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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 22, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 22, 1965
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1965 SHELTON-=MASON JOURNAL =- Published in "Uh a to m, U.S.A.", Shelton, Wu)flnp mn PAGE 21 Fat er S0n OF TAX NO• 3577 NOTICI`~()Y' Ili`:ARING FINAL ,,,:,.,,,,iF,,,, Get Honors Public Impact Of Redistricting GIVEN tll zt DIMTItlBI~TION 'el'silly with IN TIlE SUPERIOR COURT OP TIII'J Bill May Fade Before Tax Legislation fly, Stal .... f MASON COUNTY IN PROI~ATE By Rohert C. Cttmmings ment. ['~ and1965.enlez.edor(l,q.. IH~LENIn ilmMAyMattCrBUlll..Of tlWD,,,.,msed.Estat,, ,,f ;'~+'~'~"; ~LI g ~r:ll :~-S OLYMPTA-~ The 47 (Jays the "~+Vith the Denlocrals contl'ollin~ +_ soil, in the NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that 391.11 Legislature spent redistrict- both honses of tile Legislature, snd the under- Donald R. Gates Administratm. of the tng itself made the biggest ira- a Republican GOVel•nor firln]y es- lie 301h day Estate of Hch,n May Buhl, deceased, mediate impression on the public,tablishcd in the executive o'ffiee. AS TIlE MAN SAID . . . complete set of imnd tools $160. ,our of TenIres filed in the office of the Clerk ofBy Ft'an,,esCaIio I came across a book as I was brand new McCulloch power saw of said day, said Court a Final Report and Peti: dsiltheiite'aryfi" " ' '" : but by next year it will probably the job looked ahnost impossible, looking for something. This took$200, complete set rigging for P. Courlhousc tion for Distribution. asking the C(,m't Awar I ~ eld havebe forgotten. " Tile final result, though it fav- was written by a nlinister on the spat' tree $600, another set: of spar t, said County to settle said rot)re't, distribute the conic recently Io a father and hisThe revenue bill will make theors the Democrats somewhat, evils of modernism, and lily eyetree rigging $150, and a. brand deasat setn°tforthandleSsl)rOl)ertYto tOdischargctlm p(,)'sonSthethcretol)ctitionerCnlitledas SOil, to Pat ]V[cGrady for his book most lasting impression, doesn't change the political pic- 'was caught by this inscriptioll:new battery $15. S advertising Administcator; and that said report on Cancer, "The Savage Cell," andBy the time the next election tm'e nnlch. Tim rapid group of "Tile things yoti do that you oughtThis saw Bob lost didn't cost. best hiddersl and petition will b0 beard on the 14th to Mike McGrady for his Weekly rolls around, taxes will overshadow sill)urban areas, which tend to be tm'ost of said day of May, I965, at 10:00 o'chmk in cohinlll in "Weel~end With News-i the $40 per diem for legislators more conservative couhi throw not to do, you do because you me a cent, it is just tile principle ~taining for- the forenoon of said day, ,)r as soon • ,, ,.:) • ,, . . don't know what yOU ought to of the kind of h)cal 5onl that reservations th(w(mfter as the lllatt,,r can be beard day", the Saturday magazine of then" vetoed tll1 le dip pension the balance the other way within do"• Laws at the com'I room ()f the above-entlih:d Ncwsday, publishe[lin Long Is- bill, their pay raise and every- a short time. would do such a thing that irri- for 1943court, In the Courlhouse ia Shelton, land, N.Y. thing else. the follow- Mason C,)unty, Washington, at which m'tv, sittiated time and place any person interested "The Savage Cell," the first REDISTRICTING ~, t'o-wiC: in said Estate may appear and file oU- "behind-the scenes" report on can- Thotlgh mOSt of the" public 56 both in- jectious lhereto and contest the same. eel" slid cancer research writtencouldn't care less, ttle redistrict- D, Block 4: DATED Ibis 9th day (,f April, 1965. lock 6' LotsLAURA M. WAGENER for the public was chosen by the ing bill was a major accomplish- 7; Lot.