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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 22, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 22, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i/ i, i' i!i; ii;/ PAGE 10 SWELTON--W[A qDN COIrI 'Y. JOURNAL-- Published in r'O.hdsfmastown, U.S.A.", Shdton, Washington LILLIWAUP -' ..... A mysterious,ply. of . 16. cartons.. . .°f cigarettes .... [ SlIELION VALLEY[ store break-in on Saturday and a was mmsmg. Nothing cls(: had couple of incident's each involving been talcen. There was no xmme- I | a car oft' the hi~'i~way in a near- diate eviuence of how the thieves I GRANGF~ IiALL hy ditctL brought som'c excitement made their entrance and ¢~xit. to Beacon Point Resort last week- A car, wittt lights ann radio ~ SATi, -" --- "~ E"J~ ~ ",,~ ~.~ | end. still on was, found a little late,' u~ Discovery that the resort store the!., same morning by Harry ..... ,as m d ~ ; bmltn, resort manager aooul;a ' nail neen en1:ere(l v,(a e wnen . ....... - ' ... I1! ..... ' .... nah mne north m ~eacon vomt. | MUSIC BY THE Ixay ~vlorms came ma~ouc o a.m .............. on an el'~'wlA~ Lu aL:~ ~,,naiaeux~; allt.u " ' I TUNE TOPPERS B " . ..... .~ ..• 1^~ ......... ..*.. IL was partly ]n ~ne oltcn With B *~., ~.o,.~l.(-,,,~~ Boxe.} wh';.,h. ~'adthe rear end on the highway dang- IP-' ~t*contained cig'arette~ were lying on (,r{n|s to traffic, so the sheriff s ......................................... eft'ice was notified and Harry ............ 7;-, ,,-~ ..................................................... treed guard until hell) chine. Sunday morning a woman driv.. er and her small child were com. forted at the Ray Morri,~ home, after her car went into a highway ® The most advanced oil in the RPM DELO line. A true mixed fleet oil, outstanding for low tempera- ture, =top and go driving or hot, heavy dut:¢ serv. ice in either gasoline or diesel engines. It disperses contamifiants so thoroughly they pass, through the finest commercial filters in a size so minute they cafft harm engines or form sludge. This will at least ,double your oil filter lifel We stock this new RPM DELO Multi-Service Oil along with other RPM DELO Oils for any engine and deliver them promptly. ¢. ¢. ¢{}LE& ditrch in the Beacon Point area. They were uninjured but "shaken up", it was reported. The woman was driving soutl~ toward Port- land, Oregon when the small for- eign car she was driving tipped into the ditoh. Eleven of the Beacon Point Re- sort cabins were occupied over the Easter weekend, a good report for this early season. APRIL 23, TIlE Lilliwaup Com- mtmity Club entertains with an- other pinochle party to which the public is invited Card .playing will begin at 8 p.m. in the Lilliwaup Community Hall. There are prizes anti refresh- ments for the players. Friends of the Walter S. Alli.. sons. of Triton Head, who have been wintering in San Jacinto, Calif., report that their return home has been delayed because of a foot injury suffered by Virginia Allison. , raffle Mishap Colt Harstine ,and DuringThePatWeek awakened 2¢11" and mrs Jim u'~_eii • ' ' fees.D[{vid "haft'eeand Mt ~, ' .... " .. :', .... on Harstme. Thin past week i:he , ~ : .~ aL I;llelr inolan 15eacn llolne, tile , ' " ' ' ne IYl • , ,' • ~o~,--o• ..... ~ .:--,--:-,-~- I ~--a big news was the blessed event on JosephineNffsc ., ~s. Byels ms- vaox~u~S ~ z'u~z ~Jal ltU/'l~,l~.~ e Sza,l tui " ' I ' ' ' wet old fliends "" and Mrs Sunset Hdl. A beautzful httle colt ter. "e ' ~ , !VIV. " r Doe Clark Dec a Navy friend ()f was dropped by mare, S!degar; APRIl=,i lStoVi to .mo a to • ' • • , form slreo oy ~seepweil 0t olympia LW ,maKe a El" p , ' "is 15 uTile Jm~ s, and Ins wife a er ' " ' " no ea " ' " roommnte of Dona's in San Diegofamous horses. The colt unnamed rock gardens a rly flowerinK The Ciarks came to shoW their yet, is chestnut b~own and has atrees are at thei!' best. On the hosts-their new ear anti also to white question mark design on Island Highway oetween Sidney and Victoria a breath taking sight is an acre of carl-colored hyacin- ths, daffodils and nareis,~ms in bloom. The fields look like patch We•lk _quilts' The entile', f~ont' of The Empress Hotel in Victoria has a bed of forget-me-nots and have a belated celebration of the forehead..Alas, cannel be named O'Neil's first wedding anniversary. "Questionnaire", for that is tim MR. AND MRS. Tex'Shields of name of another famous horse. Tacoma were at their beach place Itarstine is being considered for a over the Easter weelcend and Sat. mane, or if anyone has any ideas, urday their son-in-law and daugh- they shm|ld ca'il the Garfield WiN ter, Jim