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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 23, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 23, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pfl. 9 .qWELTON-MAPON COI. JOURNAL --Publlshed |n "Ohrlsmastow)), U.B.A.," SheRon, Washi iii _ i i All Kinds LUMBER For All Purposes IND, USTRIAL &amp; BUILDERS SUPPLY FIRST and PINE Phone HA 6-4393 i Hrs. Mercer Eieoled Now Jayelte Prexy Election t)f offic.ers highlighted the last: meeting ot tiw Shelton Jayettes at the llolrle of Mrs, 13}1> Taniacr. l!3ecied for the caroling year were Mrs. It, C. MCl'C(I ', p|'('s- i ideal, Mrs. Chuct Rednmn, fisl :vice prcshtent. Mrs. Bernie l)or- f,,t,y, secolld vice president, Mrs. Thorn/iS Pvnn. secretnry, and Mrs. 13m'nie Bailey, treasm'er. The new otfR:ers will hc in- stalled May 9 in joint installation with the Jayeees at the Colonial HoHse. The group has becn busy lllgtk- ing plans and sending tellers to all ,layettes in the state for sup- port of the proposed stale project "Nephrosis" which will be wl)ted on at the stale. Jaycee eo/1venlioll in Sl)kane, The club's efforts were well re- warded last year at convention by having nephrosis vote(I in as the slate project and it is hoped will again be accepted. At. the convention, a check 'ill he pre- ented to the Nephrosis Foun- dHion for work in research at the Uuniversity of ,Vaslflngton to help in the fight: of this dread dis- case. ,Shoes Shoes BEAT THE WARM WEATHER WITH SUMMER SANDALS Leather and Straw • FLATS • WEDOE8 • PUPS • STRAPS THONGS 4) MEN'S • WOMEN'S Q CHILDREN'S Canvas Footwear For the Entire Family 98 ANDUP ¢ PER PAIR The BOOTERY "HOME OF POLL-PARROT SHOES" Local Musicians Rate Top Honors Raymond was the site of the 33rd Annual Southwest Wasling- toll Music Contest last Saturday. Participating wore large choral groups and smaller instrumental groups and soloists from various schools. In the senior division, excellent ratings were awarded to the high >:chool choir, the axaptone quar- tet conlposc(t of I)onna Bolduc, Kate Petzohl, Jim Brown and John Pifillips, and a cornet soh) by Bar- bara Barnett. A clarinet quartet composed of Carol Elson, Nancy l-tamsfieht, Samty Cardinal and Marjorie Parks received a rating of good. The high school groups will have an opportunity to perform before home crowds on May 5. At that time a spring concert will be pre- sented in the high school auditor- ium. Participating in the program will be the band, choir, tristram- mental and vocal ensembles, and several outstanding solists. In the junior division, excellent ratings were awared to tlte elg'htll grade flute quartet composed of Susan Aho, Gall Dreger, Aria Marr and Susan Norvold and Ger- ald Wagner playing a saxaphone solo. A superior rating went to the ninth grade flute quartet com- posed of Nancy Briggs, Cathy Heuston, Lane Mclnelly and Lynn Jefferys. MUSIC 0tUB TO ATTEND OONOERT The Shelton Music Club's pro- gram for their next meeting will be to attend the junior high school band concert at 8 p.m, Tuesday in the junior high school. After the concert they will meet at the home of Mrs. Pat Wagner for the business meeting and re- ftshment Co-hostess for the ewming will be Mrs. Ruth Smith. Tile Music club is affiliated with the state and national Federa- tion of Music Clubs. ' SPRING TEA Church women of St. David's Episcopal church will sponsor a spring tea May 6 in the Guild rooms of the church. All women are cordially invited, FLYS EAST: Mrs. James R. Petersen (nee Charlotte Helser) loft Saturday from Sea-Tac air- port for Long Branch, N.J., where her husband is stationed. FASHION FROM INDIA--=Sue Yamagahara is shown here looking on as Nilknath Chavre mod- els a silrip an Indlmn woman s garment, on Mrs. Mardon Stroud at the International Friendship dinner held at the Mt. View school Saturday night under the lpontorship of the Mason Coun- ty Republican Central Committee. Chavre was the principal speaker at the event and stressed the importance of" mutual understanding between various nations of the world as the best protec- tion against war. Chavre has been invited to speak at a GOP national rally in New York sometime in June. Over 400 people attended the dinner. (Dean photo, Dean print.) Social =,=,ty Edl.,, • ph,...