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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 23, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 23, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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:09 I:tELTON-M A ON AT Florence Shelton who celebrated her 95th birth-' =hown here at a party given in her honor at received many gifts from her many friends e was born on a plantation in Virginia in 1864 son county for the last 25 years. 8helten Honored at 95th at Sarah House ..... W/PIX for Mrs. : resident, of Sur- her. ninety fifth ;April, 17. TheJ try cards, to do her ' }ig'hlights of rein her son W. W. Special Mrs. [ami, Fla., Qf Ari- a beautiful s many nth- of col'sages sent from on, LeRoy drnan, who arah House, her honor as of the occa- pictures were ton, as she is who know possession of memory and of by- on a m the yelr in Haiifax Her par- Its. N. T. to a pie- the F.F.V.s, First Fam- Shelton has L 2:00 erved range Saturday '*TaToNt Avenue 6-480a been a resident of. Shelton close to twenty-five years. She has en- joyed most of the wonders of this age including a lmp by plane to visit her daughters in I41orida and back. Her cheery manner and sense of humor has made her a favorite at Sarah House. Through the kindness of the late Mr. Fred Edman, former manager of Sarah House, she has been provided a room of her own where she can have hez" own personal effects about. Grandmother says she has !been very happy during her five year stay at Sarah House. She has often spoken af the kindly care she has received at the hands of the nurses who attend her needs, and the Edmans who manage the home and have done so much to make her stay comfor- table and happy, and also her phy- sician, Dr. Kennedy, M.D., who has taken time to do little kindnesses for her. All in all, Grandmother Shelton is a remarkable person arid makes people want to do for ber. May she have many more years. Fern Sund Rites , Held Saturday Mrs. Fern Sand, 64, 4437 Day- ton Ave., Seattle, died last Thurs- day at her Seattle home. She was born Oct. 23, 1894, in LeSueur county, Minnesota. Although she made her home in Seattle, she spent several summers in Hoods- port. Where she made her summer herin. She was a member of Doric chapter No. 69, Order of Eastern ;tar, Seattle. Funeral services were held at 1 p.m. Saturday in V¢itsiers Fmleral Hmnc, under the direction of the Roy. Charles T. HatteR. Interment was in the Shelton Memorial Park. She is survived by her husband, Abner, Seattle and Hoodsport; a daughter, Mrs. Jack (Helen) Rain- ey, Seattle; three sons, Robert, Shelton; Harold, I4oodsport; Ron- ald, Seattle; and 15 grandchildren. William Belswor!h Riles Tomorrow Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m., Friday in Witsiers Funeral Home for William F. Betsworth, 65, 114 W. Cedar.. Services will be under the direction of the J. Bernhard Bretheim. Interment will be in Shelton Memorial Park. Mr. Betsworth was born Nov. 3, 1893, in Illinois and died Tues- day in Shelter General Hospital. He was a construction man and plumber during his 39 yea' resi- denceere. SurYiving are his wife, Hazel; a son, Vernon; two daughters Mrs. E. B. (Lorraine) Davis, all of Shelton; Mrs. Ray (DorOthy) Bol- duck, Elma; a sister, Mrs. Mary Bet(s, LaGosta; nine grandchil- dren and five great-grandchildren. BUD PAULEY'S CARS ! ALL cA.s READ',' TO Sedan. .................. $2495.00 o, Heater, Auto. Trans. Station Reduced ................ $1995.00 Auto. Trans., Power Steering, '59 ,icense Truck .................. $895.