April 22, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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PAGE 12 SHELTON--M_ASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Publislaed in Ct~hristmastown, U.g.A.", Shelton, Washinggon
The bride selected her wedding paper trousseau and
wedding accessories from Art Point Studios album.
Yournew life deserves the finest! We invite you to
see the latest wedding designs, beautiful script letter°
ings, quality papers, napkins, champagne toastfi g
glasses and other accessoriesin the Art Point album.
I Free! with our compliments,
~ ~;u" Virginia Courtcnay's etiquette
i" "~'~"° booklet, Ask for your copy.
There will be a skating party
for Simpson employee's families
from 6:30 to 9:00 pm. next Mon-
day at the Shelton skating rink.
All ages are welcome to attend.
Admission will be by Simpson
check .~tub or part of a time sheet
for identity. Skate rental fee will:
be 25 cents.
Stop in today!as'Make thls "ZEBRA TEST" yourself!
KATHRYN FLOWER (left), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Flower, has been
chosen to reign over St. Edward's Catholic Youth May Festival which will be held
at 2 P.m. May 2 in St. Edward's church. Selected to be Miss Flower's princesses
are (left to right) Cathy Cardinal, Klmberly Doran and Rosemary Lambert.
Junior princesses are Susan Wyatt, Barbara Dorcy, Kathy and Janice Witten-
berg, Christine Frank, Michelle Wolden, Becky and Theresa Ring and Mary Jo
Timpani. Flower girls will be Joan Brugato, Tins Tracy, Cheri err, Shelly
Lisoskle and Ella May Malllnger, Queen Kathryn will crown the Blessed Mother
and a procession of Confraternity of Christian Doctrine children will sing songs in
her honor. F ve members of the CYO will lead the congregation in Rosary.
They are CYO president Denny Cardinal, Pam McComb, Melody Morgan, Judy
Smith and Mary Beth Connolly. Members ,of the Living Cross will be Jimmy
and Michael Connolly, Pau and Mark Wittenberg ano mark and Pat Timpani.
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will follow with Rev. Mark Wiechmann,
OSB officiating. Orgdlnist will be Mrs. Ted Wittenberg. The public is cordially
invited to attend. -~
Two Events For
Moose Lodge
Slated In April
The Shelton Moose Lodge has
two events scheduled within tha
next wcek; enrollment ceremonies
this Saturday and installation next
hchel Knoll Guild
Ral Sale Reporled
Highly Successful
The April 16 meeting of the Ra-
chel Knott Orthopedic Guild was
held in the home of Mrs. George
Cropper. Mrs. George Grisdale was
co-hostess of the 12:30 p.m. lun-
cheon which was attended by 14
Oanzi Woodwind
Quintet Climaxes
Concert Season
Presenting a superb program
the Danzi Woodwind Quintet Cli-
maxed this season's Mason Coun-
ty Community Concerts last Wed-
nesday evening in the Blue Ox
There will be a potluck dinner
at 6 p.m. this evening in the
Memorial Hall for members of
the Golden Age Club.
Auto Glass
• Exl~ert Installation
5th & Railroad Ph. 426-8231
Auto Repairing
• Major Overhauls
• Brakes & Ignition
• Welding & Tune-ups
• Special Winterizing
112 W. Cota 426-3926
On All TyP~
Enrollment ceremonies will be
held in the Moose hall beginning
with a refreshment hour at 6 p.m.
and dinner at 6:30 p.m. Saturday.
Enrollment at 8 p.m. will be fol-
lowed with dancing to Richie Dra-
pen's Trio from 9:30 p.m• until
1:30 a.m.
The enrollment ceremonies will
be performed by the Chehalis
Moose. All sponsors arc asked to
-- be sure and have their candidates
"a[ COAT WALL PAIHT and their wives present for dinner.