^, s..,= / Fun Promised at I U OF W STUDENT Bordeaux Carnival I TO SPEAK HERE There's*excitement in the air[ over at Bordeaux school as the = parents, teachers and students are making last minute preparations for the annual PTA carnival, Fri- day. The public Is invited to join tim throngs for an evening of fun l and frolic from 6 to 9:30 p.m. at the school. Games for all ages, booths of novelties, a pant sale and cafe-! tarts lunch will delight all thoe who attend. Proceeds from the carnival will be used to balance the 1959-60 eTA budget. Borrow money just by 'writing a check with.., READY- CREDIT seattle-First National's New Personal Loan Plan on Which You Pay Monthly Only 10% of What You Owe With a Seafirst Ready-Credit Accoun t, you can carry your credit in your pocket.., borrow money whenever you wan it just by writing a check. This new banking service for individuals gives you a continuing supply of credit with tim convenience of a checking account. You pay monthly only 10% of what you owe, and your Ready-Credit Account costs you nothing until you use it. 11 OTHER BIG ADVANTAGES I. CONVENIENT... you can pay with eash when you : want, for what you want, where you wahl • 2. ECONOMICAL... no charge tmllil you uee your flrlt check- you pay only on thb amount of credit : being used. • 3. ALWAYS AVAILABLE... your Ready-Credit account : gives you the comfortable feeling of having • money available just by writing checlm. 4. PERMANENT... you need make only one applica- t/on for credit approval. 5, PRIVATE... your Ready-Credit checks are printed on a standard check form. 6. FREE CHECKS . , with your name imprinted., 7. JOINT ACCOUNTS... for husband and wif,,- 8, MONTHLY STATEMENT... indicating checks paid, balance due, amount of credit available for use. 9. REPAY BY MAIL... or in person at any branch. 10. A CONTINUING CREDIT • .. as you repay, the money becomes available again for your use. Your ac- count does not have to be paid in full before you can use it again. 11. LIFE INSURANCE... protection at small cost, PAY MONTHLY ONLY 10% OF WHAT YOU OWE Seafirst Ready-Credit gives you the big plus feature of flexible repayments bad on the amount of money you are using -not on the approved credit line. For example: If your approved credit line is.. $1.200.00 And you are using ........ 500.0(} Your payment is . .  ..... 50.00* . (1/10th of the amount owing, not on the amount of credit approved). )The amount of repayment decreases as your loan " balance is reduced. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATIC)t 82 statewide offices It is not necessary to have a checking or 8auind[$ so-" count with Seattle.First Natiotml Bank to apply/or b'vu/irt llvady-Crrdit. MISS NIANN JNG CHANG Woman's Club Si)eaker MIss Niann In K Chang. scholar- ship student of the Washington State Federation of Woman's Clubs at the University of Washington will be the glmst and speaker at a tea sponsored by the Shelton Woman's Club on Friday evening, April 24, al: the PUI) auditorinm at 8 p.m. Mrs. Merril Saeger, president of the club, said that: every year the Federated clubs support a girl student at the university, last year, Ill(: student was from Egypt, iMiss I Chang is from Formosa and came! to this country last fall. Since that! time she has spoken before many groups across the state as her[ time permitted. Mrs. Saegcr also Cxl)lained that Miss Chang will appear in her natrive dress and is a charming and talented speaker. The table m'rangements for this interesting evening will be cared f)r by Mls. G. C. Brewster, M2s. A. Alnmden and Mrs. W. A. Wit- slers. Mrs. Charles Lentz and Mrs. L. D. Hack will be in eharge of the (leeorations in the room. All members of the club will as hostesses. Mrs. Charles T. Hatten is general chairman. Everyone is we,come to come to lhis informative and enjoyahle