April 22, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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22, 1965
llahwatze! Is
' Of ishi g amn
Tul)per attended Sunrise Services at the
--- Ano-
te fishing season
coming Sunday
are for a good
both ill larger
years, and
planted with-
fishing all you
us at the Re-
open at: 4 a.m.
Coffee and
*e available; also
Frank Cooper en-
dinner at the
Franz Kuck-
of Mr. and Mrs
~Ir. and Mrs.
and Mr.
and son
JAMES Bleek-
Lg on Saturday
son Eddie and
spent Easter
at Twin
where they
Mrs. Dennis Reed of Emmett,
Ida., and her daughter Mrs. Rob-
crta Taylor of Mampa, Ida., vis*
ited Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ford
for a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence l-tansen
motored to Issaquah Saturday to
visit MasT's sister and her hus-
band. Mr. and Mrs. Mmwin Pap-
wortb, and to see their new house.
Mrs. Donna Watson of Seattle
visited Mary's mother, Mrs. Editla
Profitt, and her aunt, Mrs. Ade-
laide Durbin .Saturday.
Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell
Bussey of Pm't Orchard visited
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Hansen.
MR. AND MRS. ROE Franklin
were Sunday dinner g~msts at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Shannoll Beardsley ~nd Miss
Edna Glanz of Olympia visited the
Patron's Friday nigllt.
Sorry to hear that Archie Kel-
ley was hurt in the woods a Week
ago la~ Tuesday. He is doing as
well as can be expected, while
recuperating in th Tacoma Gen-
eral Hospital.
' '. &lzd
The Perfect
Gift For
Them AIIt
May We Suggest A Gift She'll
Use The Year 'Round...
-- JEWELRY from $1.00 up
and PINS
Also hundreds of other gift ideas,
• eSPecially for Mother on Her Day --
SttELTON--MASON 'COIYNTY JOURNAU--Published in "Chr tmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Wash;n
WHAT IS IT? --- Reuel MissMer, of MlssMer Refrigeration
Service, holds a large tuber which was found on property he is
having prepared for cultivation on Lost Lake Road about 4V=
miles out of Shelton. The soil In which the tuber was found had
not been farmed for seven years. So far, no one has been able ¢o
identify the big tuber. Anyone interested in seeing It can se it
at MissMer Refrigeration.
By Nadine Rhtules ' ble shot method. It is particularly
AGATE -- In its monthly meet- valuable for pre-school.or young
ing last Tuesday, Pioneer School children where they have not been
Board unanimously approved cx- exposed and developed self ira-
tension of contracts to all teach- munity.
ers with the scheduled increases Official approval for state aid
plus any additkmal increments, in the building program has been
It is not'known whether there will received by the board. Plans are
be any clmnge in state apportion- being completed and advertising
ment which will change teacher for bids will begin the first part
schedules, since no definite budget of May.
infornaation is yet available. Pie- Resolutions were passed for the
neer School has been a leading investment fro'91 days of $8,000
school in this county in its salary of funds in the Bus Replacement
schedule with its higher starting Reserve, and far the advertising
salaries, of bids for a 67-passenger bus
We Gift Wrap Free
Easy Credit Terms
shortly. The DistzJct has aceum-
A motion was approved to con- ulster1 about $10,000 over the last
firm the contimmd employment
of all noncertified persons. Due few years frmn regnzlar deprecia-
te the increase in District cost of Lion reimbur~ments and cash re-
some employees who are eligible serves.
for the Washington State Em- The Board passed a resolution
ployees retirement, amounting to to rvquest 17 cents per day per
student from county funds. This is
six percent, no additional changes an important part' of the financ-
are contemplated at this time. ing of schools in the State. S~ich
! Rex Melena reported that Gerald requests are submitted annually.
