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i i:!
SITELTON--MASON COUNTY JOT/RNAT5--Published in "0hr s ma own, U,B.)f.", SheRon, Washln o
ELAINE ZEHE will be one of the commencement speakers for
the Class ,of 1965. She has been active in many school organiza-
tions, as well as being a member of Honor Society and one of the
Top Ten in her class.
One of the cmun]encement spea-
kers at the graduation ccre'mon-
ies for the Shelton High School
class of '65 will be Elaine Zehe.
Not only is Elaine one of the
Top Ten in this year's class, she
has been an active member of it.
She is senior class representative
on the Girls' Club Executive board,
seeretary-treastlrer of Honor So-.
ciety and on the Pep Clnb exec-
utive board. She also belongs to
The Journal
~j~! Freef with our c0mplimen.,
Virginia Cou~cnay'J etiqurK0
bookle~, Ask for your copy.
German Club, GAA, Scarlet "S"
and is on the Highclimber tennis
team. In past years she has been
a member of Latin Club, FTA
md Board of Control.
Until this 'year she was active
in the 4-H program. She attends
Memorial Lutheran church in Bre-
Chemistry, literature, German,
civics and typing are the subjects
on her schedule the final year
of her high school education.
Elaine will attend Western
~¥ashington State College in Bel-
lingham this fall where she will
majm' in education. Elementary
teaching is her present goal.
The danghter of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Zehe, Grapevicw, Elaine
has one brother, Joel, a seventh
grader. Size was born Dec. 1, 1.946
in Shelton.
Elaine who is 5'7" tall and has
blue eyes and light brunette hair,
lists her hobbies as sewing, water
and snow skiing and tennis.
Duplicate Bridge
Club Winners
Shclton Duplicate Bridge Club
winners for the north-south this
,M:onday night, were Nits. Percy
Bea~ and Bob Quin~by, Bill Lncke
and Bob Eliot, Gordon Bennett and
Gusli C;oldschmid.
East-west winners were Eva
Aamodt and Mary Keller, Ed Tve-
den and Gait Foote, Mrs. Jim
Fletcher and Mrs. Jim Hartley.
There were eight tables in play.
The club meets every Monday
night at 7:30 p.m. ,in the PUD
Auditorium. All bridge players are
Women Golfers To
Hear Travel Director
Miss Carol Lane, women's travel
director of Shell Oil Co., will en-
tertain the Women's Division of
Shelton-Bayshore Golf Club next
Tuesday. A light hmcheon will be
served all p,m.
Tickets are awlilable a.t Pan-
torium Cleaners and Kay's Drap-
eries for this informative and in-
teresting program. There will be
door prizes.
Busy Schedule For
New Officers Of
Hood Canal Club
ESA Project Prof
M~s. Nina Miller of Union was
recleclcd president of the Hood
Canal Woman's Club at last
Thursday's meeting held in the
Potlalch ('htbhouse. Mrs. tester L.
Ager was chosen as vice presi-
dent: Mrs. Carl Hansen, 2nd vice
president; Mrs. Robert L. Rowe,
seretary; Mrs. Edward H. Jenner.
treasurer; and Mrs. Verne Hill,
trllste(! for a three year term.
In honor of the 3gth anniv(,rs-
ary of il.s founding the club's an-
nual birthday dinner will be held
Itl 6:30 p.ln. May 5 in the Shelton
H,tel. Past presidents and char-
le.r n~e]Tlt)ers are honored at this
Hostesses for the banquet are
the Shelton members of the club
who are making arrangements un-
der the chairmanship of Mrs. Al-
ice Dorman. Entertainment for
the evening's program is furn-
ished by the various eommnnities
represented in the membership.
Also on the club calendar for
May is at.other event in ShelLon,
the" antique show and tea entitled,
"Our Heritage Amid Nature's
Beauties". Lovers of antiques are
looking forward to the tea to be
held from 2 to 4:30 p.m. May 14
in the home of Mrs. Maude Cros-
by whose residence at 422 North
Third street is rich in antique
fun~ishings. Mrs. Crosby and her
sister-in-law, Mrs. Alice Dorman
will hostess th event. Mrs. Ed-
ward H. Jenner', Potlatch is tea
committee chairman.