oc- casion. Men are welcome as well as women. Time Changed for PTA Council Meet 'Phe time for the Mason county P-TA Council meeting has been l changed to 7:30 Wednesday eve-i ning in the Evergreen school It-i brary. All incoming and retiring of- ricers of all local units in thai :county are urged to attend, report- ed kit's. John Lentz, council pres- ident. The meeting will begin the training of new officers and re- view the juvenile protection re- port. The public is invited. Clothing Pool The monthly Jayette clothing pool will be open from 10 a.m. until noon in tlm Welfare build-i ing, Sixth and Railroad, Saturday. Members of the local Navy Moth- ers Club will aid with the fitting and selection of clothing for nee- dy families. HAWAIIAN TRIP ! Leaving on vacation trip to Ha- waii last Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gott, Mr. and Mrs. ,lohn Bishop and Mr. and Mrs. l-larold Sutherland. The throe cou- ples will spend ten days in the inlands. They left on the trip by plane from Seattle-Tacoma air- I port, _ .... WELCOME CHAPTER OES [ A potluck dinner at 6eP'm-m e Sat-[ urday in the Masonic T p} will I be served preceeding the regular I meeting of the Welcome Chapter, [ Order of Eastern Star. Mason Co. Salon Initiates Two New Members Mason County Salon No. 508, 8 et 40 held the regular monthly meeting April 13, in the Me]n- orial hall. Hostesses for the eve- ning were Mrs. Robert M. Smith, Mrs. Guy Norris and Mrs. Ernest Campbell. An initiation ceremony was con- ducted for two new members, Mrs. Jennie Hoff and Mrs. Starr White, both of Hood Canal Unit No. 230, American Legion Auxiliary. The ceremony was in charge of Mrs. Ed Faubert. Child welfare chairman. Mrs. Claude Jackson, reported 23 scrap books were sent to the National Jewish Hospital in Denver for Easter. Mrs. W. A. Witsiers, chapeau, was in charge of the meeting at which 16 membels were present and one guest, Mrs. Virginia Wal- liD, of Pierce County Salon No. 220, Tacoma. Rainier Aux. Thanks Public for Bottles f *) Memhers of ne Rainier Ortho- I pedic Auxiliary wish to thank the' public for tle bottles donated them in the recent bottle driw,. The group thanks John Schneider especially for his ass|stance. Mrs. Richard Pcterson was electe(I to serve as presi(ient of the group at the last meeting. Mrs. Robert Detlefs will serv, e as secretary and Mrs. .lerry Stein, treasurer. The next meeting of the group will 1:)(; May 21) at Mrs. Peterson's home. ALDERBROOK INN (Continu('d from p:tg(' 1) panded as such. The dining room will be serving as usual. Planned entertainment will in- clude: 1.Swimming in the Olympic size, protected, heated swimming pool year 'round. 2. Swimming, skin diving, water sports and contests in the unpol- luted sea water of Hood Canal. 3. Rent a cruiser, speed boat, fishing boat, water ski boat and equipment, etc., with captain . . . or you be the captain. 4. Regular excursion trips hy boat through the most scenic and protected waterway in the west, along the foothills of the Olympic Mountain range, north to Port Townsend and all points of Puget Sonnd and the Straits of Juan de Fuca. 5. Ieal hikes into woods on good trails. 6. Regular excursion trips into the Olympic Mountains . . . fifteen minutes away from Alderbrook by ear, or excursion bus. 7. Fishing and hunting expedi- tions . . . group or private. 8. Horseback trips from our stables. 9. Practice and have fun on the 9-hole putting green . . . or golf at Bremerton or Shelton public COUrSeS. 10. A golf course and air field are planned for later development; portions of the property are very suitable for each, 11. Regular planned tours to Natural Resources, Forest Indus- tries, Hydro Electric Plants, Naval Shipyard, Fish Hatcheries, etC., all short local trips. 12. Sunbathe, lounge, loaf and enjoy the beautiful grounds in a general atmosplmre of quality and refinement. 