April 22, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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22, 1965
SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in "Chr stmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washin
Labor Coun-
are cooperat-
get additioi~+tl
labor move-
lo ]nake
to mem-
ated Unions.
invited reeent-
I President Dar-
a rnceting
to discuss
tile libra-
history of
e A.F. of L
Gompers to
Taft, pub-
to the official
for tlm libra-
OUtlined other
might be
m which
as home own-
and hob-
,racy was
qualify for
;an seeking
J. Cowan,
to fm'eman
;r COmpany's
Board Ph'~nt
ay by W. B.
Dakota, Co-
at IBP in Sep-
to inspec-
and relief fore.
the Shelton
.80, for the
sales came
~tail sales and
It doctor's
ailed Odri-
c,)'ds $3,00
hm: If not
l'Ol.I1 t'II
fist and get
quest ions
this guar-
Jq C I ~N'I'Ei{
Helen Lake, district field representative of the
American Cancer Society; Mrs. Charles Manke,
Mrs. James Cross. Standing are Mrs. George
Rain Monday
Shelton a wet place Mon-
day with Rayonier Inc. recording
3.12 inches of precipitation be-
tween 8 a.m. Monday and 8 a.m.
Added to this is .94 inch record-
ed from 8 a.m. Sunday to 8 a.m.
Monday, most of which fell after
midnight Monday, which would
make the total for Monday some-
where around four inches,
Measurements taken by the De-
partment of Natural Resources
district headquarters at the Shel-
ton Airport totaled upto about
the same amount for the two
Both of these are lower than un-
official reports of almost six inch.
es of rain which imd been circu-
One thing is eel'Lain, the April
rainfall this year will be above
average. "/'he avcrage for 28 years
of records is 3.81 inch, less than
the total recorded for the two
While the rainfall Monday was
heavy, it caused little trouble in
the area. Street Superintendent
Boh Temple reported tirol city
crews were kept busy keeping
catch basins open and county road
crews also encountered sonle
drainage problems, but, no serious
damage resulted.
Cropper, Mrs. j. H. Vanzant, secretary of the
Pierce Gounty unit of the ACS who spoke at Tues.
day's Crusade Tea; Mrs. Henry Hansmeier, Mrs.
Carmelita Shackelford, and Mrs. Floyd Ridout.
The Shelton City Commission
Tuesday approved a street,~ vaca-
tion which cleared the way for the
construction of one new church
here and withheld until next week
action on a second street vacatiou
request for another ncw church.
Tile commission approved a re-
quest from Merv Settle to vacate
streets in an area in tile vicinity
of Pioneer Way attd Wyandotte
.In tim same petition, he agreed
to dedicate right-of-way ill a dif-
ferent location for street purposes.
None of the streets in the area
had been opened.
The area on which the vacation
was requested is the site of the
new Mr. Olive Lutheran church.
that .tile terrain in tile a rea
ma.kes it ahnost impossible to put
in the streets as they were laid
out on the original plat of the
5 rea.
Thc commissiou delayed until
next week aclion on vacation of
streets in property owned by {.he
'.~Iel.hodist Church in the Mt. View
The church llas asked vacation
of all streets in the area which
will be uscd in the construction
of a new church.
The petilion which the ohm'oh
had suhmitted had also included
abutting streets in .the z'eque:;t,
but, representatives of the church
told the cammission tha.t all they
wanted was the wmaiion of streels
within the proposed construction
The commission voted to delay
until next week action on the re-
que.'d: to allow time to clear up
points in the assurance of right-
r)f-way for a proposed street from
G ~treet to the Island Lake Road
which would border the church
Members of the church Sunday
voted to approve the general plans
and floor plans submitted by the
building committee.
The congregation also approved
seeking financing to construct the
entire proposed church unit ra-
ther than the part which could be
Imilt with funds pledged in a fund
drive last month.
The building plans and financ-
ing have been approved by the
District Committee on church lo-
Luncheon To
Honor Simpson,
Plans are complete for a hnlch-
na Rubinstein n;cks eon May 19 to honor the 75th
A.nniversaz'y of the Si~npson Tim-
ber Company .....
of Fa Tile luncheon, to .
t • " •' be nero m the
Masonic Hall from~ noon to 1:30
S sht( p.m., is being sponsored by the
~;~ ~/, . ~, Rotary, Kiwanis," ~roastmasters, Li-
/ esh Tulip lipstick colors.,, ons a~d Jaycees ....