~ 1 to Clerk of said Court American Library Association as s 1 to 46 In- By Teckla Vormillhm, Deputy one of the Notable Books of 19- Legal Publications [o 1.~ and 24 GLENN E. CORREA )ck 10. LotsAttorney for Estate 64. It is now in its second print- 1; L,)ts 1 to Bell Building ing and a condensation of the NO. 3568 :NOTICE OF IIEARING FINAL in the Pint 121 South Fourth Street book has been syndicated. It has REPORT AND PETITION FOR men County.Shelton, Washington 98584 the Official 4/15-22-29 5/6 4t made a record in the number of . DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COUI~T OP THE tim office of ~ newspapers planning to publish STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR %un- " the series as a means of educa= ~bo y and NO. 3628 MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE tit i lCIlls- :NOTICE TO CIIEDITOI{S TO ting their readers on what they In the Matter of the Estate of and 29 to 56 PRESENT AND FILl,; CLAIMS can do to fight cancer, R. H. LARIMORE, Deceased. Lots 1 to 40 IN TIlE SUPERIOR COURT OI~ THE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that STATE OP WASHINGTON FOR REVIEWER IIAROLD Bloom- Ethel H. Larlmore, Executrix of the in full herel, a U.S. Senate)' cited front Departluenl el' Lab n' )'eport~ fl'Oln 1953-1963 tile folh)wing sta- listics: Jobs in ri~ht- to-work states increa:,:ed by 23. Two per- cent as compared to 9.9 Ilercent in non-right-to-w(wi~ S~ates; t)cr capita personal incoDa, increased by 43.0 percent in ~ght-to-work St:ales as coml)ared to 34.7 per.- cent in non-right-to-work States; and capital expenditures in right- to-work States increased by 38.3 percent as conlparcd to 11.(; per- cent in non-right-to-work States. Betty Smith Lillix~ asp, Wash. Foursquare Church Isn't that a picture of the world rates nle. Bob has spent in excess EFFECTS today? Confusion ou every hand.of ten times tile value of this saw 910 East Oi~arborn Effects of the redistricting issue People don't know sometinles what helping these same kind of char- oil the Legislature are something is the best thing to do in certain acters. Being good or helpful to Sunday School .... :.:. 9:45 a.m, else ag.dn, cases, so they are apt to say or these people doesn't work so let's Morning Worship 11:00 a•m. While committees worked on do the wrong thing at. the wrong try something else. C.Y.'s & Cadets ...... 6:00 p.m. other bills dm'ing those 47 days, time. If anyone knows where this saw Evening Service ...... 7:00 p.m. ninny of the members were un- Maybe that sounds confusing is please call 426-8113 or tell Bob! Bible Study (Wed.) 7:00 p.m. able to keep their minds on their too, but it is what is going on and we will take it from tl:ere. Lewis B. Wyseng, pastor work. They were too busy lookingeverywhere, all over the world in Thmlk you, over their sltoulders to see what fact• Even tile very elect, the John A, Dinning a/ll till i i was being done with tile bound- ones highly edncated come up RIGHT~]W-0-R--~-L-~-- aries of their particular legisla- with somevery foolish ideas about tive districts. MT. VIEW r^~ppor"the plan of salvation. They think FIGURES GIVE PROOF tionmentWhen agreementwas finally Onreached~ and this and they think that, instead Editor, The Journal: Alliance Church the logjam broke, there was too of believing God's ~ord that Christ Many valid arguments can be died on tile cross to save us from made for Right-to-Work laws; Washington and J Sts. much haste to pass as many bills our sins, and that we need to ac- sometimes, however, a simple corn- ,,Estate of R. H. Larlmore, deceased, MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) quist in the "Library Journal has filed in tha office of the Clerk of during the remaining 13 days of cept Him as otu" own personal patis)n f lgl ~es nn: y say mine ............ In the Matter of the Estate of ' ( o f" t ~ . Sunday School ............ 9:45 a m. CHARLES J. BAISCH. Deceased• calls "The Savage Cell" an "ex- said C~,urt a Plnal Repoz't ~ond Petition the l~gnlar session as possible. Saviour. ~ ............................ th~n n thnn~nnd "J~n),~ morning WorsIup .... ll:UU a,m. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that cellent piece of scientific report- for Distribution, asking t Court to the undersigned, Josephine Gems has age . . . clear, bold and civilized," settlo said report, distripgte~othg prop- Tile same thing happened during These beliefs that many people In a recent newspaper article A• Y; F...._.. ............ 6:00 p.m. • ~venmg ~ervlce 7'uo p,,, been appointed and has qualified as and says that its technical infor- ~nd to discharge tho p "on~r as session which immediately follow- instead of looking in the Bible to Right-to-Work laws (The entire • : • erty to the persons th.otitt ntltled the first 10 days of the special have they accept as Gospel truth calling attention to the merits of .. . - .......... Executrix of the Last Will and Testa- ~rayer riour (Wed) 7 30 pin ment and of the estate of Charles marion is carefully defined and ex- xeeutrix, and that said report and J. Baisch, deceased; and that all per- plained. He highly recommended it Petition will be heard on the 14th ed. see what God has to say about it..article is excellent; Im sorry it) Alex C Motes Pastor day of May 1965, at 10:00 o'clock in Some faulty legislation was I'm sure if they look long on- length might prechtde printing it , all In sons having claims against the said for adults, both lay and profes-the forenoon{ of said daY,aOrbeaS soon bound to slip throngh. Some of ough they will find the answers ~ as¢ Coun- estate or the said deceased are here- m, ,,ll O 1 e Off[-by required to serve the same du~y sional, thereafter ~Lg the nlatter c heard they are seeking• My sister used THE METH0~~sT 0HURCH in he Of-verified in duplicate with the necessary Mike McGrady, 31, is the winner attitledthecourtCOurtinrOomtheCourthouse°f the above-en-n Shel- itofficeWaSandCaughtvetoed,in theTile Governor'Simpact of to say when she heard people on County. vouchers attached, upon the under- signed Executrix or her attorney of of the National Headliners Club ton. Maso~ County. Washington, at other bills will be felt within the speak of their beliefs, It doean t Mason County record at the law office of B. Prank- Award for "consistently outstand- " ' ter~sted in said Estate may appear make it so because they said so". ,north 4th and Pin~ Street) lin Houston, Angle Building, Shelton, i1%9641o~_~1 il~l{e%teCOlUmel~/~,, :urii~hg which time and place any person in- next two years. 4/15-22-29 3t Washington and file such claims to- and file objections thereto and con- BLUEPR|N'T Ephestans 1,17: "That the Cod REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, MINISTER a*'~ gerber with proof of service with the 6 . e p e nte " test the same. A ril _ . Gov. Dan Evans' executive re- of our Lord Jesus Christ, the ~'a-' ,¢~ r~[~ Clerk of the above entitled Court with- a plaque and silver medallion atDATED this 9th day of p, measures had a batting av- ther of glory, may give unto you 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Services =-,-~ In six (6) montlm after the date of the annual awards luncheon of the LAURA M. WAGENER ~~ the first publication of this notice, Clerk of said Court erage of about .500, with about the spirit of wisdom and rovela- 9:45 a.m. Church School for all ages- 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowsihp to-wit: 15 April 1965. or all claims National Headliners Club in At- By ~Peckla Vermillion, Deputy half of them winning approval, tion in the knowledge of him." SClEN TliS NN @ not So presented and filed will be )antic City, N.J. April 24. GLENN E, CORRI~A. This isn't bad in view of tile fact FIRST CHUROH 0 I)ii forever barred. Young McGrady is the author Bell Building that the Democrats cont,~)ilcd the ........ F CHRIST, JOSEPHINE GEMS, Executrix, Attorney for I~tate Evelene Farrell Estate of Charles J. Balseb.of five hooks and contributed fic- 121 South Fourth Street Senate by a majority of 32 to 17, MAN'S I~qING STOLEN TLI== Deceased tion and articles to the Saturday Shelton, Washington 98584 and the House by a margin of 60 Editor, The Jouz~al 302 Alder 81,, 8helton, Wash. comfortable 3 Address: 618 Dearborn, Shelton, Evening Post and other national 4/15-ss-29 5/6 41 to 39. Sunday School ll:00 a.m. ---Chur:h 11 a.m. king size se- Wash. Dear Bill: B. PRAN1TLIN HEUSTON, magazines. ~ is a Yale graduate ~. ~-~ His property tax package hinged out-Attorney for said I~state, and worked on a number of news- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Oil a constitutional amendment re- Last Friday afternoon someone Wednesday evening testimony meetingo 8 p.m, 'afle Angl¢~ Bldg., Shalto~, Wash~ ...... papers before coming to NewsdayIN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE dnolntr the assessment base for walked into the Bartlett Apart- Reading room located in church. Reading room hours 2 to - " ~lXO-~=~ u/o ~ . __STATE Oil' WASHINGTON FOR Y--:-~' : % ments on south Second Street and 4 p.m. ~on. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. full m 1962. He is rearmed and the mASON COUNTY taxing property n'onl 50 percent separate "---- father of three children. He attend- Zn the Matter of the Estate of to an enforceable 30 pel~cent, stole a 1959 SL5 Remington log- ,ors OL MPI0 NATIONAL ][VOR~FI~, ~,~ ~a~nnr~ ,n,ad,~ ~oh,~,~ whenS%EiL.LA. MAY B.O~. H, Dedeasecl, . which was defeated in the Senate. master power saw belonging to e stainless• new 0AI~N RIVER ~ALVAGE 1965 Sale, :7 :.'."__".~_~.v.~__'fd~ "~'eir 7.==:*_, ~{ cnara ~oom ts me. appomtea aml This "ro~'osal had two strikes Bob Dunning• FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH ~tvellocated within T. 2iN., R. OW,, T. nls ~amny m~ u[ r nunm tt~ " qualified Executor of said estate. All P ~ " " The scurvey bum who stole it Arcadia and Lake Boulevard counter tops,22N. :R 6W.. T. 21N., R. 7 W., T. )iwaup during World War II and persons having claims against said against it when it was introduced, knew it was there and knew to (~harles D. Wlgton ~ ' e, new laundry .22N.: R. 7.W., .W.M. Public notice his father was overseasin the uecease.a are..reguh.ed" to serve the The state's county assessors were Bible School ....... 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetings 5:30 p.m ass ham~ ..~ Is hereby glven tnat pursuant ~o me ..~. .. . .~ , , , . . - a,,u u ~ twarlne ~orps V C-- '"~" provisions of Section 5 of Public Law .... sa~eE~cua~})/lcat~'flsuU~YorV~yl,fl~')be~.~~ pressulg for 25 percent. B eln.g whom it belonged. He also knew an you neat 273, 78th Congress (58 Slat. 132-16, Pat McGradv Sr and his wife L. Snyder, at the address below stated, a constitutiona~ amenamen% it he was stealing part of another Worship ............ URN) a.m Psmilv Service 6::~0 p.m U.S.C.A. 583-583i), and the Cooperative ,.,.^ . ..... ~.'..^ :D..,.~ .... ~ ~:.... and file the same with the Clerk of had to have a two-thirds majority man's living Wednesday --- Bible Stilly and Prayer -- 7:30 p.m. A~ ...... * ~. *t,,~ ~fnnn~ornont Of the ~u,~ ..--,~. ,-,-~ ,~u, ....... , ..... ]V[y object in writing this letter, ~-'hfld Care Service Available at 11:0~ Service' .--.-- b ....................... ~" ........ ' said Court, together with proof of i)~ ~,n*I1 h~,,seo BUSINESS? Participating Porest Properties in the in New York City and spend such service, within six .months afte~ ............. . . . . Bill, is to find this saw. I'm hoping Will be h~,n ,^ Shelton Cooperative Sustained Yield summers in their home at Litli= the date of first publication of this Getting a two-thlros vote in someone happened to see the thief ," , , ..... Unit entered into by and between • • notk!e, or the same will be l)arred, either housein this Legislature leaving the prenlises. Did anyone NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH I and will the United States of America and waup. It was at Lllhwau.p that the DATE of first publication: Aprilwasn't can- ,nat a Very at- the Simpson Timber Company, dated attmor wrote mucn ot "Tne ~avage22. 1965. #" see anyone carrying a power saw East E St. Seventh-Day Adventist School Building I uu is all *b~ .'~ uecemoer 12, 1946, an esnmated 4,209 Cell". RICHARD BOOT!-I SCIlOOLS on Grove Street, Second Street, nee-' ":'~ "':" M board feet of timber marked or u anti tn s o'her ...... =:- .............. In" will ~ 1619Summit Drlw] Evans did manage to get one the alley between Cots Street and Small Enough [ ROBERT L. SNYDER important constitutional amend- Grove Street and First and ,Scc- Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. To Need You, 'Big ] Ing needed to be sold to the Simpson Timber Corn- Legal P.blication, ~ne.on, wasmag,on . . . 'ome:and no~_r_.;lac~l,inn ...... 10PanY'1965Seattle'The mtnlmumWashlngt°n'acc~ptable°n MaYbid Attorneyr,~ at Law inent proposal_ approved. It goes end Street Friday p.m. between Worship ........................ 11:00..a.m. Enough To Serve You J '. P ooucer.I)~'r M' board fest is" Douglas-fir NOTICE OF SALE OF FOBEST 12,,~ N, 5th . on the 1966 general election bal- one and four o'clock? uS on this one. ~.3.35, western hemloc]} and other I,BOD[.)(.,.Ts V.~Itl/E.I)A~.02OT ~wemm, washington ...... k " ' 4/22-29 5/6 3tlot Ior voter approva,. Also, thin "ind of character ~sn t .a - ~no~to. ~ 9a w~*-~ shown include ~aot, E "rH,~,~ $2,am) .... It would freeze the permanent going to work for a living so a F~iT~ LUTHEraN C~~ I______ ____.___=__ ___: ,....... rS "SELL" $~.'2(}'"~for~-s]msh"d[sposal. "iS~ates wili ST AT.E O 'W4SH NqTON; D PARSg NO. 3574 school fund at $100 million and pawnshop ,second-hand store or yet comfort be snbject to adjustment during t ~. " .... =~ , ~. ~ .- -2y ; Wel a_ " nerlod of sale as provided by quarter- t, ert u. wow, wocm,ssmnc," o, ,'uo,,c ~O(~# O~ipI,Ie~WI~()~INAoLR authorize use of inconle above that some logger or woodcutter has I:'--' ucs=gned ly" adjustment provisions of the tim- Lands ........ DISTRIBUTION figure, along with interest on Llie most likely ah'eady bought this . ,~e new with ber sale contract. If requested by , .~oucc Ls {tereDy g~,,'on uta3.(,{n lvmn- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OP THE fund for school construction, machine real cheap. Please call 7th and Franklin ' I =a~ures we allthe Stat~ of Wash ngton or by Grays (lay the ara say .ot_may,_l~tia, corn- STATE OF WASHINGTN FOR ' CONVENTION ver . tIarbor Or Mason Counties or by any mcncing at ten o'cmc~ m the zorenoon, 426-8113 anytinle if' yOU have any he~'_at, tractl,ve person deemed to have a reasonable at tin! Shclton Distri¢'.t ltettdquarteJ's' MASON COUNTY , In the Matter of the Estate of, Evans' nrooo.~nl for n crmslltn- idea who stole this saw or where Family Worship Service: 8:30 a.m. J ~ ¢~,tu utility, interest In the proposed sale or in of the ~Jel)artomnt of ~aturm ~tesourc- EMMA' I~"LORENCE~ MILLER De ; -'- ' " " '" ................... s "t T,~,,..,reni~.=_r..__,.,. ._'~/Ta ' h.~a''*° '+~'''''•'',.. .... *~.~ ,...¢~,,,.,~.......;"'~'u',.