April 22, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 22, 1965 |
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BI-TELTON--I IASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Publishei] in r'Ohr stma, fown, U.S.A.", Sl/elton, Washln
t lub Meeting At "
Home Show
'.ty Cris,
A ~-lome Flower
~ngements for
WaS the
sL week at the
Hunter, with
as CO-hostess.
were made by
club and spring
room from
for the
elected during
With Mrs.
named presi-
Harris, vice
June Hunter,
will at-
of the
rden Clubs.
Plans for next month call for a
picnic and Rhododendron tour
near Brinnon for club members
and their guests.
The Junior and Senior High
BYF groups are planning a com-
bined meeting next Sunday at the
Tahuya home of Katie Blair be-
ginning at 3 p.m. which will in-
clude a recreation period, refresb-
ments, sing and fellowship meeting.
A BYF Association Rally held at
Sheridan Park in Bremerton last
Saturday from 2-7 p.m. was at-
tended by Rev. Wendell Harder.
:Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Olson, Charl-
es Fritz, Alan Cady, Wayne Mul-
leo, Patti Crisa, Mildred Kisler
and Diana Timm from the Belfair
Senior High BYF.
coming yea," at the recent meet-
ing of the North Mason Elemen-
tary PTA included: :Mrs. Bea
Sande, president; William Vetters,
vice president; Mrs. Gloria Lin-
coln, secretary; and :Mrs. Sharon
McKnight, treasurer. Mrs. Gerald
Campbell was named President of
the NM Senior High PTA unit for
next year along with Mrs. John
Husen, vice president, Mrs. Glenn
Criss, secretary and Mrs. Dick
Rasmussen, treasurer.
The Senior High PTA variety
show, "The Death of Vaudeville",
will be presented April 24, in the
High School Gym at 8 p.m. The
show is under the general direction
of :Mrs. Gerald Campbell and will
feature a number of acts put on
by members of the PTA, faculty
and others in an effort to raise
the level of culture in Belfair
and, incidently, raise money for
their Scholarship Fund. Tickets
may be purchased from various
members of the PTA or at the
door for $1 for adults, 50¢ for High
School students and 25e for chil-
dren or a family ticket at $2.50.
It was "b~ck to school" for
North Mason students on Tuesday
fishermen will
they have the
after a long Easter Weekend with
an exchange assembly with Bain-
bridge slated for 1 p.m. at the
High School. Several tennis match-
eS, track events and baseball
games scheduled for the week
looked doubtful due to the steady
rain over the weekend.
MISS KEEP WASHINGTON GREEN---Here is the head table at
the annual Keep Washington Green Association banquet in Tacoma
last Friday evening as Patsy Bixenmann, Mason County Forest
Festival queen, received the crown of Miss Keep Washington
Green for 1965. Mike Webster of the State Department of Na-
tural Rsources, is Placing the Miss KWG crown on Patsy's head.
Immediately behind Webster is Dave James, master of ceremonies
for the banquet, while in the left foreground of the picture is the
Forest Festival royal court and Forest Festival Ass'n President
and Mrs. Clive Tnoy and court chaperone Miss Alma Burke. Jim
blems. As representatives of of
ganiza.tions that have been work-
ins for decades to wipe out pover-
ty, we can do no less than offer
our full and .u:tive support, leader-
ship :unt experience.
Hartley, Simpson Timl.bCr Company public relations representa-
tive, is getting ready to take a picture. Others from Mason County
who attended the banquet included the queen's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Bixenmann ,of Belfair, Rudy Werberger, original and
15-year president of the Forest Festival Ass'n, Mr. and Mrs.
George Quimby, parents of Princess Joan, Mr. and Mrs. R, W.
Oltman, Mr. and Mrs. William Looney, Mr. and Mrs. Les Shelver,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dickie, Mrs. James
and Mrs. Hartley.