and Bonnie Oakley, andliams 6-3757 with name ideas, for their children came from Rentonthey are the owners of the fir:~t to stay at the Shields' guest cabin, thoroughhred horse to be born on The Jack Johnstone were din. Harstine Island. ner guests Sunday at the home of April 16 was an exciting (lay at Mrs. Johnston's parents, Mr. and the Garfield Williams Ranch on Mrs. Nell Vance. Sunset Hill Car went to the ba~ An Easter Day visitor at the at 1 a.m. and was convinced the home of her son and daughter-in, foal would not be born until tim law, Mr. and Mrs. William M. Ing next day, so he went to bed in his house. At 6 a.m. he went to the st Holiday Beach, was Mrs. Dortha barn, co~t had been dropped, and Johnson ~)f Aberdeen. Mrs. John- son, a former Lilliwaup resident the mare,, Hildegar was busy giv- and president of the Hood Canal fag the new baby a bath! It was Woman's Club, plans to be here for a thrilling sight, to see these beau- tho annual Birthday Dinner of the ttful animals, when we called on club May 5 in Shelton. the Williams day after the great MR, AND MRS, Frank Ernest event, Sleek, yearling Hilgar Smith and daughter Sandra join- gracefully galloping around the ed the Arnold Tahja family from outer field, added to the exciting Tacoma in a trailer-camping ex- experience of visiting this new pedltion to the ocean on Easter colt. It appeared Hilgar might be weekend. Mrs, Tahja and Mrs. a bit jealous, for mare and colt Smith are sisters. were the center of attention. Lewis and Faith Evans had People came fz'om far and near wa,ll flowerS, Until the summer schedule takes effect in June, one can leave Har- stinc on the 7:30 a m. Fcrrv, drive to Port Angeles in time f~)r the 11 a.m. Ferry to Victoria. Cars can be left in Port Angeles or taken on Ferry. Economy i;ate.~ in The Empress Hotel ~re les.~ ~han prices in several motels in Port Angele.s. Ez} rolffe back ).c Harstine a side trip to Port Townsend is most rewarding. Vial,: The port Townsend Musm~m, Arr. School and see the many priceless old houses and gardens. Last week the PTA had conducted tours of the old mansions. Maps used on the tour are still available at The Antique Shop downtown Port Townsend. The Bell Tower is an- other land mark in this old tow~. Located on the edge of the blnff it seems to reign over,, all, and can be seen from every point. 118 S. Third St. Shelton,Wash. 426-4411 The Roger Addleman family of Hoodsport wishes to thank the many friends whose kind expres- sions of love in contributions for "The Easter Basket for Terry", also for the cards, prayers and offers of help during their daugh- ter's convalescence from her burns. They are so much appre- ciated. The Addlemans agree with .this repo.rter that warm neighbor- their daughters and their families with them for Easter. Mrs. Cltf~ Nelson and children came from Edmonds for the weekend and Mr. aud Mrs. 'Robert Wahl and chil- dren from Tacoma for Easter Sun- day. After the happy weekend the to see the new colt. Weekend guests at the Williams were their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ramm and the granddaughter and hushm~d, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Olsen, all from Seattle. Mrs. Gordon Simmons and her kcross the street: from The Bell Tower is St. Pauls Episcopal Church built in 1865. It is the first Church in the Diocese of Olympia. Quaint, small and beautiful, with a stained glass window above the altar. A wonderful Easter week and wedding anniversary celebra- tion, was the above described trip for your reporter and husband. Guests at The Maples for Easter DISTRIBUTOR) STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS ly feeling ' is characteristic of Hood Canal communities. Five-year-old. Terry, after al- most si)~ weeks as a patient in the Mary Bridge Children's Orthoped- ic Hospital in Tacoma, came home last week to be with her family. She went to hospital Monday for outpatient treatment. NOT-TOO-serious trouble with an oil heater Friday evening brought not only the Hoodsport Fire Department to the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Thee Val- jean, but quite a crowd who gath- ered because of erroneous reports that the Start White home was on fire. The Valjeans ,who are from Dallas, Texas, and occupy a cot- tage up back of the White home, suffered some smoke damage from their heater incident. On vacation, Mr. and Mrs. VaN jean plan to return home after this week, making stops in California to visit friends, They were Easter Sunday dinner guests of the Starr Whites. Mrs. White's brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ern- est Campbell of Shelton, made an Easter