13. Dancing in the ballroom eve- nings atop Alderbrook. , Alderbrook development lans provide for footings and structural strength which will permit addi- tional floors to be added to the hotel. Complete Beauty Service Our Specialty Expert Styling & Cutting FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT PHONE EDWARD'S SALON ,,, ,th HA 6-2431 Ban Voyage Party Fetes Lakeburgs MI'. and Mrs Harold I,aheburg 'enll)arl,:ed on a vacalion Irip this week \\;\'hich will take lhem across i lhe A1 lanlie aboard 1 he oceanliner [Queen Mary and on lo alour of [Europe. The I,akeburgs drove to New York Citv where lhev will ihoard the Queen Mary Mny ('i. q'he tour of Europe will herin on May I]1 n Londol. From there lheir itinery will take them h) Amste)'- dam, ]3russells, Lucerne, Venice, ]°lol'ence, ]-onle ](] i A pal'ly heTore [aeit' dep:,rtu)'e \\;vas given in the Shelton IIot(q !April 14 by Mr. and Mrs. l)uane \\;Vright and Mr. and Mrs. Jolm Steel<Dr. A eel{e, enscri})ed "l;on jVoyagc Mildred and ],:kC' \\;va:; 8el:ved |O tile following .'uest': I MI'. and Mrs. Wallol' Wrilht, My. and Mrs. Don Ltmd, Mr. and Mrs. 1lick Souliere, Mr. and Mrs. Tic. tar Ellison. Mr. and Mrs. "Dec" Tibbits, Mr. and Mrs. Vern La- Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Me)'vin John- ) son Mr. and Mrs. Ed l,aube)'t, Mrs. T. E. Deer and Mrs. Haro](I Schnitzer. Nearly New Sale Date, Place Told Plans were completed for the' "Nearly New" sale slated for May 1 and 2, at 220 Noz'th First, next to the Launderette by the members of the Rachel Knott Orthopedic Gtfild at the last mceting of the group. Following eommlttec reports, Mrs. Harry Deegan distributed penny drive envelopes for home distribution. A unanimous vote of the chosen officers after the nominating com- mittee's report elected Mrs. Roy Kimbel, president, Mrs. Kenneth Frank, secretary, and Mrs. David Harris, treasurer. Mrs. Les Shelver was co-hostess for the meeting held in the Hood Canal home of Mrs. Dorothy Jes- sup. The next meeting will be a 12:30 luncheon May 15 in the home of Mrs. Roy Kimbel. Mrs. i F. C. Rockefeller will be co-host- I ess. ........ AS Mrs. Sherwood to Get Rebekah Degree Regular meeting of Ruby Re- bekah Lodge No. 75 will be Fri- day, in the I.O.O.F. hall. at which iI time the degree will be conferr'ed V on Mrs. Beverly Mallett and Mrs. Ethel herwood will be received 1] as a new member. Committee for the evening is Miss Dorothy Sehwietering, Miss Elizabeth Butler and Mrs. A. O. Williams. Fifteen members attended the district meeting in Ruston and a report will be given of this meet ing, where the officers of the dis- t'iet were seated by the Shelton Lodge and Mrs. Helen Cole served as chaplain and Miss Mary Dob- son as supporter to the past pres- ident. The wavs and means com- mittee announces the date of Fri- day, May 8, set for a food sdTe. RECEIVES ADVANCEMENT: Allen Eaton, Ran of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Jacobsen, recently was pro- moted to the rank of warrant of- ficer. Eaton, his wife, the former Joan Moran, and children Kimmie and Holly are stationed at the US Naval Base in Tokyo, Japan. Sandra Winter A lo!al of phwes ,m the lad College ' roll for wint i Collins of' t hose honored. ()f the art A gva(teS average of 4 ] B America's Marine MOST DUI FINISH High glos tional water, ac|dst ' marine colerl. Phone HA \\; IF YOU OWN A BELL BOY BOA' made out of Bellglass, you know y0,g, the best and everybody else knoW ' SOUND MILLWORK I/ Mile South of Shelton Phones HA 6-4282 or HA KIMBEL'S _USED 1957 Plymouth Savoy 'V8' Radio - Heater - -Powerflite New Tires - Low Mileage 1956 Plymouth Custom 'V8' Radio - Heater - Powerfl)te Trani New Rebuilt Engine - Real 1956 Ford Customline 'V8' Heater - Standard Transmission - New 1955 Chrysler New Yorker Radio - Heater -Powerflite Steering & Brakes - New Tires & 1955 ChrlereSt. r lpgjsrf2t-poors= Power Steering and Brakes - , -- USED PICKUPS 1957 International A-112 Pickl Heavy Duty Long Wheelbase- V-Ton - 8Y2.ft. Body - 650 6-Ply Tires - Paint Job - Real Clean 1955 Dodge (Late Series) , 3-Speed Transmission - 8-Ft. Box - 1955 International ½-Ton PickU 3-Speed - Heater - New pain* 1953 Ford 'V8' -Ton Panel 3-Speed - Heater - Rebuilt See our large selection of Used on