1, .......... Installation of new officers will
~AI mln I1~ ~ ~l~Tur I~ ~ be held at 8 p,m• next Wednesday
~kd ~d~V =K~ D=| | r'i~K inoth;ehe:~l-elect are: Cover-
.__. nor, Earl Owen; Jr. Gov•, Gerald
~ ~ ~ Watters; prelate, Bill Selby; Jr•
~ ~ ~ trustecs, Gerry Hart and Clifford
, AV Gallon Howard; treasurer, Cecil Crow; Jr.
p ~ . past governor, Joe Cronquist•
..... • ~ While and ready-m~ed Appointments by the governor
lry ff yourself ~ ~ colors. 1000Maqstmw are: Sgt.-at-alTnS, Mell King, with
right in our __ Colors slightly hlg~ two other appointments to be an-
showroom. ~, . nounced. . .......
===~ k,~ one ~ $ Dries 111 30 rn|~u~es. The pubhc is' co rdmlly mv,.t~ea
........ ~r .... _, to visit the Moose ~odge zor mis
covers. -- • Walls ore easily wren•a, ceremonial evening.
4 .... ,= | eCleanupbreshorr4 lerwithwermw " -----------------
• • A bake sale will be sponsored
LUHB! l COHPAHY On Hll]erest
"'~ ? " " ~ < by Job s Daughters from 10 a.m,
Phone 426-4522 to 4 p.m. this Saturday in the
Tradewell Store.
Above: Ford GT--a laboratory on wheels---helps hour endurance events--at Dayto.a and Scb" g.
tell us how to build better cars for you, Out- TIle spirit of the Ford GT, down to its distinctive
ran, outlasted Europe's finest entries intwo 12- GTstripe,is available nowinall 3 Mustang models.
Available now as Mustang begins its
second year with 417,000 enthusiastic
owners and a long list of new options;
New Total Performance for the Mus-
tang of your choice--Hardtop, Con-
vertible or Fastback 2+2. Add Mus-
tang's new GT performance option
package to any Mustang model...
and get: Famous 289-cu. in., 4V,
225-hp V-8--same basic powerplant
adapted for the fabulous Ford-
powered Cobra m Floor-mounted,
3.speed, synchronized stick shift •
Special GT grille with built-in fog
lamps • GT 5-dial instrument cluster,
including ammeter and oil pressure
gauge • Unique GT insignia on front
fenders • Distinctive GT stripe •
Straight-through dual exhaust system
with chrome "trumpet" extensions
• Front wheel disc brakes. Also new
from Mustang--full-width front seat
option. Besides regular bucket seats,
Mustang now offers front seats with
a big, fold-down center arm rest. New
ultraluxury interior option. You can
order a new interior that includes new
bucket seats with embossed vinyl
inserts, new instrument cluster with
wood-grain vinyl paneling--and
much more: Test-drive America's
runaway success ear at your Ford
Dealer's soon.
Best year yet to go Ford
501 Railroad Ave.
Shelton, Wash.
In absence of a president, Mrs.
Pearl Dutcher conducted the bus-
iness meeting. After routine bus-
iness a letter was read from Mrs.
Richard Brewer, chairman of the
hat sale who was unable to at-
tend, thanking all of the mem-
bers for their help in making the
sale a profitable success.
Mrs. Selden Vander Wegen,
chairman of the nominating com-
mittee, and Mrs. Harry Deegan
presentd the slate of officers for
the coming year which was accept-
ed by the g{•oup. New officers are:
Mrs. Harold Nordeng, president;
Mrs. George Grisdale, vice pres-
ident; Mrs. Sea Grout, treasurer;
Mrs. William Baker, secretary.
Mrs. Groper Brewster passed
Penny Drive envelopes out to
members to distribute May 1•
The next meeting will be held
in the home of Mrs. Nordeng May
21 with Mrs. Harold Nichols as
April Meeting Of
Eight and Forty
Features Potluck
Partners of the Mason County
Salon No. 50S, Eight and Forty
held their regular meeting April
12 in the Memorial hall. Fourteen
members were present for the pot-
luck dinner.
The meeting was opened accord-
ing to z'itual by Chapeau Mattie
Backhmd. Martha Witsiers substi-
tuted for Le Demi Petite Chapeau
Lillian Norvold.