Invitation cards for the tea are
in the hands of members of the
club and the Hood Canal Garden
Club. Contributions of $1.25 are
for the scholarship fund, a major
project of the Hood Canal Wo-
man's Club.
Mrs. Miller asked, for a good
,attendance of members at the
spring conference of the Peninsula
District Federation .of Woman's
chlbs to be held in Tacoma in the
Central Lutheran church the after-
noon and evening of April 27.
State president Mrs. Wayne Chas-
tain of Spokane will speak at the
Two June events were sched-
uled at the April 15 meeting.
Plans wlM he announced later for
the Fine Arts exhibit and tea
in the Potlatch clubhouse June 6
aml the Fathers' Day breakfast
June 20.
Cal Hopper, administrator of
the Shelton General Hospital, was
the after-luncheon speaker. He
explained the community need for
adequate hospital facilities and ac-
tions taken by hospital district
commissioners to promote con-
struction of a new county hospital.
He urged voter turnout for ~be
I special bond issue election on ~ay
11 to secure the necessary "g0"
percent of the number who voted
in the last election.
Luncheon hostesses were Mrs.
Maude Crosby, the Misses Dora
and Rose Fredson, Mrs. George
Brewer, Mrs. Alice Dorman and
Mrs. Verne L. Hill, all of Shelton.
Arrangements of colored Easter
eggs and flowers made seasonal
table decorations.
v --..L- III ~I
Ill I II
Here are the facts. Compare Dodge Coronet with other cars in its price range!
117" 204.2" 195,2 sq. in. Torsion.Bar Unitized $2217"
115" 196,6" 168,9 sq. in. Coil Body/Frame$2156
116" 198,8" 126 sq. in,Coil Unitized $2230
"Prices ~iven are manufacturer's suggested retail prices for 2 door sedans. 6 cyl. and
include factow retail provision for dozier new car preparation end £. H. and 0. State
and/or local taxes, if any, destination charges and optio=ml equipment era not included.
"Your Child and his Health"
will be subject of the program for
Evergreen PTA when it meets in
the school at 8 p.m. tonight.
School nurse Rosie Smith will
be on ,a panel for discussion with
Drs. William Schumacher of Shel=
ton and C: W. Read, a pediatrician
from Olympia.
~,veryone is invited to attend.
Coffee Will be served during the
First & Railroad
**And that's where the Dodge Boys start to dealt
Shelton, Wash.
Donated For Use Of
Exceptional Foresters
At the March meeting of Epsi-
Ion Sigma Alpha held in the home
of Joan Sowers it was voted to
donate $10 to the ESA Home
Board and was annollllCed the
recommended TV programs for
children p,ojeet had netled $363
md would be douated t() Excep-
tional Foresters.
After the regular business meet-
mg was adjourned a baby shower
was held for Bobble Goodwin who
received many nice gifts.
The April 14 meeting of the
group was held in ti~e home of
Lois Kimbel with Dot, RidouL as
co-hostess. Befo:e the busi~less
meeting the members went to the
Exceptional Foresters school aL
the airport for a lecture and tour
by Ed Kroh, instructor at the
He gave an interesting and in-
formative talk on the progress of
the program explaining how the
students are being trained for
useful skills and taught the safe
use of wood equipment.
Mr. Kroh also gave the group
a tour through the building so
they could see their actual class.
rooms and equipment. Following
the tour Mrs. Kroh and their
daughter, Becky, served refresh-
During the regular business
meeting, election of officers was
held with the following being cho-
sen for the next year: President,
Joan Sowers; vice president, Bob-
bie Goodwin; recording secretary,
Darlene Wilson; corresponding
secretary, Margaret Young; treas-
urer, Helen Rice; parliamentarian,
Wanda Schirmer.
A catering job for the 19th
Hole Club April 21 was planned
as was serving of cookies and
coffee at the cancer kick-off tea
April 20.
A Seattle visitor, Donna Jean
Evans, was at the meeting, Re-
freshments were served following
First place winners at the April
10 card party sponsored by the
Eagle's Auxiliary were A. N. Ben-
son and Avis Saeger. Second plac-
es went to Gene Dorsett and Mary
Needham. Jack Smith and Edna
Kneeland won the traveling pin-
The next card party will be held
at 8 p.m. Saturday in the Eagle's
hall at the airport. The public is
J UANITA POTTER'S French Mint Cream Pies is a rich chocolate
dessert which is frozen rather than baked, making it handy for
short notice occasions.
