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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 22, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 22, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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22, 196.5 $¢HOGL NEWS Plans Tolo May 7; IIonor Society At Banquet Plalmed April 29 hie Rose slain COlll in ~,. for the girls is The tolo lhis 7 and the Tile girls will and the boy.q jackets. The l~e 8 ll.m. an,.! tickets will e0up]e weeks a.t Keith Baggerly :'ton is mtpply- \a¢'il bin" is I1S allC] eO-ch:~irman. The the dance is the Week. Some of the t .... " he Week will be as you like), Night, Girl Dinner. (Girls cannot Also Mil- eomnlittee has a Sltlm- April 23 at I11. ;anquet is 29. This for the members. The and their to attend. The of serving al program is the dinner. Show i.~ during fifth IS square feet being added at First and construction addition. reports that 95 percent ~ing with the Will be in- etion of the ad- add lubrication, light mech- later date or a divelsified all of which addition of two total of five era- Don at Jim Paul. as additions service de- new and used Sales. tie was Shelton high ". coming here m a native of , was associated operation of e Station at grad- Shell across the selling the service associat- e service Marilyn to the Get- partnlent at He at- senior high coming he wa,~ I-I J ?ON.--MAgON' 0IINT 'JOURNAL--Published in "C 14. tma,' town, U.g.A .", glldton, Washington PAGE 19 ey Cent, and ell organ- ~tor of the of more cele- ea of the Product in Since have million 3~t.,a' major Lae Olsen 4th and and sixth periods. Tlle itin/h grade girls will be (Icing a fealm'ed nuln- I)er of their own. The llrogran~ it. i.() fealm'e lnlunly the senior girls. The l)r()gram is ()pen Io the whole seho()l add will ('.()st 10¢ a(lmis- si.n. Also the Girls Chlb is go- inK to start selliny ~,t)t)le:; >t m)(m for five days a wool{. 'Fh¢, al)pl:'~ will be sold for 15¢ n piece and ~l'e l:o !)e pureh:,:u?d tbr(;1L~++h Poi:e~;. Ti4F- OTHER activity ,q)on.~:of ed by the Girls Chlb i:~ thc Moth- er 1laughter Tea to be held May 27. This activity is a!:~o 1:~ ho;:cn the senior girls'. 'Phe lea will start at 2:15 p.m. and hlst for a col, p](: hours with a p,h~nned pl't)graln a,'](l entertainnlent. All senior girls and lheir i~Aothers are invited to Ill* lend. The lhcme (of the lea is "Through tile Lookinq," Glass." The OVel':lll ell:livll3aD i:4 I.,~11!1';t }i'osiieF with Nancy Dreher (:hail'Ill,Ill of the refreshments and Mildred Kis-. ler decorations chairman leurther details will be given "It: n later date. April 20, the Senior-Junior Class challenges were held. These two classes have challenged each olh- ed on a wood cutting contest to see which class can cut the most wood off the track. The challenge will begin at 9:30 a.m. and may continue all day. The girls will bring refreshments. The winner of the contest will be announced in the next paper. April 15, the Student Council Meeting was held. The following dates were approved: Drill Teanl Bake Sale - May 1, Boys Club Talent Show fifth and sLxth period, May 4, Tolo, May 7. Sue Allen explained the Drill Teams need of a money malting project for the purpose of helping to pay for the present uniforms. A report was also given of the profit made on the Band Blast. The total prof- it was $160.47 after paying the rent on the outfits. Jan,s Harstad read the rules pertaining to' the upcoming slave auction, where students as well as teachers will be auctioned as slaves. Ken Bead gave a report of the total ticket sales to date. The sales hav hit $753. This is good but it isn't near- ly enough to pay for $3,000 worth of football lights. Tim Wing sug- gested that another all-out drive be started again to push the tick- et sales up again. Nancy Dreher reported that the life-time passes have been mailed to the seven peo- ple who have deserved them in the past 10 years. A committee was also picked to start a cam- paign to start a float from Belfair for the Shelton Forest Festival Parade in May. The committee is going to try to get some dif- ferent merchants in Belfair to sponsor it and also to get help on this project. The council also okay'd the an- nual Senior Bullthrowing Contest, which will begin next week and laat for three weeks, The students will drop their money in the teach- ers jar, whom they feel best de- serves it. H0eds 0rt Refide,ts Observe A by lions O'Nell I1OOI)SI'(_)I~'I~ Only in this } 12'real sl:tle of \,Vashinglon COllld~ all Easier ~,llllday ])t" Nllch a SOg- gY, (h'ipl)ing, ram soaked lness. Sllnl lSt' :