The partners donated $25 to the
National Chapeau s personal pro-
ject and $25 to the bed endow-
ment for the National Jewish hos-
pital carried on by the National
Report blanks were given to the
officers and chairmen. L'Archiv-
iste Rae Melcum reported her
material had been sent to the
L'Archiviste Departmental for her
history book.
Reports were given on the De-
partment Chapeau's dinner with
regrets given by Merle Smith for
the paper neaemg saying it was
a Forty and Eight dinner•
After much discussion on the
May meeting it was decided to
have a no-nest dinner.
Parners furnishing the potluck
dinner were Augusta Twohy, Ag-
nes AlexanDer, Merle Smith, Elms
VChite, Ann Campbell, Rae MeN
cure, Mary Sykes, Dora Jackson
and Alice Hill.
VFW Asks Addresses
Of 6old Slar Molhers
As in past years the VFW Post
L694 plans to present each Gold
~tar Mother in the Shelton area
with a plant on Memorial Day.
As the community grows we ac-
]uire new Gold Star Mothers and
~ome who have been here in past
years have changed their address-
The post does not want to mis~
anyone so it has issued a request
to those who have moved or are
new Gold Star Mothers or ncw
in the community to call
426-2090 so YOU will rcceive a
plant Memorial Day.
National Music Week
Preparations Underway
Preparations are being made by
the Shelton Music club for Na-
tional Music Week which will be
celebrated May 2-9. The week will
be spent directing attention of the
community, as well as the nation,
to musie as a vital part of our
daily lives.
"Make Music Your Keynote for
Living" has been chosen as the
theme for the week. The program
is sponsored by the National Fed-
eration of Music Clubs of which
the Shelton Music Club is affil-
Local Music Week chairman is
MrS. Bernice Stewart.
Eagles Auxiliary No. 2079 will
hold nomination of officers at the
next meeting to be held at 8 p,m.
Tuesday in the airport hall. All
members are asked to attend.
124 So. 2nd
• Safety
• Minor
514 EIIinor
Fresh Baked Bread - Cakes - • LaWns,
Doughnuts - Rolls - Buns - " shrubs
Custom Baked Cakes • Top sot
HI'S BAKERY • Free e~
Oly. Hwy. No. (Mt. View) SUNSET
428-3179 Herbert Ba~e
Beauty Rental
• Complete Hair Care Almost
• Wigs - Wiglets - Switches Bulldozers
• Merle Norman Cosmetics Folding
• Free Demonstrations & Chairs,
6th & Laurel 426-4,582 2216 E. 4th
, Office Now Open I
Five men, all first chair art- 323 Franklin Street i Hou:l Li'rA3..2
ists from Amsterdam's Concert • Phone 426-8060
l orchestra, lived up to their ad-
!vance billing of "the finest windJ.L. DEBBAN, D.C. THE
both classical and modem eompos- 9-noon 2-6 closed Thurs. 114 2nd
erconcert~ goers, who attended in
large numbers, enjoyed tremen- .. ....
dously the performance of highly uleanlng ~ervlee Sand,
difficult numbers which were so • Janitor Service [
beautifully executed. Sheton was • Wall To Wall Carpet I ] • • Peal
privileged to present the 32nd con- • House & Upholstery I • Cusl
eert in the Danzi's first trans- • Complete Line Of Supplies
] continental tour. d" [ DEN'S JANITOR SERVICE1426-3552 ~i Johns creek
• During, intermission, •_. the, tra t- .I 2103 E 4th OIv---'-,,..,a o~,,-,oo,°=° 4o=-.
tiona[ annum meeung was con- I -
ducted by retiring president An-
drew Beelik. Ten new directors ..... ,-c'ssors Se~
were elected• They are Miss Irene ulea~llng ~ervlee----------
Burright, S. G Craig, Mrs. J.P. Carpets - Wall to Wall i SCISSORS'
Everett Dr. H. L. Hergert, Mrs. Floors - Stripped, Polished
C. G. Johnson, Mrs. B• E. Kreger, I Windows - Walls - Upholstery sHE/
Mrs. L. D. Starr, B. Winters, Mrs. I "SHELTON'S OWN" ~PRECl$1(
Dorothy Jessup and W Williams I C/~a~'Nt"- g~nV = ~e~ Shelton SC
" • th bos'rd ............. I C- ...