display on our lot at So. 1st KIMBEL Chrysler -Plymouth - I Rambler- American - Metropolitan ?0"/;o. First St. Pfl. 9 .qWELTON-MAPON COI. JOURNAL --Publlshed |n "Ohrlsmastow)), U.B.A.," SheRon, Washi iii _ i i All Kinds LUMBER For All Purposes IND, USTRIAL & BUILDERS SUPPLY FIRST and PINE Phone HA 6-4393 i Hrs. Mercer Eieoled Now Jayelte Prexy Election t)f offic.ers highlighted the last: meeting ot tiw Shelton Jayettes at the llolrle of Mrs, 13}1> Taniacr. l!3ecied for the caroling year were Mrs. It, C. MCl'C(I ', p|'('s- i ideal, Mrs. Chuct Rednmn, fisl :vice prcshtent. Mrs. Bernie l)or- f,,t,y, secolld vice president, Mrs. Thorn/iS Pvnn. secretnry, and Mrs. 13m'nie Bailey, treasm'er. The new otfR:ers will hc in- stalled May 9 in joint installation with the Jayeees at the Colonial HoHse. The group has becn busy lllgtk- ing plans and sending tellers to all ,layettes in the state for sup- port of the proposed stale project "Nephrosis" which will be wl)ted on at the stale. Jaycee eo/1venlioll in Sl)kane, The club's efforts were well re- warded last year at convention by having nephrosis vote(I in as the slate project and it is hoped will again be accepted. At. the convention, a check 'ill he pre- ented to the Nephrosis Foun- dHion for work in research at the Uuniversity of ,Vaslflngton to help in the fight: of this dread dis- case. ,Shoes Shoes BEAT THE WARM WEATHER WITH SUMMER SANDALS Leather and Straw • FLATS • WEDOE8 • PUPS • STRAPS THONGS 4) MEN'S • WOMEN'S Q CHILDREN'S Canvas Footwear For the Entire Family 98 ANDUP ¢ PER PAIR The BOOTERY "HOME OF POLL-PARROT SHOES" Local Musicians Rate Top Honors Raymond was the site of the 33rd Annual Southwest Wasling- toll Music Contest last Saturday. Participating wore large choral groups and smaller instrumental groups and soloists from various schools. In the senior division, excellent ratings were awarded to the high >:chool choir, the axaptone quar- tet conlposc(t of I)onna Bolduc, Kate Petzohl, Jim Brown and John Pifillips, and a cornet soh) by Bar- bara Barnett. A clarinet quartet composed of Carol Elson, Nancy l-tamsfieht, Samty Cardinal and Marjorie Parks received a rating of good. The high school groups will have an opportunity to perform before home crowds on May 5. At that time a spring concert will be pre- sented in the high school auditor- ium. Participating in the program will be the band, choir, tristram- mental and vocal ensembles, and several outstanding solists. In the junior division, excellent ratings were awared to tlte elg'htll grade flute quartet composed of Susan Aho, Gall Dreger, Aria Marr and Susan Norvold and Ger- ald Wagner playing a saxaphone solo. A superior rating went to the ninth grade flute quartet com- posed of Nancy Briggs, Cathy Heuston, Lane Mclnelly and Lynn Jefferys. MUSIC 0tUB TO ATTEND OONOERT The Shelton Music Club's pro- gram for their next meeting will be to attend the junior high school band concert at 8 p.m, Tuesday in the junior high school. After the concert they will meet at the home of Mrs. Pat Wagner for the business meeting and re- ftshment Co-hostess for the ewming will be Mrs. Ruth Smith. Tile Music club is affiliated with the state and national Federa- tion of Music Clubs. ' SPRING TEA Church women of St. David's Episcopal church will sponsor a spring tea May 6 in the Guild rooms of the church. All women are cordially invited, FLYS EAST: Mrs. James R. Petersen (nee Charlotte Helser) loft Saturday from Sea-Tac air- port for Long Branch, N.J., where her husband is stationed. FASHION FROM INDIA--=Sue Yamagahara is shown here looking on as Nilknath Chavre mod- els a silrip an Indlmn woman s garment, on Mrs. Mardon Stroud at the International Friendship dinner held at the Mt. View school Saturday night under the lpontorship of the Mason Coun- ty Republican Central Committee. Chavre was the principal speaker at the event and stressed the importance of" mutual understanding between various nations of the world as the best protec- tion against war. Chavre has been invited to speak at a GOP national rally in New York sometime in June. Over 400 people attended the dinner. (Dean photo, Dean print.) Social =,=,ty Edl.,, • ph,...