April 22, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNA75 Publistte in 'Cihr stmastown U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
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Labor ¢euncil
Saturday Winds Up Our Subscription Campaign
ALL LINED UP--Youngsters in the 1-3 age group
at the M~ose Lodge Easter Egg hunt at Mr. View
School Sundax stand ready to start hunting eggs
when the signal is given. As they wait, they get
moral support, and perhaps a gentle nudge, from
parents or older brothers and ,sisters. A good crowd
turned out for the annual event, which was lucky
enough to get the hunt in between showers Sun-
day. Youngsters were awarded dimes for colored
prize eggs and all participants got an ice cream
bar. Boy Scouts from Troop 110, of which Ken
O'Dell is scoutmaster, assisted by patroling the
hunting grounds before the hunt to prevent"poach-
ing". The egg hunt is sponsored by the Moose
Lodge, with financial support from donations from
signed by Darrell Sparks, presi-
dent of the Mason County Labor
If the war against poverty is
to be waged effectiwly, the time
has come to "overhaul" the "out-
dated" Fair Labor Standard Act
the AFL-CIO Executive council
has declared.
The revision should, the coun-
cil said:
* Extend coverage to all work-
ers whose jobs .affect commerce.
* Raise the minimum wage to
$2 an hour.
* Reduce the standard Work
week to 35 hours.
* Raise the premium rate for
overtime hours to double time.
The AFL-CIO views all of these
changes to the act as "essential,"
the council declared, adding: "We
(Continued on page 7)
SU BS { it I PT I 0 H
...... Founded 1886 by Grant C. Angle
Mailing Address, Box 446, Shelton Phone 426-4412
Published at Shalton, Mason County, Washington, every Thursday.
Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Postoffice, Shelton, Washington
Member of National Editorial Association
Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association
SUBSCRIPTION RATES--S4.50 per year in Mason County, in advance
Outside Mason County $5.00
PICqq.IRES AND NEWS --- Tuesday 5 p.m.
WANT A~S -- Wednesday 10 ~,.zn,
EDITOR AND., PUBLISHER --- William M, Dickie
tDI,~FICE MANAGER -- Lodem~ Johnson
SOCIETY EDITOR --- Marj Jacobson
Requests for street vacations have become increasingly
frequent of late as Shelton's growth tempo quickens and are
becoming :a matter: of considerable abncern to city officials.
From, time to time in the past street vacatio s
gra cd by th, e city have rct,,'.r ed like the prover-
bial bad penny to harrass and embarrass city offi.
cials and cause inconvenience and hardship to prop-
e .ty owfiers in the neighborhood who did not at the
time critically consider possible consequences
as they might af/ect their properties.
Mayor Frank Travis and his fellow commissioners, El-
roy Nelson and Dave Kneeland, properly have adopted a
cautious approach to requests for street vacations and are
taking a.long, hard look at each one. We heartily endorse
their.critical attitude on this important matter, but they
need and. deserve the assistance of those who are more vi-
tally C0ficerned than thaw.
Indi ciduals owning property in areas adjacent to streets
for which petitions of vacation are submitted to the city
{and the county, too, for that matter) should pay strict
attention to.these requests, assessing seffishly what affect
these street vacations could have on the access to their prop-
erties not only now but in the future.
If.t ey,feel such street vacations could adversely affect
their .p opevties they should attend the public hearings on
the vacations and make their feelings known, not coming
fumingl,to.'City officials months or years later after the dam-
age has been irretrievably done.
It is difficult for city officials to refuse a street
vq,cation requ, est when no one appears to show it
co,rid be. harmful.
In ,Mason County this Sunday hundreds of fishermen
will be On the highways on their way to favorite angling
haunts. Thi, ,can only mean increased traffic for that day
and others to come during the remainder of the fishing
, eason.
It is the responsibility of all fishermen driving
cars"to be especially alert and courteous on the
roads and once at their destinations to exercise all
possible rules oI water safety and sportsmanship.
When you are driving don't be thinking about fishing.
There is nothing more important when you are behind the
wheel than giving your entire attention to your driving.
Get plenty of rest before your early arising on Sunday
morning, leave the alcoholic spirits behind or at least sealed
until after the trip is finished. Drive according to all laws
and you'll enjoy your fishing trip.
