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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 22, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 22, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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, NELTON--MA,q0N COUNTY ;T0tYRNAI./--. Pnbli tmd 4n .r Ohlqst lastow , U.S.A.", Shelton, Wasblng on P) CE 11 "-z, :joy that the entire weeken(t at their island as llSllal, home. gs, A VERY ItARDY group, we tl]d in the var- think, are the Henry Gatlins, who ollr corn- left Friday on their first camping trip in five years. The very inter- had an ad- esting Indian eommm]ity of La- GS Sun- Push was their destination and birthday here they pitched tents Friday shared it witi~ night in the National Park camp- by treating ins area. Saturday morning and egg hm~t and afternoon were spent beaehcon]b- after churching for rocks and driftwood with Lretch Island. little Peggy picking the most in- Clayton and tcresiing specimens. The party, in- ben and Liz eluding Mr. and Mrs. Gatlin with were all on sons Sam and Dave and daughter grandpar- Peggy enjoyed their outing very parents, much until threatening weather and, of Saturday evening encouraged sister Donnie them to return home. Easter Stm- open pack- day was spent here at home with With her Sue and Bruce Fuhner and infant clean- daughters coming to visit. odies. Many A dinner out at the Hearthstone in Bremerton was enjoyed Sunday afternoon by Mr. and Mrs. Julie Stock who were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morris of Pur- i dy. Sorrow came to the Somers Eacrett and to Oak Hor- ror Easter Ae~ aunt, Miss was an- family this past week with the Oak Har- death of a dear aunt, Mrs. Harold was given Lordeu early Thursday morning. Lrtesy of "Aunt Sarah" was the sister of the late Charles Seiners of Grape- Part of the view and Seattle. Funeral services were held Saturday morning in of Mr& Seattle at Bleitz Funeral Home destination with Howard and Bill Somers set- this past: ring as pallbearers along with a visit : Harley Seiners and Gordon Rich- evening, ards. Members of the family in Sun- attendance included Mrs. Charles Seiners, Mrs. Bill Seiners, Mrs. family re- Gordon Richards (nee Carol 80- ks'---Jubie mers), Mrs. Howard Somers and holt- Miss Liz Somers. The A.B.C. Bowling Champion- ship dinner held Friday evening at the Shelton Hotel afforded a full of very pleasant evening for several plus the~ Grapeview families with trophies added ex-i going to several desmwing individ- uals. Mr. and Mrs. Don Pogreba and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Engen re- ceived first-place team trophies, Don Pogreba, high-score trophy; out for the: Clare Peters, League Anchorman; Bill also George Lewis, most improved man Ore., bowler; and Virginia Hicks came Polk home with three awards--most to see the improved woman bowler, Women's return-International Bowling Congress Sun-Achievement Award and League Anchor gal. Congratulations, all! spent Welcome guests at the Les Rice (after: home last Friday were Mrs. Betty all drove Leonard and sister Mary Jane of Mrs. RubyCook. They are the daughters of let) where former Grapeview residents, Mr. ]day cake and Zvh.s. Howard Cook who are ~s to niece now residing on Guam. rest of the EASTEI~ SUNDAY evening was up from the beginning of a long, hard trip previous for the Fred Lutz family with Reedsport, Ore., as their destina- was the ties. Leaving Grapeview at 6:40 week- p.m. they arrived at son Doug's "vVhito at 3 a.m., left at 4 a.m., stopped at Portland to have Doug fitted with a brace, then drove on to Emma Grapeview where they arrived Friday around noon. Fred took a short by daughte'r rest before leaving for work Men- day afternoon, Doug