A very rich dessert that requires 13, and Jim who is 18. They have
i Two Speakers Slated
For Mr, View PTA Mee|
Mr. View PTA will meet at 8
p.ni. Monday in the multi-l)urpose
roon] of tile school. Rooms will be
open for visitation at 7:45 p.m.
I{ol)ert Qtdggle will st)eak on the.
propoued levy an(t Don Brown will
talk on p~ep:-u'ing yottr child fo"
three grandchildren.
Juanita is a past president of
VFW Auxiliary, and past matron
of Welcome Chapter No. 40, Or-
der of Eastern Star. She attends
the Methodist church.
French Mint Cretan Pie
1 cup butter or margarine
2 tsp. vanilla
V_, tsp. mint.
2 cups powdered sugar
4 squares chocolate
4 eggs
wmilla wafer crumbs
Cream butter or margarine, add
flavm'ings. Mix well, heat in pow-
dered sugar then melted chocolate.
Mix in eggs one at a time, Place
1 tsp. vanilla wafer crumbs in
cup cake papers. Fill with mixture
Top with V, tsp. crumbs Place
in freezer.
Jlalior ttigh.
There will be a science exhibit
displayed by Mr. Riffey's second
grade class. Invocation will be giv-
en by AI Motes of the Mr. View
Alliance church nnd inspiration
by M'n'vin Leman. The flag sahde
will be led by Brownie Troop No.
179 under direction of Mrs. Kra-
1her and hit's. Og(len.
no baking and is not spoiled by
being made ahead of time because
it has to be frozen anyway, is
Juanita Potter's French Mint
Cream pies.
Juanita, wife of former sheriff,
"Jug" Potter, is a person who
likes to keep busy. Even when she
watches television her hands are
occupied with knitting or cro-
cheting. Other. pastimes she en-
joys are, reading, sewing and gar-
Working with children of all
ages has always captured her in-
terest. She has. taught "small fry"
in Sunday school and worked with
Job's Daughters and DeMolay as
her own children have been that
The Potter's two oldest child-
ren, Nita and Bill are married.
At home they have Linda, nealy
In Washington,
after golf
beer's the one...
for good taste,
good fun
6.70 x 15 tube.type, plus tax and 2 old tires
A rnmmage
sored by
Order of tile
Friday and
can either brin
or call Evelyn
days or 426-3
trra ]gement
Fraternal I
2nd & 4th
After a hard-played 18 holes, it's
settle down on a soft chair in
house and add up the score
What better time for the drink that
almost every golfer--cool, thirst<
Yes, beer's great to relax with, great
ment, great for taste. So whatever
boating or baseball-swimming or
afterwards with the zestful taste of
The only low-priced whitewalls with extra.mileage Tufsyn Rubber and 3-T Nylon Cord !
6,70 x 15 tube-type
Chevrolet, Ford, Plymouth, Dodge.
Rambler, Nash, Hudson; Studebaker, Willys.
7.50 x 14 or 6.70 x 15 tubeless
Chevrolet, Dodge, Ford, Plymouth,.Merc:ury,
Ponttiac, Rambler, Studebaker, Willys.
8.00 x 14 tubeless
Chrysler, DeSoto, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Mercury,
also many station wagons.
"No Limit" Guarantee !
;,r- I
GOODYEAR NATiON-WIDE. "NO LIMIT', GUARANTEE-No limit on months • No limit on miles • No limit as
t~ roads • No limit as to__sP~l~nE' ~.or the entire life ~f the tread.
ALL NEW GOODYEAR AUtO S ARE GUARANTEED against defects in workmanship and materials and normal road
hazards, except repairable punctures. "
i IF A GOODYEAR TIRE FAILS. UNDER THIS GUARANTEE any of more than 80 000 Goodyear dealers In the United
; States and Cana(~a w make a Owence on a now tire based on original tread depth remaining and ~oodyear's
printed ,'Exchange Price" current at the time of adjustment, not on the higher "No Trade.in Price."
Blsckwalls$4 less per pair. *Plus tax and 2 old tireS,
19th &Pac. Ave.
Get Ready Now For
Summer Driving
5th & E. Main
Truck Tire
Front & Grove