And may you catch your limit? :
Postmaster ,lack Gray is getting a tiny bit hot under
the collar about the misuse of the parking area around the
temporary postoffice.
Yesterday there wasn't a soul inside the P.O. except the
employes yet every parking space was full. "Every employe
would have to have four cars to fill all those spaces," the"
P.M. remarked.
He asks for cooperation from downtown visitors driv-
ing their cars. "Please don't park in the postoffice lot un-
less you are coming into the postoffice."
He was real nice about it--though we know he was siz-
zling at the thoughtlessness of a lot of people.
GETS AWARD---National President of Professional Photograph-
ers of America, Harper Lieper, congratulates local Photographer,
Dean Palmer, on his Blue Ribbon Award print. Lleper comment-
ed that he was impressed with the high quality of work displayed
at the Northwest Convention in Spokane last week. Work sub-
mitted for judging came from photographers of Oregon, Washing-
ton, Montana, Idaho and British Columbia. "The photographers
in this area are as capable as any in the Nation today," said; Mr.
L!eper. "l am' pleased to see;'them talcing their pro,fession .so se-
riously and cont nually strivlhg to improve thei'r' Work by: 5ttend=
i,'=g conventions and workshops of this kind." Dean w~S last
year's Convention Chairman and really enjoyed being on the
receiving end this year.
We're cleaning up at LUMBERMEN'S and
found some odds and ends of plywood that
have been kicking around for some time --- SO
-- we are closing them out to make more room
for good -- clean --- stock.
4'x7' and 4'x8' -- not much good
for finishing a room, but too good
to throw away -- Only ........ $1.49 each
16 s/, ,,
,s Tll -- weathered and odd sizes
but only ........................................... 10¢ ft.
53 4' x 8' Exterior Shop Sheathing'---
we bought this for graded sheath-
ing but this didn't quite come up
to standard. Only .................. $2.29 each
30 4' x 10' ¼" Sanded Shop, slightly
, weathered. Only .................... $2.39 each
32 4' x i0' %" Sanded Shop, :also slightly
weathered. Only .................... $5.89 each
This is ALL there is.. • so... FIRST COME
Of Sheilon & ,p ne 426.4393
i i I ,.
Aitken, Brad : :: i ;:~i: ::: ......
Allen, Debbie ~:
Anderson, Danny ~ , ~:,
Angle, Rick ::" '
Asche, Lee
Auseth, Sebert
Bacon, Bill
Barnett, Nancy
Barron, Billy
Baze, Mike
Beardon, Charles
Blacker, Linda
Bourgault, Diane
Bracy, Dale
Bransford, Brad
Brown, Bey
Brown, Mike
Bruce, Barbara
Buechel, Ricky---U nion
Carlsen, Terry
Carlson, Alan
Carlson, Christy
Ca~r, Debbie Anne
Chambers, Cheryl
ChamberS, Clark
Clark, Cindy
Cochran, Linda
Crow, Cindy
Daniels, Wilma
Davidson, Pat
D,oherty, Cam
Dotty, Kevin
Duckham, Mary L.
Dyer, Mary
Edmiston, Darlene
Fox, Robert
Giddings, Joe
Goodwin, Donna
• t -
Greene, Laura Jane
Grubb, Mark--Hoodsport
Hatchett, Mike
Hawley, Ricky
Henderson, Phlllip
Hergert, Greg
Hildebrandt, Jenny Lou
Homan, Randy
Howell, Pare
Hulbert, Rusty
Hunter, Billy
Hunter, Curt
Jensen, Jenny---Cushman Dam .~1
Johnson, Karen
Johnston, Laura
Jones, Fred
Julian, Bill
Kadoun, KIm
Kamin, Dave
Kelley, Kathy
Kelley, Reggle
Knutson, Deborah
Knutson, Douglas
Kytta, Scott
Looney, Todd
Losacco, Joe
tobacco, Tim
Lynn, Greg
Mallinger, John
Mann, Jerry
Mann, Tom
Medcalf, Dean
Miltenberger, Scott
Cakes, Jimmie
Patterson, Allen David
Pierce, Cindy
Pierson, Debra
Pills, Julie
Rice, Cynthia
Roush, Marvin
Sewell, Danny
Sheffield, James
Sheller, Jennifer
Shefler, Stuart
Simpson, Brad ,