^, s..,= / Fun Promised at I U OF W STUDENT Bordeaux Carnival I TO SPEAK HERE There's*excitement in the air[ over at Bordeaux school as the = parents, teachers and students are making last minute preparations for the annual PTA carnival, Fri- day. The public Is invited to join tim throngs for an evening of fun l and frolic from 6 to 9:30 p.m. at the school. Games for all ages, booths of novelties, a pant sale and cafe-! tarts lunch will delight all thoe who attend. Proceeds from the carnival will be used to balance the 1959-60 eTA budget. Borrow money just by 'writing a check with.., READY- CREDIT seattle-First National's New Personal Loan Plan on Which You Pay Monthly Only 10% of What You Owe With a Seafirst Ready-Credit Accoun t, you can carry your credit in your pocket.., borrow money whenever you wan it just by writing a check. This new banking service for individuals gives you a continuing supply of credit with tim convenience of a checking account. You pay monthly only 10% of what you owe, and your Ready-Credit Account costs you nothing until you use it. 11 OTHER BIG ADVANTAGES I. CONVENIENT... you can pay with eash when you : want, for what you want, where you wahl • 2. ECONOMICAL... no charge tmllil you uee your flrlt check- you pay only on thb amount of credit : being used. • 3. ALWAYS AVAILABLE... your Ready-Credit account : gives you the comfortable feeling of having • money available just by writing checlm. 4. PERMANENT... you need make only one applica- t/on for credit approval. 5, PRIVATE... your Ready-Credit checks are printed on a standard check form. 6. FREE CHECKS . , with your name imprinted., 7. JOINT ACCOUNTS... for husband and wif,,- 8, MONTHLY STATEMENT... indicating checks paid, balance due, amount of credit available for use. 9. REPAY BY MAIL... or in person at any branch. 10. A CONTINUING CREDIT • .. as you repay, the money becomes available again for your use. Your ac- count does not have to be paid in full before you can use it again. 11. LIFE INSURANCE... protection at small cost, PAY MONTHLY ONLY 10% OF WHAT YOU OWE Seafirst Ready-Credit gives you the big plus feature of flexible repayments bad on the amount of money you are using -not on the approved credit line. For example: If your approved credit line is.. $1.200.00 And you are using ........ 500.0(} Your payment is . .  ..... 50.00* . (1/10th of the amount owing, not on the amount of credit approved). )The amount of repayment decreases as your loan " balance is reduced. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATIC)t 82 statewide offices It is not necessary to have a checking or 8auind[$ so-" count with Seattle.First Natiotml Bank to apply/or b'vu/irt llvady-Crrdit. MISS NIANN JNG CHANG Woman's Club Si)eaker MIss Niann In K Chang. scholar- ship student of the Washington State Federation of Woman's Clubs at the University of Washington will be the glmst and speaker at a tea sponsored by the Shelton Woman's Club on Friday evening, April 24, al: the PUI) auditorinm at 8 p.m. Mrs. Merril Saeger, president of the club, said that: every year the Federated clubs support a girl student at the university, last year, Ill(: student was from Egypt, iMiss I Chang is from Formosa and came! to this country last fall. Since that! time she has spoken before many groups across the state as her[ time permitted. Mrs. Saegcr also Cxl)lained that Miss Chang will appear in her natrive dress and is a charming and talented speaker. The table m'rangements for this interesting evening will be cared f)r by Mls. G. C. Brewster, M2s. A. Alnmden and Mrs. W. A. Wit- slers. Mrs. Charles Lentz and Mrs. L. D. Hack will be in eharge of the (leeorations in the room. All members of the club will as hostesses. Mrs. Charles T. Hatten is general chairman. Everyone is we,come to come to lhis informative and enjoyahle oc- casion. Men are welcome as well as women. Time Changed for PTA Council Meet 'Phe time for the Mason county P-TA