The Mason County Labor Court- ~'HE TROL)~L-E 00i'%'½ ~JEEI6E~
cil this week issued a statement H&T "f ,~i E
on zt'~ views on the g'overnnmnL's IIToo ~OleK "TO "r'HRO00 Ik] ]IBI~i
s,nti-poverty prograln. I I -ru= ~,'*,,m. I ~.~i I
The statement, signed by Dar-l|t~ ......... tI
tell Sparks, chairman of the coun-|l~m~. ~~am~~|
cil, said: If'' "a I -. II., I
The govct~ament's anti-poverty II I [ " [ [ '{ I
program is now beginning to op- l | ~ i ~ )~-,~'l I ~) I I " |
crate in full gear In hundreds/|.~l ".- %"~/]///~l I. I I
of commumhes throughout the /l ~ [ ".." ! iJ~\ ..t:1 I
country, anti-poverty groups are/I ~] I .~ff/J~, " [ I I
being created m~d loc~I programs. .~
are being formulated The offme~l :iI ~ 1I !
of Economic Opportunity and oth-/I V
er appropriate government agen-/|-"~//~~J'-~.~'~|
cies are reviewing applications forl|" ~"f~ ~ ,~/:/ |
the use of federal funds for local||~ .,~ ~ f~ b'~V- : |
anti-poverty projects. A number/|~--~ ~ ~2,~'|
of such projects have already been~l ~|,=$ "~J __~.~-. ; Ld------. ~i
approved and others will soon get l
underway. III Don't suffer in silence worry-
• HE pro gr~:~ II ing about the best place to go
unoer the mconomlc oppor~umty I| for fast, efficient service. Don't
Act, is one step in the campaign [| v ' d v and sc
• dela --come ~n to a_ ~e
to reduce povel~y. Obvmusly many]| for ' ...... 'f
other measures are needed--such/|-- x .......
as extension of coverage of the
Fair Labor Standards Act, an in-
crease in the federal minimum !
wage, adoption of medicare, an in-
crease in social security benefits,
aid td education slid equal oppor-
tunities for all citizens.
The anti-poverty program, head-
ed by Sargent Shriver, offers or-
ganized labor a vast potential of
opportnnities, challenges and pro-
meet your new
II you own a chain saw or ae thinking about buying one, remember
this name and address for complete chain saw sales and service• Better
The Cancer Crusade is under- THE NINTH grade mixed choir, able studeuts to lealn~ better tele .... , '
~Uper XL... way this month and volunteers in I directed by Willia~n P Williams, } phone habits. The telephones, sup- yet tear out th s ad and put m your telephone book where you it be
direct drive this arcs assisting Mrs. George theld a c(;ncert with 'the junior/plied at no cost hy the Bell Tele- cedain to find it when you need it. Drop in and see us anytime...
Super power. Sbackleford include, Mrs. Rex I hio.h band di~'ected by Gary Nic- } phnne Company, l'{ave been much even if it s ]ust for a little helpful advice or information about your saw
oz,, Jess bar Cyossen, Mrs. John Cooper, :Mrs. I School Plav To Be Presented In Auditorium liD;, April '13..~ fc(v d'~tys p|:evious ] appreciated by students and teach.. 0l one you are planning to buy.
Start Freelin, to.rs. O. E. Har(1-I ,=, . ,.'~,~ • -,, , ~ ,~ ..... /to the concert the choir partici-~ers. In most cases, the suzoents
II Iell trees uP castle, Mrs. C. W. Henningsen, J 'l'on|gnl;; 'lraeK ~leeI~ is ~el~ ]yor lvrloay,• I oared in a contest held in Olym- ] have been required to make uP a ~ ~i~,,=~). i~I
:meter, Makes Mrs. Art h'win, Mrs. John Jacob-I ..... : •.. /~ia The ratings were from "one|conversation to demonstrate the
tting firewood .-, , Mrs. Leo Livingston, Mrs. I Y , ' fo~' the freshmen ' / to five, with one being superior} bad and good techmques of speak- ,--
Charles Williams, Mrs. Jim Lane,/ and Linda Crease y 1 a ~. .... /and five being rather poor. Tile/log over the telephone. Working ~o~KEgS ""
Shelters and Mrs, John Allen, Mrs. Edward~ SJHS will prescut its spring l Tomorrow. tl~c ~,azers wm corn-| choir received a three plus rating.~ with the telephones has been an
a free demon, H.ommen Mrs Robert Polhamus,/ .............. ~.. I pete agains¢ wasnington aunt°r/On an earlier occasion the band| activity which has lasted for four
:Mrs. Kenneth Rothlein, MYs. Hare-] p,ay, ~,~Oh;sO:v£,i:Uta~,~u, mU.~n]High of Olympia it, a dual track]received a two plus rating. [weeks.