who was in- the C. W. jured recently in a motorcycle ac- had the cident will recuperate for a time they spentat his parents' home in Grapeview. about horn baml, m nits and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Query of Bremerton enjoyed Easter dinner with the I)on Querys at their Stretch Island home and helped cheer up youngsters Bucky, .hurtle amt Virgil]is who h3ve been on the sick list. Miss Georgia Clayton enjoyed the Mothers Clllh-spolls(/red Easier Egg Inmt on the school grounds • desk with her schoolmates last: Thursday but was kept indoors lr'],~day ;rod Saturday sllffering from one of nlysteriolls "bl]gs". Fortun'H ely, she was IIl) and aYO/llld again for lhe Sllllday LIC- tivit i¢,s. A prelimil~'ary gel-togelher to discuss possible Fm'est Festival floal plans was held his[ Thurs- day evening at the school. The float will be entered in the Paul Bunyau Parade May 22. Don't forget ladies (and gentle- men, too) you m'e invited to at- lend a silver tea at. tile Tl'ea'~ure Island heine of Mrs. Ammmd Rill- dal this afternoon from 1 to 4 p.m. This is being offered as a charming way to raise hinds for the animal Cancer Drive and ew eryone is urged to participate! Choice. l-llOltE and {lily R"' U.S.D.A. Choice UUND ~ONE CHUCK U.S.D.A. Choice CROSS RIB or CHUCK CUT II 4::::" ,:,,,. • • . . • .,., ,~h~ ~tO~" Grow~ Sliced Bacon Oho,co i AI t ............... lb. ICk. Fre:V ............... --. C--Loan ___ ......................... 39¢ ,¢¢~ngs .--."~"iceartS ............ ._ ~. Iv, Uenster ..... E & Backs '79¢ ,raft's ................ lb. 73¢ r~ eckS . ...... lb. Sharp Longhorn .... lb. ~5----¢ Fryers 1Avers ............. :: :ii MINUTE MAIB I inl 12 oz, Tins 6 OZ. Tins SNOBOY PEAS 6 $1 .................................................... pkgs. SNOBOY CUT BROCCOLI 6 lOoz $1 ...................... pkgs. CHILl Clorox Carnation or Tradewell Betty Crocker Swlft's Prem Haley's Hygrade con Came 12 oz. can Tradewell Flour 10 Ibs. 79¢ Gal, Size lb. bag NO. 1 Tall Tins County Fair Grade "AA" Fisher's Blend ($1.00 in Coupons Inside) Choice of Fruit Flavors 46 oz. Tins 2'/= Tins .'15 l/a oz. Tins .... u,.- DOZ. Ctn. bag Blue Bonnet l-lb. (2¢ ,off) pkgs. "Look What Else You Saw~, on For '69¢' " - - Your Choice - BRIQUETS-- Kingsford Charcoal 10 lb. ............bag for CHEER-- Gt. Detergent (10¢ off label) ........ Size for OXYDOL-- Gt. Detergent (10¢ off label) ........ Size for COFFEE--- 6 oz. Tradewell Instant ............................ Jar for WAXED PAPER--- 100 ft. Waxtex .................................... Roll ~ for SYRUP--- Tradewell 22 oz. Pancake & Waffle ................. Jar for SOUP MIXES--Knorr-Swiss Pkg, Choice of Varieties ........... of 2 ~-- for CATSUP-- 14 oz. A Standby Tomato .................... Btl. 14' for POTATOES-- 3}4 oz, I~ Ore-Ida Instant Mashed ........ Pkg.~ for PET FOOD--Dr. Ross Dog 15 oz. & Cat - Ass't. Flavors ........ Tins ~ for I to be mo ag Administration po]ides, cable financing term l revloesly would, not alify. had tO conform to metro- ( • for FHA I approve to the construetioa in the town or are located. can now make YHA loans that we couhl lso make FHA loan ont aCto thls program and tlte. Come eee us andl Rrst y Chicken or - Bi-Pack 42=/~ oz. Size Beef Ohowme,n ... 89c Bi-Pack " 42Y2"°z" Size Mushroom Chowmein 79e 2~/z Tin Chop Suey - 303 Tin Vegelables..... 29c 5 oz. Size Soy Sauce ,...., 19c Chowmein Noodles. 290 Grape Nuts Toasties Rice Krinkles "k Oat Flakes 11 oz. Pkg. 12 oz, ,Pkg. 10 oz. Pkg. 10 oz, Pkg. Your Choice Pkgs. for Save Prices effective thru Sat., April 24, 1965. Reserve Right to Limit Quantity. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. No sale to dealers. I I Red Ripe Large, Sweet I II I I I I I III I 1 lb. Cello II I ea ea '111