April 22, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 22, 1965 |
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22, 1965
SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published in "Christmastown U.S.A.", Shelton, ashlngt
Foresi Feflv, al l!lea s To P#!e
quI3n y it
people of Mason
a speci~l time'
for our gTent
and for renlernber-, i
to care for onr
forest. This is
Festiwil lueans
plan of sustained
inherited the great
Mason Col nty.
of each of
Care for OLU' in-
we m'.sy pass this
on to future gen-
Mason County
served to pro-
and c(}nser-
st. The Forest
each of us. of Lhe
fire and disease
of proper con-
Mason County de-
supply of
forest in-
of Mason
on the forest
logging, op-
Working ill
new products.
time in Shel-
U.S.A., the
Firs, to be
us With a live-
rovides us with
Pursuits. We
to have the
~nd hunting and
of today,
sponsors a
a first-hand
eve~,ene to share
Skills of log-
the best of
methods are even
more amazing, when We remenl-
her that tile first adventurous log-
gers in Mason County worked with
just oxen and chains. This year
the Forest Festival specially lion-
ors the 75th Anniversary of the
Simpson Timber Company in Shel-
I WILl, NEVEI{ forget seeing
the beautiful floats in the Paul
Bunyan Parade for the first time.
I was six years old when we
moved to Shelton. I ttlought it was
the most wonderful place in the
world.--I could hardly wait to
climb all those trees!
Living in Shelton, I have come
to appreciate the commnnity spir-
it and effort that makes the For-
est Festival possible, the students
designing the Forest Festival But-
tons, small children making Keep
Washington Green Posters and the
conlmunity floaLs, created by the
childrenand adults of Mason
The people of Mason County
invite everyone to join in cele-
brating this special time for hon-
oring our forest, our 1965 Mason
County Forest Festival.
Stolen From In Front
9fi131i'S Hoi]se
heard of
es, bank
who have no
else's pr(q)er-
ll.( ) \V VV e
tore out a
from the banl~
n~ front of the
:rtrude Scett. As
Value these had
they Were gi-
en was a red
low spreadinR;
create a little
as Weil as pus-
)ok these shrubs
ess persr)n.
Clnb will
Saturday ev-
home of Mr,
With Mr.
of I,a-
a Week with
n'-in-law, Mr.
Was home for
Ten Williams
to Everett
night with
her With the
anlily at Lake
brated her
She had
.Y through
of South-
Cliff Combs home were Mr. and
Mrs. Manlcy Michler and sons of
Sk,fl~omish Valley. Mrs. Betty
Combs and Raynmnd and }:~oy An-
1)enni:~ Combs, I)onnic Evans
and Ronnie LeGal'de all enjo~Ted
'~t field trip Monday with ot'imr
4-1{ I~uih-lers to Seattle and vis-
ited a. nunlb(!r of interesting spots
inehlding the harbor.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown and
shelley (lined Sunday with tile
Vernoll Stewart family in Shelton.
Both Saturday and Sllnd~ty Cliff'
Evans and VVhitcy I'ittcnger fished
at Hood Canal and got their lim-
its both clays.
M)-, and Mrs. Dick Leonard and
family ('nl:('rtaine(I Mr. and Mrs.
G eorge Schnabcl and girls at a
combin( d tL'aster and birth(lily dill-
ncr Snnday. The honoree was Mrs.
Tln)rsday evening callers in the
Jesse Aldrich home were Mr. and
Mrs. Tommy Tripplet and child-
ten of Olympia.
Shelley Brown spent Friday ov-
ernighL with the Kenneth Selviage
family at Kamilche.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Berry, Shel-
Ion, called on tile Bill Browns
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hulbert vis-
ited Sunday with her mot~'er, Mrs.
Sarah Lozier of Tumwater and
then attended the Cantata at the
Tumwatcr Baptist Church. On ar-
riving home, they received a call
fronl daughter Donna, Federal
Way, who wanted to let her I)ar-
cnts know, she had just gotten
l(a ilche Wornae"'" "
Returns Home From Vmtzng In Ml,
I%y Norton Taylor Sunday after loon callers at the to Seattle.
I(AMILCHE -- Thursday, Mrs. A1 Lord homc were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Knute Rod and
Mac Unge)" returned from her two
weeks vacation trip to Missouri
where she had a. most enjoyable
time visiting with her many
friends and relatives in Marysville,
St. Joseph and Kansas City.
Spending' the holiday weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Black-
welder was Mrs. Blackweldcr's
brother, Merle O'Neil of Camel,
Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Nelson and
family enjoyed Easter Sunday din-
nor wiLh Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Nelson. Scott and Nora Nelson
stayed overnight with their grand-
parents Sunday.
! Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Simmons drove ahmg the
Boston Harbor Road to view the
beautiful Huber Easter display.
Rev. and Mrs. Earl Bradley had
visitors from California here for
a few days. They were Mrs. Brad-
ley's sisters, Miss Patti Hiller of
Pasadena and MJ's. Carol Merrill
of Hollywood.
Easter Sunday dinner guests at
tile home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Stansbury were Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
tel" Stansbury and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Wheaton and children~
and Melvin Sparks.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Otto made
a trip to Mosier, Ore. Thursday
md returned Saturday. They had
a real nice time visiting with
many relatives of Mrs. Otto's.
Si|lpfltter Second ()lass Victor
M. Otto, USN, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Martin C. Otto, Shelton, was
awarded the Armed Forces Exped-
itionary Medal March 17, while
serving ahoard the combat stores
ship USS Mar,% operating out of
Yokosuka, Japan.
The Mars, the Navy's first ship
of its type, and the crew were
awarded tile decor]Lion for "thirty
days of direct logistical support of
task force operations in the South
Chim~ Sea."
Seaman l{e[,ruit Harry R. Wol-
eott Jr., USN, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry R. Wolcott, Shelton, has be-
gun nine we:q~s ' of Navy busie
training at th.~' U.S. Nawd Train-
inK Ccnlel', San Diego, Calif.
Iu lhe first weeks of his naval
service he will sLudy military sub-
jeers and live and work under
conditions similar to those he will
encounter on his first ship or at
his first shor,~ station.
Qnartermasi(~r 3r(l Class All)err
E. Dielcgeise~r, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert C. Dickgieser, Shelton,
took part in Exercise Quick Kick
VII, aboard tile attack cargo ship
USS Vermilion.
Quick I