{}{} g Box - Valves Ground tlUskv Station Wa on _ g $895.00 Valve grind, new rings .... TUNE UP FOR SPRING Work -- $5.00 Per Hour Free Estimates OF BIG GAS BILLS? HILLMAN |INX ey Motors - Plymouth Agency IIAILROAD . PHONE HA 6-8183 Birth of Calf Monday =t Dayton Source of Joy for 00Small G,rl I)AYTON Mondny was a big' sythia, jonquils, mrclssus and ma- dry in the lifeof little 4L.,-year ohl :pie branches graced the tat)h,. SLwrry Dillonberg. Promise of the GUESTS ATTENDING t(, (mj(ly c:If from Mirandy, the family's games Hn(t re['reshments WPl'e t.h, J(:'r:¢,y cow, Ilas had Sherry for Mesdames Bill ttall of Kamih!hei t:h: l))si 9 m(mih.,¢ lookirg behind Point, I/)onahl Ih'owniiehl or K'- slumps, and raider logs and milche, Joseph l)uffey, Jr., of -- Published in "Chri,fma,tmrn, r  A ,, ShelteR, Washin Weather bushes in bope, that she conld find the ti(.ll@ fenow. Monday hi€wRing when she follnd that Mir- antly had finally brought the lit- t!, heifer, a white face, out of hi(tin K llr j()y knew no bounds slid she promptly named her Patty. M()tber and htby are doing fine. I)on't forget 11€' dance at Day- ton tIall on Satnrday, April 25, from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. The I)ayton Ladies' Cluh is in- vited by the Math)ok Ladies' Club io be luncheon ghosts on Thin's- day, April 30, at Matlock Gringc Hall. If you would like to go and High Low Precip. Ai)ril 15 .. 58dog. Ill d(,g. .... ' April 16 . 56dcg. ,ll dog. April ]7 . 57dog. ,ll de, 05ia. April 1 61 dog. ,10 deF'. ...... April 19 62d('. 33dog. ..... April ")0 74 &'g. 3:; d, ...... Al)ril 21" 7,1 dog. 37 (leg. .... Mrs. Glothier Retires Dar, Mc. iFr0 m County Office Nulty, Engene Van (h've, Haroh] LeGarde, J, C. Tibbits, Williaru Mason COllnly otfi('ials and court M. Brown, Perry Rose, Sr., Wal- hon;c work¢>rs joined nlany fl'iqids ter Chappell, Ray I;illenberg. Dick in honoring Mrs. A(la Clothitr re- Let)nard, A. E. Lemke, Robert Le_leenlly ' q'he occasio}l was the re- man, Manley Michier, Harry Kidd, tiremenI of Mrs. L'lothier who for Cliffor'd Combs, Henry Warnos, maoy yeas was a(:liv(, in lhc op- Mrs. Carrie Barlier slid P, ar'bar: eralions of tlle cotlntv lreastlrer's Gohiy. Those sending gifts but office, lh.ior to 1.95;11 she served lmable to attend wvre Mesdames ;m (;oltntv l,l'e;lllrH' al3d stwved aS Leonard Cochran, Warrcll Will- (,hi(q" (tei)llty tnlder Steve Smilt tams, Carrel McHenry, Al Chap- and Omer l)iem as well as the [)ell and Mrs. Gertrude Scott. )r,sent treasurer, John (?(fie. CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Morrison on the birth of a daughter .born Sunday, April 19. Deanie Lorraine weighed in at six pounds and fifteen minces. She joins a sister, Debbie. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tremblay and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rogers of Elma. Next Ladies' Club meeting will be on Wednesday, April 29, with Mrs. Bernard Rishel as hostess. On Friday, Mrs. Darl Gotdy, Mrs. William Brown and sons,. Mrs. A1 Chappell and niece, Yv- onne, and Mrs. Re]pert Goldy sur- prised Mrs. Mary Chappell on her birthday with a cake and had hmch with her'. Mr'. and Mrs. Dell Adams mo- tored to Taconm on Sunday and visited their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kelly, and also Mr. and Mrs. Lester Adams, a son. Andrea Brown recently at- tended a birthday party honoring Patty Thomas, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Berwyn Thomas of Bay- shore. Fred Lamont of Shelton was a weekend guest of Richard and Bill Roberts. THERE WILL be a worR par- ty on Satnrday at the Robert Goldy home. Mrs. Goldy will fur- nish a main dish and th rest will be potluck. All you men who are hmdy with saw and hammer, come and give these folks a hand with finislfing their new home. Friday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Phillips, Sr,, were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Phillips, Jr., and children of Bremerton, Carrel McHenry and Leon Scott report catching their limits of fish oa Sunday at Hank's Lake. Mrs. Pete Roberts spent two days last week in Kirkland at the homes of her sisters, Mrs. John Gate and Mrs. Vernon Stonefelt. Sunday drop-in guests at the Harold LeGarde home were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd House of Tacorha. On Sunday, Mrs. Walter' Chap- poll and children and Mrs. Mary Chappell called on Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Anderson of Cloquallum. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dillenberg and children visited her father, Mr. Charles Clark of Lake Nah- watzel, on Saturday evening. Lucite Maynard of Shelter en- joyed spending the weekend with her grandparents, Mz'. and Mrs. William Rietdorf. Judy and Doug Stoker of Brem- erton spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bunnell. Gary Combs and' Perry Rose, Jr., were Satnrday overnight and Sunday guests of the Clif- ford Evans boys. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold LeGarde were Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie LeGarde and daugh- ter. Mrs. Howard Duffey' and son, Michael, of Shelton spent Monday -at the home of Mr'. and Mrs. Wil- liam Rietdorf. Dennis ombs had as a Sunday guest Donnie Evans. Mrs. Ray Dillenberg and Mrs. Harold LeGarde hosted a Fratex party on Friday evening in the LeGarde home. A joint birthday dinner was held in the Perry Rose, Sr., home on Sunday honoring Mrs: Perry Rose and Kenneth Rose. Mrs. Jessie Rose of Shelton was guest. On Monday evening, the home of Mrs. Pete Roberts was the set- for a "layette shower honor- Mrs. Robert Goldy. Co-host- were Mrs. Edward Bunnell and Mrs. Cecil McLain. A lovely arrangement of for- ton Hall tit II o'ch)ek and a way will be provided. For further in- fornvttion please call Mrs. Ray: Dilhmberg. Stevens "Surfeast" "Wash and Wear" COTTON Playmates Are More Fun On a Holiday! "Kayta" COTTON BLOUSES Vivid Pastel Tones in Plaid Tapered ANKLE PANT 398 Dyed to Match Woven Belts on Plaid Cuffed MIDCALF PANT See our exciting collection of col- orful separates in this famous cot- ton! You'll love the rich pastel plaids in high fashion color tones of Lime, Aqua. Coral, in sizes 8 to 18. There's a Wind Blowing From the South Pacific Play in Penney's SAILCLOTH AND BALI PRINT SEPARATES @Roll-Up Cuff or • Chain Stitched Midcalf Pants or • Long Sailcloth Slacks Short Sleeve, Bali- Print Cotton BLOUSE Keyed to the leisurely liv- ing of tropical islands but standing up very well to the hurry of American life ! Team! Team! Tem! Dyed to Match PLAYWEAR for GIRLS Could-be cuffed sailcloth or poplin midcalf pants and knit top with matching knit trim collar and cuff. They're young and gay, machine washable, Penney vas thru and thru. V-Neck Sport Top, 7 - 14 98 Sizes 3-6x .. $1.59 Sanforized Sailcloth or ]Poplin , Midealf Play Pants 3izes 7. 14 $1,s Sheriff's Office To Give Girls Rifle Course NRA rifle instructions will be given 12 year old girls and older as an extra activity of the Junior- i ettes 4-H Club, sponsored by the Mason county Sheriff's Office. THE COURSE will instruct the girls on use, safety precautions and assembly of a gun in five classes. The girls will be given a written exam which they are required to pass before they Will be alIowed actual target practice. Mel Robertson, deputy sheriff, will conduct the course which is also offered to the Junior Depu- ties. Classes will begin prompt- ly at 7 o'clock each Thursday eve- ning in the Court house., A bit more on the feminine side the Juniorettes are preparing for sewing and cooking demonstra- tions as their part in the county demonstration contest Saturday in the Grant C. Angle school. AS A COMMUNITY project, the girls are planning to make wreaths decorated in pastels t,o llne the route of the Paul Bun- yan parade. New officers elected at the last meeting were Virdonna Savage, vice president, Jean Hauet, secre- tary, and Catherine Burdick, re- porter. '- ALFRED eRR DIES Funeral services are pending for .Alfred