Representatives of eaC?a°}- these
" -" each 'l]cKets ale
every Tulip has a silver lining, groupStiekets haVeare ¢2tickets arab.. The,
Federal Savings arM, °_an and the
:to.- -":Wshaaes'"eaeh with a delicate underglow also available at Thtt_lsum Uounty
s sh rnmer where your lips areI Your two Hembroff Insurance Agency.
A maximum of 200.tickets, the
,uups!) have never been this fascinating capacity
of the Masomc Hall, Will
be sold " ein
Pick the long stemmed Tulip Fashion Tne'• nine: ---houri is .... o .g held.~ iu
• " e(inncction .with 1,'oIe.st. I~estival
,, h~.pstiek and lipliner in one) or the
activities which ~.asas.tne theme
' ' e 75trt 2~nmversalv of
mere i ra mgLipstick. And for double the delight this year th • " "~
• a. atchmg Silk Fashion make-up compactl Simp'son. C Hen
• -.~a~l~ashio, .... . Speaker will be "~im s ry Bacon,
president of tlae ~ P,'OZt Timber
'tqip W~,~z.tCl~ 1.75 Tulip Lipsilcks ill C°~P:qYncl, eon i~vill be P.t'eparcd
l~@k, ~u~!zg Ring sLx Tulip Shades
"~.iXTu;i;'~a!..25 Amber TUlip by the Areal'ant •
8il¢~.l:ipCompact~U.cs' Peachy Tulip ""'-ek" Hembroff and Bud L,,on
ar;'°co'&airmen for arangeu~&s
C.~sh.ioa M.,~.w~th Sunrise Tulip
"mtPlexi ,,~c-up, • • for the luncheon.
each., _ on Sl.,,+ , Cora,me Tuhp .__.__~----- ........... -~
" x,30 P,':~','~u~s'.' .... Ros~eBlUshingTulipTulip Gounly To Remove
Old Deer House
Cancer Crusade
Appoinlnlent of acting fire chief
3eorge~, Hunter to head the bus-
mess district solicitation and
Tuesday's kick-off meeting and
tea in the PUD auditorium cleared
the decks for the 1965 Cancer
Society Crusade in Mason County,
starting today.
Hunter's appointment was an-
nounced Monday by Dick Souliere,
)resident of the Mason County
Cancer Society unit.
More than 80 persons, most of
them crusade volunteer workers,
attended the PUD program, at
which Mrs. Floyd Ridout, chair-
man ef the residential area coy
crane, gave instructions to the
Ttdks were also
given by Mrs.
Helen Lake, division field repres-
entative, Mrs. J. Houston Vanzant,
secretary of the Pierce County
unit, and Soulime. Two short mo-
t.ion pictures were also shown.
CAPTAINS WEIfE instructed
to turn in thcir collections to unit
treasurer Lmu'ie Carson at tile
Seattle-First National Bank.
l%egistration at the program
was handled by Mrs. James Cross
and Mrs. Charles Manke of tile
Donnie J. Orthopedic Guild, name
tags by Mrs. Genc White of Ep-
sihm Sigma Alpha sorority Mrs.
V. T. Connolly and Mrs. George
Shackleford poured, John Hal-
vorsen provided music and Miss
Charlene Smith sang two vocal
Coffee and cookies were fur-
nishcd by Epsiton Sigma Alpha
wilh Mrs. Bill Kimbel as chairman
and the centerpiece was provided
by the Shelton Garden Club.
All cmmade materials were
packed at the Corrections Center,
thanks to Supt. Ernest Timpani
and Mrs. Clyde Robb.
Sacrifice self to bless one an-
other, even as God has blessed you.
---Mary Baker Eddy
~um#~re Yalk
By Rod Olsen
no longer
make head-
lines in our
There has
been such
progress in
tile develop-
ment of syn-
thetic fibers
that we have
come to take
them for granted in everything
from clothing to automobile tires
But without too much fanfare,
lnodern ' miracle fibers" arc
here to stay in out" home fur-
nishings. In addition to the dur-
able, wonderfully washable vin-
yl materials with their leather-
like beauty, such synthetics as
nymn ann dacron upholstery
fabrics are being used in wide
variety • • . and are opening a
new era of easy-care beauty.