ey Rendsland Mrs Frank Sehantz zrleno, t s e ~ g P. • meet If the Blazers are success- ~ade core classes have Some studentsroaned while
.... , .... • . . '' .- " . - Seventh g ....... g
OTOR Mrs Lee Lopriore, Mrs. Kenneth [the .jumor high sclmol, m,d,tormm I ful m the,r attempts, ,t, w,ll takin~o achievement tests., .. in~/others. ..~miled at the .~rades thev.~ / ~e~ ~,~,~l~ I
Leatherman, Mrs. J. A. Schlange. This. performance. . is open to the their fourth win of the season.. • math to see- how m~ch~ knowh d~ g.e rec. elred on their. . report c~rds.
M~a Jack Dean, Mrs Newell Bls pubhc with tinkers 50 cents for Next Tuesday the Blazers will ws-|lhev " , v' "| fficial • " o[
'' .... / .. " / . • . . " .~.. # have aclne, ed over the .cal..The uno__ hone, roll f - the ~ ~'~~~.~ .~..:v~,~..~
son, Mrs. S. C. DeLeD, and Mrs. | adults and J0 cents for students. [ it Washington for a baseball ga~ne.| The tests are given hv Donald| third quarter has now been posted. ~ ~!!~
Icrest Glenn Criss. / Yesterday there was a matinee| A Girls' League meeting willlBrown, junior high coun'selor. ]The report, posted only in .school,
:26"4602 A canning and freezing school/ of the play given for the seventh| be held tomorrow during the sixth] The English classes of many| lists students who turned it, their
'~llWhat will be held at the Belfair Com-~graders with a second perform- | period. The meeting, for all tlie] SJHS students have enjoyed the/ cards by a certain date and re- SORtES
reunify Church from l0 a.m. t01 ance for the eighth graders in the/girls in school, will be in the audi-[ opporhmlty of using two tele-] ceived a straight "B" average witll CHA
noon Friday. t afternoon. This morning a cast ell torium. | phones with a control unit, to en-" no "Y)'s" or "F's" allowed.
II Ill]ll !l II II II II III lUll II II III II II [llllillllIIIIllll!lllllllllllt Illlllltl IIIII Ill I I Illlllllll!llllll IIIIIIllllt llllllllllllltlllllll II IIIlltlllll I!!1 Illllltllll IIIIIIIIIIIIII ! $ I1 Illl II l I I IIlll II I!1 IIII II III IIIII11 II IlUl I11 II II I11111111 $111111111111111111111 IItlIIIIIIIII I$1$111U]llUlIIIII i'II
gifts have been donated by local
s i
pital Contest.
Name Yo
Chatham Wool Blanket
Parker Fountain Pen and Pencil
Typewriter T ble
Certificate for One Wrist Watch Clealfing
$10.00 Gift Certificate
G.E. IroU
Pe ,l Electric Blanket
arr " "in Landers Buffet Server
Caravelle Wrist Watch
rugS tore
Hair Dryer
ii Iiii i ,
Contestant's Name ................................................. Date ........................
Address ............................................................................... Age ................
Hospital Names ........... : ..............................................................................
1. Deadline for entries is April 30, and, no entry with a post-
mark later than that date Will be considered in judging.
2. There is no age ]imitation, but, contestants must be residents
of Mason County.
3. In event of a tie, the entry bearing the earliest i~o~;Lnmrk
will be judged the winner.
4. Contestants may enter as many names as i h~,y ~ i:;h. n~,l,
names need not necessarily be on a l)rinL~d