err, 55, Olympic High: way North, who died Wednesfla, in Clinic Hospital after he became ill on the Simpson boom, Penne y's greater, than.e ver summer dress carnivaU LOOK LIKE THE BEST DRESSED WOMAN IN TOWN FOR ONLY From New York, Miami, Los Angeles, Dallas, St. Louis, t:'enney's fashibn experts picked the most wearable American fashions. Superb cottons to newest fabrics. Beloved shirt dresses to the more-feminine-than-ever bouffants. Jacket dresses to formals. It's our greatest selection ever to make you look like the best dressed woman in town at savings greater than ever. All sizes. TO 9S i ,i, SPECIAL PRICE Deluxe Model - 4-Way CHAISE LOUN l-Inch Polished Aluminum Tubing, Heavy Duty Double Bar frame! All for just . . . Includes Big 24 x 72 Size and 2-Inch Pad! straps! 34 springs! Large rubber-tired straps! ..34 springs! Large rubber-tired wheels! So many extra value features we hardly know where to begin! But finding them all at this price is what makes it so fabulous a bargain. ' ICALF MI andMiX Broadcloth !'n Match in Wash and Wear.., Bedford, Cord S.HORTle665LCK, Special '1 M,sses Sportswear .'., ,.o,,., Just unpacked! A fabulous value in season's most wnted sport fab- ric. "Erwin's" wash and wear coton bedford cord, requires very little BLOUSE *'.--zuu ored. Sleeveless blouse to match, Sizes 10 to 18's, Buy a snmmer outfit today and save! _ i ill i ii ii ii FABULOUS VALUEI 6 Transidor RADIO SIZE! Complete wit thor case, earphone and traveling aer- ial atta(hment! Not much bwger than a package of cigarettes. Unsurpassed listening pleasure! Buy one for graduation gift, vaca- LLon u too! TERRIFIC BARGAINI OOSTUME JEWELRY 4 $1 °0 P r o s p e c t this treasu[e trove and you'll find neck- laces, bracelets, earrings, clips . . . white and sum- mcr colnrs in a grand var- iety. Pick sets to match in many colors. Sh0p early I BUDGET STR ETCHERS! Siloor GAYMODE NYLONS Full Fashion Take Your choice of either style, to suit your desires. Sizes 8&' to 11. New spring Sh every pair individuai|y packed. very pair .perfect and first qual- ity. :09 I:tELTON-M A ON AT Florence Shelton who celebrated her 95th birth-' =hown here at a party given in her honor at received many gifts from her many friends e was born on a plantation in Virginia in 1864 son county for the last 25 years. 8helten Honored at 95th at Sarah House ..... W/PIX for Mrs. : resident, of Sur- her. ninety fifth ;April, 17. TheJ try cards, to do her ' }ig'hlights of rein her son W. W. Special Mrs. [ami, Fla., Qf Ari- a beautiful s many nth- of col'sages sent from on, LeRoy drnan, who arah House, her honor as of the occa- pictures were ton, as she is who know possession of memory and of by- on a m the yelr in Haiifax Her par- Its. N. T. to a pie- the F.F.V.s, First Fam- Shelton has L 2:00 erved range Saturday '*TaToNt Avenue 6-480a been a resident of. Shelton close to twenty-five years. She has en- joyed most of the wonders of this age including a lmp by plane to visit her daughters in I41orida and back. Her cheery manner and sense of humor has made her a favorite at Sarah House. Through the kindness of the late Mr. Fred Edman, former manager of Sarah House, she has been provided a room of her own where she can have hez" own personal effects about. Grandmother says she has !been very happy during her five year stay at Sarah House. She has often spoken af the kindly care she has received at the hands of the nurses who attend her needs, and the Edmans who manage the home and have done so much to make her stay comfor- table and happy, and also her phy- sician, Dr. Kennedy, M.D., who has taken time to do little kindnesses for her. All in all, Grandmother Shelton is a remarkable person arid makes people want to do for ber. May she have many more years. Fern Sund Rites , Held Saturday Mrs. Fern Sand, 64, 4437 Day- ton Ave., Seattle, died last Thurs- day