Knutson will be taking a coaching PICKERING Homemakers' Club
job next year in Shelton. The rues last Wednesday at the school
board expressed their appreciation for. the monthly 'luncttcon and
for the excellent job he has done meeting. Plans were made to oc-
her• and extend their best wishes cept the invitation from Harstine
to him in his new position. Island Homemakers' Club to be
Barite Stroud reported on a re* their guests for lunch May 12.
quest for information directed to The group is to gp in costume as
the Thurston-Mason Health Dist- a "Hard-Time" group. Also plants
riet concerning measles immun- or white elephant items are to
ization. It was learned there is be taken for sale at this time.
now available a new one-shot
measles immmzization. The cost
is about one half of the older dou-
:Mrs. Audrey. Hammond, Pioneer
School PrO president, is compiling
a list of expected first graders in
the fall. She would like names
of those who have not attended
kindergarten or those who are
new in the area and who have no
brothers oz" sisters in schbol. A
date will soon be set for first
grade registration early in May.
Please contact Mrs. Hammond at
426-2332 if you can help complcte
the list.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Om, ille
Moran during the Ea~er Holidays:
are Mr. and Mrs. Victor McCla ll-
Son and baby daughter Pat/-icia
Louise, of Torrance, Calif. Mrs.
McCallson is dmlghter of the Mor-
ons. In addition, Don Scoffield of
Bremerton, Lloyd Moran, and Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Costa and daugh-
ters, enjoyed Easter dinner with
the Orville Morons.
Buster Hammond celebrated his
fifth birthday last Wednesday.
About 23 were present to help him.
The group enjoyed cake and jello.
Carrying out a westm~ theme, the
birthday cake was decorated with
All the Hanunond chidren at-
tended the egg hunt at Mt. View
Sunday p.m: Success and a good
M time was reported by all,
• An Baster gathering of friends
and relatives of the Jack C. Yeck
fanfily has turned into an mmual
family reunion. Meeting at the
Agate Grange Hall Sunday, the
group enjoyed a ham dinner and
an Baster egg hunt for the child-
I t ren. There were 47 present.
Out-of-town visitoi-s were Mr.
and Mrs. William Yeek and daugh-
ter, of Black Lake, near Olympia,
~,~ Mr. and Mrs. Haz'ley Edwar[ts and
AUTOMATIC WASHER family of Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs.
i gi:~te:~;gr~aa:O-Dine'-- .was__ HIgH SPI=I~D DRYER Marland Edwards and family of
OlDnpia., Mrs. Marjorie Edwards
act;oil and gzrm of Tacoma. Many other
i,,,~(~oUn • relatives from Shelton and'mlr-
Po- !er height, counter depth • BIg 12 pound clothes capacJ~f rounding eonmmnities attended.
~1 rcekz;n wQshbasket and tub• Three heat selection _ MR. AND MRS. JACK C. Yeek
~~~~R • Variable Time Dry Control celebrated their 30th wedding an-
niversary last Thursday. Six of
• Fluff cycle , ~ their ctfildren were hans• for the
• Counter height, counter depm occasion. One of the highlights of
SI48 trade,"~ • No spec;al wir;ng necessary Stockton, Calif., called to wish
• Safety start switch the day was when another daugh-
Mrs. John D. Getty, Jr., of
(with trade) * Foul exhaust venti, l :th, ". '.PP. iversary. Mrs.
Getty is the former Betty Yeck,
knox~nl to many in the area.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac McCleary
spent the spring vacation at La-
ilUy ... Push Rosort o. the Coast. Accom-
panying them Were N[r. and Mrs.
Roy Rains. Returning amid the
rain Monday, they reported they
did some beach-combing aud all
had a good tinle.
5ep Free Delivery M,.. and Mrs. m ,,des a,,d
children of Vancouver spent East-
First,, Free Service er Sunday in the Sterling Rhodes
IIQME 3rd & Railroad Easy Credit Mo+e+ty and unselfishness --
these are virtues which men
praise -- and pass by.
--Andre Maurois
113' ]I),)ra llea.,'ingt Grange Hall Sunday. There were seriously hurt ;at Camp last \reek.
MATLOCK ..... ,lane Chappell, + 35 relatives in all.
former honor student of Mary M. I MR. AND MRS. LeFIOY Boothc
Knight scbo_o.l, m.n.ow ttn hen(1)" land famiy of South Bend ~md Mr.
stuaent at Sztka rngh School roland Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer Jr.