¢ hon.ln~,),. ductses' thewillfOlh)wlngbe solddescribedat publicf°reStauctionPr°" ceased ' - t.ional convention mu.~tcred a two- I might be able to find it. Classes: Sunday School &. Adult 9:30 a.m. I e,,~u v=.. ., .................. c ......... Fo =- . .: .... '. .. Lavella M. Andrews, Executrix of:thirds majority to pass the }louse This is the first time I've corn- ,. ~'~'"' '" ...,io.~. ~-',a~..~ ~.,Uain~ Olvmnia to tne nighest i)luuer, 2nd Worship Service 11:00 a.m. , J ¢ S .............. ~ ................. said Estate has filed with said Court;twice; once in the reg~tlar and plained publicly abont thieves bnt • torage and W--h~n~-~,m ~n tho .~0th day of-ADril Appr)xmmtely 114,000 board feet ol Christia~ Worship, Education, Fellowship, Service J I: ....................... her final report and petition for dis- i once in the snecial session It not the first tinle I've been robbed. ouches Wn,,l.4 1QSK nl ~'f~ p M PDT Ro~uests for Dmglas Fn' Old Growth and 14,000 • • --,,,~,~, .................... ~ • , ,, , ,.. , ~ tributton asking the Court to settle ....... "r . •• • : h;s soon FHA public hearing will not be considered b(/md fit,t, of Douglas. 1~ S.!!.c.')_.~(l said report, distribute the property to innalJy ale(] unsung in a ~enate The partial list for the last 15 Carl J, Carlsen, Pastor Phone 426-8611 J Jl i,, ' unlessreceived tnthe office of tneGrowtn Within a n}arKc(] sale L)(,UIlU- the personsthereto entitled and to I comnlittee however, afterreceiv- years ill Mason County shine: one ab ~ , , ' St' brand new water pm~p $99.50, a ' ' PotentSupel'vlsor, Federal Building, at'y, locat~)d h~ N.E/, SE :~_SW ,~ , :',~," discharge said Executrix. Said rel)ort I in ....... '...... - .... MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN Olympia, Washhlgton, on or beiore ~l~A_ ~r~.4 ~et{.~t¢{n ~lo, .}ownsJ~p ~n and petition will be heard on the 14th ~ ~ ,. ............ t~. _ April 21, 1965. Dated April 5, ],965. ~ortn, *~a2~g!~.a .west, w.m ..... asolday of May. 1965, at 10 a.m. in the i POLITICS ....................CHURCH ~ ,co here on n~ IAoyd G.Gillmor, Forest Supervisor, ] ~ounty, wasm~Lgton;,...~ uourtroom of said Court, in the Coun- i Evans scored a mater victory in TRAFFIC SAFETY ] I md th-- ',-'" OlympicNationalPorest. I C~rt ~A~r, ty Courthotme at Shelton Washing-~ "'" " " - " '- ~ ¢ " The Departnlent of Motor Ve-I MISSOURI $,~NOD ' . J 3 f' , has 4/8-15-22-29 4t[ Porest prodt(ts will be sold on a ton • ' hiS proposal to take plx)uates OUt ~renlac~ o Icash basis DATED THIS 9th day of April 1965. of politics when the Legislature hicles was in a priority packageI Olympic Hwy. So. Cascade, The Re~. Gera;d Herman, Pastor I •roo--hvina'* n0nmT..., OLYMPIC :NATIONAL FOREST, J $1Mininmm971.00. acceptable bid will be LAURAcIerk of M.theWAOENERsuperior Court I ~t,,t~.~,,,,~,,,*~ni approved his plan ....... ~serst° eliminatein ,~. i'ecomnlended by the Interim Corn- I Sunday School ................................................................... ........, 9;45 a.m. I ),,,, ',,,, moaern SKOROMISH 1965 SALVAGE SALE_a [ On or ',-fore ~.~-v _~ 1965 at 10:00 ROBERT L. SNYDER , I ~a~e~ ,'.vv ......... v~ ........ mitten on Highways. ! Adult Bible Claim .................................................................. 9~45 a.m. J |et'*t'~°Yh ~r seeanwhateX" .~2C."l°cate~ wlth~n~, 2..~.~'' .%'.."J;'~,~'T" 22N., R..72;,:'.5W" ~" [ a,m,,~,mum dcpositeacl~'~bidder';{mStof $197.10 ininakethe fornta mini=or 125~Attorn°v" at Law I cases. An increase of $1•10 in the basic' N[orning Worship .......................................... 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. I ~ ~ North 5th These had been political phmts auto license fee, to provide 150 -e dke n th;~ z~.: ,~. pw., .w.q~. rU,.,.,: ..~,~,~.~.