Tlae modern miracle fibers have
brought.a l~ew richness of color
to upholstei'- --:' !
ing, and they
are remark- Ii~ ~~
ably easy to ~-----'--i'-~"~
clean and re- ~ ~
store, as well ~ ~.{r~
as being ~ ~ ~i~
hard weal'- I~ ~
ing. You can, ~s~
in fact, bc
surrounded by these fabrics
item Iloor to ceili i , .....
1 g . . . m n~-
Ion carpeting, for instanc+,
ill draperies . and in-x;0tl;
upholstered pieces "
Science has brought new cmn-
fort, too, to your furniture,
with shape retaining foanl pad-
ding. If you haven't visited our
showroom lately, why not stop
• " ' • .'. see all the
m thin week and
coh)r, comfort and beauty
you've been missing! You're al-
ways welcome at Olsen Furni-
, ..... '. " . f
~.~ and Cota
I ]Prom The
| ', . !
Couuty Bulidhlg Permits
Building petznits approved by
the 1V~ason County Commission
Monday were to C. N. Rees, wood
residence, $8,700; Walter Ross,
wood cabin, $1,500; Jack Fisher,
wood cabin, $1,500; Dale Hutaell,
add to residence and shed, $200;
D. E. Norton, commercial build-
ing, $4,700; Mack LeDrew, re-
model garage into cabin, $1,500;
storage room, workshop and car-
port, $1,000 aJ~d Gerald H. Cas-
key, wood residence, $3,500.
Ferry Receipts
Receipts from the Harstine Is-
land Ferry for the week ending
April 17 were $192, the county
engineer's office reported.
City Building' Permits
Building permits approved by
the city of Shelton during the
cast week were to Ol~n Furni-
tur, surface parking lot with as-
phalt, $1,125 and Pfaff Builders,
two residences, both $13,500.
$ $ $
Clty Polic~ Court
Appearing on the docket in
Shelton Police Court before Judge
Rolla Halbert Monday night were
Harvey Robinson, drunkeness, five
days in jail; Michael Meeks, negli-
gent driving, $56 forfeit; Gary D.
Brown, speeding, faulty equip-
ment, $24 forfeit; Jerry Flint,
drunkenness, $50 forfeit; Charle~
VanOverbeke, negligent driving,
driving while license suspended, 10
days in jail.
* * $
Shelton Police
Dr. Douglas Larson reported a
beagle had been found and tulmed
in to him.
The operator of the Union Ser-
vice Station reported an air hose
torn out of the station, probably
by a truck.
Mrs• M. J. Helser reported some-
one backed into her car while it
was parked on a downtown street•
A blue and white girl's bicycle
was found•
Mrs. Livermore reported some-
one was tampering with the win-
dows on her house.
Cars driven by 3ames Hlllier and
Pearl Jackstadt collided at 12th
and Railroad•
A purse belonging to June For-
est was found.
Cars driven by Irma Butler and
Charles Roach collided at High-
way 101 .and Fairmont.
A car driven by Arthur Me-
Laughlin slid into the ditch on
Highway 3.
Henry Coffee reported a billfold
Francis Eacrett reported a ski~l
saw missing.
Mrs. Elsie Hutton was hit by
a car driven by Mrs. :Mildred
Kempton at Third and Railroad.
She received a broken left arm
and a bump on the head.
Cars dz~lven by Michael Meel¢~
and George W. Stewart collided
at Fifth and Alder.
$ * ~I:
Mason County Justice Court
Appearing in Mason County Jus-
tice Court before Judge Glenn
Com'ea during the past week were
Laura Culbertson, 1 e f t turn
against traffic, $17 forfeit; Ron-
ald Higinson, speeding, $22 for-
feit; Gene Story, failure to yield
right-of-way, $56 forfeit; Marvin
Nelson Jr. overpossession of oy-
sters, $29 forfeit; Powell Shoe-
maker, overpossession of oysters,
$29 forfeit; Norman Roberts, over-
possession of oysters, $29 forfeit;
Wilmar Lehman, overpossession of
oysters, $29 forfeit;
George A. Shelton, ovetq3osses-
sion of oysters, $29 forfeit; Tho-
mas Rakish, ovm'possession of oy-
sters, $29 forfeit; Kenneth Rob-
inson, speeding, $17 forfeit; Jean-
ette M. Watson, defective foot
brake, $15 forfeit; Jerry Brenner,
no nmffler, expired Washington
vehicle license, $24 forfeit; Ray-
mond Nelson, negligent driving,
$50 forfeit; Warren Braendlein,
speeding, $22 forfeit.