Alaska. Jane is the daughter of land family wcrc Easter dinner
Mrs. Nellie Chappell of Matloeh t guests of Mr. and h{l'S, l. C. Ford.
and has three brothers Charlc~, I Dave snd Wade Boothe spent a
Larry and Steve attending Mary l few d'~vs last \;,,cek with thcir
M. Knight school. Jane is a sopho- [ g.randl)arents and ti~en returned
more and is staying with her un-[with their folks to South Bend
cle and Aunt. The Gilbert Kuhnle's F Sunday.
of Sitka, Alaska, formerly from
Mrs. I. C. Ford and Mrs. Her-
bert Brehmeycr spent last week
Wednesday in Bremcrton with
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Simpson and
Mrs. J. R. Singleton. 1Vfr. and Mrs.
Chester Singleton and Linda and
Harvey of California were there.
Mrs. Ray Kimmerly and chin
dren called at the I. C. Ford home
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. L. F. Cook of Montesano
called at the Elvin Hearing home
Sunday evening.
and Milton Valley of Tacoma and
tim Sam Diggle family were East-
er dinner guests of Mr. and l~rs.
Edward Valley• Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Rossmaier and David Kelley called
in the evening.
DAVID KELLEY flew home
Prom the Philippines to be with
his father, Archie Kelley, who was
Archie is in tile lT:~cmn'~ (h,ncrnl
Host)ital, Wc all baize for a spcedy
Mrs. Ray Kimmerly and chil-
dren of Shelton enjoyed Easter
(lim~t,r with their folks, Mr. and
Mrs. Hot'bert Brehmeyer Sr.
Roy Thornton called on V¢illiam
Avery Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gone Brown and
family spent Easter in Seattle.
They were aeeompanied by Bei'-
nice Swigart of Olympia -- Gene's
father has been quite ill In the
Virginia /ffason Hospital there.
Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl
Portman spent Easter with Mr.
and Mrs. L. "13. Portman of Shel-
ton. In the evening they all visited
Mrs. Marie McKay.
Mr. and Mrs. Lugenbcal of Kan-
sas City have been visiting their
daughter and family here, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Trimble.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sharp and
family and Mrs. Lucy Sharp all
of Olympia spent Thursday even-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Lud Ross-
MR. AND MRS. Roy Martin of
Elma, Mrs. Frank Matuska and
Stanley Schafer of The Lower
Satsop were Easter dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin.
Mr. and Mxs. Strike and Mr.
and Mrs. Willard Adams all of
Tacoma spent Thursday afternoon
with Mrs. Augusta Portman and
Carl Portman.
Mr. and Mrs. Olcee of Tacoma
spent Friday afternoon with ~rs.
Augusta Portman and Carl Port-
Lowrey Organs
205 Cots Ph. 426-4302
................. Slop In ............... --,,
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Healing
were Easter dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Clift,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson of
Plckering were Easter dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan
MR. AND MRS. L. F. Cook and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCowan
all of Montesano enjoyed Sunday
dinner at the Kenneth Howard
Mrs. Dave DeFoer and sons Jer-
ry, Dennis, and Ricky spent the
Easter holiday with Dave DeFoer
at Wenatchee I.~ke.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E, Bradberry
attended a family get-to-gather
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mer-
land Goodburn Easter near Shel-
Sam Valley son of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Valley left today for the
U. S. Army.
Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmeier
were host and hostess for a family
Easter dinner at the Matlock
i We'd like to meet you while dining in the
Friendly Atmosphere of
[ The Shelton Hotel '
Dancing Friday and Saturday Nights
Borrow From Your Credit Union,..
because low rates save money and there are no hidden costs
because repayment is worked out in regular amounts to fit
your income
because you get quick service--there's no red tape
becau the credit union is your organization--you own it
because loan protection insurance pays the loan balance in
case of death if you are insurable
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Future Home of Your Credit Union at Fourth & Cedar
Chalr not Included ::
MILLER'S, 3rd & Railroad, Shelton
I Please send m. 3 Add.A,Tuble~ ol $19 88 i
My pattern ~hoice h; [~] Floral [~] Wo'adgio;~ I
I I agre~ 1o pay $1 a week wlih no co~b down. S
Addrel$ .... Phone ..~ I
3rd & R ilroad ! .,.o ............ |
, City s'=t-----------i
"Always Shop Miller s in Shelton First"