Council meeting has been l changed to 7:30 Wednesday eve-i ning in the Evergreen school It-i brary. All incoming and retiring of- ricers of all local units in thai :county are urged to attend, report- ed kit's. John Lentz, council pres- ident. The meeting will begin the training of new officers and re- view the juvenile protection re- port. The public is invited. Clothing Pool The monthly Jayette clothing pool will be open from 10 a.m. until noon in tlm Welfare build-i ing, Sixth and Railroad, Saturday. Members of the local Navy Moth- ers Club will aid with the fitting and selection of clothing for nee- dy families. HAWAIIAN TRIP ! Leaving on vacation trip to Ha- waii last Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gott, Mr. and Mrs. ,lohn Bishop and Mr. and Mrs. l-larold Sutherland. The throe cou- ples will spend ten days in the inlands. They left on the trip by plane from Seattle-Tacoma air- I port, _ .... WELCOME CHAPTER OES [ A potluck dinner at 6eP'm-m e Sat-[ urday in the Masonic T p} will I be served preceeding the regular I meeting of the Welcome Chapter, [ Order of Eastern Star. Mason Co. Salon Initiates Two New Members Mason County Salon No. 508, 8 et 40 held the regular monthly meeting April 13, in the Me]n- orial hall. Hostesses for the eve- ning were Mrs. Robert M. Smith, Mrs. Guy Norris and Mrs. Ernest Campbell. An initiation ceremony was con- ducted for two new members, Mrs. Jennie Hoff and Mrs. Starr White, both of Hood Canal Unit No. 230, American Legion Auxiliary. The ceremony was in charge of Mrs. Ed Faubert. Child welfare chairman. Mrs. Claude Jackson, reported 23 scrap books were sent to the National Jewish Hospital in Denver for Easter. Mrs. W. A. Witsiers, chapeau, was in charge of the meeting at which 16 membels were present and one guest, Mrs. Virginia Wal- liD, of Pierce County Salon No. 220, Tacoma. Rainier Aux. Thanks Public for Bottles f *) Memhers of ne Rainier Ortho- I pedic Auxiliary wish to thank the' public for tle bottles donated them in the recent bottle driw,. The group thanks John Schneider especially for his ass|stance. Mrs. Richard Pcterson was electe(I to serve as presi(ient of the group at the last meeting. Mrs. Robert Detlefs will serv, e as secretary and Mrs. .lerry Stein, treasurer. The next meeting of the group will 1:)(; May 21) at Mrs. Peterson's home. ALDERBROOK INN (Continu('d from p:tg(' 1) panded as such. The dining room will be serving as usual. Planned entertainment will in- clude: 1.Swimming in the Olympic size, protected, heated swimming pool year 'round. 2. Swimming, skin diving, water sports and contests in the unpol- luted sea water of Hood Canal. 3. Rent a cruiser, speed boat, fishing boat, water ski boat and equipment, etc., with captain . . . or you be the captain. 4. Regular excursion trips hy boat through the most scenic and protected waterway in the west, along the foothills of the Olympic Mountain range, north to Port Townsend and all points of Puget Sonnd and the Straits of Juan de Fuca. 5. Ieal hikes into woods on good trails. 6. Regular excursion trips into the Olympic Mountains . . . fifteen minutes away from Alderbrook by ear, or excursion bus. 7. Fishing and hunting expedi- tions . . . group or private. 8. Horseback trips from our stables. 9. Practice and have fun on the 9-hole putting green . . . or golf at Bremerton or Shelton public COUrSeS. 10. A golf course and air field are planned for later development; portions of the property are very suitable for each, 11. Regular planned tours to Natural Resources, Forest Indus- tries, Hydro Electric Plants, Naval Shipyard, Fish Hatcheries, etC., all short local trips. 12. Sunbathe, lounge, loaf and enjoy the beautiful grounds in a general atmosplmre of quality and refinement. 