Following the concert e . , . " "
Ed e as Days 426 8138 Nites 426 4376
met electing Mrs. Dexter g i " "
the new president; Mrs. R. W. "' ,
Norvold, first vice president; Mrs.
T. E. Ward, second vice presi- Clothine Alterations ~ Service St~
dent" Mrs. J E Bar rom, secretary , o I I For GC
and Dr. W E. Lucke as treasurer. I If you have an alteration I [ All Wo¢1¢ Y
The new officers take over a grow- I problem, or button holes to I
which numbers I| be made, eom~. to us I [ C & L Ti~
nearly 500 since the successful I -'= ....... ! 401 8o' lstO~
• " " " v zecentl conclu I! LITTLE: & BIG "SHOP'PE | I 4018o. lS~;i
memnersnip m.i e • y - a
ded ~ II 1,, cots 426.42661 s,
Reception Fetes I Rubinstein Tire Scr !
The Roy Evans II I
I . ReeapP
A. :dec] p i%dg ; =L II : P e ltae° "Sc Cosmetics I I . .sed :
marr] eld April 10 in'1:he grogressll NELL'S HARMACY II
60 friends attended the party hen- [ ~,, I
oring the Former Karen Smith[ _~
and her husband ' .... Travel
' . I xaectrlcal - . Air-
Yellow and white flowers tuna
streamers with white candles dec-Il • Fairbanks-Morse Pumps • BuS
orated the nae'With daffodils snail • Electric Heatin~__o I • NOour fl~'
wE~?tt:,blilllisCSn~. , ':agnd~O?baindedye~oth]l . Westinghouse Appliances, Angle :$~
and wl~ite streamers for table II SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. i 401 BallOt :i
,o.o Railroad Ph. 426-6283
cake was made and decorated byI
,hhe i%ride's m.otr~r, Mrs. Alex l'm~.._ ~ .... ~ Ser~l~
Smith. Jrr Serwng ~'ere Mrs. Glo-[ J~.~lUu.
~on~rac$1ng -------
ria Stone, MrS.aCn?. I-Ieight, Mrs./I . Reaso.ab,e Rates ' .
Ann Wheeler V[rs. ShirleY/I . Large or Small Jobs. PhOllO.$
AI mst~ ong ' '
• " " were marrte- - ~/I , Bonded and Insured • CB ;P""
The Evansith Luthera ~ marcu / I
27 in the Fa •, n church, ll C & V ELECTRICAL I
The are making metr he
I Mt, VIeW
• y " me roll 1044 E. Dearborn 426-4264 I....~[
Shelton. [ l
RESUME MEw~llTrI~eGS I Floor Coverings TV Ser~
The SEt Club _• its / I. U.o]eum 'st
regular meetings, a~t.er the Lenten / I , Tile
season A otlucl~ runner meeting / | . ~.,-.~H.~.
will be held at 6 p.m. trim Friday | I - Formica
,in the chu}'ch p:2e~%t;~P~C:iY!ll/I REX FLOOR COVERING
~v~ made zor u*~ ~ ,,~u m | Mt. View Ph. 426-2292
ay. I,,
On Saturday, April 24, new numbers for ,LOCAL INFORM/
,'REPAIR SERVICE," and "TIME" go into effect. Shelton
customers will also have a new party line access code.
your new LOCAL INFORMATION number will be
Your new REPAIR SERVICE number will be 774.
your new TIME number will be 426-2900.
To call another party on your line, you will dial 779 pl0
ent code number.
You have received a directory sticker with these new
Pacific Northwest Bell. Please paste this sticker on the inside
of your directory over the "Service and Other Calls" section. ,
Remember "-use these new numbers beginning Saturday, Al°t"
Pat~ ot the Nationwid= Bell Sy~ten~ , ',