at her Seattle home. She was born Oct. 23, 1894, in LeSueur county, Minnesota. Although she made her home in Seattle, she spent several summers in Hoods- port. Where she made her summer herin. She was a member of Doric chapter No. 69, Order of Eastern ;tar, Seattle. Funeral services were held at 1 p.m. Saturday in V¢itsiers Fmleral Hmnc, under the direction of the Roy. Charles T. HatteR. Interment was in the Shelton Memorial Park. She is survived by her husband, Abner, Seattle and Hoodsport; a daughter, Mrs. Jack (Helen) Rain- ey, Seattle; three sons, Robert, Shelton; Harold, I4oodsport; Ron- ald, Seattle; and 15 grandchildren. William Belswor!h Riles Tomorrow Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m., Friday in Witsiers Funeral Home for William F. Betsworth, 65, 114 W. Cedar.. Services will be under the direction of the J. Bernhard Bretheim. Interment will be in Shelton Memorial Park. Mr. Betsworth was born Nov. 3, 1893, in Illinois and died Tues- day in Shelter General Hospital. He was a construction man and plumber during his 39 yea' resi- denceere. SurYiving are his wife, Hazel; a son, Vernon; two daughters Mrs. E. B. (Lorraine) Davis, all of Shelton; Mrs. Ray (DorOthy) Bol- duck, Elma; a sister, Mrs. Mary Bet(s, LaGosta; nine grandchil- dren and five great-grandchildren. BUD PAULEY'S CARS ! ALL cA.s READ',' TO Sedan. .................. $2495.00 o, Heater, Auto. Trans. Station Reduced ................ $1995.00 Auto. Trans., Power Steering, '59 ,icense Truck .................. $895.{}{} g Box - Valves Ground tlUskv Station Wa on _ g $895.00 Valve grind, new rings .... TUNE UP FOR SPRING Work -- $5.00 Per Hour Free Estimates OF BIG GAS BILLS? HILLMAN |INX ey Motors - Plymouth Agency IIAILROAD . PHONE HA 6-8183 Birth of Calf Monday =t Dayton Source of Joy for 00Small G,rl I)AYTON Mondny was a big' sythia, jonquils, mrclssus and ma- dry in the lifeof little 4L.,-year ohl :pie branches graced the tat)h,. SLwrry Dillonberg. Promise of the GUESTS ATTENDING t(, (mj(ly c:If from Mirandy, the family's games Hn(t re['reshments WPl'e t.h, J(:'r:¢,y cow, Ilas had Sherry for Mesdames Bill ttall of Kamih!hei t:h: l))si 9 m(mih.,¢ lookirg behind Point, I/)onahl Ih'owniiehl or K'- slumps, and raider logs and milche, Joseph l)uffey, Jr., of -- Published in "Chri,fma,tmrn, r  A ,, ShelteR, Washin Weather bushes in bope, that she conld find the ti(.ll@ fenow. Monday hi€wRing when she follnd that Mir- antly had finally brought the lit- t!, heifer, a white face, out of hi(tin K llr j()y knew no bounds slid she promptly named her Patty. M()tber and htby are doing fine. I)on't forget 11€' dance at Day- ton tIall on Satnrday, April 25, from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. The I)ayton Ladies' Cluh is in- vited by the Math)ok Ladies' Club io be luncheon ghosts on Thin's- day, April 30, at Matlock Gringc Hall. If you would like to go and High Low Precip. Ai)ril 15 .. 58dog. Ill d(,g. .... ' April 16 . 56dcg. ,ll dog. April ]7 . 57dog. ,ll de, 05ia. April 1 61 dog. ,10 deF'. ...... April 19 62d('. 33dog. ..... April ")0 74 &'g. 3:; d, ...... Al)ril 21" 7,1 dog. 37 (leg. .... Mrs. Glothier Retires Dar, Mc. iFr0 m County Office Nulty, Engene Van (h've, Haroh] LeGarde, J, C. Tibbits, Williaru Mason COllnly otfi('ials and court M. Brown, Perry Rose, Sr., Wal- hon;c work¢>rs joined nlany fl'iqids ter Chappell, Ray I;illenberg. Dick in honoring Mrs. A(la Clothitr re- Let)nard, A. E. Lemke, Robert Le_leenlly ' q'he occasio}l was the re- man, Manley Michier, Harry Kidd, tiremenI of Mrs. L'lothier who for Cliffor'd Combs, Henry Warnos, maoy yeas was a(:liv(, in lhc op- Mrs. Carrie Barlier slid P, ar'bar: eralions of tlle cotlntv lreastlrer's Gohiy. Those sending gifts but office, lh.ior to 1.95;11 she served lmable to attend wvre Mesdames ;m (;oltntv l,l'e;lllrH' al3d stwved aS Leonard Cochran, Warrcll Will- (,hi(q" (tei)llty tnlder Steve Smilt tams, Carrel McHenry, Al Chap- and Omer l)iem as well as the [)ell and Mrs. Gertrude Scott. )r,sent treasurer, John (?