13. Dancing in the ballroom eve- nings atop Alderbrook. , Alderbrook development lans provide for footings and structural strength which will permit addi- tional floors to be added to the hotel. Complete Beauty Service Our Specialty Expert Styling & Cutting FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT PHONE EDWARD'S SALON ,,, ,th HA 6-2431 Ban Voyage Party Fetes Lakeburgs MI'. and Mrs Harold I,aheburg 'enll)arl,:ed on a vacalion Irip this week \\;\'hich will take lhem across i lhe A1 lanlie aboard 1 he oceanliner [Queen Mary and on lo a lour of [Europe. The I,akeburgs drove to New York Citv where lhev will ihoard the Queen Mary Mny ('i. q'he tour of Europe will herin on May I]1 n Londol. From there lheir itinery will take them h) Amste)'- dam, ]3russells, Lucerne, Venice, ]°lol'ence, ]-onle ](] i A pal'ly heTore [aeit' dep:,rtu)'e \\;vas given in the Shelton IIot(q !April 14 by Mr. and Mrs. l)uane \\;Vright and Mr. and Mrs. Jolm Steel<Dr. A eel{e, enscri})ed "l;on jVoyagc Mildred and ],:kC' \\;va:; 8el:ved |O tile following .'uest': I MI'. and Mrs. Wallol' Wrilht, My. and Mrs. Don Ltmd, Mr. and Mrs. 1lick Souliere, Mr. and Mrs. Tic. tar Ellison. Mr. and Mrs. "Dec" Tibbits, Mr. and Mrs. Vern La- Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Me)'vin John- ) son Mr. and Mrs. Ed l,aube)'t, Mrs. T. E. Deer and Mrs. Haro](I Schnitzer. Nearly New Sale Date, Place Told Plans were completed for the' "Nearly New" sale slated for May 1 and 2, at 220 Noz'th First, next to the Launderette by the members of the Rachel Knott Orthopedic Gtfild at the last mceting of the group. Following eommlttec reports, Mrs. Harry Deegan distributed penny drive envelopes for home distribution. A unanimous vote of the chosen officers after the nominating com- mittee's report elected Mrs. Roy Kimbel, president, Mrs. Kenneth Frank, secretary, and Mrs. David Harris, treasurer. Mrs. Les Shelver was co-hostess for the meeting held in the Hood Canal home of Mrs. Dorothy Jes- sup. The next meeting will be a 12:30 luncheon May 15 in the home of Mrs. Roy Kimbel. Mrs. i F. C. Rockefeller will be co-host- I ess. ........ AS Mrs. Sherwood to Get Rebekah Degree Regular meeting of Ruby Re- bekah Lodge No. 75 will be Fri- day, in the I.O.O.F. hall. at which iI time the degree will be conferr'ed V on Mrs. Beverly Mallett and Mrs. Ethel herwood will be received 1] as a new member. Committee for the evening is Miss Dorothy Sehwietering, Miss Elizabeth Butler and Mrs. A. O. Williams. Fifteen members attended the district meeting in Ruston and a report will be given of this meet ing, where the officers of the dis- t'iet were seated by the Shelton Lodge and Mrs. Helen Cole served as chaplain and Miss Mary Dob- son as supporter to the past pres- ident. The wavs and means com- mittee announces the date of Fri- day, May 8, set for a food sdTe. RECEIVES ADVANCEMENT: Allen Eaton, Ran of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Jacobsen, recently was pro- moted to the rank of warrant of- ficer. Eaton, his wife, the former Joan Moran, and children Kimmie and Holly are stationed at the US Naval Base in Tokyo, Japan. Sandra Winter A lo!al of phwes ,m the lad College ' roll for wint i Collins of' t hose honored. ()f the art A gva(teS average of 4 ] B America's Marine MOST DUI FINISH High glos tional water, ac|dst ' marine colerl. Phone HA \\; IF YOU OWN A BELL BOY BOA' made out of Bellglass, you know y0,g, the best and everybody else knoW ' SOUND MILLWORK I/ Mile South of Shelton Phones HA 6-4282 or HA KIMBEL'S _USED 1957 Plymouth Savoy 'V8' Radio - Heater - -Powerflite New Tires - Low Mileage 1956 Plymouth Custom 'V8' Radio - Heater - Powerfl)te Trani New Rebuilt Engine - Real 1956 Ford Customline 'V8' Heater - Standard Transmission - New 1955 Chrysler New Yorker Radio - Heater -Powerflite Steering & Brakes - New Tires & 1955 ChrlereSt. r lpgjsrf2t-poors= Power Steering and Brakes - , -- USED PICKUPS 1957 International A-112 Pickl Heavy Duty Long Wheelbase- V-Ton - 8Y2.ft. Body - 650 6-Ply Tires - Paint Job - Real Clean 1955 Dodge (Late Series) , 3-Speed Transmission - 8-Ft. Box - 1955 International ½-Ton PickU 3-Speed - Heater - New pain* 1953 Ford 'V8' -Ton Panel 3-Speed - Heater - Rebuilt See our large selection of Used on display on our lot at So. 1st KIMBEL Chrysler -Plymouth - I Rambler- American - Metropolitan ?0"/;o. First St.