~ cash, money order, or cm'tified cheCK, elton, Washington I under D~mocratic and Republican more officers for the State Patrol, , , , ,~ qe, --,o nereoy given utat puissant .,to Law Said d( posit shall constitute an open- 4/15-22-29 3 ' ' • • nlan provisions of Section 00[ I~UDIIC L~ I ' " ' " u)on ^-- " ............. 132 16 , mg bid at the appraised price. I ~ :admmlstrattons ahke for y was one of the most important EPISCOPAL CHURCH I i I ZL'~ r/~ltn uongress (oo o~at " (on ' " AL RAN U S' C.A. 583-.)831)" and the Cool)or. a ...... ! tpletlon el this sale the. respective. ~ . UNITED STATES years, safety package bills to be approv-. V-' - CHES ..' '. - "' ........ of I del)oslts shall be returned to tile u.n ST. DAVID'S DEPARTMENT OF TilE INTERIOR l--Ti~ ,,,.~;,,o~ +,m +,, .~eomDlish ed by the Legislature. ua li live Agreemenl ior the Mana~m~,,~ , of sale . ---,, ~,,,t~,,,~, w,,, ~,-, ,~----- -- < _ Y ght base ...... " . ' ........ erties in successful bidders On tl~e da) . ." ", Bureau of Land Management i this w"'" ~'-~'"" '-- ~ r~emocratic- Ar~other safety package bill ap- Fourth & C~on, Washington- . I srn) Well, chi-' Fne raruc)paung o~Orea~t~i~e,'~ustained the i>~n'chaser "~t;ust pay the pal%nct~ land 0ffiee .............. ' UK- tne ~nmton ~o p '. " I ( ) i and tl~e uu " " ' ' t ~ proved by the Legislature enacted I Shed • and between) ~.tween the bid dep(s t 710 N.E lIolladay I controlled committee, but the fen I The Re,/. Clarence A. Lody, Priest ~ I and man-,~Yieldthe UnltedUmt enteredstatesintoofbYAmerlca, anti" - ~., ,.bid ,:,'rice,...y. ~"lu~.,..._.yV.v aidS ¢5 tm hllI b"°f salOpersonalfee. Portland, Oregon 97232 ' was accomplished by tacking it J a uniform drivers' licensing code. ........... an" dated ~,.. ,,=~y uu u #. " ^, (W-05196) ; onto • form pro- a bill enactin a uni .~a 300 fee+ -- %ner~ ..... .,mpson~... ,o ,r,moer~.a~ .. ..... estimatedV #, 5 000 check. All checks, oraers, .~-~c Notice Is hereby given that the Slate g -: . ] ,¢3afety package bills which went Sunday Services -- 7:30 A.M,--Holy C omm_union I t, M"- " "" ~%~'""%' ".~'.*~y' .7-,. ..... t:,'~a' ^. are to be made payable to the ~um- of Washington ban filed application bate code, His proposal to ehm}-jdown tl~e drain inchlded one low- 9:30 A~ch School & &dult Bible i ~n^~=~°n Coun- m nears ~eet. oz_ t ml2~, cu~in~,w~,l missioner .f Public Lands. " . .. . " - f another political ph , - { ering the bloOd alcohol content ~n, ba.. , othe,'wlse ueszgnateu ior t; - "~'e ') .... for patent covering the folloWing des hate lrfl distil e~ L "~'1|, s~a= ~- ~1a to the Simnson Timber Corn- BOND' Upon award of sale, t,:.., .,,= cribed lan(] pursuant to the Act o ~.~,. .......... .~.~ .... ).. *,.~ State I for presuming a person to be nn- Class ~ . - I ....... ' " ~ ocn June 21 1934 (,18 Stat 1185' 43 U.S,C. :'~*J "=F ............... ~,""' - "--] 11:00 A~~ipj '/.' I ,Lnedroom, 3 pany Seattle Washington on May chmser must also furnish a c.asl , a ~z~toU~sa~;~tib~r~ bieidr- i~ f~t~asn~ 871 (at): ' ' ~iquor Board, was also )aurlea z3]der the influence of intoxicating' po~3~en~n::l~Sno,r 19~. Toh;rdmi s d~0~'~teimit!;~ciii:!tc:~ l'~in~t~-T. Willamette22 N., R, 1Merldhm,w,, sec 16,WashingtanLots 1, 2, 3, committee.. ,bv~ the Democrats,. et thisan I liquor, one requiring reflecto,'lzed Mid-Week Sezwices-- Thursday ~- Holy Communion J •$25,75 western he sp - g ~ " ' P ' ' 4, NE~A, E~SE'4. T. 23 N., R. 1 W., thele wasn t any way to g nce.nse plates and one requiring re- )ME! etes $11,90 western~ redcedar $11,45. of the bill of sail. - ^¢ .... sec. 16, all ' ~apphed to some other bill• ]wslon t)f the justice court systenl 10:00 A.M.--Holy Communion [ ie Rates shown include $140. for slash Any sale. which has. neon recelvU'"'Ye(l' in countlcS wh ' 5'15 PMH°b"~"