(fie. CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Morrison on the birth of a daughter .born Sunday, April 19. Deanie Lorraine weighed in at six pounds and fifteen minces. She joins a sister, Debbie. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tremblay and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rogers of Elma. Next Ladies' Club meeting will be on Wednesday, April 29, with Mrs. Bernard Rishel as hostess. On Friday, Mrs. Darl Gotdy, Mrs. William Brown and sons,. Mrs. A1 Chappell and niece, Yv- onne, and Mrs. Re]pert Goldy sur- prised Mrs. Mary Chappell on her birthday with a cake and had hmch with her'. Mr'. and Mrs. Dell Adams mo- tored to Taconm on Sunday and visited their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kelly, and also Mr. and Mrs. Lester Adams, a son. Andrea Brown recently at- tended a birthday party honoring Patty Thomas, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Berwyn Thomas of Bay- shore. Fred Lamont of Shelton was a weekend guest of Richard and Bill Roberts. THERE WILL be a worR par- ty on Satnrday at the Robert Goldy home. Mrs. Goldy will fur- nish a main dish and th rest will be potluck. All you men who are hmdy with saw and hammer, come and give these folks a hand with finislfing their new home. Friday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Phillips, Sr,, were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Phillips, Jr., and children of Bremerton, Carrel McHenry and Leon Scott report catching their limits of fish oa Sunday at Hank's Lake. Mrs. Pete Roberts spent two days last week in Kirkland at the homes of her sisters, Mrs. John Gate and Mrs. Vernon Stonefelt. Sunday drop-in guests at the Harold LeGarde home were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd House of Tacorha. On Sunday, Mrs. Walter' Chap- poll and children and Mrs. Mary Chappell called on Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Anderson of Cloquallum. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dillenberg and children visited her father, Mr. Charles Clark of Lake Nah- watzel, on Saturday evening. Lucite Maynard of Shelter en- joyed spending the weekend with her grandparents, Mz'. and Mrs. William Rietdorf. Judy and Doug Stoker of Brem- erton spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bunnell. Gary Combs and' Perry Rose, Jr., were Satnrday overnight and Sunday guests of the Clif- ford Evans boys. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold LeGarde were Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie LeGarde and daugh- ter. Mrs. Howard Duffey' and son, Michael, of Shelton spent Monday -at the home of Mr'. and Mrs. Wil- liam Rietdorf. Dennis ombs had as a Sunday guest Donnie Evans. Mrs. Ray Dillenberg and Mrs. Harold LeGarde hosted a Fratex party on Friday evening in the LeGarde home. A joint birthday dinner was held in the Perry Rose, Sr., home on Sunday honoring Mrs: Perry Rose and Kenneth Rose. Mrs. Jessie Rose of Shelton was guest. On Monday evening, the home of Mrs. Pete Roberts was the set- for a "layette shower honor- Mrs. Robert Goldy. Co-host- were Mrs. Edward Bunnell and Mrs. Cecil McLain. A lovely arrangement of for- ton Hall tit II o'ch)ek and a way will be provided. For further in- fornvttion please call Mrs. Ray: Dilhmberg. Stevens "Surfeast" "Wash and Wear" COTTON Playmates Are More Fun On a Holiday! "Kayta" COTTON BLOUSES Vivid Pastel Tones in Plaid Tapered ANKLE PANT 398 Dyed to Match Woven Belts on Plaid Cuffed MIDCALF PANT See our exciting collection of col- orful separates in this famous cot- ton! You'll love the rich pastel plaids in high fashion color tones of Lime, Aqua. Coral, in sizes 8 to 18. There's