phone call to them from Reno, Nev., where they are on a spring vacation. A family gathering for Easter was hosted Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lawson at their Indian Beach cottage. Mrs. Lawson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Row- land, her two brothers and a sister pneumonia, M~r. and Mrs. George W. Moake Humptulips. The ladies attended were guests of Mrs. E, O. Beards- ley. and her sister, Mrs. Eliza- beth Daily, for a very pleasant Easter day. They had their break- fast at the Tyee restaurant near Olympia and drove to Ocean Shores, where they had dinner at the inn. r A grant for one year of art study in Norway has been made by the Guggenheim Memorial Foundation to John Anderson, the son of :Mrs. C. W. Cheatham and the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Sigurd Hoff of Lilliwaup'. The young couple and their three-year- old daughter have been wintering in Mexico and will go to Norway in June. Anderson, a sctdptor who works in wood, was graduated from a Seattle high school and studied at various schools of art before his graduation from Pratt Institute in New York• His work has been receiving favorable attention, and was shown recently in an exhibit at the Stone Art Gallery in New Jersey. Mrs. Anderson (the former Mar- lie Hoff) plans to come with their daughter in May for, a visit with her family here and her husband will come if business on the East Coast does not prevent it. His brother, Ralph D. Anderson, is an architect in Seattle. a yearly reunion of a Sewing Club all belonged to several years ago Wednesday Gordon Simmons went to Montesano to spend the night with his mother, Mrs. Jessie Ruth- erford. Friday, the Simmons drove to Troutdale, Ore., to visit their daughter, Mrs. St1 Arata until Easter Monday• Mrs. Simmons also told us that a group of their son, Jim's, friends at WSU and in Spokane, collected" some money. They used it to purchase music for the Music Dept. at W.S.U. It is kept in a cabinet in th( School of Music, marked at a me- morial to Jim Simmons. EASTER is almost as great a celebration as Christmas. Any- way, everyone does about eggs and the history of why, is too long to report .'here. So, we think, at The Termite Lodge on Windy Point (that's the Hi Burches fab; ulous log cabin at Point Wilson)', the most unusual Easter Egg Hunt took place. The Burches had as their guests from Aberdeen Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tingwal] and children, Larry, Julie, and Arlene SPencer, a friend. Of course Brian and Jennell, the Bureh kids, were aboard• It was real ~reat. the kids hid the e~s and the wrown-uus did the egg hunting! This was the 17th annual egg hunt on the Butch property. However, this year, on the reverse as to hunterst Last week Mrs. Jake Ziegler spent several days visiti)~ friends on the Hob River• Further new,~ from the Store area was that Mrs. Gene Seward, her dmm'htcr- in-law, Mariene, and daughter Shirley Root drove to Tacoma last Wednesday, to the home of Mrs. To~e McQuinin, Mrs. Seward's sister. The occasion was to cele- brate Shirlev's birthday. Friday the Gene Sewards enter- tained their card club in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tierney. This was a party to celebrate Gene hav- tng come to Harstine 50 years ago, for the first time. A familiar sight each week-end at the Store are two ,friendly doggies, Cocoa. a big brown poodle, and Raffles. They are the Pets of Gene Se- ward's cousin Helen Lammers of Seattle• Cooped up all week in s, city with a leash law, its a real treat on week-ends for these pets, Buclcie ChristOpher of Olympia suent a few days last week with his grandmother, MYs. Mildred Brassfield. They Joined the El- end Christopher family at Star Lake near Shelton for an Easter sunday celebration, David Chaffee of Vancouver spent most of hm • Easter vaca- tion with his tea .... g t uncle Paul Chaftee at Feint Wilson MRS. JOSEPHINE " Nitsche, .,, ]~"~al) twin sister of Mr= - " "~ .. mrnle ~yers home for several days. I ~'~ Tlle I-larstine Grange had a din- ii ( her meeting !nat Friday. The only order oz ousiness being the initi- ation of two ne _ w members, Mr. .~. and Mrs. ~rnie Byers. During the O~O'~"~lV~'-~"~fhl~"ilEV~lliS)"r-'--.......or.