Sulmrior Court
Ne, w Ca~;s
State of Washington against
Lem Warren doing business as
Lem Warren Refrigeration, col-
lection of unpaid taxes.
R. A. Sperline, general contrac-
tor, against Fred Hancy and Fred
Thibedeau, contract purchasers,
and Addle S. Norris, contract
seller, foreclosure of labor lein.
:It * *
Sheriff's Office
Art Ilwin, caretaker at Belfair
State Park, reported items taken
from the park.
Bob Dunning reported a power
saw stolen.
Cole Road Builder's Supply re-
ported windows and lights broken.
Harvey Smith reported the store
at Beacon Point broken into and
Tax Deadline
County Treasurer, John B. Cole, as usual.
reminded taxpayers that the first Total 1965 taxes certified for
half payment of taxes is due Ap- collection are $1,332,795.87. Of this
ril 30. When first half payment is amotmt $234,610.45 was collected
made, a second half notice is mail-
ed prior to that payment date. No
half payment is accepted after
this date, when the tax becomes
delinquent and payment must be
made in full including interest at
the rate of 8 per cent.
Because of lleavy tax collections
at this time Cole said his office
will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
by April 1, 17•6 per cent of the to-
tal due Mason County, which is
approximately the same as collec-
tions last year on the same date.
Cole reminded taxpayers that
personal property taxes not paid
by May I are subject to certifi-
cation to real estate as well as
distraint and sale to satisfy the
tax due.
about 15 cartons of cigarettes ta-
Sig Anderson, Lilliwaup, re-
ported a battery, cushion and
shovel taken from a loader.
Archie Hudgins, Haven Lake,
reported a pistol taken.
James Sauer reported vandal-
ism to roadsigns on the Lost :Lake
The Ail2aort Grocers reported
a bottle thrown through a gas
pump window and a neon ~ign
Sherlff'~ Off lee Arrex~ts
Booked at the Mason County
Sheriff's office during the past
week were Alfred Peek, dramk in
public; Dave Bachtell, driving
while intoxic~.ted; Roy Mason, neg-
ligent driving.
Russell D. Savage, 20, Shelton,
suffered broken ribs and other in-
juries when his 1965 Honda flip-
ped at the intersection of the
Brockdale Road and the old John's
Prairie Road about I~ miles north
of Shelton early Saturday morn-
Savage was going north on the
Brockdale Road snd was turning
onto the old John's Prairie Road,
which is under construction, when
he hit a ridge of dirt and flipped
tile vehicle• The accident occurred
about 2:12 a•m. Saturday.
Menus for Shelton Blementary -S¢l~ools and Shelton Senior
High Sohool
Week of April 26 - 30
Monday -- Wiener winks, mac-
aroni salad, celery sticks, cin-
namon rolls and milk.
Tuesday- Turkey and gravy
over rice, snap green beans, bis-
cuits with honey butter, fruit
and milk,
Wednesday -- Chili con carne,
vegetable wedges or salad, pea-
nut butter sandwich, dhoeolate
pudding or toffee pudding and
Thursday -- Beef chop suey or
noodles, light rolls, vegetable
~ticks, fruit wedges and iced
graham crackers and milk.
Friday --- Clam chowder, grill-
ed cheese sandwich, cabbage
salad, ice cream sundae and
Bupplt~nent your child's
diet with Plenamlns from
Prepp's Rexall
132 R.R. Phone 426-4642
Loosen Up . . . Word's Out . . . "Ahead Of 'EM All"
featuring in person now
with versatile LANNY SLATER and his TRI-UMPHS
"That's Right --- Your Heard It" -- The Lanny Slatcr Quartet
Is Now Playing At The Lampost in Shelton
Don't Miss This -- It Is A Must ~ Music for Young and Old
Everyone loves a bargain...
And so do we. We offer them everyday. We also,offer this little bit of advice.
When it comes to buying a good, healthful night s sleep the best "bargain" is the new
Beautyrest mattress by Simmons for $79.50. ,
Sure we have mattresses that are cheaper. But we re the first to admit they aren t made at
all like Beautyrest.,
Here s how Beautyrest is different.
328 Cots St,. Ph. 426-4702
SAVE $20 on All Long Boy Sets
through MAY 31st
8:30- 5:30
Immediate Delivery --- All Sizes