a Wind Blowing From the South Pacific Play in Penney's SAILCLOTH AND BALI PRINT SEPARATES @Roll-Up Cuff or • Chain Stitched Midcalf Pants or • Long Sailcloth Slacks Short Sleeve, Bali- Print Cotton BLOUSE Keyed to the leisurely liv- ing of tropical islands but standing up very well to the hurry of American life ! Team! Team! Tem! Dyed to Match PLAYWEAR for GIRLS Could-be cuffed sailcloth or poplin midcalf pants and knit top with matching knit trim collar and cuff. They're young and gay, machine washable, Penney vas thru and thru. V-Neck Sport Top, 7 - 14 98 Sizes 3-6x .. $1.59 Sanforized Sailcloth or ]Poplin , Midealf Play Pants 3izes 7. 14 $1,s Sheriff's Office To Give Girls Rifle Course NRA rifle instructions will be given 12 year old girls and older as an extra activity of the Junior- i ettes 4-H Club, sponsored by the Mason county Sheriff's Office. THE COURSE will instruct the girls on use, safety precautions and assembly of a gun in five classes. The girls will be given a written exam which they are required to pass before they Will be alIowed actual target practice. Mel Robertson, deputy sheriff, will conduct the course which is also offered to the Junior Depu- ties. Classes will begin prompt- ly at 7 o'clock each Thursday eve- ning in the Court house., A bit more on the feminine side the Juniorettes are preparing for sewing and cooking demonstra- tions as their part in the county demonstration contest Saturday in the Grant C. Angle school. AS A COMMUNITY project, the girls are planning to make wreaths decorated in pastels t,o llne the route of the Paul Bun- yan parade. New officers elected at the last meeting were Virdonna Savage, vice president, Jean Hauet, secre- tary, and Catherine Burdick, re- porter. '- ALFRED eRR DIES Funeral services are pending for .Alfred err, 55, Olympic High: way North, who died Wednesfla, in Clinic Hospital after he became ill on the Simpson boom, Penne y's greater, than.e ver summer dress carnivaU LOOK LIKE THE BEST DRESSED WOMAN IN TOWN FOR ONLY From New York, Miami, Los Angeles, Dallas, St. Louis, t:'enney's fashibn experts picked the most wearable American fashions. Superb cottons to newest fabrics. Beloved shirt dresses to the more-feminine-than-ever bouffants. Jacket dresses to formals. It's our greatest selection ever to make you look like the best dressed woman in town at savings greater than ever. All sizes. TO 9S i ,i, SPECIAL PRICE Deluxe Model - 4-Way CHAISE LOUN l-Inch Polished Aluminum Tubing, Heavy Duty Double Bar frame! All for just . . . Includes Big 24 x 72 Size and 2-Inch Pad! straps! 34 springs! Large rubber-tired straps! ..34 springs! Large rubber-tired wheels! So many extra value features we hardly know where to begin! But finding them all at this price is what makes it so fabulous a bargain. ' ICALF MI andMiX Broadcloth !'n Match in Wash and Wear.., Bedford, Cord S.HORTle665LCK, Special '1 M,sses Sportswear .'., ,.o,,., Just unpacked! A fabulous value in season's most wnted sport fab- ric. "Erwin's" wash and wear coton bedford cord, requires very little BLOUSE *'.--zuu ored. Sleeveless blouse to match, Sizes 10 to 18's, Buy a snmmer outfit today and save! _ i ill i ii ii ii FABULOUS VALUEI 6 Transidor RADIO SIZE! Complete wit thor case, earphone and traveling aer- ial atta(hment! Not much bwger than a package of cigarettes. Unsurpassed listening pleasure! Buy one for graduation gift, vaca- LLon u too! TERRIFIC BARGAINI OOSTUME JEWELRY 4 $1 °0 P r o s p e c t this treasu[e trove and you'll find neck- laces, bracelets, earrings, clips . . . white and sum- mcr colnrs in a grand var- iety. Pick sets to match in many colors. Sh0p early I BUDGET STR ETCHERS! Siloor GAYMODE NYLONS Full Fashion Take Your choice of either style, to suit your desires. Sizes 8&' to 11. New spring Sh every pair individuai|y packed. very pair .perfect and first qual- ity.