---- lecturers hour Melanle Carnes granddaughter of Mr and Mrs. IL loqks!ike a'l g" ar: Xn cl is--by almost'an "ek e-nsive cars 109kso expensive, How about 4 John Hitcheock entertained with ~" two solo dances and sang sense. standard you want to apply. :the ride? Chevrolet engineers took the Jet- i Guests at the meeting besides Mel- ante, were her Width? Nobody builds a car as much as one smooth one and smoothed :it out even more mother, Mrs. Carn- inch wider. Length? It grew three inches this this year. Also made it more stable by wi.den- es and two brothers all of Des foines wno Came to Harstine for year. Roominess? E eur dClOsed model's got ing the wheel stance. Price? That's where Easter week-end at the Hitch- three inches more er room, front and Chevrolets fall way short of the other big cocks. rear, and more leg and foot room up front too.! expensive-looking cars. But we wouldn't have Luxury? Nice little touches like the look of it any other way. Would you? . Mr. and rs. Granger of Feder- al way were likewise guests at mellow walnut across the Impala s instru- ; One last question: How soon can you make the grange meeting Friday. They ment panel. And big touches. Like the fine-i a good spring buy on a Chevrolet? One last _ _ now ave a home on Harsttn(~ hess of the same Body by Fisher workman- answer: Just as soon you can get down to HIGH TIME To TRADE ne Saegers, Harstine Oyster ship that makes some of. America s most, your Chevrolet dealer - ....... _.Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Goodwln of nelcon spent their Easter Holiday Zing into spring in a new Chevrolet, Chevelle, Oovvalv, ,,, their home at Ballow. . Rtckie and Joe Glaser of Shel- HELL CH ton, grandsons of the Hugo Glee- era spent Easter vacation on Har- stine. Their Parents the Dick Glasers came over for Easter Sun- day. In fact the Glas~rs senior had all their children and grand- children home for Easter dinner. The exception was that Bud Glaser ann tamlly went to Hoquiam to ~sit Donette's parents, Mr. and ~r~, ~)onald Eddy. Sunday and Monday were Mr. and 46-7865 1st & Grove Shelton 426-4426 i i I i i I Mrs. Norbert Kulzer of Seattle. The Kulzers formerly lived in Olympia and have many friends in this area. They have just re- turned from a winter in California at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Kulzer Weston and children Stephen, Betsy and Ann Weston. Miss Eileen Jacobsen spent Easter week-end with her grand- mother Mrs. Ernie Crouch. For the past several months Eileen has been employed at Sun Val- ley Idaho. Being an ardent skier, she spent all her leisure hours skiing. When Eileen left Harstine last Monday she planned to visit Crystal Mountain to ski, enroute home to Eugene, Ore. She is a sophomore at the University of Oregon and will re-enter the Uni- versity this spring. Nancy Barnett wishes to thanlc the Islanders who subscribed to The Journal through her. She won her bike. You Can't Beat The Journal Want Ads Christian Science T.o 1,cst way a lot of trouble very litLle heed Serv cos ~re Set te, ests. The Christian's approa(.h to final the viclory over death will be a cen- tral theme at. all Chrislian Science S[-J~i churches this Snn(hty. The sub- Star jecL is "ProbaLiOl~ After DcaLh," One of the Bible selections to be al read is from Galatians: "He that Curv.. t s(.)wcth to the SpiriL shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting." ,mer :a Also itmluded in the Lesson- with a ~ermon will be these lines fro]n the denomin:.ttional textbook: --- "I~'merge genLly from matter into ~. Spirit.. Think "~mt to thwart the Rt spiritual ultinmte of all things, but come naturally into Spirit through better health and morals and as the result of spiritual growth. Not dentil hut the under- sLanding of Life, makes nlan im- mortal" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary 2226 Maker Eddy, p__ 4_85__2). For living on a grand : i cNAU SH] CANADIAN WHISKY: 6. a h m. " H ,cNAU611TO How to weigh the worth of an Imported MacNaughton measures up no: you weigh it! In age, proof, quality, it thing you get from other Canadians. And MacNaughton cds less, too! CANADIAN WHISKY, A BLEND. 6 YEA~$ 010,8(k8 PROOF. ~) • I~l~lJL II li Olii|li~ ~¥ROLL, QOVtRNMt#I "People, Land and M m ,,People, La~d and Trees . , . 1964", the an- nual progress report of the Shelton Coopera- tive Sustained Yield Unit is n,ow being dis- tributed to interested citizens in this corn- munity. The report relates the progress of the Shei- ton Unit to the economio well-being of nearby communities, which is why the Unit was formed in 1946 under the provisions of Public LaW 273, the Sustained Yield Act of 1944. interested persons may acquire a free oopy of ,,People, Land ~nd Trees,, by writing the Public Affairs Department, Simpson Timber Company, Shelton, Washington 98584. 1965 Is Our 75th Year In Mason County RgLY OI '~--F;T GOMPAHY Shelton " McCleary - Olympia Founded in SheRon in 1890 ])ouglas ~ir and WesLern I-temlock Lumber, Acoustical, Insulating and Hardboard products. Plywood and Door~.