.m. 14.2 ft. I Low 5:13 a.m. 6.4 ft. Sun. High 10:05 a.m. 13.0 ft. April 25 Low 5:23 p.m. 1.2 ft. High 12:46 a.m. 14.2 ft. Mon. Low 6:23 a.m. -0.7 ft. April 26 High 11:03 a.m. 12.4 ft. . Low 6:22 p.m. -0.7 ft. High 1:53 a.m. 14.2 ft. Tues. Low 7:45 a.m. 6.4 ft. April 27 High 12:18 p.m. 11.7 ft. Low 7:27 p.m. 0.0 ft. High 2:56 a.m. 14.4 ft. Wed. Low 9:06 a.m. 5.6 ft. April 28 High 1:48 p.m. 11.3 ft. Low 8:37 p.m. 0.7 ft. AT HOSPITAL Mrs. Glade. Lonsbery of Mat- lock, is recovering at the hospi- tal from an injury suffered in an accident at Rayonier Incor- l porat’ed last..Sunday. after 6:30 p. m. 218J1. 4-22—1t._ formation leading to return. A.‘ SEED POTATOES: earliest of all varieties. Grown in Skokomish I Valley. 70 pound. Phone 217R4. D—4-15tfn. FOR SALE: fur coat size 16. Worn one week. Am allegic to it. Inquire Journal. L—4-15-29—43t FOR SALE: Easter rabbits, 5 and 6 weeks old, all white. 75c each. Order now. Inquire Jour- nal. W—4-15-22—2t. FOR SALE: fresh milk goats and weathers for meat. Ernest C. Harrington, Route 1, Box 218C, Calkins Place near Lost Lake. 4-15—29—3t. FOR s1an 14 disc grain drill. T. G. Garrison, Star Route 1,- Box 58. 4-8-22H3t. FOR SALE. Guernsey cow. Fresh- ening in April. Inquire R. J. Gallagher, L. L. Rte, Elma. . 4—8,—22——3t. WOOD FOR SALE: 339 East Harvard. B~4-8-22.—3t. [PANSY PLANTS 25c doz., Ger aniums 4 for 25c; Cacti and plants, Peony, Glads, Achime- mics and other bulbs. Postage paid on orders of 50c and over. Also l-horse cultivator, reas- ably priced. Evergreen Gardens, Shelton, Wash. L—4-1-22—4t. CHEAP, large wether and harneSS very gentle With children, good worker. Buck. Dragsaw, Handi- man tractor. W. Hoessl, Rt. 2, Box 230, Shelton, Wash. 4—22--5-6—-3t. FOR SALE: iron safe, size 23 x 33 x 32” high, money compart- ments, $35.00 f.ob. my place. Cash. C. S. McGee, Union, Wn., near Waterwheel. 4-22—1t. FOR SALE: White Rose sewing machine. Excellent condition, $40. Mrs. Carrie Jenkins, Rt. 1, Box 10. Second house past Moultrops on Olympia highway. 4—22-—5-6—3t. FOR SALE: Westinghouse elec- tric range. Good condition. Mrs. Mary Armstrong, Mill Creek. i l l l 4-22—5-6 3t. FOR, SALE: overstuffed chair , $15. Call 11F33. B—4-22——1t. FOR SALE: Mason quart jars, 90c doz. Phone 198J. Inquire Hotel Shelton. H—4-22—1t FRESH COWS FOR SALE: most- ly Guernsey. J. D. White, Route 3. 3 miles down Cole road to mail box No. 259. 4-22-29~—2t. FOR SALE: good Jersey cow. Chas. G. Fitts, Matlock Route, Shelton. 4-22~1t. FOR SALE: two six mos. old boar pigs. 2 miles ‘out Olympia hi- way. Ed Buchanan. 4-22—1t. MM“ FOR SALE: three year old black . Percheron «gelding, weight ab- out 1400 lbs. Call evenings. Roy Bowman, Route 2, Shelton. 4-22—29—5-6—3t. fi—h“ FOR SALE: ladies brown all wool coat, size, 14, belted. Only worn few times. $12.50. Original price $19.50. Iinquire Journal. B—4-22u5-6—3t. MM ROCKHILL strawberry plants for -»sale. 856 per doz. Mrs. F. F. Warren, Route 1 or inquire at Journal. 4-22~1t. I 6vvvv'vvvm wm~mvm' . PROFESSIONAL CARDS 'mwmvv m Charles T. Wright LAWYER Phone 337 Angle Bldg. Shelton, Washington Mow—— ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 Shelton Mung—1*- ' l l I INSURANCE HERBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building ‘ ELLIOT B. SPRING Accounting . Tax Services Bookkeeping Systems 123 4th St. Phone 565 WITSIERS FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmers W. A. Witsiers, Prop. Phone 180 -' - Shelton, Wash. CHARLES R. LEWIS ATTORNEY AT LAW Suite 1 L. M. Bldg. Shelton, Washington RICHARD F. EDDY Licensed, Public Accountant Notary Public 325 Railroad Ave. Phone 115